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What can I say?

I have seen and heard many things in my life, but this, THIS...

What can I even begin with? I'm at a loss of words.

This is a masterpiece. This game feels like what I've been waiting my entire life. I can just say that when Amicus went through that door and that I was left alone, all I could do was crying.

Let me be honest, when I first downloaded the game, I was here just for some sex scenes. Little did I know there were at the end of the game. When I understood I'd have to play before getting them, I deleted all data, and restarted the game, thinking:

"Hey, maybe this game is kinda cool"

And I played it.

And I loved it.

And I still love it.

Slowly, I began to realize that this game was beautiful. First off, let me tell you I never had anything like a celibrity, or character crush. So imagine my confusion when I admitted I had real, strong, long lasting feelings for a wolf sprite in a video game. The character construction is pure perfection. I won't make a long paragraph on this, I risk being overly lyrical, but... The way Amicus talks, the way the Human talks, it just... Feels like me, it feels like what I could say, or what I could think. The strength of some music tracks for example, tracks like "Memories" or "Romance" or hell, even "Reveal (2)" is just mind blowing. All the tears I cried because of these tracks, damn...

Honestly, I even struggle writing this right now, because this is too much. I'm way too emotionally involved in Adastra to write a well-written comment. 

This game broke me in so many way but also built me. Now... Even if we ain't sure the Human and Amicus are gonna see each other again, I don't care. I know I'll always love that bastard. One day I just want to wake up in a red blanket, held tight by a big fluffy warm form, being soothed back to sleep by his slow breathe...

I know it's delusional and I don't really care at this point. But I do believe that somewhere in our Galaxy, a big wolf awaits for his fate and one day we shall meet up.

This visual novel made me feel alive and it's all that matters. Everything is close to perfection, the writing, the characters, the story...

Fuck all those so-called straight and non-furry "writers" that play the game and bitch about here.

I still hurts a little when I see that EchoProject is focusing on other games, rather than working on Interea and Khemia. I really *really* hope, that one day we'll get to see our Wolf again.

Also, there are so many secrets in this game we still can't answer. At the very beginning, the Human dreams of a Portal...? And what's that horse that breathes flies attached to a beheaded wolf?

To the Stars.

(NB: Please Alexios, die <3)

Exactly me


What is going to happen in the Bad Ending and Merra Ending ?

And what is the right order to play, is it 

Adastra - Interea - Khemia ?


(Spoilers, pass if you haven't finished.)

In the Bad Ending, the Human dies in Amicus' arms and won't be resurrected by the Parents. The Meera Ending is similar to the Good Ending, but instead of trusting the Parents you despise them. Also yes, that's the right order

Thanks <3

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Spoiler warning 

This game got me scared of the name Cato

Deleted 3 years ago

You should delete your comment or make it spoiler... For those who haven't finished the game...

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I've always said that the moment you see the wolf on screen is the moment you know a major f@ck up is going to happen.

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something that really bothers me about Virginia (and not so much about her as much as how the game treats her) it's that she likes to pretend she is the only one put-together but in reality she's just as dysfunctional as the rest of the cast she's just better at hiding it
she's reminds of Jenna from Echo except the game eventually calls out Jenna about not being so above it all which allows her to grow as a person, something that never happens to Virginia
i guess what really gets to me is her last conversation with Marco, she says that she matter-of-factly that she doesn't matter and proudly proclaims to not trust anyone and i just think how sad it is for anyone to say that
i wish Marco would have told her that it's not true, she does matter,that there are people outhere that care about her for more than just the work she does, i wish he would have told her that trusting no one isn't a good thing, that no healthy relationship can exist without mutual trust, so that she won't spent the rest of her life friendless and loveless


I understand, but consider the society she exists in. She needs to be the strong figure there for everyone and having all those annoying triumvirates trying to take her down, she needs that strength. And I do believe she trusts Marco, otherwise she would not have told him all that she is, she does not trust him now because he is still a kid (politically speaking) but she will come to trust him more on the years to come. She is a sad figure but she is extremely. She matters, but in the grand scheme of things...

Well, when she said she doesn't matter it was in a crude sarcastic way. She said that not because she thinks she doesn't matter, but because that's actually what their society is compelled to think. It was a harsh way to help Marcus see how hard is for her to build an image. And yes, if she really doesn't trust anyone she would never tell Marcus all she said. And even Marcus had his trust betrayed in that environment remember?


