the bad ending happened when you don't commit yourself to the parents, in that ending, after your throat got thrashed out, the parents won't save you, leaving you to die unlike the good ending where they does saves you
I wonder, do you save Neferu on this ending? Because it seems that without the guide of the parents you take more time to free Amicus... (I do not dare to venture on that route)
It may not be of interest, but I need to share my experience to take it off my chest:
I got to the game out of boredom, I expected waaaay less than I got. Then Amicus appeared and I fell in love with the big wolf, and that is where I understood I was f$-#ed up. I cried, I got stressed, I laughed, I got my freaking heart touched by that stupid wolf. And when I reached the end it freaking wrecked me. That's it, I'm emotionally drained and I don't see that happen much. Now I need to figure out a way to fill this emotional gap I have. For which I have to congratulate who ever wrote this story and they genuinely know how to touch a soul.
I completely agree with this, that's what I was looking for yesterday, fortunately my best friend was there for me, she is not a furry but never judges anyone.
If your looking to fill the emotional gap the way I did it was falling in love with another big wolf from a different VN called "Far beyond the world" and now I have two big wolfs that I can't get enough of
The more people comment I realize just how this story made us feel the same, we love all the characters and that is also the main reason why the ending hurts so much.
I dislike storys where u can only date 1 character or be close to not sure of the relationship as of yet but i love neferu hes pleaseing to the eyes and he says what he wants and i can also not relate to the main character at all 😂🤣 hes quite agresive and dosent really let people in but i know i complained a lot but i truly do love the story so far im exited to learn more and about the only having 1 dateable character urm im probs just a massive slag 🤪 only messing 🤣🤣
You have to realize that Adastra is a Visual Novel (VN) so we get to see a pretty set story with limited options. It sounds like you want something more like a Dating simulator to get more choices so I would suggest checking out "Extracurricular Activities". There are 6 different furry guys to choose from, great art work, and all the stories are really good (but they have good, bad, and neutral ending based on your choices through the 35 days of the game).
yeah i get what u mean im the same with far beyond the world but that is one of my fav visual novels i love the story and all the characters. Adastra is a great game wasnt saying it wasnt. Lastly i have played estracurricular activities it was a good game enjoyed the story dont think i have completed them all but it was good 😁
Yes, I've visited those sites awhile back. Amazon seems reasonable, but I cannot justify spending $200 on Mitgard especially when all the pillows are coming from the same country ready to war with the world...which begs the question, MC...what happen to diplomacy in the PRC!?
Thank you, my LordDakyn. What is your opinion on the Deluxe Grand Siberian; softer or harder than the usual body pillow (I presume are all Basic Soft Polyester)?
I got the Deluxe Grand Siberian and it is nicely soft without feeling a bit chunky like some Basic Soft Polyester. Of course being softer it does compress a bit more easily.
If North American stores sold these size body pillows I'd get one of those but nobody seems to make or sell them, so you gotta do what you gotta do. Get it while you can and then you will have it for all your body pillow covers.
Please note that it took nearly a month for it to get to me, but i did get it through regular snail mail.
Milord may hath saveth me a days worth of indentured servitude! Polyester Microfiber, as advertised. 20" x 72" = 50.8cm x 182.88cm for the price is right, but 10cm x 0cm short for Pawprint pillow sheets. Should the plunge be taken?
Well I bought one of these as well (since the price is so nice) and it should be arriving on the 29th so if you can wait a few days longer I could give you a better idea of how well it fits. It probably will be a bit loose but the polyester fiber one appears from the picture to be much more stuffed then the one I have, not to say it isn't nicely puffy too.
I very much appreciate you for helping out a random stranger from the internet. Yes, I'll be eagerly waiting for your testimony. Shouldn't the Deluxe Grand Siberian be double in size compared to the Basic Soft Polyester judging by the Moe Pillow ad? I assume the microfiber one is similarly sized to the latter; though, I could be wrong.
Oh great, now I have emotional convulsions because of him. Btw it's a lovable game. I really wanted it to be MY life. But, I can't live in two worlds at a time right?
