Just this one now. He resigned from Cleaved and the other one for mental health reasons. Being the main(?) artist on multiple VNs as well as other personal stuff is stressful.
Internea is happens during adastra is a little vacation Marco and Amicus Had before departing, Khemia is a Spinoff(?) it follows Neferu and Scipicio (a new wolf) on Neferu´s planet i think this is after Adastra
Não há nenhuma versão oficial em português. Mas se a memória não me falha, há uma versão traduzida por fãs num post do reddit. Acredito que somente para a versão de PC
Tem uma pagina aq no Itch que contem uma copia de Adastra e Khemia em português, irei repassa-la para voce, só tem um problema, Khemia só é posivel jogar em pc:
wow the comments are kinda mean but i hope everything is okay with the devs. I feel like everyone is stressed out because of recent…political events. SO to all who read these VN’s be patient and don’t be a dick its not good for your soul. Or option two. Make your own to fill in the gap Of not having a vn to read. Stop being mean to each other. Seriouslly they’re authors not miracle workers….
So Echo Team finally releases a Khemia update. YES! After all these years of waiting! But Echo Team releases the Khemai update only for Patreons, after the Echo team lost their major income money from The Smoke Room.....
I really hope it will not be locked behind Patreons only for a long time.
Gosh, these comments couldn't be anymore negative. As a Neferu enjoyer all I want is more Fluffy boy Scipio and more of our true love: Neferu. New builds are literally around the corner but everyone's just negative and arguing like school children. :/ If you don't wanna associate with it then stop hanging around the VN's by Echo Project.
I just want my thicc Jackal Babe and my favorite Blue Boi to get catharsis.
Hola amigo, no, Khemia no está NI CERCA de estar terminada jajajs, la versión actual dura alrededor de media hora y dentro de poco le van a hacer un remake, con el cual van a reescribir la historia de esta NV (los personajes van a seguir siendo los mismos pero van a haber ciertos cambios en la trama). Lo que pasaba con Khemia es que la última versión se estrenó creo que en 2022, por lo que hubo un hiatus de 2 años por un bloqueo creativo del autor, pero dentro de poco va a salir una actualización (Haps, el encargado de los diseños de personaje de Adastra, ya terminó las ilustraciones de los personajes para Khemia, con lo cual seguramente sólo haya que esperar a que programen la actualización). Si te quedaste con ganas de más Adastra, podés jugar a esta versión y tenerla como curiosidad, porque eventualmente se va a convertir en la versión "beta" de Khemia. También tenés Interea, que tiene lugar en los 9 meses que el protagonista se queda en Adastra luego de recibir su misión por parte de los Padres, de la cual no se tiene noticias, pero es mucho menos probable que se reescriba su historia. Si preferís leer novelas visuales que ya estén terminadas, vas a tener que esperar bastante con Khemia y más con Interea, pero si te quedaste con muchas ganas de ver más cosas relacionadas con Adastra (y con el husbando de media comunidad furry, Amicus), por el momento tenés esos dos proyectos.
No esperaria nada de este equipo, hace poco despidieron a la unica persona que trabajaba, con suerte esta novela la terminan de aca a 10 años , si es que la terminan jajaja
is khemia 2 a fully finished newer verison? if not, is playing this now worth it, or should i wait for the finished version? ive already finished adastra and whats of interea so far, and i really like the series so far.
No, Khemia 2 is a version that's been around since 2020 and probably just fixed some minor bugs/typos. They're gonna remake it soon, which will imply a rewrite. If you aren't looking to invest in a short story that'll be decanonized in (hopefully) a very near future, then you should wait for the update; but if you're really yearning for some more Adastra content, you could read this Khemia version as a curiosity, since this will be a discarded version in the future, and playing that sort of stuff when it comes to videogames or even media in general is always pretty cool.
