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Just finished my third reading of Adastra collecting the Gallery and endings. 

I still belly-sobbed each time. 

   The creators of this Echo-verse story have once again created characters that make you want to believe in and have in your own life. The artists and writers combined to make such memorable figures that it was easy to empathize and experience the story as if you were there and invested in what was happening.

   As I say each time i finish a Echo-verse story: Thank you so much, creators, for creating and sharing this experience with us. 

Thank you.



will this story continue ?
its sad how it ended 


hopefully, but with all the issues happening atm it's probably not going to be continued

oh that sad but at least  this was a good story


Well, we all hope for them to keep the story alive, they did started making the VN called Khemia, telling the story of 3 years after the ending of the VN - Adastra, but the VN - Khemia got on Hiatus because burnout, so they now can focus on the VN - Interea, that tells the story of the 9 months the MC had before returning to earth to start his unifying mission etc.

Though I would prefer for them to keep going with Khemia too, but I understand they need more time writing the story, getting thigs done with real life stuff, we all are suffering from all sides, maybe supporting them on Patreon for some spoilers of the story would be good if you can't hold yourself to wait for the story to come. xD

Wait, what issues?

Did something happen?

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the back and forth argument and hate between The Echo Project and the creators of Far Beyond The World 

a lot of people spammed reports on each game and it slowed down progress for both devs

oh wow, never knew about this

yeah it sucks






helpp!!! im having trouble downloading this in my iphone. i just changed to apple and i cant seem to figure out how to download the vn. can someone help me

you can't download anything that ins't on apple store on iPhone

you can only download .apk on android

oh okk thankss

I'm having a problem when i try to open adastrs on my phone IT tell me that cant open this.  😶


Estoy triste porque ya se acabo, aunque esta hermosa la historia :(


Yo también hace poco la termine, técnicamente me lo jugué todo en un día ( no creo que haya sido una buena idea porque dolió mas

Pero sabiendo que la historia en general todavía continua me da mas esperanzas de ver como se desarrolla.


Someone recommended me this I can't stop thinking about this


I just finished the game. :( I really liked the story and now I am sad.


I think most of us are after finishing it :/


I will be completely honest: I didn’t really liked this visual novel.

As far as I understand the main draw for it is Amicus, and I didn’t really liked him. I connected with him somewhat during the course of the story, but then he threw Marco under the bus by sending him back home with an impossible mission and with no help from his side whatsoever and I lost all sympathy for him, as well as all of the interest in all of its sequels and supplementary material…. Althought it isn’t that much of a problem considering that all of it stuck in development hell.

On a side note I really didn’t enjoy any of his nsfw scenes with Marco. They all were a bit too rapey from his side for my liking.

For me the most interesting characters were Neferu and Alexios.

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Unfortunately, they haven't got the focus they need to truly shine. The fact that are you soft locked only on Amicus and can't side with them also hurts.


Spoiler :   He didn't threw him back home,the parents did,he had no choice but to get back to earth and it was one of the hardest moment of his life...and ours too


I am in absolute awe. This game is absolutely extraordinary in every right. I finished about 20 minutes ago and I have been rendered speechless for the past couple of hours. I mean it when I say this has to be the most well-written visual novels out there. Just like many of the other comments, I have felt a rollercoaster of emotions along with many tears being jerked left, right, and center. Adastra will definitely be one experience I keep dear in my heart, as well as Amicus. Being a hopeless romantic, this game hits every spot for me, and I hope that eventually there will be a sequel past Khemia. 

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For those of you who just made it to the ending and have come here to leave a review, have a listen to (totally relevant I promise) this kpop song to lift your spirits. The song's lyrics almost match the romance in this story so make sure your captions are on.

This short visual novel:

  • Is friendly to new visual novel readers.
  • Has no complex paths or mechanics.
  • Has exciting romance, suspense and drama.
  • Has an ending that makes you yearn.

After the climax, you get introduced to new story points that are not expanded but provide potential for the sequel. I don't mind waiting for several years!