I get what you mean i was COMPLETELY (95%) in shoes of the MC since the name iknow changeable but when he was also 20 i was blown away. I am also caucasian that helped
Thanks a lot! I thought it was a bug at first lol. Glad to know there is an ending without Meera, she somehow scares me a little, even thought the Parents are bitc-... well they're the Parents :P
i love this game, its the best game i ever played. am generaly kinda cold to emotional stories, movies etc. but this made me genuinely cry, maily the part where main character gets killed or when that part when Amicus leaves me in my old room
I must confess right away that I don't usually play VNs, mostly because the stories I come across simply don't captivate me. My heart shrinks (or maybe expands!) as I stay with these feelings, only a few minutes after finishing my first VN, this beautiful story...
I must also confess that I wasn't too hyped up getting into it as one could be, but I was willing to give it a try. I was quickly swayed by everything about the game - from the great though minimalistic soundtrack, to the unpretentious but cool writing, to the ambience, scenery and... all the characters. It truly is absurd... The lengths I went to decipher every expression/sprite... - unprecedented for me!
And to say that all the while I thought things would go south - as I'd been told the game emotionally traumatized people -, I couldn't be more delighted with this ending, which leaves room for so much more and yet feels like a kind stop, an adequate ending, one like we don't often get to see because the openness that comes with it seems - I assume, undesirable...
Truly, even though I didn't relate as much to the MC's personality, or felt like I had too big of an impact on the story with my choices, I'm thankful for every part of it!
This was a remarkable experience, devs.
I imagine you've been told this a million times before, but,
Wolfdad and Tigermom survived the trip! Family is growing; can't wait to adopt Likulau next when PPP restocks him! My room smells like lavender now~(❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
Honestly.. I have never felt anything like this from a VN. I-.. I'm at a loss for words. I feel such blissful anguish and loss in the fact that it ended the way it did, leading me to want so much more. I feel so deeply in love with the characters, and I fully supported them in the toughest of times.
I'm doing my best to not give out spoilers to anyone who intends to read this VN. I very, VERY highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys the furry fandom/art style. Again, I'm at a loss for words. I have never felt anything so amazing in my life. No one has ever made me cry this hard; feel this deep; or lead me to believe I was actually the main character.
Echo Project; If you read this.. I am infatuated with every word in this story. So much so, to the point where I felt like I *needed* to donate any kind of compensation towards more stories like this, and help support your works of art.
If khemia and Interia are not a continuation of Adastra, but they go in chronology with it, then Adastra is destined to have a continuation, because it would not be very good if the developers simply left us with three different stories that never came to their logical conclusion
my English is too bad, so sometimes I use a translator, I would like to apologize if my last comment did not have the meaning that I wanted to convey. And besides, Khemia basically tells not the story of the MC, but what happened in Adastra.
Understandable, and forgiven. Khemia is actually set 3 years after Adastra AND mentions MC's mission status on Earth; hence, Adastra 2 in concept albeit not in name.
i started play it,and i came here to read the coments,everyone talking about how much they cried...My heart is so fragile,i don't know if i'm ready.Maybe i can find some spoilers to get ready XD.Anyway,thanks for the game,until now i'm enjoying so much.
When is adastra 2? wait did echo rlly plan to make adastra 2? I miss amicus already........also um u guys seems to notice im everywhere at the furryVN comments.....well am i annoying?....i think not i just rlly love furryvn so much and love to comment anyway pls answer my question above i need to know if rumors idc....
there's this theory that the Hum from Echo and the Other from Adastra one in the same, assuming that's true which you would prefer to deal with, the Parents or the Other/Hum, personally i would prefer fighting the Other since as seen in Echo it isn't unbeatable, while i can't see how an ordinary person would be able to defend themselves against the Parents if the take it upon themselves to make you suffer
This VN is perhaps if not one of the best VNs that I've ever played. The story was very detailed to allow a crisp image in my mind. It was very immersive making me think that I was actually in the universe itself. The combination of varies emotion like laughter, anger, betrayal, sadness, a whole roller coaster of emotions. Towards the end, I find myself just crying so much I couldn't contain myself lol. But I was reminding myself that MC only needs to wait 8 years to be reunited, then they have all their lives to be together. I just want to say to the dev team that this is just absolutely phenomenal. Most works of literature/comics that I've read thus far are always straight to sex and honestly it doesn't give me that connection between the character. However, you guys created the best built up towards the most emotional scene. Words really can't describe how I feel about this so I'm trying my best to show my appreciation. I'm definitely support all your works and hoping to see more from you! Thank you for creating such a gift.
