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Just finished the game, and I loved every second of it. You guys did a really fantastic job with the game. I have never cried at a game before, but this game really got to me. And I know you probable get this a lot but I hope you make a part two to this. And I'm defiantly going to go tire out your other games. :)


You have to play Echo! The writing and the drawings are beautiful! You are going to cry your eyes out haha. At least I had a mental breakdown after the end :D

I'm going to install right now lolX3


Absolutely great

I savoured every moment of it.


best vn i ever played


Queria mais

Mais não posso ter

Então chorarei

só para n te esquecer....

I Love this game.

Guys have you tried interea


I havent finished the game, i just made an account just to say this, SPOILERS IG!! 

The thing that happened when MC comes in the room and saw Amicus and neferu doing it in the room HURTS ME FUCKING SO MUCH, I CANT HANDLE IT I LITERALLY CRIED, MY FEELINGS ARE SCATTERED, I MADE AN ACCOUNT JUST TO RANT THIS, I CRIED SO MUCH

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I was angry with them both when I saw that, But when amicus followed me to neferu's room, I said "i can't stay mad at him, he's too cute :3". But now i understand why did they do that. And guess what, im a HUGE neferu simp now lol

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I finished playing Adastra a couple days ago and currently playing Khemia and Interea, imma follow u and nice meeting u ;) 

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Honestly.. I have never felt anything like this from a VN. I-.. I'm at a loss for words. I feel such blissful anguish and loss in the fact that it ended the way it did, leading me to want so much more. I feel so deeply in love with the characters, and I fully supported them in the toughest of times.

I'm doing my best to not give out spoilers to anyone who intends to read this VN. I very, VERY highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys the furry fandom/art style. Again, I'm at a loss for words. I have never felt anything so amazing in my life. No one has ever made me cry this hard; feel this deep; or lead me to believe I was actually the main character.

Echo Project; If you read this.. I am infatuated with every word in this story. So much so, to the point where I felt like I *needed* to donate any kind of compensation towards more stories like this, and help support your works of art. 

Thank you for your hard work.
- Rix


10/10 Would cry my eyes out again.

So I downloaded it, but idk how to install it and open it :

PC or mobile? You need an app. I have Android and use Apk manager. 

I personally went into my Files/Downloads on my phone, tapped the apk file and it asked to install it. :3 if you need any help, lemme know!

bom, obrigado por me fazer chorar :) a paisagem sao linda e os personagens adoro(menos o cassius).


Não entendi. 


Sorry for my language, its Russian.

Это потрясающе меня переполняют эмоции, которые я уже давно не испытывал... Я... я хотел бы вас отблагодарить, подписавшись на патрионе, но я студент, как сами понимаете, с деньгами не так то всё просто... Тем более, если учитывать разницу между нашими валютами....

В любом случае, эта игра чудесна и это не из-за тех сцен... которые я не ожидал увидеть... Просто скажу спасибо за то, что дали мне почувствовать хоть что-то за всё это время...спасибо..

Deleted 2 years ago

ох, да, как же я тебя понимаю). Это сама лучшая новелла, которую я читал

(3 edits) (+10)

Please bring amicus and his love back together! 
I’ve never been so affected by such a beautiful story, and I feel a foolish but unwavering hope for a love and romance like this for myself. 
 Thank you Howly and Team, for helping me through a very depressing time in my life, but it keeps me up at night thinking of the pain Amicus and his love must be experiencing while apart (it pains me! Lol)  Please bring them back together!  All my love, and hope your feeling better Howly :) 

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(2 edits) (+1)

Hey Wolfman58, thanks for asking. Yea I’m ok 😅. It was tough reading adastra and not really having anyone to talk to about it for the first week.(Even though I tried with a family member and it didn’t go well 😂, “you fell in love with a wolf animal character?!”

 I’m kinda new to the furry world even though I had been introduced years ago, but don’t have many friends who are involved.

How’ve you been 😊? 

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I'm in your exact position, but I JUST finished it yesterday.. I just have a bunch of emotions in my throat and I wanna just curl up and bawl.


Deleted 3 years ago

I have faith in the fact that they will do a sequel. The identification you have with the human chara is really strong. In Khemia ( beautiful and whatever you want ) you do not feel firstly involved, not so much as in Adastra.

(1 edit) (+1)

**khemia Spoiler 

Yea it kinda cooled things down a bit for me seeing amicus in Khemia, from afar and in a more impersonal way. 
I actually very much identify with the anxiety(/disorder)  Scipio goes through in it, even though no one died horrifically in front of me 😬😅. 

