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Dam i keep seeing this game alot and i think its cool but i havent downloaded it until now and boy oh boy it is the best decision ive ever made. Like, the story and characters are great! The artstyle, the background and all of that stuff impressed me so much. I am super glad that this is made and i discovered it :)

(2 edits) (+6)

I mean wow, where the fuck do i begin with. I've been neglecting to play this game ever since the final build dropped, which is a year old now, thinking its another dumb furry sex simulator and not an actual VN. And boy was i fucking surprised when i realised that this is probably the best written visual novel i played in my life. The story is a masterpiece, in a sense where you can get emotionally attached to certian characters, which rarely ever happens, especailly to me, who never cried about a game of this sorts, and trust me, it will leave you in tears as well, no matter what ending you get and what decsions you make, i am 99% guaranteed you're gonna be playing this until 11pm on a saturday night, and then crying yourself to sleep after it. 1000/10

(spoilers up ahead regarding the endings)

Truly a masterpiece, and i really wish there was a direct sequel to the Marco/Amicus story, altough there isn't alot you could work with.

And i know, the B ending makes the ending A seem like the parents lied and how the future you saw is false, but im still determined that there is a way to make another part or i guess chapter out of this. There's also Khemia, which you can count as a sequel i guess? I mean yeah, its the same universe, but we all know that people wanna see the continuation with the big chonke wolf, and apparently the midquel, Intera (i think that's what its called),is set in the 9 month time period you had before making a choice and is focused more on the characters we know rather than the political story, so i guess that's also a nice way to strengthen relationships before you cry about the main game again.

(end of spoilers)

Again, this comment's lenght wasn't really necessary, however i really want people who were skeptical like me to really try it out and expirence this masterpiece for themselves.

Thank you, to everyone at Echo Project, and i just hope that in the remaining 80 years of my life, i can expirence a game like this once again :).


I don't really play any visual novels but Adastra really caught my eye since the entire story was interesting. Such an amazing game and amazing writing as well! Everything about it is really well done and I love how the writer tugs at the heartstrings of those who play it with the many different scenarios that happen between the protagonist and Amicus. I know that Khemia and Interea is on hiatus but I can't wait to see what happens later in the future!


Only took me 7 hours of pure enjoyment. I've read many visual novels so far and very few have truely gained my full attention. Thus is great one and has the quality of a paid game. 10/10.


Wait a fucking minute this is made by Echo Project!?! I mean that's not a bad thing I'm just genuinely surprised and shocked.

It is, yeah, and honestly it looks and is very different from their other games, though Adastra will remain my favorite


Good game! Really enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

Ok this is a first... why am I getting a windows app store question, thanks?


I finally gave in to the peer pressure and picked this up a few days ago. Now that I've finished, I just want to say how impressed I am by the character work and the depth of thought put into the world building for this story and universe. I was expecting little more than horny furry romance with the usual porno tropes. Granted, some of that is there, but it all exists in ways that I think serve the story and the characters well. I'm really looking forward to checking out your other VNs and to supporting your future efforts as well. Thank you for many hours of entertainment.

What come first after adastra? interea or khemia?


Interea takes place during Adastra, in the months before the end. Khemia takes place 2.5 years after the events of Adastra

(1 edit)

Adastra (Interea)>Khemia



I'm almost at the end and I don't want to CRY T.T help huhuhu

Okay, great game so far but the way of how hurt I felt when i saw amicus

_______ Neferus or whatever his name was I literally felt heartbroken and started crying


Hoh man. I really, REALLY want a sequel for Adastra. I finished Adastra in a few days and after that, I died. It was really, REALLY good, BUT now I can't stop wondering what happens next! I need a sequeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel!


Check out: Khemia.



What's it? What is it about?

