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No sé si habrá una segunda entrega o el juego será actualizado después para darnos una conclusión, pero igualmente, felicitaciones a los creadores por crear tremenda joya de juego 💜


Hay otras dos novelas relacionadas. Una es Interea que narra cosas que sucedieron mientras el personaje principal estuvo en Adastra, y la otra es Khemia, que narra lo que sigue en Adastra (y Khemia) después de que el protagonista vuelve a la Tierra

Gracias por la info! Por lo que veo ambos proyectos siguen en desarrollo, voy a checarlos después


this was an amazing VN that i ever played, Amazing art, the emotion that get build from the story, its hard to explain, every single thing in this VN was perfect
good job for the maker
keep it up ^^


This was my second Vn, and I have to say, IT IS A MASTERPIECE! Amicus is such a cutie and the sprite art and OST is just- Y E S

Thank you Echo Project for this emotional roller coaster, I had a lot of fun with it! I hope they make a sequel with the human :D


Just finished my first playthrough, I thought it was great. Fell in love with Amicus almost immediately, he may have started as a bit of a screw-up, but it's a sign of good writing once you've seen the Man (or rather Wolf) he is by the end. I'm almost considering doing a second playthrough just to spend a little more time with my man Amicus.


I'm having a really difficult time processing the emotions this game has inspired in me. Bit of background, I am part of/have lived my whole life in a religion that prohibits being gay, or at least acting on it. I'm gay and in the closet. Not a great combo.

I never foresaw myself binge-playijg through this whole game over the course of 2-3 days, but it connected with me on a spiritual level. I have always been told and have thus told myself that people like me can't have love, that I need to live alone my whole life to be good with god. Adastra is my first experience ever truly tasting what it might be like to have somebody to love, somebody who loves me in return. Going through this story allowed me to pretend for a short moment that I was allowed to feel that happiness, that I was free to move forward with a relationship with another man and possibly find love and lifelong companionship there. My mind is still blown by the huge shift in perspective this has affected in me.

The feelings of bittersweet departure at the end of the game are still raw in my heart. What's left in the void Amicus leaves is a whole soup of emotions and realizations. For my first time in my life, I can almost see myself finding love someday irl now, it feels like a potential future for me, and that excites me to no end! Though it may come at the risk of denying my religion and therefore all that I've grown to believe, as well as all of the family and friend relationships I may lose if I leave that behind for the sake of hopefully finding love somewhere out there.

I'm at a bit ofn at a loss at the moment, no idea how to truly move forward yet. But I must say to all those that contributed to creating this story, thank you. You've given this man hope that, despite the difficulties life presents, I may be able to find loving companionship someday so I don't have to spend this life alone. You've done a great thing here, I hope you all know that :)


It's strange how a bit of supposedly lightweight furry fiction can hit so damn hard. 

Anyway, all the best in however you choose to lead your live your life and whomever you choose to love. Hang in there. Hugs.

(3 edits) (+2)

I know that place man! I've been there for way too much time. I know how the views of the people around you can nullify you and limit your world and possibilities. You need to move on. Meet other people, make new friends, expand your perspectives. If someone "loves" an ideal of you that is not you, but they hate what you really are then they just don't love you. People that love you will love you after knowing everything about you. If their "love" depends on a facade you show to please them then they don't worth your time or sacrifice. Be yourself, no matter what, and discard people that won't accept who you really are, those people never loved you, they only loved a lie that is not you, a mask they forced you to wear.


Thanks u so much to the creators, this is the best story I ever read, is was SUPER cute and romantic, I was crying  and screaming in all the game XD I scream a lot more when I realized that there was a continuation, this story affect me a lot and I love it, thax echo proyect for this magnificent story, this story really touched my heart, thank you very much for this masterpiece❤


To any person that hasn’t read this visual novel yet, I recommend that you stop scrolling through the comments and play through; the less knowledge you have about anything in the game, the better it will be.

Minor spoilers ahead:

Anyways, I have to say this is one of the best stories I have ever read. I am not a really big cryer when it comes to stuff like this, and I can count the amount of times that I’ve cried at a story on my fingers. But this game made me sob, and no other story has done that to me. The plot is thought out so well and the romance falls into place so naturally. It is so refreshing from a lot of other romances where everything seems to go their way just because the story was written that way. What makes Adastra stand out from other romances is that there is not only good plot outside of the romance itself, it’s also that it’s not a “me chasing my secret lover” type deal. It details a pretty standard relationship, like how one in the real world would develop; not a guy chasing after someone out of his league and would pay no mind to him previously, but friends with mutual respect that just decide to take their friendship up to another level. There really isn’t enough written romance like this, and Adastra has left me feeling very satisfied. Thank you for writing such an incredible story.


