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i miss myself  <humen from story before> but i hope it ave version 2.

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who do you play as in this?


The player is Scipio. We saw him for the first time at the extreme end of Adastra. He's part of the diplomatic team, he's gay ( who isn't in that game ? :)) and suffers of PTSD since the riots.


is there a place where people can discuss lore elements of the story with spoilers like a discord channel or a group? I would love to discuss some extra elements of the whole universe where these VN are located


echo project does have a discord server. if you want to join.

Is the update coming this week?

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No. The Echo team is taking a break this month. Except for the public realeases.

When the update is coming out ?

They just published the TSR public version but for Khemia you'll have to wait since the part 2 is delayed for patreons.


Amicus looks chunkier (?) thx for the update too

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i swear if turns out that the parents are some huge ass manipulator and sweetened the pill to MC in order to  make him work for them I am gonna cry cause it's probably all I could do in this context


also the fact that you write ''to dust'' under the title gives me really bad vibes

That just the English word for Khemia, and also you know the English word for Adastra is "to the stars".


FUUUUUUUUUUCK, Didn't expect my heart to be torn to shreds this early, as a person with ptsd this is just hitting me so hard on so many different levels. I truly can't wait until the next update, I'll see yah then heh!

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as someone who also lives with PTSD I also was hit hard by this. <3 hope all is well with you. 


yeah, you too! 💞


OMG SECOND PART IM JUST LIKE LAKJSCHG SLRUFHAEORIFUHD...... okay, remain calm. I just loved the first one so just seeing the second even if its not very advanced rn its just awesoooooome. Btw I love all the echo project vn and i hope we get more of them. When ill be able to support you guys I will :3

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 I like to imagine how the other siblings would react  to Earth as It seems to be a jack-of-all-trades,  and imagine the existential crisis that they must get when they see a zoo for the first time,  or our great cultural achievement, memes. especially doge memes

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I got some ideas for the next MC if Scipio and Marco isn't the mc in future sequels.

1. Human. This character is a psychologist who is in his 20s and is part of the contact team Marco put together to start the merging of humanity to be part of the Galaxias. His job is to monitor the behavior and attitude of both the team and the other species of Galaxias. He's level-headed and physically average. His love interest is Cassius and the wolf is at first a jerk as usual but warms up after spending time together which cause Alexios to become hostile and join an elaborate group to sabotage the alliance and try to kill Marco and the MC. This will be a bit like the novel Sphere by Michael Crichton.

2. Human. This one is a U.S. soldier with the military branch and class of your choice. He is part of the team Macro created to start the alliance with the rest of the Galaxias. He has combat experience and his personality is like Hicks from the movie Aliens. The story will have an Omorfan cat as his love interest.

3. Jackal. This Khemian have some connection to Neferu's family or is basically an everyman err jackal or probably both. The plot involves with the tigers' homeworld which is equivalent to Ancient India. The romance will involve between the Khemian and a handsome tiger who is a warrior or a member of a royal family. 

4. Cat. This Omorfan is a mercenary who is hired by someone to hunt down Cassius and Alexios. The search lead to the tigers' homeworld. The plot will revolve around the cat and a tiger of a high status like in Idea #3. 

All the ideas will one similarity: the Parents are involved. That's all my ideas for the next MC. So guys which idea do you like? Hopefully the creator of Adastra and Khemia pick one of these ideas! Anyway can't wait for the next update!

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Who posted it?

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wait if you do it it be possible if we can use the name that we used from the original game?

The MC reminds me of the movie  Lara Croft or something where they are finding the Goddess of death which is a woman carrier that is immune to the disease unlike other people, which ends up killing them whenever she touches them. So she was sealedso the disease could no longer spread.


Wait so basically the MC bringed the corona virus to the world, this boy just killing us omg

Actually the MC brought us Avian Pox. So humanity got two pandemics. 


Omg you are right, Is kinda sad though ,poor MC he got forced  to go back and basically is killing everybody 😣

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Don't forget he's in quarantine so hopefully he'll be alright and maybe we'll hear more news about him later in Khemia or probably in the next sequel.

i hope so, he's a strong one so im sure he'll be ok uwu

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They will not translate into Spanish why I already played Adastra in Spanish and I was intrigued to continue with the story I am from Argentina

este proyecto acaba de iniciarse... traducirlo no es una prioridad. vete por unos meses


i just noticed something... is it me or does it look like amicus has his ring off???? correct me if im wrong but i dont see it ;-;


He aint wearing it , AND thats on what? Thats on depression

is there a list somewhere out all the siblings and what cultures they represent?