2.5 years after Adastra

Khemia takes place 2 years and a half after the end of Adastra. The story deals with Amicus going on Khemia to complete the Alliance with the Khemians. In this game, you don't play the Human though. You play a young wolf named "Scipio" (The one you see in the pay-off at the end of Adastra). Khemia's likely to give us a Neferu x Scipio relationship, while Amicus deals with the bureaucratic shit (poor baby wolf :c)

If you want even more, you can play Interea. Interea's a spin-off to Adastra. It takes place DURING Adastra when Amicus takes the Human on a trip around the Moon. (In Adastra, this even is summed up in a few sentences. There also will be a likely plot regarding Alexios. Since he isn't shown but simply mentioned in Khemia, I supposed they'll kill him in Interea? That's no spoilers, don't worry, just a simple guess).

NB: Both are still under HEAVYYYYY development. In fact, Khemia's gameplay duration is around 30/45min then you're hit with a "To be continued..." whereas Interea lasts 20min only. (You're then also hit with a "TBC" screen)

This is due to a HUGE writer block (lack of inspiration) from the writer (Khemia) and also because the writer just moved houses, quite the distance, and had to stop writing (both games).

Khemia's been on hold for many months now, and Interea hasn't received any huge updates in a while now. However, things should get back to normal soon. I guess.

NB2: (I'm so invested LMAO) We still don't have any info regarding a possible "Adastra 2". However, this very morning, HAPS (Chara Design for Adastra/Khemia/Interea) just dropped an Amicus drawing on Twitter saying "Preview". Is that a sign for things to finally move? Who knows ;P


I'll just leave this here:

(2 edits)

I want to know if one of the choices make any significant difference. I ask since it's near the start of the game and skipping doesn't stop for new text.


Is the choice between death being infinity or oblivion something that shows new scenes or is it just for show?

Indeed. One lead to the good end and the other to the bad end.

(1 edit)

Thanks! I just got back from testing it and got the same end. (I suspect it's the good end) Guess I misremembered what I chose :P

I believe there are 2 variants to the good end and in one you see a vision with who appears to be Meera (but may be the Other in in disguise). In the other you don't see her.

In fact the cannon version is the one where you see her since it's mentioned in Khemia when Scipio sees her.

Well, there are three endings. (SPOILERS!!)

The Good ending, which you end up having only if you answer "Infinity" when you're being asked what is death to you, "yes" when you're being asked if Amicus would be a great emperor, and "I think you should talk to him more" (or smth along those lines) when Amicus asks you if he should stick to Neferu. (or at least, score two of these answers.)

The Meera ending, which you end up having only if you answer less than two of the answers above.

The Bad Ending, which you end up having only if you answer "No" when the parents ask you if you'll submit to their benevolent will or something.


Now, if you have the Good ending, the Parents will show you a vision of you and Amicus, happy, in the future, and you finish the game trusting them (a little). This scene happens, if I recall correctly, on your last day on Adastra (when you visit the archives).

The Meera ending takes place at the same time, same place, but when the Parents are about to show you the vision, Meera, or the Other, we don't know yet, talks to you about how the Parents are evil, and you finish the game not really trusting the Parents.

And finally, the Bad ending, taking place right after Cato slashed your neck. If you answered "Yes" and agreed to work for the Parents, Amicus rushes to save you. And the game continues. If you answered "No", however, the Parents will let you die and the game ends here.

I’m confused how to play it everytime I download it it says error

I am having trouble to colse the keyboard (andriod)

Deleted post

Well, Khemia takes place about 2.5 years after the end of Adastra and Marco's mission on Earth is suppose to take about 8 years, so we are not likely to see them get together in Khemia. 

However, since Amicus is getting updates of what is happening on Earth it begs the question of how? If they have some ship hidden around Earth it can access the internet and get news and return it back to Adastra on a regular basis. Or maybe the Parents are providing the info?

Either way, Amicus and Marco might be able to send messages (text or video) to each other through Marco's portal/tablet but probably not in real time. I think that is the best we can hope for right now.


I regret playing this game... because This will never happen to me and I wish it happened...

(1 edit) (+1)

I was just making casual talk with others that read this VN, and, well, according to this, aliens are (supposedly) considered a real thing and dragons are a common thing among cultures. I'll leave the rest of the thinking to you...


