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Deleted 3 years ago
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Best VN in my opinion and i almost actually cried of how depressing the last moments were i cant wait to se the sequel, do you think Khemia will be completed on this


I literally cryed playing this 

It's amazing


one of the most emotionally intense experiences i've had with any medium - probably because i desire a bigger bf like amicus.


Is there another part to this as in a different VN with the same outcome?

(1 edit)

They are making 2 more games. The sequel is called khemia, (Which is going on a small hiatus in order for the story to be developed properly), And The other 1, Which is supposed to be about the events that amicus briefly mentions of touring the moon, Is called Interea. I'm not part of the echo project team, But I hope this answers your question because this is the only information that I know about Since I'm not a patron. Apologies if your question was already answered

Thank you

Do you think they will bring a new game after the 8 years? I really want them to be together forever 😖

I hope so. But I'm thinking they might not. Who knows?!


people , i have a stupid question definitely , the game .... is finished ?

i play it all , but i don't undrstend if is ended like this of if it will be a continuons ...... i fell stupid asking this ....

plis help


There will be sequel. Right now they're making adastra interea. It's about the tour around the moon before amicus and marco separated. Khemia (the sequel to adastra) is on hiatus.



Does the novel have a audio option so it reads it to you?

(1 edit) (+4)(-3)

No. That would take an incredible amount of time to implement.

Edit: I stand corrected, itsminsoo is right. I've played many renpy games and even made a couple myself, but I never realized that was a feature. It's not a very pleasant voice to listen to, but at least it reads to you. 


yes it does, but it sounds like siri. you just gotta press 'v' i think. if not its in the menu under 'help' ^


LOOOL It really have something like that??? i would play it again just for laugh at it


What in the world are you talking about? Nothing like that even exists

(6 edits) (+2)

it does. renpy has native support for it.

renpy uses the native system apis to dictate text for you so it sounds like whatever speech engine the system has by default, which makes it usually sound like siri on mac and cortana on windows

and obviously it wont work on systems that dont have such apis *ahem* linux and freebsd


thanks for that! i dont know much about it pfft so im glad you did.

(1 edit) (+2)

Actually youtube has a channel with a guy that voices all the characters and does a really good job. I certainly enjoy it. He did it for Adastra and a bunch of other visual novels.

Check it out at:


How many hours can you say this game takes if I plan to get all endings?


Reading at 250 wpm I'd say around 12/13 hours

Esta todo en inglés lo necesito en español :_:


Adastra no salió en Español pero la comunidad ha creado una traducción, no es perfecta pero está bastante bien. Te lo dejo por aquí por si lo quieres. Tiene fallos por supuesto pero es disfrutable.

NMMS muchas gracias

si se inglés pero igual como qie es más cansado 😅


Very rarely does anything make me shed genuine tears, and here I am crying about leaving my space wolf bf behind.


need gay space wolf


i just started playing this game and i already fell in love with it lol

amicus is so cute <3


Brace yourself!


He's already out adastra 2 or not yet.


There's a new VN called Interea. It's about Marco and Amicus travels around Adastra before his departure. It's parallel to the events related in Adastra. It was released just yesterday in Patreon.


Adastra Interea Main Menu Theme

Okay, so, I have Android 10. When I get to the part where you enter your name I am unable to proceed to the next slide. Is there any solution to this? 


Good game, but too much fan service...


bruh the genre is romance, fan service is like, 70% of the point at MINIMUM lmao

Pretty much ngl. 

well it took me 42 hours and its been two months when i last  played


Ola eu estou jogando Adastra baixei hoje e já estou amando, logo no começo adorei a introdução mais oque me incomoda é que tem pouca opção de fala e eu gostaria de ter mais opções de fala e escolhas,tambem gostaria que Adastra fosse traduzido a outras linguas como (Brazil Português) caso voçes atualizem eu tenho a gratidão de jogar novamente e a de voçes. Obrigado


Bem... meio q Adastra já foi finalizado há algum tempo, e por ser uma historia quase totalmente linear (visual novel) n tinha como eles terem dividido tanto os caminhos e escolhas, pq ficaria bilhões de vezes mais trabalhoso desenvolver a historia.

Já em relação a uma tradução, eu adoraria tbm, e apesar de muita gente até se dispor a traduzir o jogo (eu acho), tbm n acho q essa é a prioridade deles agora, na verdade não acho q vão traduzir pra qualquer outra língua por um bom tempo. 

triste ;-;


Já tem uma fã tradução u:

onde?? eu preciso do link ;-; eu não achei em lugar nenhum

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Why the homophobia and prejudice? It's uncomfortable to read and drags myself out of the experience by tenfold.