Khemia-2 that you see in the downloads section was an update of the original build from 2020. Probably bug fixes or fixing typos. Not part of the new game.
i dont get whats up with the criticisms anymore, let artists do their art, let them grow at their own pace, let them present, change, or delete the story however much they want, at the end of the day, its up to you if you find it boring or not, the work speaks for itself, drop it if you wish, the story is just a fantasy, get a life
Fine but don't say every year "Khemia wil be back at January". And this is from Echo Project, not from fans. A silently update can work too. You update the game and after you can make your marching band. It's called respect to who love the VN and wait for an update
Also why to you dreaming about a fantasy is bad? Yes it's fantasy, but it gives special shivers down the spine to who like it. The thing is you don't care much about the project. You aim to other things like Tik-Tok videos. Sure you don't have to increase the pressure on the shoulders of the writer, but saying "get a life, it's only fantasy", doesn't help your point of view
Ive never said "dreaming of a fantasy is Bad", i love fantasy, stop putting words and assumptions of my life, i dont watch tiktok, my brainrotted self is aimed at other things i enjoy, face reality bro, Ive never said such statements about "khemia goin back" or something, I dont disrespect fans, i disrespect people who think they can do better when theyre not the ones doing writing as a profession/ "rando critics online".
You do disrespect the fans because they know when it's time to say enough. As said, three years of waiting are fine, but if the quality of the sprites has been lowered, maybe Echo needs criticism. Also crying wolf every year saying Khemia will be uploaded again, isn't a good move. And if someone can't be see themselves as a random critic online, the same need to be said to who want to say others to "face reality". Your reality is based on "i don't care much about it, you should do not care much about it, too"
A remake with less sex? What's the problem with sex in an 18+ Gay FVN? Is that what most fans actually wanted or are they just doing this as a final "fuck you" to George, the original, and controversial, writer?
I think the thing is that echo and the idea about it is far more interesting than sex - I personally would prefer more of the intense story without all of the salad dressing.
There's tones of sex filled furry VN, but the echo lore is far more interesting. (Just hope they don't remove all of it cause its quite fun)
I'm luckily not a gooner /coomer and I'm able to enjoy SFW VNs for the plot alone, and TSR's plot is very compelling and basically my favorite, it's just that removing the NSFW, ngl, feels like homophobic censorship.
I really hope that they at least keep the existing and continue developing the romantic elements which, IMHO, feel crucial to the development of the characters, especially William and Murdoch's. Also, Sam and Nik's relationship is beautiful and wholesome and it would suck if they tone it down.
Maybe I'm just a softie who likes watching the MCs being happy before everything goes to shit and most people only enjoy the horror and physchological distress.
excuse me - but saying it would be "homophobic censorship" is a bit of a fucking stretch. Removing sex from a game doesn't make it homophobic and saying that it does watersdown the meaning quite a bit and is honestly just offensive.
Sex isn't the be all and end all of intimate relationships - but guess we'll never know now the games cancelled
Honestly, for a guy who's annoyed by Adastra, it's nice so far. It even convinced me that Adastra is a satire. Finally, a protagonist who values free will.
Fun fact:
The amount of sand on Earth is estimated to be roughly around 10 ^23 grains, similar to the number of stars in the universe. However, considering that Khemia is a desert planet, the amount of sand on that planet could far exceed the number of stars in the universe.
Saw your comments in the Adastra page and wow, really nice way to say you didn't understood the game at all, how can someone be so confidently incorrect
"It's amazing, you're 100% wrong, i mean nothing you've said has ben right"
You aren't as media literate as you think you are, buddy.
Believe me, I think I also get "post-Adastra depression" in different way. And I really really don’t mean to dampen everyone’s mood.
It’s not that I dislike romance dramas, but… from the start of the game, Parents have been interfering—there’s no denying it. To them, romance is nothing more than a biochemical reaction. They have a reason to do this to achieve their goals. They might even mislead you into thinking they aren’t omnipotent—unless Parents truly have suffer a defeat once...
