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Echo project, u btter put the second one android to, i want to play it, dont just leave my heart empty, im fcking cry now n nonstop

(4 edits)

At the beginning i found it kinda romantic tbh. A being from another world broke their rules to get to them. cute.

-edit after almost finishing... 

Wow that took a dark turn quick. But im getting beauty and the beast vibes kinda. Idk if thats weird lol. This game made me feel alot of emotions. Happy, Confused,Shocked,Lost,Relieved,etc.  Im just so relieved to see everyone doing fine. I love the game. Thank you Echo for creating this masterpiece. I cried at the end a bit.

(1 edit) (+1)


I just... It's such a good writing and I feel embarrassed for the character. 

Edit: I also like the references to the Egyptian culture.

(1 edit)

Hello, quick question: Is it possible to play this game on a chromebook?

You might be able to run the .apk for android, if your chromebook is one that has support for apps.


Came back to once again sing my praises for this game. My heart is still quaking even after finishing this one month ago. All I can think of at the ending of the game is a song called TKM by Boy Pablo and I tried listening to it while finishing the game and I PHYSICALLY COULD NOT I WAS CRYING SO HARD!!! Regardless of my own emotional instability, the writing for this game makes me yearn for more and the art is adorable yet captivating, i only ask that Amicus has a less goofy NUT face.

(1 edit) (+3)

Okay, finished in 3 days and it broke my heart the whole time holy f*ck this is a good story. The character growth, the depth of emotion.

Blubbering like a child at the end, I sincerely hope you continue this as a series or something, I'd gladly support a pt2

Edit: also I can't find the "rate" button anywhere on this blasted page 5/5

Spoiler alert

 just finish it today and got the ending when they finally need to separate for 8 years that i think the true ending?, and the bad ending when the caracter died, but is there any different ending than that, and how to find it, because when i read the comments there is someone says that i love normal ending better than true ending or something like that.

bad ending is when you dont submit to parent's benevolent will, true ending is what you are rewarded with when you select 2 pessimistic choices when the moniter asks you stuff like "do you think Amicus will make a good emperor?" The normal ending is when you answer optimistically to their questions. 

Ok thanks for the tips^^


I’m just going to put this out here. If you are mentally unstable; or lonely. DO NOT play this game; it’s actually quite embarrassing how much this game effected me; but it did. Massively.

Please only play this if you feel like you can. I don’t want to lower players for the game as the game was amazing and I don’t regret playing it. But I just wasn’t ready. 

The writing is just too good 😳

Yeah I can relate to this sentiment. I was -not- ready and my heart is doing flip flops under my tongue it feels like hah.

i wish someone warned me 3 months ago... :''

hahaha yeah im dead. im lonely and i died. i fucking hate life, and i want to live on adastra right about now

glad I'm not the only one


I made an account just to post this. 

Thank you all for working on this truly amazing story. 

This tale will spellbind you on an emotional roller coaster that your not prepared for...yet needed.

I feel like I really left and came back...

(2 edits)

Damn... I didn't think that this game would make me cry, but it did. 
I don't really know why, but this game somehow fascinating you and make you play it again and again and again. Not every AAA project does that, in fact. A wonderful game which tells us an amazing story and I think everyone should try this. It was the best three days this year and I would like to thank the development team for opportunity to feel a bit of happiness. I love you and I wish you all the best. <3

(1 edit)

omg just... fuck you for make me cry :,((((((((



i actually absolutely loved the game in some many ways that i can't even describe, my english is not the best to describe things that i enjoy, but it was incredible <3

(2 edits) (+2)

Also juuuuuust a theory...

----- don't look into it too much-----

So...the parents mentioned that the other is a being that can form into ANYTHING  as long as it's in the mind of the host. It's just a theory but when the parents said "the other" is already inside all of us (don't make this into a lewd joke pls.) Does that mean its somehow connected to echo? I mean smoke room gave hints of adastra in it so why not? And furthering this theory, The parents mentioned that "the other" takes the shape in which what you think, this includes fears, so maybe thats what the spider, deformality, and monster that was shown to chase but not noticed by his friend's, But, what if the other really did have a physical form? I dunno, Maybe THE CREATURE THE ATTACKED OUR GOD D*MN VAN !? 