What is the First Contact ?

I don't remember it and had no idea why Cato wanted to execute Marco ?

My anxiety went so high, thought I encountered the bad ending :(


(Spoilers so skip if you haven't finished the game.)

To make "First Contact" with a species means that you encounter another species from another planet from the first time. In Adastra, making First Contant without the Parents' agreement is illegal, and frowned upon. Hence why Amicus is such in big trouble.

If you encountered the "Bad Ending" as in the Human dies, it's because you haven't said "Yes" when previously, the Parents asked you to agree to work for them.


Tysm, I was so confused why Cato was so mad.

And it also mean I could encounter the Bad ending if i said No, no matter what I did with others choices ?

I'm sorry for the late reply because I didn't finish the game :(


So, just this minute finished this visual novel and it is beautiful.  The story is wonderfully written and the visuals are gorgeous.  

My one and only quibble would be that we don't see the main character (other than a few small snippets here and there), including a fully realised version of the character through whose eyes we see this fascinating world would really help me get more into it.

There was one scene that really hit hard for me, one that seems so simple but after this last year resonates with exactly where I am right now, that being where the MC and Amicus have their first proper, long hug, and the MC asks himself: "How lonely do you have to be to just want to cuddle someone?"  Had to stop there and have a little cry.

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I believe the main reason you do not see the MC directly is so that it is easier for you to imagine yourself in his place. 

Agree! You can rename the MC for that reason.

its very nice😢😢😢 next . I want new version 18


This VN is an absolute rollercoaster of emotions, I almost teared up during specific moments. It's absolutely amazing. I love it.

Can I ask something

Adastra has good ending or bad ending ?

Just want to ask because I can't stand bad endings :(

The endings are:

- Bad Ending

-Meera Ending

- Good Ending 

As far as I'm aware....

Wait, it has many endings ??

The endings are decided by your choice ?

btw thanks <3

Yes, there are not many choices and only one leads straight to the bad ending, do you want me to spoil that for you? (If you want to avoid that)

Thanks but not now because I want to finish the game without being spoiled.

Btw can you tell me what will happen in the bad ending ?


I can't without spoilers, but I think you will figure how the bad ending is without reaching it


It's been 6 days and I think you have finished though, so I'm tossing it here. If you guys haven't finished yet, don't read! :P

Good ending: The Parents showed you a vision of the Future with Amicus. You trust them and feel safe about your mission. In order to have this ending, you have to answers at least two of thoses choices:

- Answer "Infinity" when the Monitor asks you what you feel about Death.

- Answer "You should keep talking to him" (or smth) to Amicus when he asks you if he should stop speaking to Neferu

- Answer "Yes" when being asked by the Parents if you think  Amicus will be a good Emperor.


Meera ending: When the Parents are about to show you a vision of your future with Amicus, Meera kicks (or the Other...?) and firmly advises you not to trust the Parents. You end up not trusting them and you feel unsure about your mission. In order to have this ending (which doesn't change the end of the game, you still split with Amicus), you have to do the opposite of the choices above (or at least not doing 2 of them).


Bad Ending: When Cato slices your throat after you stabbed him (son of a bitch <3). You die on Amicus' lap but the Parents do not resurrect you. In order to obtain this ending, you must answer "I refuse" (or something) when the Parents ask you to submit to the benevolent will of the Parents (my ass LOL). 

Enjoy Adastra as much as possible, now imma go back to cuddling my husbando Amicus *wheeze*


Can I just say, this novel is fucking amazing. I cannot put into words the emotions Adastra made me felt. I almost cried three times, I tensed up and relaxed multiple times, my heart was hammering, boner raging sometimes. This novel is pure GOLD!! I dread the day it comes to an end...

But really. If I could be trapped in any existence, taking another with me, it would be my bf and I to Adastra, visiting Khemia and all the other plantes..


Boner ra- ah, yes *wheezes*

Yeah. Amicus is my type, so its really easy for him to make me hard xD


The erotic parts are so we'll written you can feel the big wolf nuzzling your neck while you read lol


thinking if i wanna replay this since its literally been years since i last played it...but i'd have to go through all the pain worth it.


I played Adastra for the first time and what an emotional rollercoaster that was, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Genuinely felt the emotions of the main character at various stages it was wild. Loved the story and loved the music too. Now I just want my own Amicus ;-;


Sorry to say, but the Amicus plushie is currently sold out on Pawprint Press.

