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HOW COULD THEY DO THAT, HE DIDNT DO NOTHING WRONG??? This update has left me in tears to say the least... I really am dreading what the next update for niks route is going to be, i pray it goes well. I pray 🙏


I pray for it too 😔🙏

This build has successfully managed to make me cry! :)


So.. how far off till Nik's Route Ending?

I can't say for sure, but I would gauge around, like, 70-75% completion?

(1 edit)

I can't really update it... It says "App can't be updated because it conflicts with an existing package" I'm on android btw.

Uninstall the current build, then try again

(1 edit)

does anyone knows if there is some kind of summary of what happens in the routes and the stuff that happens in every desition? im slow and my english reading compression is really bad as english is not my first lenguage 😔

I estimate that TSR is between 63-67% completed


I like Todd and Yao, they both are so silly, the side characters have nice interactions :3

just a silly random question. spoiler alert!

we know that sam is followed by a creature/ghost? in william's route, there's also a skeleton like creature in the mirror and ceiling. are both these creatures/ghost actually the same being or are they different?

sorry for my randomness.


Those are different.

Thats one theory it could just as easily be a demon.


uuuh I don't know what's this drama all about (and I don't wanna know, thanks) but anyway Nik is such a pookie 😭❤️❤️


There's no drama. It's just literal 16 year olds interacting with NSFW content publicly, not liking it, and making stuff up because they don't like it. Ignore it and enjoy the VN lol


Hello, after playing your novel I was inspired and would like to create a fan novel based on your universe. 

Would you be against such creativity with preservation all copyrights.

Thank you very much in advance for your answer.


The policy the project has always taken is that non-profit fan projects are allowed. 

-George S.


Yeah this game's content goes beyond "it's just not for me" territory with meta knowledge of George as a person. No, I don't necessarily think George is a pedophile, but the content of the game may or may not reflect some of his... personal proclivities and that makes some of the racier content harder to tolerate.

More importantly, I think the game started heading into a poor direction once Howly left the project. It's clear that George crushes up against that original vision and it makes for a jarring and inconsistent read. I think Cliff and Murdoch's routes are solid-to-fantastic on a good day, and utterly abysmal on a bad one. Nik is pretty bland and the less said about William Update 30 the better.

I think we'd all do better as a community and as people in general if we were more open to criticism. I think the content in this game being so dark and heavy is fine, but I don't think it's done well in a lot of cases. Both George and the Echo Project community seem extremely resistant to criticism no matter how well -intentioned it is, and that lack of willingness to learn and grow from past mistakes is evident in the final product being produced. This game (and especially Arches) are only better than Echo, insofar as being less buggy and having less typos.

Since George hates Cliff apparently and with that route's writer being gone, I don't think I'll be continuing to read TSR in the future :/ Maybe I wouldn't be so sour on this game if you could express any genuine criticism of it without an ocean of sycophants with a parasocial relationship to George whining about it, but that isn't the world we live in.

I hope George has grown past the nasty things accused of him and is a better person, I really do. Maybe I'll give this game another shot once/if a new Cliff update releases. 

(7 edits) (+19)(-4)

Hello. Since the crux of this argument is about honest criticism, we need to address true things.  

1. I have written more than ninety-five percent of this project. The content of this project that howly wrote was:

-half of the introduction  before the route split, until nik is first introduced.

-The very beginning of the nik route until before yao is first introduced.

Howly had some very loose ideas about Nik and Will. He wanted will to be married and have some homophobic elements to his character perspectives. He wanted Nik to be a heart-felt love story. I have done my best to uphold these original ideas while letting a good portion of myself enter the story, such as exploring labor History in Nik route, and Mystery elements and themes of homosexual shame and self-loathing in Will route.

I'm sorry you are not interested in the labor politics of nik route or Will's self-exploration of himself, but, these are coming from places of genuine humanity.

2. I do not consider an overwhelming amount of this game dark. A lot of it is a celebration of the progressive movement in America before things go bad. I try to do a mix of good and bad things to tell a story of the town in this era. A lot of it does veer dark due to the nature of the horror genre. 