I really hope that there will be a sequel to this one day.




I think they mean with the human we play in it 


You're correct @Raging_Moose 


Hi. This VN made me sob from my belly with tears running through me beard to fall on my chest and lap. Great big sobs. 

   I cry. Yes, i do. But never sob from my belly button like Adastra made me do!

   Creative Team. Be proud of yourself.  this was an amazing piece of writing. 

   Thank you for creating it and sharing it with us. 

Thank you.

House Goat 

(1 edit) (+13)

I want to extremely emphasize how important this comment is and how much this game was to me. I just finished it and now I'm sitting here crying, with a complex set of emotions over fictional characters in a video game. I downloaded this game because of the "big hunky wolf man" being constantly shown to me around the internet. I download this game wanting to give it a shot and now, 21 hours of nonstop playing have me full of feeling I've never had before. I would get so immensely involved with this game, that it "was" practically a full life experience I never thought I could have. I would always care for Amicus, getting angry, upset, exited, and in literal tears as I am right now. This game means so much to me and I genuinely care for Amicus, never wanting to see him sad or crying, because it would make do the same. I don't know if you guys are ever going to see this, or it would get lost in time within this comment section, but I really want to appreciate you guys for making such a heartwarming and beautiful experience. This was probably the best Christmas present I could ever ask for. I've been living in a homeless shelter, now quarantined because I have Covid, not being able to see family or... anyone for that matter. But to have this game, and genuinely live this experience made my holiday. Thanks you guys so much for giving me hope, and I hope you all have a Happy New Year. :)

- ConfusedUrsid

Adastra rating: 20/10, the most beautiful experience you'll ever play/live


Spoiler ahead!

I know what you were feeling, most of the people here do. It's such a shame, that all things have to come to an end. Right now my hope is that in a few years we might be able to read about the reunion of Amicus and Marco, eight years later. 

I hope you're doing well so far, feel hugged and stay strong! And even if we don't know each other: I'm thinking of you. Happy new year!


Thank you. It's good to see a heartfelt comment directed towards me (I don't get that a lot). I almost cried again thinking of the end of the game, hoping it would continue as well. To be honest, [and spoilers ahead] I think the future described by the parents gives me hope for both me and Amicus. Even though we won't see each other for a very long time, we still have something to connect us by, and after this is all done we'll have a happy beautiful life. I just never wanted to see my wolf boy sad, because it genuinely breaks my heart.

Thank you for taking the time to read my whole ramble, I extremely appreciate it :)


No problem, thought you could need it :)

Another spoiler alert:

You don't have to cry over it again (i felt also after that), this is not the end. It's just like Amicus said: Even if he's moving away, he's moving towards you. And speaking of the parents, i think they will take care of us all. Even if it now seems for a long time that has to pass, eight years for almost two hundred isn't a bad deal. Still want to figure out what the others exactly are...

And again, no problem. Just get well soon ;)


I kinda know what you're feeling

I just started playing Adastra cuz it seemed like a good game to spend time in but now I know that it's much more than just a game

Amicus and the gang made me cry in sadness, laugh in happiness, and grit my teeth in anger  a lot of times and I'm grateful for the lessons they taught me and I hope that in the future we get to see more of this lovely himbo wolf that always makes me feel better than ever

I wish you a good Happy New Year and I hope we meet again in this ocean that is the internet :)


Thank you both for the heartfelt comments. I truly appreciate it. I'm less moody and sad about it ending and more just bored that I don't have anything left to play (I mean Interea is still in the air, but I'd rather wait a bit). Like I said, for me this was a life changing experience for me, and I've been lonely for a long time and this game made me not feel so alone for the 21 hours I dumped into it. For me, I practically lived a different life for less of a day, and I'm just questioning what to do now. Hopefully in the future we can see a "true" sequel to Adastra. Again, thank you both and Happy New Year 😄


I understand your feelings. Hope you`re good now :`)

The ending was just painful to go through ; w;

But after that, a new feeling of hope replaced the uncertainty lingering..

Great story bruv, no regrets reading this at all, can't wait to read your other works as well - w-

Is Interea the sequel to this or was it Khemia?


Interea happens during Adastra, Khemia is after the events (2 or so years after I think)

Aye got it


This game is astonishing in any way possible

I wish it hadn't an end, but, as all good  things

It has

I'll be grateful for the lessons this masterpiece taught for all my life

And I hope to one day feel all the emotions I felt while playing it 


The last sentence caught me ~

3 things that stood out to me (weirdly) was:

-a lot of backstabbing

-expected unexpected things

-how high these wolves might be

Haven't finished it, but I am totally engrossed in how the story is going thus far and feeling extremely uncertain for unknown reasons. Love the art, music, backgrounds and more, and looking forward to the rest of the story. 