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Still waiting on Likulau plush to restock...been checking every single day, think I'm going haywire...!

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I feel HAD right now.

Hungry: Cannot cook to save my life...

Argumentative: Confronting instability on [redacted] forums.

Delightful: TSR finally got an update!

[Edit: Arches got an update too, LET'S GOOO!!!]



So what exactly is this site supposed to do, I mean is there anything specific that someone can do with it based on this visual novel or something?


its mostly just for fun but it can also give interesting insights in character analysis


Interesting, but some people disagree with the MBTI personality types for some of the characters; therefore, inaccurate labelling, but interesting nonetheless. I hope they improve/update upon it.


thats part of the reason why i posted it here 

so more people know about it and help type the characters more accurately


Sometimes I wish there were more options involving which characters you could interact with more and possibly build a strong developing relationship with them, especially with the Egyptian Jackal.

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Heck, when that Egyptian alien first made an appearance, I some timed wished the game had started out with that Jackal at the very beginning of the whole visual novel to begin with.

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Amicus x Neferu, hot~~~

[Edit: Fine. Amicus x MC x Neferu. There, everyone happy.]


I was thinking more along the lines of Marco/MC x Neferu (and/or possibly Amicus included in that as well) while at the same time maybe mixing in a few other characters into that as well like say for instance Cassius, Alexios, and Cato if he can turn out to not be evil at the end through the main characters actions and interactions toward him through some method used in one way or another.

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I mean Khemia seems to lead us to a Scipio x Neferu relationship, which could be really cool

Deleted 2 years ago

You don't have the choice to top Amicus. In the first sex scene there is only one way it can happen. (Spoilers):

Though in the last sex scene, Amicus offers you the choice. Doesn't matter what you choose, only the images and the dialogues change, the outcome is the same. You shouldn't feel bad for topping the wolf lol


It is funny because if you know too much history you will roll your eyes at Adastra. But if you know just bits and pieces you can appreciate and understand some of the culture.

In ancient Rome, like in Adastra, it was socially acceptable for m/m sex. Who knows why. Maybe it was an accepted fetish to humiliate another straight person that way or if it was just friends helping each other release some steam. History doesnt know why but it was just socially acceptable. But ACTUALLY having a male lover as a male was looked down upon just as it is in Adastra. And like in Adastra an emperor shouldn't be the 'bottom'. / In short, when Rome conquered Greece it was actually Greek culture that ended up dominating Roman culture, especially within higher society. As you also might know, the Romans adopted the Greek gods but changed their names (to the planet names we are familiar with). And like us today, they may have changed the names of certain celebrations but the topics stayed the same, some of which were plain our orgies.

When Christianity came around it was an antithesis religion or slave religion as some philosophers call it. Because the slave cannot have glory, comfort, sex, and other things the masters took for granted, they viewed those as sin and said what makes you holy is temperance, fasting, abstinence, and so on. If you have looked at the passage of a man shall not lay with another man in the original language they use different words to describe "man". A more accurate translation would be no adult shall lay with a adolescent. This is because back then it was quite normal for 12-18 year olds to be with 20-40 year olds in a m/m relationship especially when away from their wives on long trips (cuz apparently gay sex with a substantial age difference doesnt count as cheating on your wife). Peculiar, and almost a traumatizing experience I bet for most adolescents these days, but whatever I guess.


Another informative Knowledge for my Brain wrinkles! thank you for the History given tho!

Very interesting to know. Thanks for sharing that


so after adastra is interesta or khemia ?


Interea is in the last weeks of mc on adastra khemia is two years after his departure

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oh ok thanks u

Not exactly. Interea happens during the last 9 months of Adastra x)

so we have to play interea first right?

Yeah, playing Adastra then Interea then Khemia is the right order. Though I might say it doesn't matter as long as you begin with Adastra. Since Khemia is not a DIRECT sequel to the game (you don't play the human in Khemia)


If only this game was for iPhone I’d definitely play this 24/7.

Time to convert to android. You got a Mac at least?

yeah but a Mac is expensive nowadays.

So are iphones.

Yeah you are right,but still I’ll have to wait to get a computer to play this game.

Hey, Th3WayrVvolf, is it possible to contact you outside of itchio ? I want to talk to you about a few things

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If anyone sends me spam (not you, WolfPuppet), you're just wasting your time. The above email is disposable.