FYI, the latest ECHO Patron posting stated that we will be getting an update to Interea sometime this month (no specific date set yet tho).


Any news on Khemia...? 

*fingers crossed*

Well the intent always was to get back to Khemia once Interea is done, so...I assume that's still the plan.


Honestly doubt Interea will ever be done because it is simply filler. Depending on how many days in-between Adastra and its ending will be additional time for devs to put Khemia on hold. Remembering the last arc from Naruto much unnecessary filler...

(1 edit)

Actually, I believe he is using it to provide background info for Khemia so he doesn't need to do as much flashbacks/expositions on past events. 

A good example is that in Khemia Brunis is a Wolverine with a cyborg arm and smokes that plant for his pain, but otherwise we do not know much about him.

In Interea we learn about the Wolverines and how the Khemians were uplifting them when the Wolves attacked and killed the Khemian scientists and all but two of the Wolverines. Hence we have a good idea how Brunis lost his arm and why he smokes that plant (PTSD issues probably) and why he is one of the diplomats for Khemia (to rub the Wolves noses in their crime against his race).

I'm sure we will see more of this in Interea and have it tie into Khemia later.


After months of deliberation and indecisiveness..., I finally made the plunge to buy a 20x72 medium firm microfiber polyester pillow by Acanva from Amazon. Bought a second one to enhance the thicc to match his thicc dad bod~ Good reviews, highly recommended! Link:

Excluding tax and shipping: $50 sheet, $25/pillow, wallet-friendly.


Amazing!! I'm now jealous haha

(2 edits) (+2)

Get yours at Pawprint Press before shipping prices spike!

Note: you might have to settle if you choose the bigger sheet as there may be less options to choose from. I couldn't find any memory foam pillows for 180x60cm/20x72in sizes.


Ooh I'm jealous!!! 😂😂😂😅😅😅


Day 25 after finishing the game and I still can't get over it and its bittersweet ending

Man, I don't know what impressed me the most between the excellent writing or the wholesomeness of Amicus


This is me aswell. 😭😭

Deleted 3 years ago

ok look U hate furries fair but coming into a VN which is about furries is not cool, it's quite literally as if you're just bored and decided to shit stir, keep it out of here if you don't like it don't go a place about it simple as that.


O wow just cause I didn't like a story and gave my opinion means I just spent 3 hours reading it just to Hate on it see.I don't care if you read this shit a bunch of times you have ur opinion is anybody hating on ur opinion no so let me have my opinion without someone telling me o you hating on cause its a furry vn that's not even the thing the shits generally ass 


Did someone say ass~? I must concur!

(1 edit) (+3)

You're not giving an opinion, you're just a bored kid looking for some attention. Seeking for a fight must let you feel important and considerate, but you didnt considerate that here you are alone against an entire loyal fandom. Haters are just stupid as the tought that offending something gives you the right to call it opinion even if it is not. So little baby 🤏

Deleted 3 years ago
(6 edits) (+3)

Nah, nah! Man up, boy! You don't get to piss and shit on people and run away without consequence. Leave your tainted mark here for everyone to smell, so we can learn on what not to be - an inconsiderate little but loud attention-whoring receptacle of antifurryturd. Also, you're still here despite telling us "I'm done with y'all dumb fucks see ya" just three days ago! 😆 


so youre 15 right lmao




Lol try again I'm done with y'all dumb fucks see ya

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Least they're getting it WET with their bad publicity stunt.