Personally, romance is not a genre I read often but I lost my appetite while playing this because I got butterflies in my stomach. I made to THE END a few hours ago but I am still going through an book hangover or something like that.

 Two thumbs (paws) up. 5 out of 5 stars. 100% love it!


Yeah no, this is one of the very few games that made me breakdown into tears. Adastra has given me a completely new feeling I've never experienced. Phenomenal piece of writing and the art and characters are absolutely perfect.

Well done to the developers. 


I do not regret playing this game, in fact I enjoyed every part of it. I cried, laughed, and smiled while playing this. It was my first visual novel and I had no idea a visual novel game that is so simple could make me feel so many emotions! I LOVE ADASTRA SO MUCH <3

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This game is absolutely fantastic! I LOVE the storyline and the art! it was a constant sycle of "oh WHAT?" to "OHHHH ok" i loved it. And the amount of plot twists is amazing! Took me 3 days to complete the game but it was so damn worth it.

i really badly wanna see more. This is really addicting and i just love how the characters where done. The lore is so good

Honestly felt upset when it ended i really want more and i am so damn attached to our main furry big boi <3

GREAT JOB. that's all i gatta say.

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What did Amicus use to smell lavender? shampoo? perfume?
I forgot 

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"


As I'm writing this, I just finished the game about 10 minutes ago. This is honestly the first game review that I've wanted to write.

I just want to take the time to express my absolute appreciation for the team over at The Echo Project. What a game this was...

Adastra is probably, no, it IS the only game that made me feel such deep emotion. This is going to sound preachy, but I'm not one to get emotionally swayed very much by video games. However, Adastra really felt as if I was the main character, experiencing every tiny feeling of fear, love, and uncertainty of what lies ahead. While playing, there were so many times where I actually cried, where I was shocked, and where I was heartbroken. I honestly can't express how moved I was while playing. It's really something you have to experience yourself by playing. As I am sitting here writing this review, I already miss Adastra (and Amicus >w<)!

The story is perfect, the music is perfect, the characters are perfect. I honestly have no complaints. The Echo Project deserves every bit of praise and appreciation that they can get, and I'm honestly disappointed that they haven't gotten far more recognition. If I had the means, I would become a Patreon supporter in a heartbeat. For what seems like a small group of devs and creators, the game seems like it could have been released from a large dev company. Every bit of Adastra is truly beautiful.

If you're debating or interested in playing Adastra, I 100% recommend it. It is a long story, so be prepared to invest quite a bit of your time into it. Really enjoy it too, there were moments where I had to rush through parts of the story because I was too busy haha, and I regret it. I just wish that this isn't the end of Amicus and the Human because I certainly am hoping for a second installment (the Human has got to come back!).

I hope that Adastra will capture those same emotions for you too!

sorry for the wall of text haha


One of the best-written reviews I've ever seen here!
If you're looking for more Adastra, the writer began writing two new games: (Spoilers for those who haven't finished Adastra yet)

First you have Khemia: A sequel to Adastra happening 2.5 years after the Human's departure. In this game, you play as Scipio, a young wolf who's been chosen to go on a diplomatic mission alongside Amicus, Neferu, and some new characters (If you remember, there is a small scene at the end of Adastra in which Scipio tells Amicus the mission can begin). I'm guessing the story is going to focus on Neferu's relationship with his family, as well as on the political conflicts taking place on Khemia. And at last, I'm guessing the story is going to focus on Scipio x Neferu. "I'm guessing" because sadly, the writer suffered from a writer's block and is therefore incapable of working on the story right now. As a result of this block, the game is only 30 minutes long. Not more.
But! There's also another reason as to why the game's development is paused. And this reason is...

...Interea! Interea ("Meanwhile" in English) is a companion visual novel to Adastra, like some sort of spin-off, focusing of the Moon Tour's events (if you remember correctly, during Adastra, Amicus promises the Human he'll take him on a Moon Tour. Well, in the game, the events of this Tour are only summed up in a few lines. Vague descriptions of cities, etc...). Well here, the entire Interea game is about this Moon Tour. Be aware though that this game is still short and in development (maybe 1H long until you hit "To be continued..."). 