Please, update the app for Android 12. I got a message from the system that says I could have problems playing the game since its an old version. I just re started It today.

I run the Betas of Android 12 as well. Just dismiss the message and launch the app, it works fine for me (Phone: Google Pixel 4a)

Deleted 1 year ago

i LOVE the series. But i can't get to the game and i would love to play it- but im on samsung so if u can make it were you can play  it on samsung- cause i dont really have the money to buy a new one but i might get one on my birthday. either way i LOVE the series on youtube obvi and please try and make it on samsung. :]


You can download the Android APK version? Samsung runs Android. Open Chrome on your Samsung, go to this very page, click on the Adastra 17-release.apk (279MB) with the little Android logo, and then play it ahah ^^

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Samsung = Android.....

The last download option is for Android.....

Therefore, you can play Adastra on Samsung devices.....


thx can u send me the link for it 


No, because the download link is right there.

Who wrote the music for this game? I would love to have the sheet music. I know some of it is available online, but not all of it. (I specifically want the sheet music for "quiet lullaby').

The OST is on Spotify, you can get all the music from there


Would be nice to have a custom soundtrack/vinyl record available for sale on Pawprint Press, just sayin Echo team~

You can still dig in the game's files and find the OST ahah

Yeah, but I want something tangible, pretty, and signed.

Since the OST on Spotify is not the EXACT one you here in the game, and Spotify is well... eh... Spotify... And that we have no other options, the game files are the only way to have all the music tbh

Could you pls tell me how I can get them from the files?


Playing Adastra for the first time in a week ago and finished it today is such a beautiful experience of filling with emotions and great execution in this excellent Visual novel game. it's filled with humor and seriousness and full of surprises to be sure but a welcome one. I am looking forward for another Thrilling journey again if the main like whole new sequel other than the two. (most likely referring to Adastra 2 if there is gonna be one continuing the perspective of the Human) and this is the only Visual novel that I felt very overwhelming like it should be a series, well it is now hahaha. still shocked and cried awfully like a baby at the end because it make me feel a lot connected with the characters and the story, especially Amicus at this point and somehow.. there is an end of the first Novel that had me emotionally devastated when it comes to an end basically ha ha ha ha ha. still all the experience from this Novel teaches me to be firm and steady from all of things like motivating me and to think a wise choice to make in the present. and to the point to acknowledging someone and learning about this examples of people. and although I am not very poetic at all, I am simply just sharing my emotional experience to be Honest. even I finished it by choosing the best choices.. I feel having 2nd thoughts playing again, even though I got The better one to say the least. but that doesn't stop me from Memorizing all the events that occurring in the entire Novel ho! ho! it's still here and forever will be! I am even out of words on what to say next ha ha ha. it feels like an eternity to play and get to attached to these types of fascinating and Unique characters and yes obviously Amicus! the main one to be precise. this is the only Novel game that drives me into an emotional rollercoaster and based on real problems in life that makes me understand certain types of things mostly and willing to look forward following this series as it goes on I hope so. and I will be astonished and thrilled if there is a new sequel. and wow. this is the only long feedback I have given and excuse me if there is a wrong grammar in my reply. anyways. I am off playing the second sequel! 


Just played again only to find myself chicken out at the end. I can't get to reach the end devastate myself again XD


literally same. its amazing theyre able to  get such raw emotions like that! such a fantastic game


Ikr, I can't wait the update of Interea




Me playing Adastra again <3 <3


I played it a thousand times mhuahaha

My love for Amicus is endless


Just started again as well, can't get tired of this.

Deleted 3 years ago

Adastra is finished. The story will MAYBE or maybe not continue in a game we do not know of, because Interea isn't a sequel but a spin-off (happening during Adastra) and Khemia, as far as I know, is SOME SORT of sequel but without the human, and I don't think he'll appear in this game. So, right now, the only answer I can give is: I don't know and I'm sad lol

ok guys hear me out. Adastra AU where the MC pilots the ship back to earth but crash-lands it, and then has to live with Amicus and harbor him from the authorities, whilst getting into all sorts of shenanigans. basically it's the sitcom ALF. i call it ALFastra. does this have potential

You have caused me cringe!!! But that's only my opinion


I just finished reading it. WWHHHYYYYY DOES EVERYTHING GOOD HAVE TO END. I just want this to keep going forever (even though I know that's impossible). 15/10 would recommend


We need an 8 years later story, we definitely need it

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I have to ask... Is there an order to the VNs? I want to play them but don't want to play out of order.