3. I do not hate Cliff. I have cowritten him since the beginning with Redd, and have written a heavy amount of the portion of his story.  I like weasels, and even used to have a weasel fursona a long time ago! I just never wanted to portray Cliff as a suave cool guy, because a lot of his story is so heavily tied to themes of the nastier side of anthropology and colonization that America did in this time era, and to some extent still does today.

If Cliff had not been an anthropologist, we probably could have gone in a drastically different direction with him. But I think the role of the Meseta needed more presence and we used Cliff's story to explore that more. 

Cliff's story is about growing (or not growing!) as a person, all the while enjoying his eccentricities.

Criticism is always welcome. But it needs to come from places based on the truth. There is a lot of me in the characters in this story- but that's kind of the point of being an author. 

-George S.


You don't have to listen to my criticism specifically but the way I've seen you snap at others with much gentler criticisms than mine really put me off man :/ You've shown an intense, specific resistance to ANY negative feedback regardless of intent, and THAT'S what I'm referring to.

You don't need to reply to every comment you get. You don't need to justify every decision you make. I even said that on a good day I love like, half of your game. William and Nik aren't for me, so I didn't comment on them in any depth.

The amount of work you put into the project isn't the point because I can clearly see where creative visions are clashing. Which in some ways is fine, and others really isn't. I'm not going to get into the minutia of it because nothing I can say will ever convince you or anyone else that your writing is flawed in any appreciable way. It makes me less willing to accept what flaws DO exist because I'll know they'll just be repeated 🙃 it happened with Howly and Arches, and McSkinny with A Role To Play.

For the record I don't hate you as a person. I don't think you're a pedophile, I don't think you're evil, or even necessarily are still the creep you (allegedly) were years ago. I'm willing to engage with you and your fiction with grace and the benefit of the doubt, since it provides very rare representation (at least outside of FVNs.) But like my guy, obsessively replying to any negative feedback with "you're wrong, actually" is unprofessional and makes me less able to feel positively towards the work.

I would love to be as obsessed with TSR as other people seem to be (especially since it's goddamn inescapable and nobody who plays FVNs looks outside of the Echo Project bubble very often.) I really wanna like this game, I really do. Literally all I want is to see more open dialogue 

Deleted 153 days ago

Jesus christ you write alot XD. Him "snapping" at criticism is always him justifying or explaining why he wrote something a certain way to clear up confusion. Nothing intense nor resilient about his messages. He enjoys interacting with the community no matter what kind of comment it is, and we all appreciate him for that. Its really not fair for you to say that after you rage baited him by calling him racist cause your favorite love interest isnt portrayed the way you want him to be. And dude its a free novel. "I don't think I'll be continuing to read TSR in the future :/" is not threatening anyone XD

Damn that's crazy anyway time to fill out a job application


Nasty things accused are mostly just lies based on things taken out of context and leaking private DMs out of context because of a hate boner. lol


I literally said I don't think that George is a pedophile or even necessarily a bad person in my reply. I'm not accusing him of anything besides not being a particularly good writer.

(1 edit) (+2)(-7)

Not saying you are. The others are (and they're cub writers themselves).

You do seem to be very much the "I don't like it and I criticize it, the writer should acknowledge my opinion and change for me specifically" type though. So, yeah. Don't like, leave your criticism, move on.


Like I said I don't really care whether or not my personal feelings are reflected in TSR. The dickriding (especially from you specifically) is just obnoxious.


"Dickriding" or not, the things and points that have been said to you (respectfully) still apply regardless. Good thing you don't care and don't take personal feelings reflected in the VN to heart. It would be pretty mature to just move on.



Sure thing bucko. Besides, you wanna talk off putting? Go play Echo. There are FAR worse and more messed up things there than THAT scene from a recent update (which isn't even bad, you just don't get it).

You don't care, sure, but you care enough to say what you said, so you DO in fact care.


Just here to say Murdoch's route hits home and makes me cry a lot.


It's a real shame that George's pedophilic fantasies were made public knowledge recently. Extremely so since he was a teacher. Makes you wonder if it affected the stories he writes in any way.

