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(1 edit)

It looks like Adastra is never coming back from what i read. They said they would be on a 1 month hiatus but that was 295 days ago. Looks like they've lost interest in adding more to the game. :c


Adastra has finished its story. They didn't update the Dev log but kept updating the game. The sequel Khemia just started on their patreon!

(1 edit)

Is it gonna be a game or just posts because the wiki just says its a place and never said anything about a game about it. Also do you have any idea if there is going to be a continuation or only a sequel


it's a sequel game! check their patreon they have some info about it

Deleted 4 years ago

People on reddit say there is going to be a part 2 where they get reunited. So is it going to be a sequel plus a continuation?

honestly have no idea lol. i'm waiting for the public release

(1 edit) (+1)

I really want there to be part 2 or something, like a sequel to this game. I wanna see Amicus and Neferu again. :((((

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+1)

Sadly I have to wait for Khemia to become public and come out on Android...that may take a while but for me it's worth the wait!

This is truly the greatest VN that I've ever read and during the past year I just recently began reading Visual novels. The characters really do grow on you, the storyline is rich and full of plenty of fluff, sass, wit and romance. I can't even begin to describe how I feel about Adastra in words, download this novel now for an emotional rollercoaster of great fun! Warning: This Visual novel is not for the faint of hear, don't let that stop you though because the story is truly a work of art! 


Oh my god, Adastra is the best novel i ever played. If you want some emotions, then just download this univers full of joy and sadness, betrayal and hope, and pure love with lavender flavour.


Thank you so much for putting this out in to the world. How dare you spray lemons into my eyes! I cannot express the emotions im feeling right now. This game... i need more ;^;

It cant just be left there! I know every story has its "The End" but... i need closure!!!

Thank you for your insist improve,thoug it's finish but gave me so many memory

please tell me that Kemia  involves" Marco" i cant bear the fact that he has to be away for 8 years and not see Amicus..

Whoops, i meant Khemia

No. We're seeing the game through Scipio's eyes this time. He's a young diplomat involved with the talks to Khemia. He's the one giving to Amicus the answer from the Pharaoh on the post credit scene on Adastra. He's nice, young, well mannered, he had a rough past and of course he's playing on Amicus and Neferu's team...:)


Wow. That's all I can think of after finishing. 
This game is so much that I don't think I can really put it into words.
It's inspiring, and Howly did a wonderful, wonderful job with the story I couldn't put it down once I started. 
He really made it so the game ends bittersweet for the reader. You want more, but at the same time you're content knowing what the characters have at the moment. 

Not to mention, the Echo Team made it almost impossible to say goodbye. I really feel like this piece of work has changed me as a person. It has touched my heart, and it is truly an unforgettable experience.

Thank you.

"To the Stars, and Beyond." 


please tell me when the sequel is supposed to come out!!! I want more of this..... you can't just leave it like that... it made me realize how lonely I am!! please.... please make another.. I want to see a happy ending for Amicus and his lover

Khemia is available for Patrons only since August 1st. Guess it will be our for public in some weeks.

Thank goodness..... I just cant live with the way the story ended... I could hardly sleep because i was crying so much.... I wish i had a relationship like that for real

Deleted post

The most beautiful and profound story I have ever had the honor of experiencing in my entire life. Words fail me, trying to express how deeply this story touched me. It is as though I have fallen deeply in love with a childhood friend. And as much as it pains me to finally finish the story and say my farewells, because deep down I wanted to never leave Amicus' side, I'm still so happy to have discovered Adastra at all. And I hope I can grow into more honest and loving person because of the lessons I've learned from this masterpiece. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Ahhotep be with you.

exactly!! I cried a whole bunch during the time I've played the game

Deleted post

This is what should happen when Cassius see the human for the first time


I cant fully alliterate how incredible this story is. I didn't expect much but regardless Adastra completely pulled me in. The characters, story, world building, writing, twist and turns, it's all just so amazing.

I never thought I'd be so invested in a visual novel like I was with this game. Thank you so much for this incredible experience. 

I cant wait to see what else you guys create, even outside the furry community. Everyone deserves to experience your breathtaking story telling.


Khemia is out today for Patreon first ! It's a short build but it's already awesome ! Glory, fame and hot dudes for the Echo team !

Just tell me...  Does your character come back to Amicus? 

Hard to say, it's just the beginning but I think he doesn't. At least for now. Don't want to spoil the story but for now he truly can"t...

(1 edit) (+2)

I love this game so much. One of the most resonating stories I've come into contact with, mainly because I've been dealing with fear around separation and not dying alone.

I noticed so far two bits of Latin used in the hotel room that I believe to be not quite correct (I was a Classics nerd in high school), and so wanted to bring them to your attention.