If any one of us win the lottery or become doctors, engineers, and whatnot, please fund this side of the furry community. I also want to see animations for Tokyo Afterschool Summoners (TAS) and Live A Hero (LAH) and of course Echo and Far Beyond the World (FBTW). Hope I get to live long enough to see animations come to fruition, then I can die in peace and happiness [alone].
I have played TAS awhile back but moved onto LAH upon release. The latter is what TAS could have been (traditional turn-based RPG) and with better, generous gacha rates where each unit actually mattered (sidekicks support heroes); in TAS, rarity 3 units are auto-trash, sad.
My day has been better. Finished reading a couple of routes from Echo for the first time just a couple days ago; my heart sank, I felt anguish (not the good kind like after reading Adastra/FBTW...), but then I also read some of the side-stories which perked me up. I've recovered yet again!
I actually want to see how the tinfoil hat theorists would respond and react. I can only imagine anarchy accusing and toppling governments throughout the world for hiding cosmic truths from the masses. If you read Khemia, there is actually a "concurrently, pertinent issue" on Earth a couple years into MC's return.
← Return to game
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Sup! Getting better now, how bout you?
The ceiling. The sky. The Parents.
Damn the parents like the sky ceiling is ok
Had my second vaccine shot today felling quite good thank you.
i bought the amicus plushy i cant wait
the bad ending happened when you don't commit yourself to the parents, in that ending, after your throat got thrashed out, the parents won't save you, leaving you to die unlike the good ending where they does saves you
I wonder, do you save Neferu on this ending? Because it seems that without the guide of the parents you take more time to free Amicus... (I do not dare to venture on that route)
Neferu never dies on any route
A relief, though, it would make sense otherwise
It may not be of interest, but I need to share my experience to take it off my chest:
I got to the game out of boredom, I expected waaaay less than I got. Then Amicus appeared and I fell in love with the big wolf, and that is where I understood I was f$-#ed up. I cried, I got stressed, I laughed, I got my freaking heart touched by that stupid wolf. And when I reached the end it freaking wrecked me. That's it, I'm emotionally drained and I don't see that happen much. Now I need to figure out a way to fill this emotional gap I have. For which I have to congratulate who ever wrote this story and they genuinely know how to touch a soul.
Amicus fell in love with another big wolf!? Ooo, wanna see that!
Nope sorry, I skipped an "I", already corrected it
Same here but the pain will go away i promise even got me in a mood where i want to make a game myself
I has already begun to fade, and now it got me on the mood to be better at loving my boyfriend :3
That's so cool!!! <3
I said many time before, we need a support group. So many emotion but no where to put them.
I completely agree with this, that's what I was looking for yesterday, fortunately my best friend was there for me, she is not a furry but never judges anyone.
If your looking to fill the emotional gap the way I did it was falling in love with another big wolf from a different VN called "Far beyond the world" and now I have two big wolfs that I can't get enough of
Will I end up an emotional train-wreck as well? Because I need to heal completely before throwing myself to Echo and end up crying again
exact same thing happened to me i didnt expect much but before i knew it was absorbed by the emotional roller coaster
The more people comment I realize just how this story made us feel the same, we love all the characters and that is also the main reason why the ending hurts so much.
I dislike storys where u can only date 1 character or be close to not sure of the relationship as of yet but i love neferu hes pleaseing to the eyes and he says what he wants and i can also not relate to the main character at all 😂🤣 hes quite agresive and dosent really let people in but i know i complained a lot but i truly do love the story so far im exited to learn more and about the only having 1 dateable character urm im probs just a massive slag 🤪 only messing 🤣🤣
You have to realize that Adastra is a Visual Novel (VN) so we get to see a pretty set story with limited options. It sounds like you want something more like a Dating simulator to get more choices so I would suggest checking out "Extracurricular Activities". There are 6 different furry guys to choose from, great art work, and all the stories are really good (but they have good, bad, and neutral ending based on your choices through the 35 days of the game).
yeah i get what u mean im the same with far beyond the world but that is one of my fav visual novels i love the story and all the characters. Adastra is a great game wasnt saying it wasnt. Lastly i have played estracurricular activities it was a good game enjoyed the story dont think i have completed them all but it was good 😁
This game has thoroughly ruined me, I love it so much
I believe it ruined us all, but gosh how we love this game
Does anyone know of a legit site to buy 180x60cm body pillows around the $100 mark? Also, Basic Soft Polyester vs. Deluxe Grand Siberian?