[this part of the post has been redacted due to graphic visualization]

But again, this is just a theory so don't look into it too much ^^

                                               -ace ayasaki


When will the next series (I'm assuming Khemia) come out? I'm getting excited on seeing Neferu's antics again 👀🤧😊😩👌


I believe they said either in June or July. I really hope so too!


thanks a lot kind stranger! ^^


Henlo i finished the game and absolutely loved it but i wanna kno which ending i got so i would appreciate it if someone told me

Depends, Do you know what the main character was supposed to do on earth?


yea i got the mission

(+2) Beutiful, im having tears in my eyes right now and my hands are shaking.

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits)

well i like to see things this way: parents are powerfull but they aren't destiny and even if it seems like they are over everything they have thought and feeling and what they want is to stop a universal-wide danger so even if i don't really like theese parents at the same time i can understand their reason so  i would go along with their plan

Let me start from saying - if you feel you need professional psychological help, you should get that and not wait for responses here. Take care of yourself.



With that out of the way














About the flatmates - Marco, his friends, and the random people he was supposed to live with are all foreign students. It isn't said, where they're from, but they are in Rome for only one exchange semester. Marco says that probably no one had the chance to move in after he disappeared, since the police would have closed the apartment for investigation. Plus, the semester is over, and the they had all left Italy already. 

About the Parents - they're not evil, at least not like the Other is. But they need the galactic integration to happen and they don't seem to have as much time as they did, when Meera and (to an extent) Drusus failed to help the Galaxias to ascend 10000 years ago. It's not weird for Amicus and Marco to believe that the Parents will let them have a happy future, if they follow the plan. Sure, they have doubts, but they are multiplied by the Other, because it wants them to fail, not because they are sure the Parents can’t be trusted.

Also, after the big fight halfway through, Amicus does everything he can to respect Marco's right to decide his fate for himself. The Parents left Amicus with basically no other choice than to submit, and he doesn't want that for Marco. But he thinks, despite what happened, that their best chance for a happy future is to follow the Parents’ directions. Especially since he knows that they are incredibly powerful and can protect them, so that they can unite the Galaxias.

So why would he ask you to stay. The Parents promised that they’ll have over 200 happy years together after they do what they’re told for a few years. You don’t have that promise, if Marco refuses.   

Of course, this is my take, and Khemia, the sequel, might change some things, but for now Amicus and Marco should be fine and have a happy future to look forward to. If you didn't get the vision of Marco's and Amicus' future near the end you should see it (you have to answer positively to all of the choices). It's way more hopeful than the other ending.

Deleted 2 years ago












Again, this changes a lot depending on what happens, when you meet the Monitor for the last time. Depending on your choices, Marco either talks with a new character and gets presented with more doubts (I suspect this is what you got?), or like Amicus, he gets to see their future. The Monitor specifically says that it "is guaranteed if you follow all of our instructions." He shows that Marco and Amicus will not be separated again after those 8 years and will live happily together for around 250 years.

Amicus almost loses Marco twice, after which he is told by the Parents that if they both follow their instructions, that will never happen again. Just like giving up his free will was worth it to save Marco, 8 years apart is worth a lifetime (and more) of happiness.

Something terrible could happen, if Marco decides to stay and not take on the mission. They know that, they've already seen it happen. So when creatures that Amicus was taught to revere, creatures that can see the future, bring back the dead, and change reality tell him that they guarantee they will keep them out of harm's way to allow them to unite the Galaxias (and then enjoy their earned rest), he has little reason not to follow them.

Those 8 years will be hard on both of them (Amicus doesn't really have friends apart from Marco, only political allies), but it's worth it for the life they will have together.