Hope I was able to help! :D

NB: If you want more EchoProject, they have two really big opuses: Adastra (and its universe, including Khemia and Interea) and Echo, a psychological horror Visual Novel, and if you love horror, I truly recommend it (and its universe, including The Smoke Room, Arches, Route 65, etc...)

Wow, thanks a bunch! I love horror genres so I absolutely will take a look at Echo. I'm going to try to play Interea and Khemia literally as soon as I have time (I cant wait for more bestest boy Amicus) and hop on that emotional rollercoaster again I'm sure hahaha. Thanks again!


I love this game, while I was playing I cry, I rage, I scared.. too many emotions. In my opinion all of the furries should know this game. an brasilian furry have make an translate for this game ^^ love for all who read my comment

Loved this games so much!! The story line was so perfect, and I could not get over it. PLZ, PLZ, Make a second one. Even though I know its most likly not going to happen. :<

I'm confused what age is the game in? 🤨

Probably around 2020

I can’t even download this game all it does it says I need to extract it then I do that and I try opening the application and says the same thing


A really nice game. I will miss Amicus. I know that there is a sequel but the human isn't in the game. I hope that there will be another game when the human returns to Adastra. 10/10

There is a spin-off focusing on the Moon Tour (In Adastra, Amicus takes the Human on a Moon Tour, however, in the game the events are merely briefed). It's called "Interea". However, this game is still in development.

Alright thanks for saying I'll start playing the game :D

may as well since i heard khemia is being delayed due to writers block or something of the sort

Yep, that's write. Khemia's one hold atm

Khemia may be on hold, but Interea is providing background info about the characters and history that will come into play in Khemia. This should let the story move forward faster.

Theres a midquel (intera) or whatever you call it, basically shows what happened in the trip that the mc and amicus took to visit the cities. It also provides a bit of history (in the beginning of the game told by com) about Amicus's father ig.


When you're in the "the end" part if you like wait or keep clicking on the screen you'll meet a short prologue scene with Scipio walking towards the throne towards amicus which is the events of Khemia


It's about clicking or waiting, it's not an easter egg either, it's meant to be there x3
Because you have to click to return to the menu once the game hits "The End", you'll always see this short scene
It's such a good teaser tbh


Soo... Khemia is the sequel aight~


Its a spin off of Adastra

ah i see, thanks~


Well it's half a sequel and half a spin-off.

You do not play as the Human, so it is not a direct sequel and COULD be considered a spin-off. Thing is, the events taking place in Khemia are following the events taking place in Adastra (with a 2.5 years gap, but remember the last line of Adatrsa (spoiler): Scipio walking in the Throne room and warning Amicus about the Diplomacy Mission. What does Khemia begin with? Scipio going on the Diplomacy Mission).

Keep in mind however that both Interea (a companion novel to Adastra (spoiler) focusing on the Moon Tour the Human and Amicus go on after Cato's death (in Adastra, these events are merely briefed)) and Khemia are still under heavy development. Therefore they're short. Khemia's on hold since almost a year now; due to a writer's block and because the writer wants to focus on Interea rn
Hope I helped, have a good one mate

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Lovely, thanks budd!


Absolutely amazing. I cried.


We all did, I swear, I passed a really bad an beautiful moment with this vn


1 word…. Amazing!!!

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I have a question to EchoProject. I found a books with name "Servant of the emperor". As you see from images, it looks like a full copy of yours vn. I just have question: is he allowed to make, post this book without any link to your project and selling? And yes, this books is selling in some sites for much money. Did you actually know about this book?

No, I don't think this is even legal... Maybe contact the EchoProject on Twitter about this? It feels like pure plagiarism

Sad, but their messages in Twitter is locked. Maybe is any place where I can contact them?


Well maybe you can post it on Twitter tagging them? Idk tbh

You could also try posting a message to the author on Patron. Although I think direct messaging requires you to be a patron.

Try That's their main email

Big thanks! Already messaged!