I bought one from
And in hunting around I also found the site:
Yes, I've visited those sites awhile back. Amazon seems reasonable, but I cannot justify spending $200 on Mitgard especially when all the pillows are coming from the same country ready to war with the world...which begs the question, MC...what happen to diplomacy in the PRC!?
Thank you, my LordDakyn. What is your opinion on the Deluxe Grand Siberian; softer or harder than the usual body pillow (I presume are all Basic Soft Polyester)?
I got the Deluxe Grand Siberian and it is nicely soft without feeling a bit chunky like some Basic Soft Polyester. Of course being softer it does compress a bit more easily.
If North American stores sold these size body pillows I'd get one of those but nobody seems to make or sell them, so you gotta do what you gotta do. Get it while you can and then you will have it for all your body pillow covers.
Please note that it took nearly a month for it to get to me, but i did get it through regular snail mail.
Actually now has this:
for only $41.89 in case you are still interested. Polyester fiber though.
Milord may hath saveth me a days worth of indentured servitude! Polyester Microfiber, as advertised. 20" x 72" = 50.8cm x 182.88cm for the price is right, but 10cm x 0cm short for Pawprint pillow sheets. Should the plunge be taken?
Well I bought one of these as well (since the price is so nice) and it should be arriving on the 29th so if you can wait a few days longer I could give you a better idea of how well it fits. It probably will be a bit loose but the polyester fiber one appears from the picture to be much more stuffed then the one I have, not to say it isn't nicely puffy too.
I very much appreciate you for helping out a random stranger from the internet. Yes, I'll be eagerly waiting for your testimony. Shouldn't the Deluxe Grand Siberian be double in size compared to the Basic Soft Polyester judging by the Moe Pillow ad? I assume the microfiber one is similarly sized to the latter; though, I could be wrong.
This is probably your best bet, $68.80 and full size:
Only 1 left though...
Interea for more Marco Amicus Khemia for a new wolf mc and neferu
Oh great, now I have emotional convulsions because of him. Btw it's a lovable game. I really wanted it to be MY life. But, I can't live in two worlds at a time right?
I get what you mean i was COMPLETELY (95%) in shoes of the MC since the name iknow changeable but when he was also 20 i was blown away. I am also caucasian that helped
There's this gallery image after the last "adult" scene and before the farewell scene that I can't get, does anyone know how to obtain it?
You need to get the first ending (the “standard” one) as opposed to second (the “Meera” one).
To do this (spoilers)
you need to make at least two of these choices:
plus choosing to submit to the will of the parents (to not get the “bad” ending)
Thanks a lot! I thought it was a bug at first lol. Glad to know there is an ending without Meera, she somehow scares me a little, even thought the Parents are bitc-... well they're the Parents :P
Also, knowing that this Gallery Picture is the Menu picture... it's quite eh xD
I know right!? All that work for the first thing you see before starting the game…
It's very pretty though :>
I loved this, I loved it so much that now I have an emotional void (I'm waiting for updates from both Khemia and from intea)
even so this VN is very beautiful, the art the story the characters, a work of art 100/10
i love this game, its the best game i ever played. am generaly kinda cold to emotional stories, movies etc. but this made me genuinely cry, maily the part where main character gets killed or when that part when Amicus leaves me in my old room
I'm the same way. I don't usually feel sad when watching movies like Five Feet Apart. But this genuinely brought me close to crying!!
dat tells alot about this game
Soooo...i guess this is the end😭
There’s a sequel called Kemia (now in momentary hiatus if I’m not mistaken) and a “in-between-quel” called Interea to this game!
This series is also maybe technically a spinoff to Echo (which also has affiliated games), which is a great series (tho fiy it’s an horror)
You can never escape me
Doing well. you?
im going good, im just making memes about amicus. oh and im making a spinoff game of echo (pawsome)
I usually don't play VNs, because after some minutes they starts to be boring. But this is cool and romantic at the same time.