Wait, you are telling your friends about Adastra? Thanks for the diffusion!! :D


Imma end it here cuz I'm now generally confused


Let me shoot some diffusion to your confusion~

You say you hate furries, and want all that ass buried~

You think you've folded, but your friends've found gold~

No matter whatever you try to say~

Adastra will always be here, ése~

So sit alone in a corner and cry boohoo~ 

Or join us, travel to our worlds, and roar woohoo~

Well I do agree that there were points where the story felt like it was dragging on and can understand not liking furries, but as an overall story it was actually quite nice. I started out with "coming out on top" and tried to find more visual novels of that aspect but the majority of visual novels that you find have some furry element. At that point, I just grew use to seeing furry related content even though I'm never really trying to look for it. Just trying to find some good story telling and I think this visual novel did quite alright. As for the age thing... uh I would think this a bit of an exaggeration, while I don't doubt there are members of that age, I wouldn't say half of the community is of that age. At the end of the day this is a piece of writing and everything we have stated in regards to the writing is opinionated. And yes I am aware you stated you didn't enjoy this visual novel for it's writing and not cause of the furry aspect of it all. It just hypocritical to say it's your opinion that the vn is shit and then say how can anyone find this good... just like your statement it's an opinion.

(2 edits) (+2)

What did the community ever personally do to you to deserve such viscuous hate oozing from the remnant that is your soul?

Did your parents walk in on you while you gawked at Lola Bunny in Space Jam, and then they reprimanded you your entire life?

If your friend was a furry, would you treat them the same as you treat the fandom? The problem may not be coming from outside but from within. You say you hate furries, but ultimately you hate your self since you feel the hate yourself.

You do realize ratings are mere guidelines and not enforceable mandates, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to play cult classics in grade school. Thank your parents for that at least.

Also, I don't simp for human MC. I simp for Amicus and Neferu.


Cool wow u feed into the attention the apparently I wanted second I always didn't like the fandom even when I was in it

(1 edit)

Nani? Engrish muc?

Ik this might seem slightly unrelated but doesn't anyone have link or image of neferu drawn as his younger self?  I remember seeing it long while back but can't find it anymore

I don't know which image you're talking about but that's all I found lmao


3/10 im really not into this stuff just happy its over


I hate to say it but honestly kinda yeah


I played this 17 times and I will continue to replay it. It helps me in a way, I was I a, let's say bad place. And reading this over and over helped me Overcome a lot of troubles, the characters are likeable, funny and somehow relatable at times, most of all it masterpiece. Even if it's not perfect what really is, the characters are a pure example of that. I hope to all the new readers you experience the same feelings I did.


Good lord finished it 17 times?

My goodness, it took me around 24hours just to completed a whole storyline 1 time.

Lord has mercy, I cant bear to go through the pain twice. M done with this VN...

It's a great VN but I can't seem to take another hit to the heart!! ❤️

Deleted post

Please  make adastra 18


They are stressed out right now stop forcing them to do stuff

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

Blowing things out of proportions again, huh FGAT?

You did read that Jackson said "[p]lease", right?

From where does this "forcing them" idea that you imagined come from, I wonder?

How dare you  assume project EchoProject are stressed out!


God how did tiktok lead me to this furry shit.oh well here goes nothing

I'm so glad to talk brings little kittens to this amazing thing

Deleted post

Preach brother, preach!

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Is this a safe YouTuber? Like they aren't homophobic right? I found this video funny regardless. 😂😂😂😂


Nothing is safe on the Internet especially on YT, so enjoy whatever comes your way and just laugh. And no, there is no sense of "irrational fear of homosexuals" by Flashgitz. They have done their homework on the furry community thoroughly, LMFAO! All their videos have high replay value HAHA!

(1 edit) (+1)

Haha feels bad for your friends that they've to gone through this emotional rollercoaster VN.

But my my, it's a good VN, somebody needs to feel some pains.... I guess? lol

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(1 edit) (+1)

Send them some traps man...

I already cured my depression because this is my ending like period. 🤣

It took me 3 weeks just to recover... 😑

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wait did I write something wrong?

#LostInAMiddleOfTheSea 🤣


Parental tech can make any male pomegranate~


Yes spread disease I love furries

Deleted post

Personally I think there's a lot of flaws in this game, I played through it all thinking it might get better but the plot is all over the place. I feel like for this kind of game to work you gotta have multiple routes, you gotta have different romance options, any form of choice the player can make. It's written as a story with one choice and that's it, there's no real extra scenes if you choose differently (I went back and checked.) If you're going to have a game with one set story with no real branching then don't put any options in to begin with. But there are options and I feel like they can do good with that, there are so many characters you could possibly romance that aren't amicus that could give this game more liveliness. The art is pretty good but I think that's the only redeeming quality, if you're gonna make a story driven game like this it at least has to make sense and pace well. 


