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I finished this earlier today and I just...I have no idea how to put into words the absolute rollercoaster of emotions I felt playing Adastra, from the confusion starting out, to the shock I felt at the twists, to the genuine attachment to Amicus that grew over the course of the story, to the absolute heartbreak and sadness I felt once the game reached its conclusion, to the point where I was quietly crying in the middle of class so as to not draw attention to myself.

I guess what I'm trying to say in this rather poorly worded review is...I love the world that the Echo Project team crafted, the characters they created, the music, and the well-written, complex, and realistic relationship between Amicus and the MC so much, the latter of which was probably my favorite part of the entire game.

TL;DR: Thank you to everyone who worked on this and being able to deliver to us an absolute masterpiece of a visual novel.


Can I know do you have the list of muzic used in this VN?


This series always had a place in my heart


Thanks furman 4 putting the link to the sequel out here we would have never found it!!!

(1 edit) (+8)

l'm kind new to this type of vn game but OMG this as a wonderful experience, I'm felt so many things, sadness, happiness, despair, the characters of this game are so charismatic, the story is so engaging, I'm not gonna lie, l cry a lot close to the end, l really hope then we can see Marcus and Amicus meet each other again in a future game.


Khemia, the sequel, is out. but they're not reunited still...

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(3 edits) (+3)

how did i run this game. somebody can teach me please

If you're on Mac, you'll have to unzip the file you downloaded, then put it on your hard drive, double clic on the icon to lauch the game.

If you have a PC or if you're running on Android or linux, buy a mac cause I don't know for these...:)


is there going to be a second adastra like where that eight years is over and they go back to adastra??????



s this game nsfw im not really into nsfw games


there are a few NSFW scenes, but most of the game is not and its definitivley worth the story if you can stand it anyway. I both laughed, cried, got angry and just heartfelt.


ok sooooo i just beat it it was sooo good thx for the help dude!


Wait how did you beat this game in less than a day???


reading lol



This game was spectacular. First VN I've decided to play through, and I think I made a good choice. The music and writing is amazing. Lots of feels in this VN. I'm sad that it's over, but not disappointed in the slightest. Hopefully there's an epilogue or something later!


Unfortunately, the game has ended here. Follow Khemia, the sequel. Three years after Marco's departure, Amicus leave for Khemia to a new round of peace talks, taking Neferu and Scipio and their PTDS with him.

Deleted post

huh.. as far as I know, the entire empire of Adastra know about Marco (unfortunately, they doesn't know he was Amicus BF/ Future Husband, and maybe they still thought he is still a Amicus's pet).... so...

huh.. as far as I know, the entire empire of Adastra know about Marco (unfortunately, they doesn't know he was Amicus BF/ Future Husband, and maybe they still thought he is still a Amicus's pet).... so...


I loved the game and the ending. I do wish for a part 2 though. This is the first VN I have ever played and I'm doubting that no any other VN can beat Adastra.


The first part of the sequel, Khemia, is out.


I love Adastra. It had actually made me feel like someone could love me like Amicus loves his human. The music was fantastic and it made me get even more emotional. I actually cried at the end of the good ending. I hope that after Khemia, we can see Amicus reunite with his human.

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I have the feeling than if Amicus and Marco are not reunited it will end into a giant riot...


Are there any dragons? Asking for a friend...


There is one. He's blue and we don't see him a lot really.

Deleted 3 years ago

One of the best VN. I don't really like politics, but it made me interested in the Ad Astra universe. Unfortunately, I got a bad ending, does anyone know how to achieve a good one?


It's pretty easy, just answer positively at least twice and you'll have the good ending.

(2 edits) (+6)

This VN is just......"PERFECTION!!!", Holy cow, you made me Cry alot!, specially the ending!, I really can't accept the 8 years thing, but it makes the VN Amazing!, I really, REALLY Love it!, this is the BEST VN I've ever seen!, the conflicts? and etc.? are just PERFECT, and excuse me Hahaha, now, I'm up to Khemia hihi, my second VN to read, made by ECHO Project, Again, this is just PERFECTION, I hope ya'll plan to make Adastra 2, or idk if Khemia IS the part 2, hehe, again, THANKYOU for this VN, You're the Best Echo Project!!!