Im very passionate(and autistic) about this vn so i don't like when someone misinterprets it to this deegre, even saying the vn is "satire"
ngl, your takes on Adastra kind of reminded me of a The Owl House take i saw where someone says that Luz is a spoiled brat that made Amity's and Hunter's lives worse by "distracting them from success"(she took Hunter away from his abuser and made Amity stand up to her abusive mom)
there's the Meera ending(wich Khemia implies that it's the canon one) where Marco forces the parents to tell him the entire plan so when he goes back to earth he has the parents at his mercy, he knows tasks he'll have to do and can choose wether or not he wants to do them in advance and force the parents to come up with another way.
One of the standards I suppose for a good ending is that the right people are doing the right things. I think Amity and Hunter have achieved this—they’ve each become a better person through these events.
But the question is, has Marco done the same? What specific benefits has this journey brought him? I don’t think the answer is simply that he gained the courage to be himself, nor that he improved his arrogant attitude, because neither of these were really issues, and I don’t see how they would impact his life on Earth.
I just pointed out the TOH take cuz im saying that just like that person got the show wrong you got the vn Wrong
Just because you didn't understood it doesn't automatically make it "satire"
But i guess everyone has their own interpretation of something even if they got it wrong, like for example that bs take on TOH, Jelloapocalypse horrible video about Adventure Time and Lily Orchard's also horrible retrospective on Pokémon(those are what your take reminded me of)
But you seem determined on your view and internet "arguments" are exhausting so im going to stop and leave, and i'll leave this meme that i found on tumblr.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and not everyone has to like the same things. There are no objectively wrong opinions; that's what makes them opinions.
I find it funny how even Adastra haters love Neferu as a character lol, no one can disagree that, despite being a jackal, he is goated. At first I thought I wouldn't like him and now he's one of my favourite characters ever
i just finished adastra but i am scared to start this or interea until they are completed so i can play them all at once. i also need to rest my mental health lmfaoo ;-; AWESOME SERIES!! excited for more :)
EDIT: curiosity got the better of me and now i've read both VN's. happy to say i will gladly wait for more!
hoping the wait time in-game isn't consistent with real life though lol
Pains me since day 1 that Neferu hasn't gotten the amount of art or appreciation he deserves. Love Amicus, but come on... Anubian Jackals are my thing, Neferu is a confirmed bottom with a really, REALLY nice pair of cheeks and despite his political manipulation and demeanor... He's genuine. He's caring. He's tender. God, I just wanted to embrace him the entire time I spent whole chapters with him in Adastra. xD
im very excited for when this gets updated, but i hope the creators arent stressing over the impatient people. good writing takes a while and so does good art and music
← Return to game
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who did the character design and images ?
Haps is the artist in charge of illustrating the 3 novels
Just this one now. He resigned from Cleaved and the other one for mental health reasons. Being the main(?) artist on multiple VNs as well as other personal stuff is stressful.
Im confused i finished Adastra but i started reading Interea after should i move to this then Intera or Khemia i want to read in order
Internea is happens during adastra is a little vacation Marco and Amicus Had before departing, Khemia is a Spinoff(?) it follows Neferu and Scipicio (a new wolf) on Neferu´s planet i think this is after Adastra
I'm confused about which part I should play first. Can anyone answer me? I'm playing and I'm confused.
Play adastra first then this, when it comes out :)
Just start from the beginning of the newest build
Only saying that because if I was into the story and got hit with end of early access I would die inside
Thank you very much, I will be able to play correctly thanks to you.
Finally achieved the impossible dream
dose anyone know what re-release means???? Dose that mean its done????
I reworded it as a "rework" and gave a bit more description in the dev log that hopefully makes things clearer.
oh ok, thank you!
(also THANK YOU just in general)
Hey Echo Project. Don't know where to put it... You know the Nasshnarah? I'm worried about him. Can you tell him that Aracnan is worried?
After all these years of waiting... Finally. Our Jackal Prince and Fluffy Boy return.
Khemia is back! ^^
Omg im gonna cry finnaly
Hi, there. The website says this project was updated 4 hrs ago, but I don't see where I can download it...
