Aww meeeeenn is this the complete game???? If it is plsssss make a chapter 2 i wanna see what happens next, i just finished this days ago and it was sooooo good i cried on some parts thats why i recommend this game to people who likes playing romance or drama games!
Thats all i have to comment. Thank you for making this super duper awesome amazing game! Hope you make more of these 😊😊
They probably sent the link to Interea which is considered the sequel to the game. It’s mainly a game to bridge the gap and to show us the cities of Adastra, the latest update came out like 2 weeks ago and it’s pretty good.
So i was just finished Adastra but when i check the gallery I miss an image, I don't know what did I do wrong or it's have multiple endings. Can anyone tell me how do I get it?
When the final picture of Amicus sitting on the throne appears, with the inscription "The End". Just wait a little longer and you'll get a post-credits scene referring to another game, "Khemia".
Man I've just finished reading this VN for the 2nd time and I feel again that sentimental void from the first time I read it while crying the same amount of tears, really, this one hits hard and I now can confirm that Stockholm syndrome hits HARD 😔
I am shocked at how hard this hit me emotionally. This is some of the best writing I've seen in my entire life. It helps that I perfectly fit the MCs' personality, and I know I would've acted the same way. I love the resemblance of the ring, and I just want to know how the story continues after the ending. Stockholm syndrome definitely got the better of me. I love this with every ounce in my body. I wish it took me longer than two days to finish it.
Guys, I'm shattered. That was something. I have just finished the novelle. I- cannot take it 🥺 Even Amicus is the best wolf ever existed, omg how I hated MC))) He was kinda, idk, simple, not talkable, egoistic. Maybe it is a lot to take on being grabbed by alien hunk or it's just the character or even the certain idea of having a powerful, kind, thoughtful and responsible lover... and "me" being me...
I just have found out about novelle on some meme with furry (I'm not a fan of furry... or maybe I'm in a denial, but) I have downloaded it. Thought this will be 1-2 hours fun, sexy fanfiction with explecit arts, but... omg, this is a game if thrones in fanfiction (excuse me) novelle, writing field. it took me 2 days (20-25 hours at all) to read it. I was crying, sobbing, horny)0)0)) I was speechless after death of Marco, after sex with Jackal, after Cato being Jerk... Alex being a spy (actually, hate this character mostly 🗿🗿🗿). Beautiful, heartbreaking story and a unforgettable memory to me and my music player (listening to OST on repeat with huge "wound" in my belly.
Also I want to admit, that I didn't know the length of Novelle. Every page, every pic, every sad music was like an end to me. I was afraid that we would stop on trials, stop on duties, stop on MC's death (mygod poor Amicus) and the finale is... Great of course, I love it! One of the human's creations that I will never forget! I promise, Amicus..
In 2004 I had to leave my partner and move 3000 miles away to the opposite coast. We both thought that would end up being the end of things, that we would just drift apart. It wasn’t. We just couldn’t let each other go. Three years later, he joined me here. We’ve been together 22 years now, married for nine of those.
“Ugly cry” doesn’t begin to describe me by the end of this.
hey idk if you read these and you get a lot of really nice comments anyway but i really did want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. i've read a lot of mlm media in my time that has made love feel possible. but this is the first thing i've ever seen that makes love feel worthwhile, like it's actively worth chasing, like the potential for failure and the sacrifices you make on the way are actually worth the joy, even if that joy is fleeting. i've been too afraid to look for a boyfriend for a good 6 or 7 years now, just stuck waiting for it all to somehow get better. and you took everything that's stopped me from taking that first step away from me over, like, 250 text boxes during the third act of this.
i think you changed my life, man. i can't thank you enough
This was the best VN that I have ever played. It hooked me and it was the only thing I could think about for days. The writing and story was great. Thank you for this story that I’ll never forget.
1) Interea - this fleshes out the tour of the wolven moon Amicus and the MC did after Amicus became emperor but before the MC needs to go back to Earth. In Adastra it only got a couple of sentences of mention. This is the currently active story but releases are not as regularly released at times.
2) Khemia - this take place about 2.5 years after the MC returns to Earth. There were only 2 or 3 builds before the author kind of got writers block about how to proceed. He switched to Interea since it's a story he's wanted to do for a while and is using it to help better set the historical background for the Khemia story and some of the characters. This is currently on hiatus, but not abandoned.