You play Adastra first (with the human and Amicus), then Interea (a spin-off, happening before the end of Adastra, with the human and Amicus), then you play Khemia, which is half a sequel, and half a spin-off, happening two years after the events of Adastra. In Khemia, you don't play as the human but as a Wolf named Scipio (but you meet again almost all the characters from Adastra)

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Hey there, just hanging out for a new update on Interea, how are you doing?

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Deleted 3 years ago

I finally got it 


Lavander smelling wolf!!

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I just finished playing through Adastra a second time and Im wondering is there going to be a story that is set after the eight years or even the MC's point of view throughout his time on Earth? I understand we currently have Interea and Khemia in development but i would love to have a continuation of the Amicus story that is set after the events of Adastra.


Thats what we all hope for.......thats what we all hope for


me too im really hoping to see more after the 8 years 

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We are all waiting for the wedding!!


With Interea and Khemia, I think it's a good sign that dev is gonna expand from Adastra story. 


I like how under more information dev suggest that an average session is a few seconds. I could not stop after start the game and dive like 9+ hours in a session.     

But yeah, it feel like only a second pass when all thing finished.


didnt think id love this game as much as i did ive never felt so attached to a story or its characters. the writing was so immersive hoping to see more in the future :)


The adventure isn't over yet!
You can play the Human in a spinoff named "Interea", which happens during the last 9 months of the game, when Amicus takes you to the Moon tour. Then you can play Khemia, a "half-sequel" happening two years and a half after Adastra. You play as Scipio in Khemia though, not as the human. Khemia is more of a Scipio x Neferu romance thing (I think so...) and it takes you to the actual Khemian planet


thats good to hear will deffo download! hoping for a conclusion of sorts between the main characters of adastra

Amicus body pillow when?

Body pillow or pillow sheet...?



So that's the end...? We're never gonna see our character and Amicus happy ? I'm so sad...I feel empty. I cried so much..

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Welcome to the club, where we take our tears in a mug and hope that in a future after Khemia and Interea, we will see our character and Amicus happy.


The Parents have blessed me with a glimpse of their future:

I wouldnt give parents much credit since it seems in Interea we can resist them or we can resist their resisting of our talk. What i am trying to say it doesnt work out for them so much their little plans and schemes.


If you choose not to give the Parents credit, then there wouldn't exist Interea or Khemia or even Adastra 2. Replay Adastra towards the end, and see what happens when you deny them.

Might seem like a bad choice and Thay they are not trustful, but I believe they are there to help, even though their methods are questionable


Seems to me more they get involved the more pain is caused

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To this day, I still struggle to come back. What I felt during Adastra with everyone in it struck me, hard. In good ways and in bad. I love the story, and I love the characters in this VN. I'm a big fan of Echo Project and the stuff they make, even if anytime they do something with those who have passed on makes me upset. Looking at you ancestor spirit of a certain goat. What they did here was amazing, just hearing the music of the menu page starts to make my emotions just flow out. If I was ever to recommend a first VN or just a VN to anyone, it would be Adastra.


OMG!! YES!! This is exactly how I feel about the VN as a whole!!

Who is this ancestrial goat you're referring to?

I believe he is speaking of the Monitor


I believe the Monitor is a dragon/serpent/lizard.

I think it is a Dragon but it at first glance it does looks like a goat.


Monitor goat versus Monitor lizard; latter sounds natural to the tongue :p

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Sorry, I was referring to the Echo's little trilogy, Echo, Arches, and The Smoke Room (Not in that order mind you, it goes The Smoke Room, Echo, and then Arches if anyone was curious* edited this in)

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Here is my review of Adastra from when I first played it: 

Last week I finished reading Adastra, then re-read it this week, and I felt like it was a big letdown after being so hyped up to me: the greatest VN, the most popular, emotionally intense, heavy subjects, politics, inspired by Roman theater. So, yeah, it had some big boots to fill, which was too much for this project. As a consequence, this game didn’t live to expectations, which I think I shouldn’t have had in the first place. This game used the Roman culture of ages ago as a loose inspiration mostly for aesthetics and nothing else really, there is very little to nothing that is a good representation of their culture, again, a mistake of mine. Then, please, take into account that my opinion was affected so much by the high expectations people gave me, the description of the game and also my liking for Roman tragedies. With this said, let’s begin: 