I must confess right away that I don't usually play VNs, mostly because the stories I come across simply don't captivate me. My heart shrinks (or maybe expands!) as I stay with these feelings, only a few minutes after finishing my first VN, this beautiful story...
I must also confess that I wasn't too hyped up getting into it as one could be, but I was willing to give it a try. I was quickly swayed by everything about the game - from the great though minimalistic soundtrack, to the unpretentious but cool writing, to the ambience, scenery and... all the characters. It truly is absurd... The lengths I went to decipher every expression/sprite... - unprecedented for me!
And to say that all the while I thought things would go south - as I'd been told the game emotionally traumatized people -, I couldn't be more delighted with this ending, which leaves room for so much more and yet feels like a kind stop, an adequate ending, one like we don't often get to see because the openness that comes with it seems - I assume, undesirable...
Truly, even though I didn't relate as much to the MC's personality, or felt like I had too big of an impact on the story with my choices, I'm thankful for every part of it!
This was a remarkable experience, devs.
I imagine you've been told this a million times before, but,
thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Mine too
I believe we all came here not knowing what to expect, at least you got the heads up that the game traumatized people.
I am very good today and you?
Wolfdad and Tigermom survived the trip! Family is growing; can't wait to adopt Likulau next when PPP restocks him! My room smells like lavender now~(❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
Honestly.. I have never felt anything like this from a VN. I-.. I'm at a loss for words. I feel such blissful anguish and loss in the fact that it ended the way it did, leading me to want so much more. I feel so deeply in love with the characters, and I fully supported them in the toughest of times.
I'm doing my best to not give out spoilers to anyone who intends to read this VN. I very, VERY highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys the furry fandom/art style. Again, I'm at a loss for words. I have never felt anything so amazing in my life. No one has ever made me cry this hard; feel this deep; or lead me to believe I was actually the main character.
Echo Project; If you read this.. I am infatuated with every word in this story. So much so, to the point where I felt like I *needed* to donate any kind of compensation towards more stories like this, and help support your works of art.
Thank you for your hard work. - Rix
Yes exactly me it moved mo so much i immidiatelly donated on patreon which ive never done!
I would donate too, but I want something tangible. You hear me, Kael!? For the third time, Ranok and Vulgor plushies!!!
It says updated 60 days ago, did anything change from the update 4 months ago?
If khemia and Interia are not a continuation of Adastra, but they go in chronology with it, then Adastra is destined to have a continuation, because it would not be very good if the developers simply left us with three different stories that never came to their logical conclusion
Khemia IS the continuation of Adastra; chronologically Adastra 2.
Interia is the untold events before the end of Adastra.
Lol @ "not be very good" and "logical conclusion."
my English is too bad, so sometimes I use a translator, I would like to apologize if my last comment did not have the meaning that I wanted to convey. And besides, Khemia basically tells not the story of the MC, but what happened in Adastra.
Understandable, and forgiven. Khemia is actually set 3 years after Adastra AND mentions MC's mission status on Earth; hence, Adastra 2 in concept albeit not in name.
I am quite good thanks
And you?
Hiya Wolf!, doing fine here. Last week was heavy, but this one has been way smoother. Thank you buddy, how've you been?
Is there a Discord or am i just going nuts
i started play it,and i came here to read the coments,everyone talking about how much they cried...My heart is so fragile,i don't know if i'm ready.Maybe i can find some spoilers to get ready XD.Anyway,thanks for the game,until now i'm enjoying so much.
When is adastra 2? wait did echo rlly plan to make adastra 2? I miss amicus already........also um u guys seems to notice im everywhere at the furryVN comments.....well am i annoying?....i think not i just rlly love furryvn so much and love to comment anyway pls answer my question above i need to know if rumors idc....
wut?? Wait...u again! Ermm it's true?...ok fine shush it is
I think Adastra 2 is Khemia and Intera.
No, its not. Interea happens between a period of months in which Marco, in Adastra, does not narrate it. And Khemia is just a separate story
Khemia is unofficially Adastra 2, 3 years after MC returns home.