  • When Amicus first says "Hello", you use the Latin word "Ave!" In my experience, "Ave" tends to be used more as a formal / very reverent greeting (e.g. Ave Maria / Ave Caesar = "Hail Mary / Hail Caesar"), and does not seem to fit well here. I would personally substitute the less formal "Salve!", especially given Amicus's initially low view of the intelligence of the PC. 
  • Near that use of "Ave", you have Amicus ask "Do you understand?", which you translate as "Potes intellegere?" This is 90% correct; however, Latin doesn't use differential punctuation (e.g. ? . !) to affect the tone/function of the verb but instead would include the interrogative enclitic -ne with the verb potes
    • "Potes intellegere" means most literally "You are able to understand" but is commonly translated as  "You can understand / You do understand"
    • "Potesne intellegere" means literally "Are you able to understand?" or "Can you / Do you understand?" Thus, I think it's fine if you keep the question mark with the Latin as long as you add the -ne.
(3 edits) (+5)

It hurts, it hurts so fucking much. I feel like I lost a childhood friend and I'm just left with this void in my heart after finishing this game. This is how much I was affected by this game. 

I felt happy, sad, betrayed, jubilated, aroused, angry, devastated, and sometimes crying non stop for the full night and morning I played this game. I just couldn't let it go even if I was extremely hungry and tired. 

This is the best thing I've ever read. I can't think of anything else that made me relate and care so much about the world and the characters of a fictional world. I'll never forget this journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

PS: I would love a censored version so that I can show this game to people who don't wanna see gay furry sex ;p.

It really does hurt... I was bawling after i finishedit


thank you so much for the incredible emotional experiences that this game has brought to me, it made me feel so many things i haven't felt in a while and it left me feeling happy and hopeful for what happens next for Amicus and the MC

I hope we get to see a part 2 or a continuation of their stories, and I'm excited for Khemia coming out as well!!

(1 edit) (+2)

Very touching.


I just finished and I'm totally and absolutely choked up in tears. There were some powerful moments before the end which had me near the same, but the ending really put it into perspective: 

This game is a work of art. 

Very few pieces of media have made me feel the way this story has made me feel. I made it through about a quarter through the story and I was so hooked I spent the entire day and rest of the night reading it. 

The story is incredibly powerful, written by people who understand the depths of emotion and the power they hold over us, even when we (sometimes unintentionally) push them down and hide behind our daily facades. If there is an emotion humans can have, you will probably feel it through the course of this game.

Despite me just being only minutes from when I finished it, I already know that this game will hold itself a special place within my heart. My biggest thanks to Echo Project and to the artist, who worked together to create this story.

Treasure the people who care about you. Life is short, let's enjoy it with the people we love.


I finally finished Adastra and I have to say that this story was incredible. There were times where I laughed out loud. There were times that I felt so much rage and disappointment. I have to admit that I cried multiple times, and the ending was definitely one of those moments. Watching the characters grow to understand each other and learn their motivations felt very natural, and it never felt like there was a filler moment. The ending left me longing to return to this beautifully crafted world, and I look forward to seeing more from the team in Khemia.

I have a question regarding the game, which is weird yes but, will Adastra sometime come to iOS? 


This game is a masterpiece I never thought I could felt so strong emotions with a visual novel It has been even more intense than my experience with Mother 3...

I was so much into the story that I had stomach aches that suppress my appetite because of the stress provided by some events in the story...

I hope it wouldn't be too long to wait for a sequel...

I will remember this game for ever ❤️

oooOOh my gosh this made me feel so many emotions. PLEASE tell me there are discussions about a sequel or DLC content going on?? :((


They're gonna release the first build of the sequel on the 31st over on Patreon

ooh fantastic! :D Ty for informing me! ^-^


An absolute 10/10 gem. I didn't think it was possible for me to get so emotional over a visual novel, but holy shit if this game didn't prove me wrong.


I really liked this game. Thanks to the devs for this gem. Highly recommend 20/10.


Beautiful game

 Thank you for making the game. I loved the twists and turns. The romance was enchanting. I would love more sounds and music in scenes. The art is cute and relaxing. Thanks ❤️



Question: Is there gonna be a sequel?


Yep, they've stated that they're working on a sequel: Khemia on their Patreon. The first build will be out at the end of this month for patrons.

Why thank you good sir :}D

(1 edit) (+3)

Warning spoiler i guesso

I cant I just can't i loved the game so much especially amicus I fell in love with him even though I know he is just a fictional character i still want to be with him after the ending I couldn't stop thinking about him and how I can be with him. Please continue the story I really want to see amicus again I want someone like amicus to be with me in real life i want to live with him i got the good ending but it still made me cry. It broke my heart when amicus left and I saw the end screen i need amicus I need him i wish there was a way for him to be real the game and story was incredible and I loved it thanks so much for your hard work and thank you for this incredible experience i hope to see more.