Okay it was a great visual novel and the only way I can describe the ending is with the word bittersweet, I loved it and I'm looking forward to any continuation of this story and the other games made, definitely will be as cool as this one, really liked the game and the characters
I finished Adastra for the second time, and i must say that this is definitely a REALLY good game. (I literally cried on the ending, i just couldn't take it) I am quite sad due to the fact that there isnt a Sequel to this game, since Interea is the explanation of some events in Adastra, and Khemia is after Marco's departure. While i like to think Interea takes place 8 years later in the future, i just know this isn't the reality :/
Can you play this on the Oculus Quest 2? I know that sounds dumb to use my headset just to play a visual novel game. And I'm aware that someone already made a 3D Adastra project, but I'm talking about THIS game.
Interesting fact has khemia spoilers: in khemia the spinn of explains to us that the human is in quarantine another thing that is explained to us is that it has been 2 to 4 years since amicus left him
I'm sad knowing that they didn't show when they got married and that's why I'm sad even so if the creators explained about the ring I have no doubt that they got married
Tengo miedo de que amicus se olvide de "el humano" también tengo miedo de que les pase algo a alguno de los dos pero si los desarrolladores dejaron en claro lo que significa el anillo no dudo que se encontrarán tarde o temprano
Como amicus dijo el anillo es un hilo rojo que los mantiene unidos
I finished this game 4 months ago and still thinking about it, this is the best VN's if not the best game I've ever played it made me UGLY CRY at the end and i just wish i could play it again.
If you are reading these comments trying to figure out whether to play it or not please do, if this doesn't convince you let the many others praising reviews let you.
Oh sweet Adastra how i wish i could go to the stars
Great Game, not expected for this to go so deep. Finished the game just over a month ago and I'm still thinking about it. Just looking back at the gallery and remembering the story is amazing. Love the everything about this VN, and might be hooked onto VNs now. Can't wait to find one as good as this, but seeing the ones I've played before. Don't think it's gonna happen. This VN is always going to be in my mind!
There is! But it still in development, Interea is the continuation with Amicus and The Human(Marco). And, there seems to be a hiatus at the moment on their, projects, so for now we could only hope they get back the gears turning.
Well, it's worth mentioning Interea is not a sequel, it's a "zoom" in some events happening during Adastra (in the main game, these events are briefed in a few lines). :D
It might not be a sequel but, I like to think it is. But don’t worry, I guess I said it out of impulse since I loved the game too much… A lot actually~.
It's not really a continuation of sorts. It's more of an explanation of events that took place during a Time skip that was mentioned in the original game . Apologies if I came across as Rude by saying that though. I did not mean to
I think you are right… though is still some connection but… it’s better than nothing. And no worries, text can sometimes come out rude without wanting, and I know better.
Was really hoping to get a scene with Neferu, but I guess that was too much to hope for.
Amicus is fine and everything, but the art style kept me from really being in tune with him; it's just a matter of preference though, so I can't fault them for that.
I finished the game just a bit ago, and while I can definitely say it was good, I had to stop for a few months because I burned out on the art style. It also seemed like they were a little heavy on the events leading up to the meat of the politics concerning Adastra.
If I had to divide the story into three sections, it'd be the trials, getting rid of Cato, then the uneasy peace that follows after.
One thing I really liked was how they used Marco as a puppet, getting underneath Amicus's skin like that. It was unnerving in the best way.
I believe if the art had a more Nekojishi approach, or something like Four Way Junction, I'd have enjoyed it a lot more. While the story tackles many mature themes like the sense of purpose and the weight of humanity, the cartoonish style almost delegitimizes them and makes them hard to take seriously.
But the story was very good, I found myself being drawn to Neferu more than Amicus, but again, just preference.
That’s what The Echo Project team are known for. If you really want to see some heavy stuff, not political but psychological and horror romance. I recommend this other 3 games. Just be careful since it really is heavy:
The Smoke Room: Supernatural/Psychological horror, romance. It hits hard if you are not careful. The project is still on development.
Echo: Psychological, horror. I have yet to try to play it, but this one is really heavy too. Make sure to prepare if you want to get into it. The project is finished.
Arches: Psychological horror, and mental illness. I recently finish this one is a Continuation of The Smoke Room… or even Echo. Just a hell of an emotional rollercoaster. Be prepared for anything on this one. The project is still on development.
Just be prepared because it can give you nightmares if you aren’t careful… I still see some of those things in the dark.
Yeah, I've seen any kind of horror and thriller movies (my favorites), old and new, and some of those made me think for one night or two, but the first chapter of The Smoke Room gave me nightmares for a couple weeks. I first read it after midnight and absolutely wasn't prepared for what it had coming! I started reading it's first build, and took it slowly after that first shock. I've had to restart it a couple of times. I like to re read everything to refresh my memory, but though I've been updating it for months, need to build the courage to read that first chapter again.