Deleted 5 days ago

-Considering the Late 2000s/Early 2010s where this was considered a gray area and normalized. The dark ages I call it. However we still can't say this was alright even if this was both consenting adults roleplaying, even if this is a product of it's time. We can at least agree that in the present day this is all weird.
-10 YEARS AGO?! I thought this was recent.
-It's true that these people are mostly GenZ furries, now that I think on it.
-The guy isn't that great to work with honestly, but that's it. Anything else just feels like an entire vendetta and hate circlejerk with everyone else and it's getting annoying.

Older Furry: this is my work
GenZ Furry: ummmm i dont like it this shouldnt be a thing.
Older Furry: Thank you for your input but if you do not like it just don't engage with it.
GenZ Furry: [Shocked that someone said no. Hmm. An older gay telling someone no, standing his ground. Unsure what to do, they just resort to the first thing that comes to mind.]: Oh, you're an asshole. Alright. We got you.

This is getting very tiring and I can't even bother to listen to anyone anymore. Y'all seriously need to do what we did before you lot came into this fandom back in pandemic: IGNORE THE THING YOU HATE AND STOP ENGANGING WITH IT. 

Deleted 5 days ago
Deleted 172 days ago

preach sis


Stop making shit up to stir up drama.

You should go to JAIL for lying about something so serious over internet beef, get a goddamn job, freak.


Well we can all tell you haven't read anything, the VN is full of adult men having consenting sex with each other.  Makes folks wonder why you'd make up lies like that.


Does anyone know the minimum Android version for this?


Works on Android 9

I've been having an incredibly strange problem for a while, whenever I try to open specifically the 32Bit version of TSR, task manager will show it as starting for a second, before it immediately disappears and never fully starts. It's specifically only TSR, no other renpy games, and only the 32Bit version. Has anyone else had a similar issue?


Nik's route makes me wanna cry


This might make me sound extremely weak but i only got through Cliff's chapters when i decided that this vn is not for me. Not that it was bad or anything. The story itself is amazing but it was too scary for me and made me paranoid in real life. If you like horror then this is definitely for you or if you're not really a horror person like me then stick to Adastra or something like that.


Be glad you didn't start with Murdoch


hello team members of this amazing project, thank you again for all your hard on this project as a whole and update 32. I enjoyed reading it a lot it has some very interesting scenes and lore that i will understand more later hopefully. Now that i got the formalities out of the way I think it would be wiser to include more information in the patch notes about the updates for the route progression. I think if not for my curiosity about what happened previous update, I would have missed the little continuation after choosing to trust Yao. I understand that my suggestion may not have much effect but just being aware of the content available is extremely helpful. I would feel terrible if i could have been consuming this and didn't know it existed. Again tysm for writing this amazing tale, I'm so excited for what's to come in the future.

Deleted 195 days ago
Deleted 195 days ago

I estimate that TSR is between 61-67% completed

Deleted 196 days ago

i just played through william and nik's route and i feel like the kane thing was kinda forced, but i mean, it can work if you guys go back a bit and foreshadow it a bit better. overall great VN, keep up the work

(1 edit) (+11)(-2)

There's definitely going to be edits for all places and routes by the time the story is finished. We plan on a final edit pass in between individual route completion and full game completion.  Thanks for reading!



that's good to hear george, thanks for reading and replying to my feedback too


not sure if its ok for me to post this hear (spoiler warning)

tsr takes place in the 1910s right and we see a 1960s70s van run the main character over when he ends up going through one of the door ways in the geo'ed caves tho this is "just" a vision i find this to be rather confusing and makes me wonder why they used said van unless im actually mistaken tho the modern looking road that this happened on is odd as well especially sence it looked like a desolate place

I think it's something that's connected to Echo (the game that chronologically comes after tsr) in the future. Idk

intersting maybe ill have to load that one up sence i already have it downloaded


It's specifically in Jenna's Route

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

Time, space, and timeline hopping are things that are possible in the Game under specific limited conditions. 

Sam died multiple times in this vision for the thing attached to him to find the right moment to leave. 

-George S.