But why would it still say Khemia 2? My guess is it's referring to the page and not that actual project
Does anyone know why the first overhauled build that was out on patreon back at the end of November 2024 still hasn't been publicly released yet?!
Não há nenhuma versão oficial em português. Mas se a memória não me falha, há uma versão traduzida por fãs num post do reddit. Acredito que somente para a versão de PC
Tem uma pagina aq no Itch que contem uma copia de Adastra e Khemia em português, irei repassa-la para voce, só tem um problema, Khemia só é posivel jogar em pc:
-Link Direto: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6de4ki97w4y6al1/Khemia-2-PTBR.rar/file
- Link do Itch: https://itch.io/c/3171927/rvfs-em-portugus-fvns-in-portuguese
wow the comments are kinda mean but i hope everything is okay with the devs. I feel like everyone is stressed out because of recent…political events. SO to all who read these VN’s be patient and don’t be a dick its not good for your soul. Or option two. Make your own to fill in the gap Of not having a vn to read. Stop being mean to each other. Seriouslly they’re authors not miracle workers….
So Echo Team finally releases a Khemia update. YES! After all these years of waiting! But Echo Team releases the Khemai update only for Patreons, after the Echo team lost their major income money from The Smoke Room.....
I really hope it will not be locked behind Patreons only for a long time.
Gosh, these comments couldn't be anymore negative. As a Neferu enjoyer all I want is more Fluffy boy Scipio and more of our true love: Neferu. New builds are literally around the corner but everyone's just negative and arguing like school children. :/ If you don't wanna associate with it then stop hanging around the VN's by Echo Project.
I just want my thicc Jackal Babe and my favorite Blue Boi to get catharsis.
Holaaa, ¿una pregunta khemia está finalizada? Hace un rato termine adastra y la verdade gusta mucho esa NV
Hola amigo, no, Khemia no está NI CERCA de estar terminada jajajs, la versión actual dura alrededor de media hora y dentro de poco le van a hacer un remake, con el cual van a reescribir la historia de esta NV (los personajes van a seguir siendo los mismos pero van a haber ciertos cambios en la trama). Lo que pasaba con Khemia es que la última versión se estrenó creo que en 2022, por lo que hubo un hiatus de 2 años por un bloqueo creativo del autor, pero dentro de poco va a salir una actualización (Haps, el encargado de los diseños de personaje de Adastra, ya terminó las ilustraciones de los personajes para Khemia, con lo cual seguramente sólo haya que esperar a que programen la actualización). Si te quedaste con ganas de más Adastra, podés jugar a esta versión y tenerla como curiosidad, porque eventualmente se va a convertir en la versión "beta" de Khemia. También tenés Interea, que tiene lugar en los 9 meses que el protagonista se queda en Adastra luego de recibir su misión por parte de los Padres, de la cual no se tiene noticias, pero es mucho menos probable que se reescriba su historia. Si preferís leer novelas visuales que ya estén terminadas, vas a tener que esperar bastante con Khemia y más con Interea, pero si te quedaste con muchas ganas de ver más cosas relacionadas con Adastra (y con el husbando de media comunidad furry, Amicus), por el momento tenés esos dos proyectos.
No esperaria nada de este equipo, hace poco despidieron a la unica persona que trabajaba, con suerte esta novela la terminan de aca a 10 años , si es que la terminan jajaja
is khemia 2 a fully finished newer verison? if not, is playing this now worth it, or should i wait for the finished version? ive already finished adastra and whats of interea so far, and i really like the series so far.