I guess many would like and try a Neferu route

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

I concur~


I'm going to record Peter how could you say this game has flaws this game doesn't have any flaws where the flaws ignore comments if you are anti free leave I don't want your ******** in my comment section

Every media has some flaws, it's just this game had a lot more then it should. 

Critique is helpful, I didn't just outright talk shit about three game, I gave actual points where I see they could improve.

The game has a good premise, it could definitely be a great game, but it very quickly doesn't make sense and is paced all over the place. The sex scenes seem so random and out of nowhere, the "different endings" are barely different at all and the options throughout the game give you very small amounts of new dialogue. I think adding more endings, options that affect your relationships and more romance options would 100% make up for the plot being confusing. They made a lot of characters that you could choose to date, hell I would've loved to date Alex or Neferu. It would give the game a reason to be replayed. When you think of a game like ddlc, it has different scenes based on what characters you would like to hang out with more but still follows the main plot, it gives ddlc a reason to boot the game back up after finishing it the first time. When I finished Adastra I went back and sped through all the dialogue to find anything new and different I could experience and there was nothing, it's a little disappointing. They could absolutely improve by so much, sometimes you have to admit that. You can still enjoy a game and notice it's flaws. 


Oh.. My... GOODNESS! What an emotional rollercoaster. THANK YOU! ... I will be honest my best friend is into this stuff and to better understand him I happened upon this. I loved it SOoOoOO much! (YUP!  Read the WHOLE thing! Not even ashamed in the slightest) This story touched my very heart and soul. I also thank you for giving me back a spark into reading because I was never the type to do such 😅 I can't lie when I say I went in super skeptical as well. I didn't expect to enjoy this story as much as I did but you had me at the edge of my seat the whole way. Please keep up the great work to all who was a part of telling this tale. I hope for MORE STORIES from you as this was truly BEAUTIFUL! (not even noting the "steamy" stuff) If you're looking through reviews to see if you should read it DO NOT HESITATE




I'm so fucking depressed after playing it



How is that emptyness going? Mine lasted a month or so.

i still feel emptiness


Give it 3 or 4 months without watching fanart and stuffs like that.

Or Re-read the whole thing, you miss everyone so, revisiting Adastra may put a stop to it while you heal.

Ay! Can people give me the pictures or just backgrounds from Amicus and Marco? I will love that (:



You can find it the game files!
If you're referring to the Amicus holding the Human in the Void, then go to:
Adastra-17-win -> game -> images -> illustrations
There you go!

I found this somewhere on Google.

It's not an official from.the actual game, but it does cure my emptiness after completing the Novel.

thank you tai, someone understands me <3


I downloaded this VN on a random whim after just finishing Shelter and Far Beyond The World, and wow. Was not expecting such a masterpiece! I know the ramblings of a random internet person don't hold much weight, but I genuinely felt a type of joy I never experienced going through this game (which sounds sad. Dont worry about it). I might've finished this game in a day, but It'll probably stick with me for the rest of my life.

So Thank You!!



not sure whether to interpret this as you proposing a suicide pact or something else entirely. The meaning of your words evade me, and I'm not sure if I wish to know or not at this point


Is needed to do a suicide pact


I play this over and over can't stop reading, I've come back to it four times since last build completed. The mona Lisa of VN


This game is just wow just fucking amazing


Good lord!! this game gave me an emotional rollercoaster.

All I can say is that I'm heartbroken right now even though I've gone through the ending.

M quite soo happy for Amicus, but at the same time, I can't bear the pain that Marco has gone through during these highs and lows.

I don't want to go into the spoils caused that might ruin anybody who has not gone yet through the storyline.

Imma need time to recover from this non-existing heartbreak.😢🤧

I'm so glad I found this VN.