And remember, don't inhale the smoke of a burnt flipflop along with kréestalmyeth, you never know what demon you might encounter-- oh hey is that beelzebub~-

The backstabbing part was mostly figurative btw.


They stated that they are mostly 6 foot tall (2 meters sorry not that used to the foot system) but there are some that are as small as the mc


You telling me they're about 104 hamburgers high

Probably, probably the same number it would take the wolf to be full...probably not XD

Deleted post

Its been a few days since I finished Adastra, but having absolutely no knowledge of the game or what it truly was before I played, I was met with an astoundingly well made visual novel that....fuck....genuinely got me emotional. This is a game that is crafted with absolute love, and is written brilliantly, beautifully visually and audibly, and it's been on my mind ever since I finished it.

It hits really close to home, and I absolutely cannot stress how great this game is~

I feel really...numb, so to say after playing because by the time I got to the end, the more I realised I didnt want to leave this brilliantly crafted game and keep playing because I feel that immersed in the world at stake here. Amicus, all the characters here, they're going to remain on my mind for a long time.

God bless this game, it's a masterpiece <3


For real

This game is astonishing in any way possible

I wish it hadn't an end 

At least we have the sequences

I also played this game with no knowledge. I literally saw the character and I thought "Huh, that's cute" then I reverse image searched the image and then I found this page. I am so glad that I didn't look into it or anything, just going straight in and experiencing the entire story for myself.

I've been getting my friends into this game by telling them all that it has a really amazing story, and when they ask what it's about, I do not elaborate at all. I tell them that it is too good of a story to be ruined by any sort of expectations; I do not feel that it would be the same experience if you learned about it before jumping in.

I never thought that I'd see myself being so into a visual novel, but this game is just a masterpiece.


I'm totally new to this complete fandom, but it's like i entered a wondrous rabbit hole - and with every moment i dig deeper into it, the more i know i never want to leave it anymore. Adastra was the right one to start it. Laughed and cried (and i mean that) while proceeding through the story.

It's just that it passed too fast - which is while i'm feeling kinda numb at this moment. All the emotions brought into this VN, through writing, graphics and music caught me completely, wholesome and i definetly was not prepared for something like that. 

I know my mind will be kept occupied to some degree with Adastra and Amicus for a very long time.

I played many games in my life and almost every big title with a story to tell. Though, there are just one or two titles out there, that had generated such emotional response in me.

You've done a great job with Adastra, everyone who was involved in creating this masterpiece.

Thank you so much <3

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

That awful feeling when you are done with a game/movie/series and you come to terms with that it's over, and that you are never going to experience it the same way as for the first time. 

I personally spend at least a week just thinking about it all, then it just goes away. Truly a shame that things aren't the same anymore once you have experienced them already, and then you just feel empty for a little while


Well i'm 29 by now and i have never felt this feeling you're describing so massively and even now i distract myself with other things like fitness or work or somethin' else. 

Though, i'm glad that i made this experience ~

(2 edits) (+1)

I could not agree more with you about this, I'm just getting into the whole Furry fandom, I am a straight man but this story was so good that it still had me feeling so connected to the story that I too was in tears at parts of the story

I hope that they make a continuation of when Amicus gets reunited


And like that, i appreciate your opinion more. Good written stories can catch many people, even if it somehow wasn't supposed to. 

I'm now a few weeks out of Adastra, but still think about it. And if the creators from Echo Project weren't thinking about a vn continuing the story yet: They will at least talk about it, minding all the comments here ;)


I sure hope they have intentions to do so or will at least consider it, I found the way it ended very hard to come to terms with, but I think that may have been the intent

I would totally love to see a movie made of this I think it would be a great movie adapted from an even greater VN


This game puts all other relationships portrayed in media to shame, 10/10 it has my whole heart

That is my exact thought process! I have never seen such a beautifully written relationship, I love how natural it feels. There is one comic that is kind of comparable, and that is Cinder Frost. While I do like the relationship dynamic, the comic is all over the place, and in my opinion, pretty poorly paced. Regardless, I would still heavily recommend it!


this is literally the only game that has ever made me cry, 10/10 would reccomend



I absolutely LOVE this game so far. Absolutely floors me with the quality of the writing, the art, and the premise. Everything is executed in perfect harmony, and I cant wait to experience more of it. Infectious fun, insane plot developments, and a rich world to envelop yourself all combine to make this one of my favorite VNs I've ever played.


Update: I have now finished the game and absolutely recommend it to any and everyone who is interested. One of my favorite story's I've ever read- put me through the whole spectrum of human emotion. Absolutely phenomenal, my only complaint is that it ended.