The best part of the game and that is not a good sign. Now, HAPS is a good artist, he really did a good job with the characters, they all look pretty good and they are very expressive and full of life. The problem is his art style doesn’t fit this story at all, unless I’m supposed to not take the story seriously, which I doubt. My issue with his art style comes from the cartoony look of everything, and especially the baby face that Amicus makes every time he gets angry, making him look like a huge baby about to start a tantrum than a grown-up man taking things seriously. Again, the art is good, especially when it comes to the backgrounds, but they end up being too cartoonish for me to take the characters of the story seriously, I don’t think this art style was a good fit for this VN.

Music and Sound: 

 I will be honest, I only remember one track, from the final fight, mostly because most of the game doesn’t really use music as much as it uses background noise to fill the scenes, which sometimes is used well, but most of the time it just comes off as a bit flat, and there are also those awkward long silences that I think are supposed to build tension, but kind of failed. The music is serviceable, but it needed a better use, but the game has enough tracks to fill the blanks. It’s ok overall.

The Universe: 

 I have to be honest about the fact that the sci-fi aspects and the Parent’s whole mythology exist only to facilitate the story since we never take a deep look at this. The technology is mostly used to make things much simpler like not having servant characters, having drones with cameras, using it as some kind of cellphone, and using it to travel across space. But, we never really get to understand the technology nor is it very well explained, using the excuse of being too advanced because those devices were made by the Parents. Also, the Parents, the “Gods” only have one reason to exist: to give the reader the perfect ending regardless of how undeserved it is. The Parents teach nothing, the Parents only talk once, and they reveal themselves to be the Master Minds behind everything. And, man, they ruined the story so much for me, especially because everything they do is so convenient, so convenient I know our protagonists cannot lose in any way, and Deus Ex Machina at the end just took any kind of tension for this story and any sequel. But, I will explain more of this later with the characters… speaking of which.

MC: Marco: 

 Boring and very annoying. He does nothing during most of the story other than be a pain in the ass for Amicus, then the Parents come and declare him “Jesus” (let’s be honest, Marcus is Jesus). The fact that he acted like an idiot most of the story and sat around doing nothing while the story plays off screen makes me wish we had another MC and not be anchored to this doormat. I honestly don’t get what Amicus sees in him. I know he is a blank slate so you can project yourself on him, but even other games with the same concept try to make you do stuff to get the romantic interest to like you, Marco does nothing but complain about the Wolven culture until the end of the story, when the Parents come into his mind and literally spell out for him what he has to do. He must be worst protagonist I’ve seen in all the VNs I've played.


 Well, if I don’t get what he sees in Marco, I definitely don’t get what people see in him other than being cute and handsome. He is a huge man child who throws tantrums every time he doesn’t get his way, he never thinks things through and he is never shown to learn a single lesson (we are just told he matured). Then we have his conversations with Marco than can be summarized thusly: 

 “Your culture sucks”

 “Yeah, but you shouldn’t say that, baka”

 And the writing really did dirty to him, we never see how he falls in love with Marco, since it happens off screen and we only see the results of their falling in love; we never see him mature and being a good politician, we are told that happens off screen; and worst of all, he never learns to think things through, again, we are told that off screen, and we literally never see him take a decision while thinking things through, unless you consider his conversation with the Parents to be proof of that, despite the fact that the only options given to him were “Do you want a happy life or no?". Not only that, but Parents took all the merits away of him, him not thinking things through and him being immature was recompensed with a literal eternity of happiness with his one true love, making any progress he made invalid. 

 All of this as well as the fact of how useless Amicus is: he failed to get a good pet to impress, failed to take care of Marco, failed to properly teach him the dance, failed in the debate, failed in a fight with a literal blind grandpa and was held hostage by a puny human. Man, the fact that he is alive by end of the story, or even at the beginning, must be a huge miracle from the Parents. 

 He is just so average, even characters who are just fucktoys have better character development, a better dynamic with the MC and are more useful than him.


Who is Cato? Really, who is he? The worst antagonist in a FVN I’ve seen, that's who. He's evil just because he can be. (Well, you could make the argument it is because of his old beliefs and his desire for revenge over the war against the Khemians, but the story never explores that front). He “manipulates” people, which, to be honest, tricking the cast of this game is not a great achievement, especially with how obvious it is from the beginning that he is the villain.