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits)

--- Again, SPOILERS ---

You should really go back and do the other path. The Meera ending is seriously super bleak in comparison, and I was kinda upset by it too.

But the whole point of the Other is to make sapiens doubt themselves, and the Parents. When you go back you can guess, which characters are influenced by the Other. It even says that it's "always watching, willing you to die." It exposes some real flaws of the Parents, but in the end I wouldn't trust an entity that from the start tried to break Marco with doubt and terrifying visions.

Plus, Marco immediately forgets it, but we know how the amalgamation looks like and we know that "Meera" is lying about it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Whoa! Spoiler Alert!

Boy, they will have almost 300 years to live together after those 8 years. They were given a vision of their life after that time, and when you get to feel the worst is far gone, you realize it has been nothing compared to the endless happiness that lies ahead. That's what the parents made them feel before the trip back home. About Amicus, the wolves were indoctrinated to have blind faith in the parent's guidance, and they see them as powerful and wise (almost godly) beings, so it's not odd that Amicus thought he could trust them to keep the MC safe. They literally brought him back to life after all...

Although I Agree with you that the ending was a bit.. forced. I don't think any ending would of made us happy, the story is so good and gripping it's one of those things that you just dont want to end, so when it does it's fucked

Deleted 2 years ago

Hi I really love Amicus I've replayed twice to read both A and B endings, they are all perfect *insert chef kiss* now I just can't wait for the sequel and the next game omg I am getting excited and depressed at the same time T-T. I just want to know y'all thoughts about the endings. What ending do y'all think is best? A or B? Why? Thank youuuu.

B is the best, because if you didnt play the B route you wont understand the sequel i've heard.


just talked to my therapist about this game. 5 stars


When I started this VN I had the feeling I'd like it, but what I could not expect is that I'd love it so much that I'd find myself crying two whole days after finishing it.

Adastra has easily become one of the best experiences I've ever had in any form of media: the music, the characters, the world, with its mysteries and dilemmas... and of course: Amicus.

The relationship with him is just... perfect. It developes slowly and in the first hours (when there is not much at stake) I could only wish for it to never end.

The ending broke me and, not gonna lie, I feel terribly anxious about the sequel. I can only hope it still focus on Amicus and, maybe, for it to have a happy ending (I beg you).

Okay, some food for thought: how do you think. who were all those missing people mentioned during final chapter when Marco parting with Amicus? Were they too kidnapped by galaxians or was it simply a coincidance? And if they were kidnapped, how do you think, what had happened to them?

Deleted 4 years ago

I think they'll reunite sooner. I mean, we already know we can't trust the parents, or their plan. The vision they showed us is probably just a way to deceive us so we do what they want. As Meera said, they're using our love for Amicus to manipulate us.

I just hope for this reunion to happen in Khemia. I have the feeling they'll try to focus on other characters, the world and its unsolved mysteries, and I think that'd be a mistake. Adastra is great for many reasons, but let's be honest, it wouldn't be Adastra without Amicus, and our relationship with him.

I just hope for the devs to remember that, I mean, I wouldn't care if they did something different, but not while Amicus' story is unfinished.

*Sorry if I sound harsh but English is not my first language

Deleted 2 years ago

I have been more invested into this than any movie or show i've watched within the last 5-10 years, amazing visuals, writing, everything. it actually amazed me how this is free.

that being said, we need a part 2. haha


Is there going to be a part 2? If there won't be...I'll be forced to make one...ahahaha jk but I certainly hope there is a part 2...(・ัω・ั)

Yea. Khemia is set to be released in July.


congratulations to echo project for this fantastic visual novel. I waiting for adastra 2


I love the fact that there are 3 endings, a bad ending, a good ending and a true ending(in my opinion i feel like ending b Is More like a true ending) , good job echo team, i even order an amicus and neferu pins for my bag and i love them 


Can you tell me what the differences are between endings or at least tell me how to see them? I'm kind of lost here


Without a doubt, one of my favourite VNs and just as easily one of my favourite experiences I had in any form of media. The writers of this did a stunning job at bringing the characters and their relationships to life. I cannot express how much I enjoyed this and how deeply I was touched, it had full control over my feelings and made me cry multiple times. Days later I am still thinking about this beautiful experience. Thanks to everyone involved, I've become an avid follower and I am eager to see this universe expand. 