If you guys haven't seen it yet you should check out the new fan project "Adastra 3D" here on itch. It's definitely a wip but what is there is beautifully done.


Since today is amicus birthday. 😌

Hey so can someone explain how to open the game.

(1 edit)

You need to download the version for your device. For Mac I know you need to unzip the file and put it in your Applications folder. But you might have to mess with System Preferences > Security and Privacy > click on the lock > unlock it and > check the "Anywhere" option. For android you just need to install the APK file. For Windows and Linux I have no idea, maybe run the installation pack?

echo project-fantastic job guys!best VN so far i reading...and cry like a little girl!:)


Guys! I need you help! I can't download adastra on my android 😭😭😭 anyone? Help me?

What seems be the problem ...?

Check storage ... Or permissions

I already have enough space for this..... What permission?

here.... I already click the download button then I wait until 15 mins *i guess* but its doesn't start downloading.... Plus! I check the pop up blocker and allowed itch... I dont know what's happening!

Try to download It with a PC and then transféré It t tour phone

yes It's unusual and strange ... It should start when you presse download button


Amazing! Oh, what I would do to play this VN for the first time again.. It was such a magical experience! If you're reading the comments, deciding on if you should try this out or not, DO IT! You will not regret it in the slightest.






I didn't think that I'd ever cry playing a visual novel yet here I am.

This isn't just just a visual novel, it's much more than that. I got really involved in the story and it was awesome. Thank you for this piece of art.

Deleted 3 years ago

Ya'll NO CAP

Deleted post

Dam i keep seeing this game alot and i think its cool but i havent downloaded it until now and boy oh boy it is the best decision ive ever made. Like, the story and characters are great! The artstyle, the background and all of that stuff impressed me so much. I am super glad that this is made and i discovered it :)

(2 edits) (+6)

I mean wow, where the fuck do i begin with. I've been neglecting to play this game ever since the final build dropped, which is a year old now, thinking its another dumb furry sex simulator and not an actual VN. And boy was i fucking surprised when i realised that this is probably the best written visual novel i played in my life. The story is a masterpiece, in a sense where you can get emotionally attached to certian characters, which rarely ever happens, especailly to me, who never cried about a game of this sorts, and trust me, it will leave you in tears as well, no matter what ending you get and what decsions you make, i am 99% guaranteed you're gonna be playing this until 11pm on a saturday night, and then crying yourself to sleep after it. 1000/10

(spoilers up ahead regarding the endings)

Truly a masterpiece, and i really wish there was a direct sequel to the Marco/Amicus story, altough there isn't alot you could work with.

And i know, the B ending makes the ending A seem like the parents lied and how the future you saw is false, but im still determined that there is a way to make another part or i guess chapter out of this. There's also Khemia, which you can count as a sequel i guess? I mean yeah, its the same universe, but we all know that people wanna see the continuation with the big chonke wolf, and apparently the midquel, Intera (i think that's what its called),is set in the 9 month time period you had before making a choice and is focused more on the characters we know rather than the political story, so i guess that's also a nice way to strengthen relationships before you cry about the main game again.

(end of spoilers)

Again, this comment's lenght wasn't really necessary, however i really want people who were skeptical like me to really try it out and expirence this masterpiece for themselves.

Thank you, to everyone at Echo Project, and i just hope that in the remaining 80 years of my life, i can expirence a game like this once again :).


I don't really play any visual novels but Adastra really caught my eye since the entire story was interesting. Such an amazing game and amazing writing as well! Everything about it is really well done and I love how the writer tugs at the heartstrings of those who play it with the many different scenarios that happen between the protagonist and Amicus. I know that Khemia and Interea is on hiatus but I can't wait to see what happens later in the future!


Only took me 7 hours of pure enjoyment. I've read many visual novels so far and very few have truely gained my full attention. Thus is great one and has the quality of a paid game. 10/10.


Wait a fucking minute this is made by Echo Project!?! I mean that's not a bad thing I'm just genuinely surprised and shocked.

It is, yeah, and honestly it looks and is very different from their other games, though Adastra will remain my favorite


Good game! Really enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

Ok this is a first... why am I getting a windows app store question, thanks?


I finally gave in to the peer pressure and picked this up a few days ago. Now that I've finished, I just want to say how impressed I am by the character work and the depth of thought put into the world building for this story and universe. I was expecting little more than horny furry romance with the usual porno tropes. Granted, some of that is there, but it all exists in ways that I think serve the story and the characters well. I'm really looking forward to checking out your other VNs and to supporting your future efforts as well. Thank you for many hours of entertainment.

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