Yes, Khemia is the sequel of Adastra.

I felt the same way,and couldn't have said it better myself. truly one of the best 

Hey, does anyone know how to get this to work on Android because every time I try and download this I can't get the game to finish downloading so I can use it.


Maybe ur storage

No I have plenty of space. But I can't any further after downloading the apk. File.


people wating for adastra 2

Deleted 2 years ago

im know thats khemia not adastra 2 that focuses on neferu and Scipio 


i have a challenge for the creator :  make a fnaf related gay furry game.

please dont ask why

Agreed- I'd like an fnaf related game



i just finished the game and... wow. woow. just wow. THIS WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!! i'm compltely shook. i never thought i'd get so into a furry vn, but i was COMPLETELY DESPERATE when cato "killed" (?) me i actually thought i'd faint. I cried so much in the end, because i didn't want it to stop, and i hope there will be a sequel, i really do. Id be the first to download & play it, I JUST WANT TO SEE AMICUS AGAIN I LOVE HIM SO MUCH UGHHHHHHHHHH sorry this was a lot. anywayyyy, do any of u know if there's a sequel coming, if anything?


There actualy is a sequel and it's called Khemia and it focuses more on Neferu


man why you gotta spoil

ok so i made an account and im trying this on window and its not working its just going  to a zipped file and if any one is playing on windows can you help and give instructions pls help 

Have you extracted the zip file? Use a program like 7zip, extract it, and find the executable file(.exe). Run the .exe file and it should boot the game up. 

I'd strongly recommend running and downloading Adastra through itchio's launcher though. It's pretty convenient. 

thank u thank u thank you !!! 


So, I've never written one of these before, and I've never gone into playing one of these VN's with any intention of writing one. However, it would be an injustice to not sing this story its praises. Sorry for the wall of text that may follow.

I remember seeing Adastra pop up quite a while ago, likely when it was still in its infancy. I remember I recognized that it had all of the chemistry to be a great fit for me, but I never picked Adastra up. I forgot all about this gem until I feel the itch to find and read a decent VN. 

I immediately stumbled back onto Adastra and recognized the handsome wolf in the icon, before downloading Adastra. I stepped into this thinking I'd have a cute and campy experience with maybe a bit of smut thrown in. What I got out of Adastra still has me reeling. 

I try to distance myself from the MC in these VN's, because it's their story and not mine(As much as I may wish it was). For the first time I've read a VN... It didn't work. 

I had my heart flutter in excitement and arousal, and I had it broken and pieced back together, before being completely shattered all over again. I felt the adrenaline spikes, the creeping dread, and sheer emotional torment as I read. 

Immediately, the MC is shown to pragmatic, level-headed, and best of all relatable. Our handsome wolf is shown to be the same in some respects, but hes still a unique and lovable character. I don't really know when I fell for that wolf, but oh boy did I. 

I loved the fact that in the beginning, the MC and the wolf are pretty unsure of the other. It's not one of those dump two randos together and they're instantly soulmates type of thing. The interactions between the two as they stumble and trip their way along fit the tale perfectly. Two people from two completely different worlds, no matter the compatibility, are going to have some rough spots. 

The plot and drama had my mind constantly twisting and on edge, unsure of who stood where. The only safety net being my wolf. I had suspicions of everyone. I would race to connect the dots in my head of who could be trying to hurt my wolf and what their next move might be. I recognized about a quarter of the way through that Adastra had completely drawn me in. I was invested, and I friggin loved it. I was also a sniffling mess several times thanks to Adastra. The first time I've EVER had that type of emotional resonance with any form of art. 

As my time on Adastra began to come to an end I was genuinely morose and afraid. I don't want to put any details regarding the ending besides the fact I got the "good" ending. That final scene tore me apart though. I was already sad that my experience with Adastra had come to an end, but to end in such a way hurt that much more. 