Kudos to The Echo Project for making this VN so beautiful and enjoyable to read. 🥰

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Not a day goes by when I think of amicus that's why he's my wallpaper and pfp

Spoiler this is the ending ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇

Awww Nooooo not this scene again. I cant bear to hit with another strike from this. That's too much to handle. 😢😭


Just say yes to the Parents and you're good!

I already finished up the whole storyline, but the ending doesn't click to me. There's something missing, it's like having a hole. The ending still got me so confused and sad... 🤧

Welcome to the club, sadness and emptiness for everyone. But let's take it from where it came from. The great happiness that this VN made us feel before the end.

(1 edit)


It's a great VN to go through. I wish that there will be a continuation after the 8years gap, but sad, since their project is on a hiatus (yeah they're still working on Interea). So I'm assuming that the ending would be Marco living with Amicus till their 100+ years and die (remember the balcony scene where it spoils the ending? Not sure that's even the canon ending since it looked like a dream stage of Marco).

Yeah m calling that DREAM STAGE a HAPPY ENDING for myself because I can't imagine going through all the highs and lows yet the ending is just a separation!!!

Truth Hurts... 😢

M calling this my Ending!!!


(7 edits) (+5)(-7)

This VN was...something, and not in a good way.

Here are some of the most notable things about this VN (Spoilers, obviously):

Overall, the plot was very predictable due to the authors' reliance on the technique of the Chekhov's Gun. For instance, when Alexios and Cassius won the first trial, someone analyzing the VN could predict that Amicus and the MC were going to win the second trial despite the video showing Amicus having sex with Neferu.  Why? Because the audience is told that there are three trials, so of course the plot is going to be set up in such a way that the third trial comes into play. More on that later. I know that tropes are tools and all that, but this particular trope is VERY overused in this VN. Though it does make for a fun exercise in predicting the plot as is fitting of a TVTroper, the plot itself is not enjoyable because of it.

Speaking of that, it didn't really come as a surprise that Cassius got dirt on Amicus as, of course, we see him sneaking around in Amicus's quarters. On one hand, this and other instances of foreshadowing in the VN do provide a justification for certain events occuring, rather than making it seem like an ass-pull. On the other hand, the sheer amount of Chekhov's Guns in the story makes it incredibly predictable.

I've criticized another VN, called Far Beyond the World, for having characters act dumb for the sake of plot, and this criticism applies to Adastra as well. For instance, when the MC and Amicus land on Adastra, the MC says that he would like Amicus to put away the Nervo (The space taser thing) because he "Doesn't want to think about it", something which comes back to bite him in the ass later on. Why the hell would ANYONE want to discard their one hope of being somewhat on par with an alien being on a planet god knows how far away from home? (Though, to be fair, even if the MC didn't throw away his nervo, Cato and Cassius still would have overpowered him in that scene)

And, of course, Amicus and the MC suspect nothing whatsoever when they see Cassius sneaking around their quarters.

There's also the fact that Virginia and co. try to get Cassius to abdicate the throne in front of a known spy. Of course, things go south after that. 

Then there's the plot contrivances. It seems as though the authors first decided on the plot and then had to figure out how to have the setting fit into it. There's the obvious case of the triumvirates declaring Amicus the victor in the second trial. This is handwaved as "Oh, the triumvirates are corrupt AF and Cassius said that he wants to get rid of them, so they voted against him". No matter how it's explained, it's a glaringly obvious plot contrivance that came into play for reasons discussed in the first paragraph. It's awfully convenient that they didn't decide to vote against Cassius in the first trial, though.

And, of course, it's VERY convenient that the cameras around the palace don't actually save recordings of events, or that anyone can access the records willy-nilly, or that the security drones can't aim when Cato orders the computer to kill the MC.