Slight spoilers

I would especially love to see Amicus' and the MC's story continued in some way. I think many people are eager to learn whether the vision the MC had turns out to be true, some more closure or a continuation of their precious relationship would warm my heart.

You couldn't have said this better! This VN was perfect!

Hello, normally I don't comment nor share my experiences with a game, but this one completely enamoured me.

I was able to marathon this game in one day, when I first launched and pressed the start button, I was completely hooked to it, it was fun truly fun, with the (Spoilers) fight, I felt my chest beating so fast, anticipating the worst event to come, even if I knew what was going to happen, I was rooting for them to succeed even if I'm just reading, even if it was just texts and illustration, I really loved it, I know everything happens for a reason, while I knew it'll end in a good ending, something doesn't sit well with me, I guess it's just something about my perception and hope on life, knowing (If it happens to be true) what'll happen and discovering something or somewhat deity beings controlling the outcome of this universe, makes me at ease that at least we're not just a disturbance or an anomaly on this blue bubble, and thinking about that makes me dread about everything, I should stop worrying about these things and live peacefully, but with this mindset I know I won't.

I apologise if I'm not making any sense or if it seemed naïve, I still clearly have a long way to become fully mature and accept everything happens for a reason, whatever that may be I'll be sure to face it with all of my being.

Ahhotem be with you.

(1 edit) (+1)

Holy toledo, folks, this was grand! This has just about skyrocketed to the top of my list of favorite VNs. The characters are well-developed and 3-dimensional, the art is great, and the story is fun! Very gripping, and full of twists. I'm absolutely floored, guys. Once I started it, it was all I could think about!

The development of the relationship between Amicus and the PC is just gorgeous. Not a slow-burn, per se, but something that seems to develop organically despite the fantastical sci-fi setup. No swooning into each other's arms at the get-go, here! Made the payoff so much more worth it.

Every character displays their strengths and merits as well as great weaknesses and faults. Even without much (or before any) background information on them, those traits are shown. They don't just play a role (or a few roles), they're given time and interactions enough to be seen in different ways, which is a fantastic bit of work.

I quite enjoyed the limited number of choices here-while it's enjoyable in some VNs and games, I liked that you were telling the story as you wanted it told. The story's gold, I certainly couldn't have guided it any better.

Great to hear the news that a sequel is in the works, as this universe you've made is just fascinating, and I look forward to meeting any and all new characters you folks come up with! (Although I would also piggyback off of the comment made by "tuntau" some days ago, in that please let Amicus and his husband have the happy ending! That payoff was so good, and I'm not looking to get my heart broken, haha.)

Better cut myself off before this becomes a proper ramble-Thanks for the fantastic journey, folks!



Hi there, I really enjoy this game a lot and I did recommend this game to my friend but he's Taiwanese and he has a hard time translating the game. I don't know if you have any plan for translating the game or not. If there are plan, I apologize for not noticing it. but if not do you plan to translate them? Thank you !!

(3 edits) (+1)

Slight Spoilers Ahead

Absolutely stunning! I was so intrigued by the story the entire time from being absolutely cute and wholesome one minute to being stressful and worry-some the next! I love the characters and each design is just amazing! I got so invested in characters like Alex and Amicus and I don't know how many times I caught myself tearing up (which I don't do a lot to visual novels or movies as a matter a fact)! I absolutely loved this and even though it's fairly long (which is a good thing) I'm just so sad it's over. The one thing I do wish we got to at least see more of, was our future with Amicus, even though it was very brief when shown to us, I just wish there were more visuals for those! I honestly don't know what to say though, I'm in awe at how much I loved this!