Dude, it's reality, even on Earth...

(1 edit) (+7)

I gotta say the story was very well told and just immediately fell for Amicus. Such deep emotions, connections with the characters, the music went very well and I will admit I cried but the ending really got me good. Made me happy but sad at the same time. Reminded me a lot of how my relationship is like in real life is almost like theirs was.

Thank you so much for your hard earned work and look forward to more of what's to come within the story! ❤

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Cheers to that one! 🥰


Yeah! Indeed, Virginia is my second favorite character. Utterly well built, very realistic and coherent inside the world and according to her status and circumstances.


I normally like much more choices in these, but luckily the story was enough to keep it good. I dislike divine entities in anything, because it takes away agency from a character, but at least that wasn't too bad. Overall, good novel. 

(1 edit)

Well, the siblings take the parents as "divinities", but it seems they're more like vastly advanced intelligent beings, way beyond our comprehension. It's more like behind every "spiritual" manifestation there's science and physical laws, even if we are far from undertanding how they trully work.

One is already requesting me

just copy and paste the link at the top of the search bar lol

ok lmao 😂😂😂😂

Can you send me the link so i can copy? And past and send it to randome person thats is 18+ so this will be famus


I love this game


Can (the main character) be able to see amicus after 8 years after that I had mixed emotions and I don't know if I'll cry or be happy, sad, all the emotions Im really looking forward to this story if this process more and I can't wait to hear it but still making some flashback on my mode even it's over a week still on my head but I fin it on march 1 but still fresh on my mind hope to be more in the future and turned for making this story very grateful and emotionally (and I fell in love on amicus like truly like him)  and wonderful thanks again for the story 😇😇😇🐺

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can I download this on my iPhone?


No you can't because of stupid Apple's rules. You can play it on mac though.


Eu realmente amaria um terceiro jogo com a cena do casamento e algo aconteçe e atrapalha o nosso casamento que nos força a fazer algo pra no fim nos cassarmos 

Obs:quero depois compra o anel cria ai por favor 🙏🙏🙏


Can this work on a fire Amazon tablet?


yes i have a fire tablet too


yay <3


Girls: How can you watch the titanic without crying, you have no soul!

People who got ending A in Adastra:


I mean, is ending B really that much less tearworthy?


True that

(1 edit) (+4)

I’m impressed. I got no words for this really well written VN. Perfect story with many plot-twists, character-development is made perfectly as well and it’s one of those VNs that I would recommend to others instantly.


I'm not sure if the creators look at the comments on here very often, but I wanted to say like everyone else, I felt very moved by the story of Adastra. Almost a week after I have finished it, and I am still feeling the aftershock of the ending. I fell in love with Amicus, Neferu, and all the other well crafted characters of this story. I felt myself pulled into this world, and really felt the romance between Amicus and the MC. I related to them very strongly, especially on the topics of separation anxiety, struggling with self-confidence, and hiding your sexual identity. I'm holding off on Playing Khemia for now, since I heard the writer is taking the time to figure out where he wants to take the story next which I find very reassuring and respect him for taking the time to craft something good instead of forcing it. I'm very excited and I can't wait to see more from this series, and to see more of the relationship between the MC and Amicus.


will he return to Adastra after 8 years?im cryin rn...i will wait until then.

same :c

looks a nice game, will this game eventually make it to the steam store ??

no, because it is nsfw


but amorous is too on steam and there are lots of nsfw games on steam 

i dont understand

On Steam, you have specific Guidelines you must follow, here you have almost none compared to that.

Is there a reason Amicus' piercing is silver, when the rest of his jewelry is gold? It's something I've been curious about for a while, seeing as it kinda makes it look like a wart, and is a weird fashion choice in my opinion, seeing as it would be so easy to make all the metals match


Not possible, because of Apple's Store Policies and Sideloading isn't possible like it is on Android.

how do you play


Download the suitable file for your device, then run the downloaded file.


Average session: a few seconds

Did someone goof up?


I'm hoping they would make a another part of the story where the mc goes back to Adastra and stays there 


he comes back in 8 years




I finished Adastra last week and it was good, I liked the few more “adult” scenes and the story was very interesting, also I forgot what was Galaxias. I forget if it was mentioned earlier but by the end, in my mind it was a galactic society, and the wording in a couple situations (won’t spoil anything) like not wanting group A to rejoin Galaxias.

I wish we’ll eventually get a third one where the Human returns to Adastra, and I havent gotten that far into Khemia yet but I hope I’ll see Cassius again, I grew to kinda appreciate his dismissive attitude towards me.

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