The part with the MC surviving his avia pox infection is not only a clear plot contrivance, but reeks of another trope. Yes, I know he is supposed to be chosen by the Parents to advance their goals for the Siblings, BUT the fact that the plot of the story just went "And so the MC survived his outbreak of what was supposed to be a fatal disease completely fine" is yet another plot contrivance. However, even if we disregard Marco's survival on the basis of avia pox being a fictional disease, and so maybe that's just how it progresses, the part about his presence on Adastra being the will of the Parents as part of their goals for the Siblings makes for yet another trope: the trope of the Chosen One. In my opinion, the trope of the Chosen One instantly makes a work orders of magnitude worse than it already is. The character is never in any peril because he was chosen by a divine force to carry out a certain plan (Honestly, I like the version of events where the MC dies better. It's a good subversion to the usual trope of "The main character is never in any actual danger when put into a dangerous situation". Alas, that's not the canon sequence of events.).

Not only is the MC of Adastra a Chosen One, but, in the complete series of events, he is saved by yet another plot contrivance that was the result of yet another Chekhov's Gun firing. Boooooooooo.

The one thing I liked about this VN (Besides it being a good study of certain tropes) is the way Neferu is written. He gives off "magnificent bastard" vibes, and I would say that scenes involving him were generally very enjoyable to read.

Oh, and the scene where Amicus introduces himself...since I know that Amicus means "friend" in Latin, that made me both chuckle and cringe at the same time.

Overall, I would say that this is the second-worst VN that I've read, only behind FBtW, but I'm going to future-proof this in case another VN comes along and knocks down Adastra to number 3 on my "Worst VNs I've read" list and simply say that this has been one of the worst VNs that I've read. Most of it, with the exceptions discussed above, is about as enjoyable as watching paint dry. There's probably lots of things I haven't touched on, but this was a very forgettable VN, and I definitely don't feel like replaying it. Those are hours of my life that I'll never get back.

TL;DR: If this is largely considered a good VN, then I'm VERY terrified of what people consider to be a bad VN.

Deleted 3 years ago

Honestly, I would like to know what are the three best VNs you've read, since I agreed with every point you wrote here.

I liked Echo much better than Adastra and FBtW combined for instance. Also, I think it's important to make fun of Chekhov's gun, as it brings more realism to the fictional world. The details matter.

Let's not talk about the black sheep that is FBtW...or risk getting cancelled; mods might censor Adastra forums too.

Best 3 (in no order): Adastra, Echo, and the Smoke Room.

(2 edits)

For me, my top 3 VNs (Subject to change, in no particular order) are: Echo, Blackgate, and Lyre. However, the latter 2 are still in development, and Lyre doesn't have much content compared to Adastra. 


So, instead of enjoying a reading you go rolling your eyes while finding all the technical resources they employed to develop the story. It must really suck to be you LOL.


It's a bit hard to enjoy the VN when the elements that make the plot horrible are so glaringly obvious.

I don't "find" the tropes that the writers used so much as I instantly recognize them when they come up.


It makes me sad that people won't understand that these games are most of the time not made by professionals. Yeah the story is shitty compared to stories such as Game of Thrones or His Dark Materials, but it remains a gay romance furry sci-fi visual novel only found on
How can you expect to have something perfect out of Adastra, and FBtW?
I think people like you don't really understand that we don't play these kind of games only to analyse it and literally spitting on it.

We play these kind of games because it allows us to feel safer, less alone, and mostly because it's fun That literally makes me sick how you shit on this visual novel just because it's not up to your expectations. You can't say you're afraid of what people consider bad VNs, everyone has a different opinion.

Also, I'd like to add that if FBtW's comment section has been closed, it's mostly because of people like you shitting on games you probably have no interest in. I literally read some non-furry straight people playing this game and making a full review to say how much it sucks, so for the love of whatever God you believe in and for the authors' sake, just keep your nasty comments for yourself...


"It makes me sad that people won't understand that these games are most of the time not made by professionals. Yeah the story is shitty compared to stories such as Game of Thrones or His Dark Materials, but it remains a gay romance furry sci-fi visual novel only found on"

The fact that the story is not made by professionals does not absolve it of criticism. And there are VNs that do not suffer from the flaws that Adastra and FBTW do, so it is absolutely do-able.

"How can you expect to have something perfect out of Adastra, and FBtW?"