(2 edits) (+1)

good to know maybe i should search for those unique traveling moments, this also means that entity exists in all or most past echo projects ; also dear god is that pfp of amicus nice.


Dimitri is so hot, can we trade Murdoch for him?


so whens the patreon release gonna be available to the public?


About 2 more weeks. 


Let be real, some people are mad from William's update is because they don't want to see their dommy daddy get pegged.


you're absolutely right. there's no more william for sam 🤧


i love all of the echo-verse, dont get me wrong, but TSR just really hits, yk?

(5 edits)

Hey hello, i need some help with the vn in terms of updates, i downloaded the vn on the 28 version and recently i tried to get the version 31 and i asked a friend how to update the vns on this site and i did it as he told me(Download the new version, click on details while it downloads when download click on it and it says, it's an update and won't affect any other progress on the game and click install) it should work but for some reason when i go to my files and try to download the new version it says "App not installed", like it doesn't download the new version 

Can anyone help me pls? (I'm doing it on Android btw) 

Hey! Did you uninstall the previous version?

(2 edits)

No i did not, i got the game wich was on the 28 build and some time past and then i tried to download the new patch the build 31 but for some reason it doesn't  updated

Should i had deleted the previous version? But my savess would be gone no? (I play on Android btw) 

(3 edits)

Well, yes, I'd recommend you to delete the previous version. 

You can jump to the needed chapter in the game, somewhere in Extras, if I recall correctly. But saves will be gone, unfortunately.

P.S. Sorry I kept you waiting for so long.

Oh no worries sweetheart, and yes i know you can jump to the chapter you need on the extras(i actually remembered that on the day when you first replyed cuz the days after i "finished" Williams rote i went to the extras and saw the chapters but didn't knew when i first saw it, but then actually on class my mind did a click and i remembered it), but i thought that there was another way to do update it, but thank you so much, and thank you for your time dear, hope you have a good day <3333

Have a good day, too. <3


I love The Smoke Room.

That is all.


Me, currently ranting on a reddit thread on how bad the last William update was.


Who asked?

Not the cheeky little reddit self promo about your opinions flopstiee 😂 plsss

Deleted 221 days ago

bro's harrassing me cuz he wants to jerk it to gay furries. chill out.


Y'all behave. Don't make me get the broom.



Imagine being with someone his favorite VNs are TSR and Burrows.


That's me, lol

well, hello there !!

you called?



Hi! Ive been following the game for a couple of updates, and every time there is a new release I end up having to play again the route that was updated. Is there any way to skip to a certain scene with a fresh install?


i figured it out. Im so embarassed :/

you are good!


I love Will! Got so invested in that character and story, can't wait to see how it all unfolds c:




I just played through so much, Nik's route is particularly popping off, but I just have a few error corrections (at least what I believe to be errors) if you have any drive to fix them. It's very little.


- In William's route, talking to Marcy (I don't know which time, probably first) it says "If they can tell the truth, they why can't you?" As opposed to "then why can't you"

- In Nik's route, talking to Mr. Briggs, following all the stuff about "to prosper with a family of five, it is demanded that we slit the throats of 500 others"

it says "Genteely of course" it is probably just gently, but I did just learn about "Genteelly" being a word, that would fit there grammatically, and seem closer than gently.

- In Nik's again, this is a frame issue rather than a text issue, right before they do the naughty in Sam's room, it says, "It's the green bottle" -> "The outside is sticky..." -> "And the inside is stickier."

when it says "The outside is sticky" he grows back clothes and his pp has a bit of an outline showing his fur through his clothes, but definitely not a shape that's supposed to be there

Other than that, please keep going, I'm especially excited for the Murdoch update like really soon. He had some tea for sure, especially with all the Blithe stuff, which then overlapped I think with Nik's, but I don't think we'll ever know. (unless we do)

Thank you.


Todd is so precious  I love him


im so conflicted.😭😭😭 I hate horror, but I want to see dik... what do I do^^




you're playing echo project games for the porn?
Wrong game
Switch to something like amorous lmfao

Has anyone else been having issues with the 32bit build not opening? Anytime I try to open it, it'll show up in Task Manager for a second before immediately suspending itself.

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