Try on discord

What is they Discord?


i just revisited back Adastra (completed the vn a few minutes ago in fact hahah!) after two years of playing it half way since it was still in dev back then and i told myself to wait until it was finished. as i expected, i fell in love with Amicus all over again and it was the best feeling and now playing the complete story, it was truly an amazing experience. hoping there would be a slot for maybe a sequel for what's coming after 8 years but for now we'll see what Interea and Khemia has to offer for us.

can someone tell me whats the order of the game? like what do i play first? Khemia, Interea or Adastra? i want to play them by order so i can understand the story much better :)

Adastra, Khemia, and interea. but personally I played interea first before khemia

oh thanks! very much appreciated

You indeed have to play Adastra since Khemia's a sequel.

However, it doesn't matter what game you play after Adastra. Interea's a short story focusing on one point of Adastra (in the game, the events happening in Interea are summed up in a few lines). Khemia's a sequel happening a couple years after Adastra! ^^


I absolutely love this game.. I really hope there will be more to it eventually.. this game honestly made me cry so many times... It is too good.. I loved all of the characters... the scenes.. the music.. everything... I wish this was honestly real, I wish amicus was real.. he is so sweet.. so heartwarming and such a sweet wolf...  but kato and alexios can go to stinky they are not good.. but also I maybe did simp for nefru a crap ton -p- but still.. this game is a 100/10 best game I have ever played, this deserves top pinned file in my files... gosh.. why is this so good? and why do I want this to be real? because I can say... this is the best game I have ever played in my entire life... and most likely be.. my god I am crying as I am typing this because I just finished the game and aaaaa >/////< thanks sooo sooo much EchoProject for making the best game in the whole dang world.. 

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I wholly with 100% of my soul agree with you. I couldn't have said it better myself if I tried. This is exactly how I feel.

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I apologize in advance for the way I write this post. I don't know English well enough, so there might be a lot of mistakes.. I myself am from Russia.

Thank you very much, EchoProject, for such a chic novel that I replayed it for the second time. My first playthrough got me a bit depressed, but in a good way, don't overthink it. I fell in love with Amicus, Marco and in principle in all characters (except Kato and Alexios..). This short story was my first, and the only thing that could bring me to hysterics. I am grateful to its creators. Very grateful. I remember the whole plot of it, from cover to cover, so to speak. 

Once again, thanks to the creators of Adastra for Amicus, and, in principle, for the entire novel. By the way, I recently went through Khemia, as well as Interia. I was in seventh heaven when I saw Amicus again, I swear! 

Amicus. I'm sorry that I didn't have time to buy you in the form of a plush toy.. I'm very sad because of this..  pwq

Oh yes, I almost forgot.. I went through the novel two years ago, and I really remember the plot so far (even though I recently replayed it, I experienced millions of times more emotions)..

The Amicus plush toy is back on preorder right now, but they'll only produce it of they get a minimum of 800 orders in. Go place your order!

I know! And I'm incredibly happy.. Unfortunately, I don't have enough money, but.. my friend helped me out and pre-ordered. So very soon, as production starts again,  I will definitely have Amicus, and I will sleep with him every day and every night ... Although, probably, I will not let him go even every second! :3 

ah, yes "please forgive me sir for i do not comprehend English well therefor this passage of texts may hold some mistakes so please i recite please forgive my lack of competence" type vibe

 lmao dude youre good prob better than the rest of us engish speakers even more so if youre still learning lol


Man, i fell hard for Neferu. Idk what else to say😌 

Me am not good with words so me gonna agree with everyone in this comment section ☝️

Great work, this is


Simply Amazing, I loved every moment throughout the vast tale surrounding the plot of Adastra- 10/10, Thank you Echo Project! 

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Just finished playing and I feel like I am about to cry  . Best VN I've ever played . Everything about it is PERFECT! Art , background and especially story ( reading it was feeling like a roller coaster) . I don't usually read in eng , but I just couldn't stop myself , it was just toooooooo good . I hope to see the story progress :D

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