Hope your doin well mark92😊(I’m ‘91)

Deleted 1 year ago
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Deleted 1 year ago

Please halp. I can't DL the VN on my android phone (downloaded the android version of course), same as for TSR~ qwq


I don't know how but I didn't cry at the end. I feel it was because they kept saying that time will fly or it's because it 3 in the morning ,and it will hit like a emotional truck when I wake up.

Same, i didn't cry, i was so hopefull about "They will be togueter in the future", so everithing will be okay.

(1 edit) (+2)

I think I only have three criticisms of this otherwise stellar game (no pun intended):

1) I think Amicus' piercing should have been gold, like the rest of his jewelry, so it would look less like a wart against his silver fur, unless there's some reason for it being silver I'm not getting

2) Some of the sprite work, especially Amicus', has not aged well as Haps has gotten better

3) The architecture is not stellar. At all. It really doesn't seem like any research was done into ancient roman architecture, and having taken a glance at that research, I get it, it's a mess, but there are ways to work around. For instance, you could have done 18th century neoclassicism, which is much easier to research, and justified it by saying that since all sapients are basically the same psychologically, it makes sense that wolves and humans would both develop ancient roman style in the same way. This would also help the palace look more like a palace, and less like a 3 star hotel, on the inside

you dont get it


What don't I get?



(1 edit)

ye it's a piercing lmao you can see it's shiny in some images

(2 edits)

Why does it ask me for an access to my mobile card? (Android). Will it add or delete files in it? 


I've never in my life have played/read anything so amazing honestly the game took my breath away it really did play with my emotions and made me cry at the end for them to just be separated like that for 8 years but i just wanna say thanks echoproject for making such a beautiful game with amazing writing a even better story line but the writing is what made the game what it is and for probably the best art I've seen in a long time plz continue you're amazing work on creating these kind of games we honestly need them to exist and make all of our days abit or even a lot brighter. thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the talented team workers on this project


I'm really at the end emotionally... This game is breathtakingly beautiful. I just can't live with the fact that they've been apart for 8 years now, even if it's only a cosmic microsecond. Please tell me if you are already working on a reunion, I just have to know? D: I need them to be back together again.... until then Im replaying and replaying <3


I agree! This game helped me during my days of being depressed up until the game ended. Please, continue their story...

I have a questions, in android version i cant go far because im stuck, when i need to put my name doesnt let me progress, it just stay and nothing works how i can solve this?

(4 edits) (+1)

Well, this Is absolutely the most passionating visual novel I ever seen, plus I love furries so much. Amicus made me feels... 🐺 Drawings are made absolutely well.

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Deleted 1 year ago

how do you get this on iPhone?

Send by drive

Are you changing English to Thai? 


Can I ask two things? Pretty Please?

1st: Is there NSFW Scenes?

2nd: Amicus is top or bottom? :3

Sorry for all this stupid questions...


1. Yes there is. 2. it depends what you pick during the second scene. hope this helped 



This novel is just... astounding, the way it bookends the goodbyes to places in reverse order of introduction, the "happily ever after" promised but still to come, how it has 3 different satisfying stages, how complicated but moving Amicus is, how it twists the knife at all the right moments. Seriously, this one brought tears to my eyes so many times 

mmm like nsfw game


I finished this vn months ago but it still hurts today


honestly though there was no need for it to scar me as much as it did 


Its a good, somewhat beautiful scarring though that a vn can do that to a person ;__;

This might be answered already but, is this the complete game?

It is, but a sequel and a spinoff are in the works

Oh thank you! 


Is this game completed? I like this game. The art is so nice.

It is, but a sequel and a spinoff are in the works

(1 edit) (+2)

You should totally make the rings!!!

This novel broke me ehe but it was worth reading. I'm glad that it was a happy ending. (Well sad but at the same time happy)

Interea definitely made me happy when it came out.

I'm really excited for what the story has to offer, and the fact that I saw amicus first (not including the supposed god's/parents or the moniter) really put a smile on my face.

can't wait to see what's next!


I cried a lot when I said goodbye to Amicus. I felt bad, and I want him back, and every time I cry when I think of him, even now I can't hold back the tears. Thank for hard work, it's great.

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Deleted 1 year ago
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Deleted 1 year ago
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Rich, hahah

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hai! I’m interested in playing the game (and kind of obsessed...) but I’m not sure how to download it on iOS. Is there a tutorial or anyone who can give me a quick rundown on how to do it? Thank you! 

tem tradução pra português?


can you play this on iPhone? Pls tell meh




Best game I've played in a long time, I got so attached to the characters. I'm sad that there's not more

They're working on it~!

Deleted 3 years ago


Deleted 3 years ago

Can you translate English to Thai?

Like, in general or…?

I doubt there will be any translations of Adastra, and if there were I don’t think Thai would be among the author’s first choices, sorry dude.


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