Then, he wants to marry Virginia… because evil dictators do that, mind you, I'm pretty sure an actual evil dictator would choose something better than Virginia. Speaking of which.... 


Why do you exist other than being a plot device? She does nothing of value in the story other than being a convenient extra character. She is there to bring Neferu, an actually good character, and… I guess she helps taking down Cato, mind you, the human could have used Neferu’s help since all sapients have the same machine. Also, I guess we can add that we learn about the triumvirates because Cassius talks to her, but consider that she does nothing with that info. I really find no justification for her existing in the story other than being a token female character to have the token gender inequality and men are stupid lines.


He is interesting even if the plot twist of him being a spy is kind obvious from the beginning. It is obvious he gave the info the Triumvirates, and he is the first example of this game not having the guts put a finger on the characters. His story is good until we reach the end when we learn that he truly loves Cassius and gets no punishment for his actions, which is essentially the story telling to your face that "Consequences don’t exist". The worst part is that him loving Cassius for real makes him look like an idiot, there is no way he didn’t know about Cato killing Cassius, and the story really makes sure to show that Cassius was more important to him than the mission.

Oh, Alexios, you were so close to being good.


The second best character of this game not only because he moves the plot, not only because he is active in the storyline, not only because he points out Amicus's behavior, not only because is he so damn hot, not only because he has to put up with Amicus and Marco’s dysfunctional relationship and fix it like a pro, but we also see different sides of him and he is the second closest the game comes to a tragedy. We see how he struggles with his mission, being so close to suffer consequences and actually having to suffering some of them and we see him at a very low point in the story. He is a very well rounded character and while he doesn’t develop throughout the story, we explore him as a character and what is said is set in stone with him, we see him taking action and we see him having to deal with his decisions. He really deserved much better than being in this game surrounded by the bunch of idiots. I guess his family really did give him a proper punishment.


My favorite character in the entire game by a long shot and that is just in concept. Cassius is truly the most interesting character in the game. He is the runt of the family, he is ill making him much weaker than everyone else, his siblings don’t support him, his father neglected him, his mother (the only person who seemed to care about him) is dead, he has to hide or reject his love for Alexios because of the social stigma, he is a joke to the empire, and even the Gods of his world reject him and yet he gives a good fight for the throne. He has empathy for his people, having them as a priority, understanding how lucky he is to be born with privileges (unlike his sister), and he loves his family and Alexios and he did want the best for the moon and its people. But then he was killed by Cato, someone I think he really trusted, and is betrayed by his lover, dying alone and being remembered a mere joke of an emperor in the annuls of time. 

Or I would say that if the story didn’t spend most of the time showing how he is emotionally unstable, a big manchild like his brother, and taking  away of his merits and giving them to Cato at the last minute. He didn’t even rule, he just warmed up the chair for Amicus. And, as if that wasn’t enough, he didn’t die and Alexios did love him.

This was the biggest let down of the entire game for me. This was such a great character, a well-written morally grey villain to defeat, which was hard because he is straight up a better ruler than Amicus. He thinks things through, he planned, he manipulated, and he took advantage of the culture of the Adastra. The story needed two ass pulls to defeat him: Alexios starting the rumor about him dismantling the triumvirates (which would have made much more sense if Virginia did that) and then the Parents rejecting him. And the story, in yet another example of how it didn’t have the balls to tell this story, made him survive the poison and even get his own political role, which again, undermines his whole conflict with Amicus. The whole competition could have been solved with Cassius asking for a position to take care of social health. The entire part with the trials was  waste of time and energy.

And I think this leads perfectly into my biggest issue with this game:

The Shocking Lack of Balls:

This game pulls so many punches, and decides to do nothing interesting with the plot at all. 

 We have a whole new universe to explore and a whole new mythology, but instead we are trapped in a palace with the most unrepresentative population of the moon. We learn little to nothing of how the technology works or how the Parents work beyond surface level. We learn little to nothing of Adastra’s culture (even though they say wolves are very emotional and like to make a show they really have flat dialogue most of the time and that's not even mentioning how most of the debate is skipped), we never learn anything about the politics at a deep level, and instead everything is reduced to “I’m betraying you” and “I’m a spy”. It’s so boring, and that’s just the worldbuilding. 