When you say the first chapter, do you mean Sam with his starting of problems in his head, or do you mean for a specific route?
Moving aside, the question. I also had problems with it when I first read it, though now I have some new kind of immunity for the depictions on The Smoke Room. But I will not lie, I still feel like there are eyes watching me while I sleep. Even though my room does not have windows… and natural light.
I'm glad my friend recommended this game to me. The game was not even a game for me, and for many more players, but seemed to have become a real experience. I was amazed at the artistic effect of the period, whether it was text, painting or music, and the knowledge I covered was also very extensive. Knowing Amicus is one of the happiest things in life。(*・v・*)/
That was such a beautiful game! I just finished playing it and now the inevitable sadness has arrived! Everything about this game was so beautiful! The prose; the soundtrack; the background art; the sprites! Everything was so beautifully well made! I am going to miss experiencing this game for the first time when I replay it!
Just finished the game and was left with sadness Ive never felt before.
While I havent played the other 2 games yet. About to get them in a moment.
I can confidently say that this has been my all time favorite VN that I have played and Im not much into them. from what Ive seen so far in the disply of Khemia, Id wonder if theyre be a version or separate VN of Marco's story of how his mission goes.(?)
Like get his side of the story while everything else is happening back of Adastra and Khemia. Again I havent yet played them yet so my comment might just be gibberish. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I believe it will have too much political stuff, that is on redacted and we kinda know how it goes. Also, I believe it will be less interesting compared to Khemia, and the new world that we can only imagine… for now… Khemia is still in development.
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O jogo terá uma continuação no futuro ♥️♥️
Aww meeeeenn is this the complete game???? If it is plsssss make a chapter 2 i wanna see what happens next, i just finished this days ago and it was sooooo good i cried on some parts thats why i recommend this game to people who likes playing romance or drama games!
Thats all i have to comment. Thank you for making this super duper awesome amazing game! Hope you make more of these 😊😊
omg thanksss imma download it (〜^∇^)〜(ノ^o^)ノ
What did they give you? Their post has been deleted and I am interested in a sequel for Adastra.
They probably sent the link to Interea which is considered the sequel to the game. It’s mainly a game to bridge the gap and to show us the cities of Adastra, the latest update came out like 2 weeks ago and it’s pretty good.
So i was just finished Adastra but when i check the gallery I miss an image, I don't know what did I do wrong or it's have multiple endings. Can anyone tell me how do I get it?
When the final picture of Amicus sitting on the throne appears, with the inscription "The End". Just wait a little longer and you'll get a post-credits scene referring to another game, "Khemia".
is this the complete version of adastra or do i have to buy it from patreon or something?
This is the complete version!
thank you kindly
苹果下载的安装包无法安装游戏 怎么解决
Man I've just finished reading this VN for the 2nd time and I feel again that sentimental void from the first time I read it while crying the same amount of tears, really, this one hits hard and I now can confirm that Stockholm syndrome hits HARD 😔
I am shocked at how hard this hit me emotionally. This is some of the best writing I've seen in my entire life. It helps that I perfectly fit the MCs' personality, and I know I would've acted the same way. I love the resemblance of the ring, and I just want to know how the story continues after the ending. Stockholm syndrome definitely got the better of me. I love this with every ounce in my body. I wish it took me longer than two days to finish it.
Guys, I'm shattered. That was something. I have just finished the novelle. I- cannot take it 🥺 Even Amicus is the best wolf ever existed, omg how I hated MC))) He was kinda, idk, simple, not talkable, egoistic. Maybe it is a lot to take on being grabbed by alien hunk or it's just the character or even the certain idea of having a powerful, kind, thoughtful and responsible lover... and "me" being me...
I just have found out about novelle on some meme with furry (I'm not a fan of furry... or maybe I'm in a denial, but) I have downloaded it. Thought this will be 1-2 hours fun, sexy fanfiction with explecit arts, but... omg, this is a game if thrones in fanfiction (excuse me) novelle, writing field. it took me 2 days (20-25 hours at all) to read it. I was crying, sobbing, horny)0)0)) I was speechless after death of Marco, after sex with Jackal, after Cato being Jerk... Alex being a spy (actually, hate this character mostly 🗿🗿🗿). Beautiful, heartbreaking story and a unforgettable memory to me and my music player (listening to OST on repeat with huge "wound" in my belly.
Also I want to admit, that I didn't know the length of Novelle. Every page, every pic, every sad music was like an end to me. I was afraid that we would stop on trials, stop on duties, stop on MC's death (mygod poor Amicus) and the finale is... Great of course, I love it! One of the human's creations that I will never forget! I promise, Amicus..