Edit: After a few hours of not playing it, I'll be honest, I miss Amicus already. I can't stop thinking about this amazing experience you guys made and I keep running through the story over and over in my head. It's one of those things I already want to forget just so I can experience it all over again! This is hands down my favorite visual novel and now I'm just disappointed it'll be hard to beat! I can't wait to see so much more from this universe you built and connected us with! Hopefully I don't have to wait 8 years to see Amicus again though.


Alright, I have to say that I really, really like this game. However, however, there is a particular scene that is bothering me.

Also, spoilers...

Good? Good.

My problem mainly comes from the sex scene, which Marco and Amicus are having during Lover’s day. The thing that concerns me the most is Amicus’s attitude towards this. I do have to say that it is extremely cool of him to offer a position in which Mc wanted to do a sex scene, and yet there is something that I felt like it hurt my feelings.

1)           There was a moment when Amicus and Marco remarked about that “Emperors can’t allow to have anything near their butts”. It makes perfect sense in the context of setting, but the fact that Amicus can let go of this rule exclusively for “lover’s day” while asking to fuck Marco many times before that means that he might be arrogant and prideful towards MC, which while also means perfect sense, can’t help but really hurt, especially after all other stuff that he did for the sake MC. I have feeling that if Marco asked Amicus whether or not he himself can fuck him instead of other way around any time previously the lover’s day (like the very first sex scene between them), Amicus would not allow it either, but if Marco had a legitimate reason for rejection, then Amicus would probably not do it because of his pride. Which means that he probably doesn’t love MC enough. And that really, really hurts. I think that if he truly loves MC, then he really should allow Marco entering inside of him whenever Mc would ask him, though, as I said, it might not be the case.

2)           Considering how the “bottom” scene played out, I have feeling that there is a part of Amicus that views MC as a sexual material. I guess he can’t help it, but the fact that he takes advantage of romantic feelings of MC in order to satisfy his carnal desire is a bit blatant and repulsive. Like the way he looked at him during their sex scene, or the way he immediately pinned him down to a wall without even asking whether or not MC agrees on this seems a bit like sexual harassment. I know that their relationship is probably has evolved during this time, but it still seems a bit much.

Just to clarify: it does not mean that I hate Amicus; it is because I love him so much that I’m becoming so vulnerable to even the smallest and most inconsequential act of selfishness or malevolence towards MC, and that’s why it is able to hurt me so much.

I know that MC shouldn’t overstep his boundaries with Amicus, but the same time after their adventure I started desperately want for Amicus to fully open up to him.

But, overall, what do you guys think? I really like if somebody proves me wrong on this one, since I still love Amicus as much as anyone else.

Edit: Posted the same topic somewhere else. Hope that’s allowed. Please don’t yell at me(((


With 1), I kind of interpreted that scene in the way that Amicus had moved past needing to always be top, not just because it's Lover's Day, but because he's changed his viewpoint. He's kind of gotten over feeling uncomfortable about being entered, because "Hey Marco, I love you!"

With 2), I have zero objections to being physically desired and enjoyed, especially with somebody like Amicus. I don't think there's anything wrong with Amicus being forward and wanting to get what he wants. There exists sexual attraction outside of physical appearances and seeing someone as a piece of meat -- being sexually attracted to somebody you're head-over-heels in love with (even if that guy is as homely as a mule's butt). This is a bit tangential, but I've had an experience where I was in love with a guy (or, in retrospect, it was probably more like infatuation); I wanted him more than anything. But when things didn't work out, and that infatuation passed, I had zero further desire to be with him physically. His appearance had not changed. He looked exactly the same, but I didn't have those romantic feelings for him any more. Anyway, that was just a bit of a long-winded way for me to say that I wanted that guy, but it was because of feelz, not so much seeing somebody as a toy. And in terms of pinning him, I don't really recall a point where either Amicus' or Marco's advances were inappropriate for the situation or their level of relationship... except for maybe the alcohol-fueled kiss. Making decisions while tipsy doesn't always end well. 