I don't necessarily expect a VN to be perfect, I just expect it to not be shit.

"I think people like you don't really understand that we don't play these kind of games only to analyse it and literally spitting on it."

"Also, I'd like to add that if FBtW's comment section has been closed, it's mostly because of people like you shitting on games you probably have no interest in."

While I am most flattered that you think that I am so dedicated that I would play through a game that's about as enjoyable as having a power drill rammed through my head solely to write a review on why it is shit, that is unfortunately not the case. I play games to try to enjoy the plot and to deal with boredom.

"We play these kind of games because it allows us to feel safer, less alone..."

That's a pretty damning statement about the quality of your life, don't you think? You might want to examine that.

"That literally makes me sick how you shit on this visual novel just because it's not up to your expectations"

What are you worried about? Some guy on the internet writing a review about why he thinks Adastra is bad in no way affects your ability to play the game.

"You can't say you're afraid of what people consider bad VNs, everyone has a different opinion."

People may have different opinions, but there is such a thing as "General consensus" regarding the quality of a given work.

"Also, I'd like to add that if FBtW's comment section has been closed, it's mostly because of people like you shitting on games you probably have no interest in."

Press (X) to doubt


IIRC, during the final days before the comment section got nuked, people were mostly commenting on how Kael kept lying about when he would be able to release a new update to FBTW, and some people were linking the "Manipulation, Hypocrisy, Slander, Inaction" video. The "Official" reason why the comment section got closed is because supposedly someone posted a link to download the patreon content. However, given the content of the aforementioned video and the lack of evidence regarding a Patreon content leak, I am inclined to believe otherwise.

"so for the love of whatever God you believe in and for the authors' sake, just keep your nasty comments for yourself"

The attitude of "Keep your dissenting opinions to yourself" is exactly how toxic echo chambers with their own share of cancel-warriors are born. 


Yeah yeah, we saw you, you are "different" you got attention now. Let us enjoy our "shitty" VN

(1 edit) (+3)

SPOLIERS (obviously):

I believe your review of this game isn't very fair. I don't think the point of this VN is the plot, but rather the character building. The development the MC (or Marco as he's named) and Amicus is the reason it's so highly regarded. The plot serves, as flawed as it can be, to guide these two through emotionally taxing experiences to bond them further. You've read the VN, you know what they go through, so there's no need to elaborate on what they do. While looking at this game from a critical point of view can make it seem mediocre, the heartstring tugging the game pulls throughout and ends on is plenty enough for many to love this game and for it to deserve to be considered good, or even great. I highly recommend playing through again, instead putting yourself in the shoes of the characters versus simply going in initially with a critical viewpoint, because that's a surefire way to immediately not enjoy something. 

My viewpoint however does not mean I do not see your points in the flaws of this game. Your analysis of the flaws are well thought out and make sense to a great degree. I like your criticisms. But I implore you, if you go into things immediately critically, it'll be hard to see the good in things others see. 

(3 edits) (+1)

[Spoilers Alert!]

Good to know that I'm not the only one who got bored being the silent passegner of this artificial emotional rollercoaster. As you hinted before, the plot feels like it serves more for the reasoning of the drammatic events, rather than actualy having something to tell. Just one thing with the most of the characters (except boyfriend material and gold comedy) being all kinds of jerks gives the love story some forced vibes.

Green Cat - Manipulative spy

Albino Snowflake - Narcissistic coward

Iron Mask - Unreasonable Sociopath

Forerunner Daddy - Railroad Conductor 

P.S: Good detailed review.

I decided to give this a go and see what all the fuss is about, and it's really taking everything I have to get through this VN. I'm likely going to stop because it's just badly written. I once heard somewhere that people only download furry VN's for the pictures, not the story, and it's blatantly clear why (though the art and the characters in this VN are mediocre at best). 

For the life of me, I have no idea why this is so popular. The pacing is god-awful and the's so wish-fulfillment type cringey that I probably won't be able to even get half-way before putting this down. I'm waiting for the 'good story' I've heard so much about to start. So far I'm not at all impressed. 

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