In 2004 I had to leave my partner and move 3000 miles away to the opposite coast. We both thought that would end up being the end of things, that we would just drift apart. It wasn’t. We just couldn’t let each other go. Three years later, he joined me here. We’ve been together 22 years now, married for nine of those.
“Ugly cry” doesn’t begin to describe me by the end of this.
hey idk if you read these and you get a lot of really nice comments anyway but i really did want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. i've read a lot of mlm media in my time that has made love feel possible. but this is the first thing i've ever seen that makes love feel worthwhile, like it's actively worth chasing, like the potential for failure and the sacrifices you make on the way are actually worth the joy, even if that joy is fleeting. i've been too afraid to look for a boyfriend for a good 6 or 7 years now, just stuck waiting for it all to somehow get better. and you took everything that's stopped me from taking that first step away from me over, like, 250 text boxes during the third act of this.
i think you changed my life, man. i can't thank you enough
This was the best VN that I have ever played. It hooked me and it was the only thing I could think about for days. The writing and story was great. Thank you for this story that I’ll never forget.
Man. good for you only took you days. It took me 3 months! QwQ
played 2 years ago.played again. very good feel. very good story
Can't believe how much this story got to me. Best VN I've ever played, even though player input/amount of choices is quite low.
Thank you very much for this beautiful story :)
I just finished it and it's been emotional.
Great writing, characters and art too
I'll be checking your other projects !
Echo project please make another update I can't live without it it's my second home please echo project
There are 2 follow ups:
1) Interea - this fleshes out the tour of the wolven moon Amicus and the MC did after Amicus became emperor but before the MC needs to go back to Earth. In Adastra it only got a couple of sentences of mention. This is the currently active story but releases are not as regularly released at times.
2) Khemia - this take place about 2.5 years after the MC returns to Earth. There were only 2 or 3 builds before the author kind of got writers block about how to proceed. He switched to Interea since it's a story he's wanted to do for a while and is using it to help better set the historical background for the Khemia story and some of the characters. This is currently on hiatus, but not abandoned.
Okay it was a great visual novel and the only way I can describe the ending is with the word bittersweet, I loved it and I'm looking forward to any continuation of this story and the other games made, definitely will be as cool as this one, really liked the game and the characters
a question, will Adastra 17 have language options? such as portuguese and spanish
I came here for a hot wolf
I exited with emotional trauma
It was monkey pox :V
the song free fall by slot machine fits this game too much
I finished Adastra for the second time, and i must say that this is definitely a REALLY good game. (I literally cried on the ending, i just couldn't take it) I am quite sad due to the fact that there isnt a Sequel to this game, since Interea is the explanation of some events in Adastra, and Khemia is after Marco's departure. While i like to think Interea takes place 8 years later in the future, i just know this isn't the reality :/
Can you play this on the Oculus Quest 2? I know that sounds dumb to use my headset just to play a visual novel game. And I'm aware that someone already made a 3D Adastra project, but I'm talking about THIS game.
It's possible, I played it on my quest 1. Just side load the apk file and play, simple and easy.
Like, the android version?
Yeah,like you run an android software on quest.
I like to think that the two of them are together and already married.
Could someone tell me why in less than a day they already asked for marriage and I'm waiting almost a year to see if they get married
Interesting fact has khemia spoilers: in khemia the spinn of explains to us that the human is in quarantine another thing that is explained to us is that it has been 2 to 4 years since amicus left him
I'm sad knowing that they didn't show when they got married and that's why I'm sad even so if the creators explained about the ring I have no doubt that they got married
Tengo miedo de que amicus se olvide de "el humano" también tengo miedo de que les pase algo a alguno de los dos pero si los desarrolladores dejaron en claro lo que significa el anillo no dudo que se encontrarán tarde o temprano
Como amicus dijo el anillo es un hilo rojo que los mantiene unidos
I finished this game 4 months ago and still thinking about it, this is the best VN's if not the best game I've ever played it made me UGLY CRY at the end and i just wish i could play it again.
If you are reading these comments trying to figure out whether to play it or not please do, if this doesn't convince you let the many others praising reviews let you.
Oh sweet Adastra how i wish i could go to the stars
i totaly aggre with you xd
Great Game, not expected for this to go so deep. Finished the game just over a month ago and I'm still thinking about it. Just looking back at the gallery and remembering the story is amazing. Love the everything about this VN, and might be hooked onto VNs now. Can't wait to find one as good as this, but seeing the ones I've played before. Don't think it's gonna happen. This VN is always going to be in my mind!
cant stop crying. ):
Me too… I can’t wait for the new projects to continue on the story.