Amicus loves Marco. He (SPOILERS TO ANYONE READING TOO MUCH INTO THIS DISCUSSION) proposed to him after researching human proposals and marriage customs and is trying to do all he can to get that fantasy of spending hundreds of years together, just as Marco is.

Pfft, look at me, defending a muscular cartoon wolf. God, I'm so invested.

Hope it gives you another perspective!

It helped, actually! Thank you!


The game doesn't say that Amicus keeps constantly asking you to bottom, just that you had sex many times and he asked just a few times (and then stopped asking). And that the MC did not say he did not want to bottom, just that he's nervous about the size (he says "some other time," and there's nothing in the game to suggest he says that, because he can't say no to Amicus).

Adastra mirrors the sexual norms of our classical antiquity. Gay sex is frowned upon, but bottoming was seen as magnitudes worse than topping. Penetrating someone was about power and societal position. The handful of texts from that time that present gay couples positively religiously follow the rule that the older, more powerful, and more influential partner is the one doing the penetration.

So Amicus grew up in such an atmosphere. Being gay is bad and shameful enough, and he's also aware that he'd probably lose any claim to the throne, if he bottomed and that information got out to the public. So there's that, plus the fact that he just prefers topping, which is perfectly fine. He's also expecting you to say no. So he asks again, but he's mentally preparing to bottom (for the first time, btw). Even if you say yes he says "we don't need to do this at all," when he sees that you're nervous. So he's ready to do anything to be more intimate with you, since you'll be separated soon, but he puts your comfort first. Like during the first time, when he asks "is this okay," he's checking in with you throughout.

As to the second point, I agree with Esuriit. It's not like Amicus just wants to get off, he wants to be intimate with you (and no one else). I don't think there's anything wrong with him desiring you on a physical level. 
The MC is a defined character and I got the feeling it was assumed that a) he's very much on board with the sex, and b) he'd prefer bottoming, but he's nervous, because of the size difference and the fact that he's never done anything before the timeline of the game other than some handjobs.

I don't know, after the fight before the second trial, I got the feeling that Amicus was nothing but considerate and respectful towards the MC.

This game is really awesome, i really love your work!


Holy shit this is really good!

Is there gonna be more updates please say yes I can't continue my life without knowing what happenes next

I cant speak for the devs, but If you check out their patreon, they state that this is the final build for adastra, but they are working on the next game in the universe of adastra, khemia!

Yes it's true that this is the final build for Adastra, continuing on ending B (when Marco meet with Meera). And then, we just need to waiting for next Sequel project   >o<

Even better, it's likely coming out this July, so!

(1 edit)

Marvelous game! I played it all day long! Wish my wolf come soon! A nice and romantic story! Thank you, all the game developers!

(1 edit)

Just finished the game and I miss my husband already. Damn you for making something so amazing that no ending could possibly satisfy our desire for more xD

any news about the adastra sequel


I was wary to play this, since the story in Echo was incredibly bleak and I couldn't finish it, but a few friends recommended this. And I'm so incredibly happy that I did finally play Adastra.

Once I started, I couldn't stop and finished the game in two days. The setting, the characters, and the story are just so incredibly well written. I can't stop thinking about the plot and about what's coming. Unlike with some other VNs, I did not mind the limited dialogue choices. The main character said and felt exactly as I would. And the art is just beautiful. Haps really gave the designs so much charm and personality.

And Amicus is so amazing. I love him and how the relationship grew. I can't believe how many times I cried. I keep coming back to the final island scene and just start crying every time the music starts playing. There are very few stories, where I got so attached to the characters.

The universe is spherical, can't convince me otherwise.
Thank you for the wonderful experience! Can't wait for Khemia.

P.S. plz Howly don't hurt Amicus and his husband in the sequels, my heart won't be able to take it


+1. They both deserve their happy endings

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