I just finished Adastra (which was a phenomenal intro to VNs) and was so happy to see this continuation of the story in this universe. Getting to return to familiar locations and characters for a new story each month is making me so happy. I wasn't ready to leave this world at the end of Adastra and this seems like its going to shape up to be a fantastic addition to the storyline. 


Is it me or is any visual novel EchoProject makes, I'm never ready for it (ex: adastra or echo)

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Is the human coming back at some point in this game? 

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I would love to see the continuation of the story between the human and Amicus and I'd really love to experience how the 8 year plan to integrate Earth into the Galaxias plays out!


Maybe they will make a trilogy out of these series and after this one's done they will make the last game 

contanto que amicus e o humano ainda fiquem juntos eu ja estou feliz...


Boi an unexpected update!


Played Adastra all in one sitting. Welp time to get my heart broken again...


Why dude? WHYYY?? Now I know I'm gonna die inside again and again...

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Heh, I'm fine by now thank you! Restraining myself a little before opening this feelings overload... 

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Fourth idea sounds great! The more drama the better :V

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I disagree with all of them but the 4th idea I almost agree. So far what we know this VN will be a love story between Scipio and Neferu. There will probably be few similarities to Adastra but mostly different. Scipio is way different from Marco so he will not be completely helpless but the wolf will still be new to Neferu's homeworld and his PTSD will be an issue to his diplomatic role. Amicus will focus on the alliance between the jackals and the wolves while thinking about his lover and the Parents. We'll maybe see some conflict between Neferu, the Pharaoh and Khemia itself with Scipio being also involved and the Parents acting behind the scenes. I hope the ending will a happy one where both Scipio and Neferu get married and start a new life together while Amicus and Marco reunite somehow and a teaser for the next sequel. Who knows what we'll but no doubt Khemia is an excellent sequel! :)

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New Amicus sprite is so adorable!


wonderful just like Adastra, i hope it doesn't break my heart like Adastra (it was a good ending but still sad that they had to be separated, and i dont know why it really hits me the part when de MC sees all hes life). I hope one day you guys do a storie for all the cultures or planets of the Adastra world, it would be SO good. Aniways  keep up with this AMAZING, WONDERFUL, SPECTACULAR, SUBLIME work. Five stars!

I think it’s not going to be a total drama like Adasta, according to the Tags…


hmm dont think we'll be seeing the human around this time (not sure but i hope we see them 2gether again :> ) i think it will be just focused on khemia (Neferu's planet) cuz it did say (correct me if im wrong) that the incident where the human left has been only 4 yrs since :<


They should add a special scene or something at the end when Mark? Mac? Marco? (I forgot lmao) Visits Khemia after his job on Earth…

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I mean, Adastra had a tendency to skip months or weeks at a time between scenes. I would only imagine this would do the same.


Thank you. Just thank you for making such beautiful games and with lovable and memorable characters

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hmmm, Avia Pox sounds really similar to COVID 🤔




Pretty sure Earth is dealing with both COVID-19 and Avia Pox. If it's true then humanity won't be in a good state in a sequel if Marco returns.


I don't think humanity is doing good so far rn anyways from COVID, especially the United States because nobody wants to listen about wearing masks and staying sanitary.


I totally agree. Health and safety is VERY important and people aren't taking it seriously.

Nobody knows what to do when I get "aplication not installed"? I already try  to deactivate Google Play Protet, take off  the SD, release space, but nothing: 'c

Hey, not sure if I can be of any help or not, but are you trying to install the app as a(n) .apk file? 

Yeah, im was trying to install that like an apk file, but hey im gona try this new version, to see if it install this time

... is your device set to Developer mode?

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I can't wait for more! It's a little upsetting that it doesn't follow the human's perspective though. I really wanted to spend more time with Amicus, but Neferu is pretty nice too <3

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I am confused, in the beginning of the game the text show that the human is alive and on earth, but then Neferu says he sacrifice himself. So are the human alive or dead??


Remember the neck incident? Yeah

But neferu says that he saw them having their last moments, implying that he died


Nef's wording seems to be intentionally vague on his part, but we know from the meeting at the start of the game that the human is still alive. He's just describing seeing the human die and omitting the part of him being revived by the parents.



He did die, but the parents fixed him







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