No, Khemia 2 is a version that's been around since 2020 and probably just fixed some minor bugs/typos. They're gonna remake it soon, which will imply a rewrite. If you aren't looking to invest in a short story that'll be decanonized in (hopefully) a very near future, then you should wait for the update; but if you're really yearning for some more Adastra content, you could read this Khemia version as a curiosity, since this will be a discarded version in the future, and playing that sort of stuff when it comes to videogames or even media in general is always pretty cool.
ah, alright! thank you
Yo imma need to know what that khemia 2 is all about
Khemia-2 that you see in the downloads section was an update of the original build from 2020. Probably bug fixes or fixing typos. Not part of the new game.
i dont get whats up with the criticisms anymore, let artists do their art, let them grow at their own pace, let them present, change, or delete the story however much they want, at the end of the day, its up to you if you find it boring or not, the work speaks for itself, drop it if you wish, the story is just a fantasy, get a life
Fine but don't say every year "Khemia wil be back at January". And this is from Echo Project, not from fans. A silently update can work too. You update the game and after you can make your marching band. It's called respect to who love the VN and wait for an update
Also why to you dreaming about a fantasy is bad? Yes it's fantasy, but it gives special shivers down the spine to who like it. The thing is you don't care much about the project. You aim to other things like Tik-Tok videos. Sure you don't have to increase the pressure on the shoulders of the writer, but saying "get a life, it's only fantasy", doesn't help your point of view
Ive never said "dreaming of a fantasy is Bad", i love fantasy, stop putting words and assumptions of my life, i dont watch tiktok, my brainrotted self is aimed at other things i enjoy, face reality bro, Ive never said such statements about "khemia goin back" or something, I dont disrespect fans, i disrespect people who think they can do better when theyre not the ones doing writing as a profession/ "rando critics online".
You do disrespect the fans because they know when it's time to say enough. As said, three years of waiting are fine, but if the quality of the sprites has been lowered, maybe Echo needs criticism. Also crying wolf every year saying Khemia will be uploaded again, isn't a good move. And if someone can't be see themselves as a random critic online, the same need to be said to who want to say others to "face reality". Your reality is based on "i don't care much about it, you should do not care much about it, too"
Howly and Haps, I believe in you. I'm praying you guys deliver an excellent relaunch so Echo Project can put the recent troubles in the past.
I’m kinda out of the loop here and I can’t find any info soo mind catching me up on what happened
Echo Project had a falling out with the person who was writing The Smoke Room and now that project is dead in the water.
New version?
whats the khem2?
Has The Smoke Room been cancelled?
A remake with less sex? What's the problem with sex in an 18+ Gay FVN? Is that what most fans actually wanted or are they just doing this as a final "fuck you" to George, the original, and controversial, writer?
I think the thing is that echo and the idea about it is far more interesting than sex - I personally would prefer more of the intense story without all of the salad dressing.
There's tones of sex filled furry VN, but the echo lore is far more interesting. (Just hope they don't remove all of it cause its quite fun)
So Sam isn't a sex worker anymore? How is that going to work in his connections to each of the main characters?
It won't work, luckily George will release the true VN.
I'm luckily not a gooner /coomer and I'm able to enjoy SFW VNs for the plot alone, and TSR's plot is very compelling and basically my favorite, it's just that removing the NSFW, ngl, feels like homophobic censorship.
I really hope that they at least keep the existing and continue developing the romantic elements which, IMHO, feel crucial to the development of the characters, especially William and Murdoch's. Also, Sam and Nik's relationship is beautiful and wholesome and it would suck if they tone it down.
Maybe I'm just a softie who likes watching the MCs being happy before everything goes to shit and most people only enjoy the horror and physchological distress.
excuse me - but saying it would be "homophobic censorship" is a bit of a fucking stretch. Removing sex from a game doesn't make it homophobic and saying that it does watersdown the meaning quite a bit and is honestly just offensive.
Sex isn't the be all and end all of intimate relationships - but guess we'll never know now the games cancelled
Honestly, for a guy who's annoyed by Adastra, it's nice so far. It even convinced me that Adastra is a satire. Finally, a protagonist who values free will.
Fun fact:
The amount of sand on Earth is estimated to be roughly around 10 ^23 grains, similar to the number of stars in the universe. However, considering that Khemia is a desert planet, the amount of sand on that planet could far exceed the number of stars in the universe.