I am pretty much in the same situation ;w;

Absolutely, Easily the best visual novel i've ever and most likely will ever play or watch, I tear up anytime I even so much as think of the name Adastra. 

Hope this Game have ss2 pleas be free

I agreed, i want a second season from this wonderfull game :)


i wonder after 8 year how look like amicus if he get more handsome ? i hope he got more than such handsome and cute

From what I expected to be an average game came a game with lovable and interesting characters, an amazing story, and some wonderful art. To the people at EchoProject, I really thank you for making Adastra.


Hi I am nation, I'm not that known, but I have been reading  adestra ever since the first  chapter / upload.  I've loved every single chapter, there is no bad parts, and now seeing the ending  I honestly cried. I realized this is a series I've been reading for a long time  and it's all the sudden over,  I knew it had to happen at one point,  but it still hurts to see it over  I guess the bottom line is please make another adestra.


Sincerely, TheFurryNation


This game... It almost made me cry, as I realized how much I act like Amicus. We need a sequel for this masterpiece!

i literally fucking bawled after the ending. how do you get the other endings im hearing about?

(2 edits) (-1)

There are 3 endings


Ending 1.

Answering 2 out of the 3 choices positively will give you ending 1, where you are taken back to earth; and left for the 8 years.

Ending 2. 

Ending 2 is where you die from Cato. Bad ending for sure.

Ending 3.

Answering 2 out of the 3 choices  Negatively will give you the other ending, which Khemia (the sequel coming 31st) is rumoured to be continuing from. It doesn't really make much difference, other than talking to a dark spirit. but its worth the read :) Sadly, you are still taken to earth though.


Quite Notice:
I do strongly encourage if you're looking to play this game that you ensure that you are mentally and physically prepared for a story line for even when you think you're mentally okay to possibly make you think about a lot of things and upset you. There are also NO SPOILERS in this review. Now that I've said that I'm going to head right in.

Honestly, I first found this game to relax and read something while my friends were doing other things and got invested into the story very quick, the character Amicus (the wolf himbo) is hilariously portrayed throughout the story being extremely sweet and having his moments where he'd need the MPC (Main character) to do literally anything. I quickly found myself attached to him and was enjoying the game immensely, towards the later portions of the stories the other characters are developed to make you love every single one (with the exception of maybe one or two). I quite honestly while playing this game was able to forget a lot of my real troubles and able to enjoy just helping out this small wolf in a huge galaxy...

The remaining of the game with no spoilers was honestly one of the best literary creations I've read, although similar to other forms of writings, it takes it own spin on things and the music was amazing. It manages to bring out every type of emotion and uses it perfectly to sink you even more into the story and falling in love with the characters. 

After finishing the game right after the new update came out, honestly, it affected my mental state a lot more than I'd like to admit. I've come to learn that it was due to the amazing experiences I was able to go through in the game and how excellent the game has you get in touch with your emotions.

I honestly can't wait for any updates or other future arcs that this game wants to put out, I'm not entirely sure on where they plan to take the series or if this was considered the finale, but I would honestly like to thank EchoProject for allowing me to play such a beautiful game. 

PS: If anyone knows of what the series plans to do please let me know! Thank you for reading!

A bit of spoilers

We do not know what the sequel will be like, if Marco will come back or not, but we do know it will be based on the Khemia planet with Nefuru; first build is out 31st on patreon

Hi, they're making a game set on Khemia and its first build is coming out in a couple weeks! Look up "Echo project patreon", it'll probably be patreon only at first. 

EchoProject, I just wanted to tell you that all your games are fantastic, even if I liked them more. "Adastra", "Echo", "The Smoke Room".

okay, even though i have to admit the sex scene with neferu was hot as fuck, i still am jealous... ahhhhhh this game hits so hard in so many wayyyyyyssss

i need help downloading it on iPhone, can anyone help out?

(2 edits)

This was a visual and auditory masterpiece; the amazing plot accompanied by the equally amazing soundtrack. This was the first game/VN that's made me cry and that proves to me it's worth the attention it gets. I've played it at least 3 or 4 times and every time I cry. I can't wait for what the next one has in store for us. 

In the wise words of Drusus, Ad astra.

P.S., for those of you who didn't know, ad astra means "To the stars."

(1 edit)

Just a little side note:

Amicus in Latin has multiple meanings, but usually along the lines of kind, friendly, and companion.

Cassius, on the other hand, usually means vain or in some cases, "Caesar killer."

Cato is a Latin name that could mean intelligent or shrewd.

Neferu was an ancient Egyptian name meaning "beauty."

Just a little tid-bit that I think is interesting and it sure makes it seem like some thought was put into the names of these characters.


i feel like there should be a side route for neferu .. idk why but i just want the human to get topped LOL

I think that's what the second VN might be around? Maybe, but I'm pretty sure the next VN is going to be Khemia.

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