After it was over, I just sat there teary eyed and empty. I wanted to see and read so much more. I wanted to see more of my wolf. I was so jealous of that bond and that place I could never really be. I pouted for a bit, before I realized I was being silly. I love Adastra for everything that it is and I am blessed to have found it again. However, I wont be truly satisfied until I see the true happy ending for my wolf and his human!

I don't know if the publishers will see this, or if they check this page, but I do hope they know what an amazing experience they made. 

Now I'm probably gonna go and play through things again, and savor the details a bit more if not just to see more of my wolf for a bit. The catharsis Adastra gifted me has left me feeling better than I have in quite a while. Irrespective of my own post "book" depression and pouting. I pray the developers never drop this storyline, as its one I'm very keen to follow. 

Again, Sorry for the wall of text, but honestly... Adastra deserves its praises sung. 

Although I can't say I got as emotionnally invested in it as you did, Adastra definitely did exceed my expectations.

What was supposed to be quick fap material actually turned out to be a very interesting, much longer story than I had anticipated, and it's very easy to get lost in playing, always wanting to know what is going to happen next. I just wanted porn and I got way more out of it.

Now I'm glad to hear the game had such a strong effect on you, last time a game had me feel like that, it was Undertale, it's just so much better when you go in with no expectations and end up really loving the game. Best feeling a game could provide in my book. Really looking forward to Khemia now, although I've heard the story isn't about the human and Amicus, and I just really wanted to see their reunion.

My apologies if anything I said was not clear, english is not my first language :)


i walk in this already expecting it to be a pretty decent experinet due to it being a furry title and thus being of passion but this certain has far out reached even that expectation.

though i did have a few times where i did not agree with the person that i was playing a role as , it was very minor things and was to be expect even in the best.

I also have to thank you greatly for making it available on linux.


I'm going to eat my words here, I had first seen this game and the art style looked too cartoony or different and it made me uninterested to play it. I finally played it for the first time 3 days ago and I could not put it down. The writing was amazing, the art and music just flowed with the story so well. So my dumb ass made off like a bandit bc I got to enjoy the story to completion in one go. End comments, I feel bad by judging a book by its cover but. God. Damn. This has an amazing story.


Thank you. Just thank you for making such beautiful games and with lovable and memorable characters


love this VN. the story, the characters, the soundtrack, everything. Will there be a Adastra 2? Or a continuation to this story? I'm way too invested now and want more! I'm even willing to read a BOOK without any illustration


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Found Khemia in the ECHO page! Its a continuation following a wolf called Scipio, 3 years after the end of adastra. Its interesting although i wanted Amicus and his human to reunite. Its still incomplete though.

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Which is the True ending

Deleted 2 years ago

the death one? 


the "go to earth for 8 years" ending

does anyone know how to get it on iPhone?

Deleted 2 years ago

Khemia, the sequel to this great VN was just released!

Deleted post

Does anyone know if there's a guide on how to get both endings?


Ad Astra is Latin for "To the Stars" and this story and its writer have totally sent me into the stars with this story. IT was Epic. Can not wait to see what else is in-store in its sequel. 


Created an account JUST so I could comment. Going into this, I was not expecting to end up literally sobbing in bed for two hours at the ending (I wish I was joking). I never thought I'd be thanking someone for making me bawl my eyes out, but here I am. Easily the best visual novel I've ever played. Can't wait to see how much I'll cry at your other games. <3


I cannot put into words how the ending I got made me feel

Which ending was it? The good ending?

The bad one

Does anyone know how much time goes from the history of adastra to the history of khemia? 

3 years, if i don't remember it wrong.

Ok thanks


i just finished and.. i bawled like a child, this was.. it was something spectacular. somehow profoundly sad, and joyous at the same time, beautiful.

(1 edit)

I just finished adastra and it was an awesome experience the story is beautifull i cry at the end I hope we can see more of amicus and the human

Keep the hard work i will be waiting impatiently for your next work, good job keep the hard work

Thanks for making this awesome experience

Good luck in the future

I just downloaded build 17 and it wont let me go past the name stage after I type in a name. Does any1 know a solution?

are you playing on android? I've read before that renpy doesn't recognize the google keyboard, so probably you'll need to download another one to your phone

worked fine for me

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