This game was pretty fun :D Hope they make a continuation of the Human and Amicus in the future :3
There is! But it still in development, Interea is the continuation with Amicus and The Human(Marco). And, there seems to be a hiatus at the moment on their, projects, so for now we could only hope they get back the gears turning.
It is under The Echo Project team.
Well, it's worth mentioning Interea is not a sequel, it's a "zoom" in some events happening during Adastra (in the main game, these events are briefed in a few lines). :D
It might not be a sequel but, I like to think it is. But don’t worry, I guess I said it out of impulse since I loved the game too much… A lot actually~.
It's not really a continuation of sorts. It's more of an explanation of events that took place during a Time skip that was mentioned in the original game . Apologies if I came across as Rude by saying that though. I did not mean to
I think you are right… though is still some connection but… it’s better than nothing. And no worries, text can sometimes come out rude without wanting, and I know better.
agreed, it is better than nothing
I hope they make Adastra 2
Was really hoping to get a scene with Neferu, but I guess that was too much to hope for.
Amicus is fine and everything, but the art style kept me from really being in tune with him; it's just a matter of preference though, so I can't fault them for that.
I finished the game just a bit ago, and while I can definitely say it was good, I had to stop for a few months because I burned out on the art style. It also seemed like they were a little heavy on the events leading up to the meat of the politics concerning Adastra.
If I had to divide the story into three sections, it'd be the trials, getting rid of Cato, then the uneasy peace that follows after.
One thing I really liked was how they used Marco as a puppet, getting underneath Amicus's skin like that. It was unnerving in the best way.
I believe if the art had a more Nekojishi approach, or something like Four Way Junction, I'd have enjoyed it a lot more. While the story tackles many mature themes like the sense of purpose and the weight of humanity, the cartoonish style almost delegitimizes them and makes them hard to take seriously.
But the story was very good, I found myself being drawn to Neferu more than Amicus, but again, just preference.
That’s what The Echo Project team are known for. If you really want to see some heavy stuff, not political but psychological and horror romance. I recommend this other 3 games. Just be careful since it really is heavy:
The Smoke Room: Supernatural/Psychological horror, romance. It hits hard if you are not careful. The project is still on development.
Echo: Psychological, horror. I have yet to try to play it, but this one is really heavy too. Make sure to prepare if you want to get into it. The project is finished.
Arches: Psychological horror, and mental illness. I recently finish this one is a Continuation of The Smoke Room… or even Echo. Just a hell of an emotional rollercoaster. Be prepared for anything on this one. The project is still on development.
Just be prepared because it can give you nightmares if you aren’t careful… I still see some of those things in the dark.
Yeah, I've seen any kind of horror and thriller movies (my favorites), old and new, and some of those made me think for one night or two, but the first chapter of The Smoke Room gave me nightmares for a couple weeks. I first read it after midnight and absolutely wasn't prepared for what it had coming! I started reading it's first build, and took it slowly after that first shock. I've had to restart it a couple of times. I like to re read everything to refresh my memory, but though I've been updating it for months, need to build the courage to read that first chapter again.
When you say the first chapter, do you mean Sam with his starting of problems in his head, or do you mean for a specific route?
Moving aside, the question. I also had problems with it when I first read it, though now I have some new kind of immunity for the depictions on The Smoke Room. But I will not lie, I still feel like there are eyes watching me while I sleep. Even though my room does not have windows… and natural light.
I'm glad my friend recommended this game to me. The game was not even a game for me, and for many more players, but seemed to have become a real experience. I was amazed at the artistic effect of the period, whether it was text, painting or music, and the knowledge I covered was also very extensive. Knowing Amicus is one of the happiest things in life。(*・v・*)/
That was such a beautiful game! I just finished playing it and now the inevitable sadness has arrived! Everything about this game was so beautiful! The prose; the soundtrack; the background art; the sprites! Everything was so beautifully well made! I am going to miss experiencing this game for the first time when I replay it!
10/10 - SJR
The feels are deadly and can kill 10/10
Just finished the game and was left with sadness Ive never felt before.
While I havent played the other 2 games yet. About to get them in a moment.
I can confidently say that this has been my all time favorite VN that I have played and Im not much into them. from what Ive seen so far in the disply of Khemia, Id wonder if theyre be a version or separate VN of Marco's story of how his mission goes.(?)
Like get his side of the story while everything else is happening back of Adastra and Khemia. Again I havent yet played them yet so my comment might just be gibberish. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I believe it will have too much political stuff, that is on redacted and we kinda know how it goes. Also, I believe it will be less interesting compared to Khemia, and the new world that we can only imagine… for now… Khemia is still in development.