So... to the dust!
Saw your comments in the Adastra page and wow, really nice way to say you didn't understood the game at all, how can someone be so confidently incorrect
"It's amazing, you're 100% wrong, i mean nothing you've said has ben right"
You aren't as media literate as you think you are, buddy.
Believe me, I think I also get "post-Adastra depression" in different way. And I really really don’t mean to dampen everyone’s mood.
It’s not that I dislike romance dramas, but… from the start of the game, Parents have been interfering—there’s no denying it. To them, romance is nothing more than a biochemical reaction. They have a reason to do this to achieve their goals. They might even mislead you into thinking they aren’t omnipotent—unless Parents truly have suffer a defeat once...
Im very passionate(and autistic) about this vn so i don't like when someone misinterprets it to this deegre, even saying the vn is "satire"
ngl, your takes on Adastra kind of reminded me of a The Owl House take i saw where someone says that Luz is a spoiled brat that made Amity's and Hunter's lives worse by "distracting them from success"(she took Hunter away from his abuser and made Amity stand up to her abusive mom)
So, basically they got everything wrong.
there's the Meera ending(wich Khemia implies that it's the canon one) where Marco forces the parents to tell him the entire plan so when he goes back to earth he has the parents at his mercy, he knows tasks he'll have to do and can choose wether or not he wants to do them in advance and force the parents to come up with another way.
I don’t think this explains how, after receiving Amicus’s response, these actions could have a real impact on the Parents' plans.
One of the standards I suppose for a good ending is that the right people are doing the right things. I think Amity and Hunter have achieved this—they’ve each become a better person through these events.
But the question is, has Marco done the same? What specific benefits has this journey brought him? I don’t think the answer is simply that he gained the courage to be himself, nor that he improved his arrogant attitude, because neither of these were really issues, and I don’t see how they would impact his life on Earth.
I just pointed out the TOH take cuz im saying that just like that person got the show wrong you got the vn Wrong
Just because you didn't understood it doesn't automatically make it "satire"
But i guess everyone has their own interpretation of something even if they got it wrong, like for example that bs take on TOH, Jelloapocalypse horrible video about Adventure Time and Lily Orchard's also horrible retrospective on Pokémon(those are what your take reminded me of)
But you seem determined on your view and internet "arguments" are exhausting so im going to stop and leave, and i'll leave this meme that i found on tumblr.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and not everyone has to like the same things. There are no objectively wrong opinions; that's what makes them opinions.
I already replied to someone else with my thoughts on this.
I find it funny how even Adastra haters love Neferu as a character lol, no one can disagree that, despite being a jackal, he is goated. At first I thought I wouldn't like him and now he's one of my favourite characters ever
The fact that the first remake build is coming in a couple days has me tweaking
I tweaked so much that I'm having seizures thinking of it
where is our update 😭
So, from Echo's Patron Haps and Howly are back to working on Khemia.
i just finished adastra but i am scared to start this or interea until they are completed so i can play them all at once. i also need to rest my mental health lmfaoo ;-; AWESOME SERIES!! excited for more :)
EDIT: curiosity got the better of me and now i've read both VN's. happy to say i will gladly wait for more!
hoping the wait time in-game isn't consistent with real life though lol
Just wait another year or two :3
someone know if the game is in spanish? Or where i can download in spanish?
as a nerfu enjoyer im overly exited for the next build
Pains me since day 1 that Neferu hasn't gotten the amount of art or appreciation he deserves. Love Amicus, but come on... Anubian Jackals are my thing, Neferu is a confirmed bottom with a really, REALLY nice pair of cheeks and despite his political manipulation and demeanor... He's genuine. He's caring. He's tender. God, I just wanted to embrace him the entire time I spent whole chapters with him in Adastra. xD
It's Nerfu or Nothing!
Esperare lo que tenga que esperar, sin apuros 🍝🐢🤚
im very excited for when this gets updated, but i hope the creators arent stressing over the impatient people. good writing takes a while and so does good art and music