I almost finish the VN, but I wish it could be in spanish because my english sometimes is fcked up. TnT
Btw (spoiler 0_o) :
i dont know why i didnt cry when the main character almost died in the arms of amicus. (thats was so sad 😭).
I don't think that is the sad part. It's pretty sad tho.
And on another note, Spanish speaker here as well. Saludos desde México jajaja
I just finished your game. I cried with happiness and from the fact that it was over so quickly. It's a beautiful story. Thank you so much.
Wolfman58 works for EchoProject...?
Sit and sulk
HAHAHA! Best reply ever. I've been there xD
there's this theory that the Hum from Echo and the Other from Adastra one in the same, assuming that's true which you would prefer to deal with, the Parents or the Other/Hum, personally i would prefer fighting the Other since as seen in Echo it isn't unbeatable, while i can't see how an ordinary person would be able to defend themselves against the Parents if the take it upon themselves to make you suffer
Spoiler alert?
Oops, Fixed
Thank you buddy ;-)
Nothing "wrong," but in your comment...
1) there is no context to Adastra or its related posts here,
2) your choice of words sounds like a minor would say,
3) I just feel uncomfortable, unnerved reading it.
Well, I much rather prefer random off topic comments than spoilers.
This VN is perhaps if not one of the best VNs that I've ever played. The story was very detailed to allow a crisp image in my mind. It was very immersive making me think that I was actually in the universe itself. The combination of varies emotion like laughter, anger, betrayal, sadness, a whole roller coaster of emotions. Towards the end, I find myself just crying so much I couldn't contain myself lol. But I was reminding myself that MC only needs to wait 8 years to be reunited, then they have all their lives to be together. I just want to say to the dev team that this is just absolutely phenomenal. Most works of literature/comics that I've read thus far are always straight to sex and honestly it doesn't give me that connection between the character. However, you guys created the best built up towards the most emotional scene. Words really can't describe how I feel about this so I'm trying my best to show my appreciation. I'm definitely support all your works and hoping to see more from you! Thank you for creating such a gift.
Yes yes yes and thousand times yes i was so sad when it ended i wished ive never even came across this. But now i dont know...
Post depression is real strong with this one lmao
Positive depression, yes. Negative depression, no; you can thank certain routes in Echo for that.
Well, I turned that depression into animating a scene from the story that struck me the most. So i dont feel that depressed now lol
Imagine if the devs remake the story into an Animation.... I would love for that to happen.
If any one of us win the lottery or become doctors, engineers, and whatnot, please fund this side of the furry community. I also want to see animations for Tokyo Afterschool Summoners (TAS) and Live A Hero (LAH) and of course Echo and Far Beyond the World (FBTW). Hope I get to live long enough to see animations come to fruition, then I can die in peace and happiness [alone].
I have played TAS awhile back but moved onto LAH upon release. The latter is what TAS could have been (traditional turn-based RPG) and with better, generous gacha rates where each unit actually mattered (sidekicks support heroes); in TAS, rarity 3 units are auto-trash, sad.
Mine is shit theres a civil war going on in my country lmao
Right now, in Japan...?
Myanmar lol
Stay safe; flee to Thailand if you must to avoid another potential genocide like Cambodia.
We cant 0w0 the bitch called mal aka mother fucker blocked all transit im pretty sure
My day has been better. Finished reading a couple of routes from Echo for the first time just a couple days ago; my heart sank, I felt anguish (not the good kind like after reading Adastra/FBTW...), but then I also read some of the side-stories which perked me up. I've recovered yet again!
Uhhh, idk? I don't live there?
i kinda want more ngl like what is happening to the mc after he left the hotel thing (i forgot) and i keep wanting to follow him lol
Yeah, I wanted to know how Earth was going to take in all that, and how FOX, CNN, the BBC and DW were going to handle that bomb :V
I actually want to see how the tinfoil hat theorists would respond and react. I can only imagine anarchy accusing and toppling governments throughout the world for hiding cosmic truths from the masses. If you read Khemia, there is actually a "concurrently, pertinent issue" on Earth a couple years into MC's return.
yo look this is the closest to the second lol
MC went straight to work.
Soooo i guess this is it?
Lets hope that maybe one day they shall make adastra 2 till that day dont lose hope!