 The characters get an even shorter end of the stick, no one suffers consequences, in fact, Amicus is recompensed for his bad behavior, no one that we care about dies, and most of the character exploration is done through exposition instead of looking at it. And man, this could have been one of the greatest stories in the VN field if only the writing dared to put a finger on the characters for more than just shock value. 

 No, I don’t this game handles any heavy topic right. Marco dies, but no consequences comes from this. Amicus mixes alcohol and pills, no consequences. Amicus makes stupid decisions and he is granted the love of his life. Alexios betrays everyone but gets to keep his boyfriend and not suffer at all. And the only one that dies is the flat 1 dimensional evil villain. This is not a VN for adults, this a Disney Channel show with sex, but Disney shows at least have good comedy, fuck, Disney shows kill characters that the people love.


A total letdown. I liked little to nothing of this game and I would never regard this as a top FVN in any way, it’s so completely average. And I would really like to know why people put this game in such a high regard since I don’t see it. The art is good, but doesn’t fit, the writing is decent but wastes a lot of potential, the music is ok but not that good either. And, yes, I have to admit I was expecting too much from this, I had the quality bar set too high for a project like Adastra to meet, and that’s my fault, not because it can’t but because it didn’t want to.




Sounds like a minor.




Sounds like a woke whiner.



Deleted 3 years ago

Would be better to consider his points and debate if that is the case, no need to get all aggressive against someone who posts his opinion, and a sincere on at that, no throwing thrash, that would be different.





HES hating on THE FUCKING ame that stop me from HRUTING MYSLEF


(1 edit) (+6)

I must disagree with that opinion. While yes, Amicus can be somewhat "dumb" as you said, that's the point. He was the spoiled son of the late emperor and obvious candidate to take the throne being Virginia a female who can't be in a position of power and Cassius having that illness, Amicus had not many struggles in his life to make him act any different way but he was never incapable or a complete idiot like Alex. On Marcus side...well, I do not seem to see why he would be naive, he did all he could to stay alive in an unlikely situation. He waited for his wolf to resolve most of the situations, but only because he was waaaay out of his league having to trust him to bring him back home and he actually never waited to things to be solved on its own, once the cat was out of the bag he went and saved Amicus. Marco's evolution is interesting cause he went to be de dumb silent pet to be will around the palace as it was his own (and probably will be his palace in the future). So yeah, they may have flaws, but I don't think it of bad writing. On the contrary, nothing seems forced or "out of the blue". Even the "lack of character" from Cato was well thought, he wanted to have control to lead the wolves on another war against Khemia, so he would not have the "Tail-raiser son of the former emperor" ruin everything just because he fell in love with a monkey. To resume, they have flaws because they are not perfect and they grow along with the story. They will never be perfect and that is what makes it to be even more believable.


Adastra is nicely written and even its flaws, yes, they are some, it's one of the best VN ever.

I disagree with your judgment on Marco. No, he's not waiting to have things fix on purpose.

You're human. You were abducted on a place you don't

- know the language

- where it is in the galaxy

-know anyone able to help you in the place

you know nothing about their technology about almost everything ( I guess plumbery is quite universal...)

- where to go to get some help, you know nothing about society

- have any money

In fact, you can do nothing. Your only hope is to trust Amicus and follow his lead.

And his ass.

But beware.

Nothing gets close to the Emperor's ass.

( Nothing, not No-one...)


*And his "endowments"


People criticize the writers for making Cato "evil" for the sake of evil, but I really don't get it.

He has great issues with the Khemians because he got brain damage fighting against them. Furthermore, that brain damage might have grown into some sort of psychosis or mental condition that made him hate them even more, in a sick, demented way - even though he was able to hide it for so long. That's also his motivation to kill Amicus' father - who was trying to make peace with them. It's quite simple.

As for being homophobic, well, it's not like he comments it more than once. It seemed to me that it was more of a pretext to accentuate his actions further,  not even disgust, though even that would be perfectly coherent with the society he was born in.

I just wanted to comment that long, serious critical reviews like this are something that furry VN's really need to improve and mature as a genre.

I just wish they weren't usually buried in long comment threads.


What I experienced here is without a doubt, one of the most touching and dramatic experiences I had lately. I'm touched. I'm moved. I feel so deeply conected with the story and the characters. You made an amazing job, the most exquisite writing  and I appreciate it tremendously. Thanks for allowing me to experience what this game has to offer.


I just accidentally deleted adastra and now all my saves are gone is there a way to get them back at all I'm useing the android version if that helps

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