Anyone having trouble checking out build 2, try reinstalling it, but don't use the reinstall button, do it the longer way with the uninstall and install buttons.
Hello hi for anybody who’s played through khemia until the second build was being made how would a new build for it apply to the build I have downloaded will the build I have just be updated with the new build or do I have to install it and hope that my progress is saved I’m downloading the APK files of the game and because I’m a first time player and I’m really confused and wanna make sure I am able to play the game with ever update that comes hope someone can answer my question thank you
Because it's the next stage of the story, it's a continuation which means it is a sequel, it doesn't have to be through the eyes of the same character as before. ^^ My theory is that while things are being figured out on Earth by Marco, we get to see the Political environment and plot thicken in Khemia with Scipio and Neferu to start having things get crazy! :3
I think the canon name became Marco, because if you don't input a name for the mc, it automatically became Marco, and it stuck so everyone just refers to him as Marco ^w^
In terms of gameplay and story structure, this game is great. In terms of its thematic implications, I have qualms. Certain aspects of this universe, which were present in Adastra, have now become too explicit for comfort in Khemia. Am I the only one who finds a bad taste in my mouth in seeing that our protagonist is evidently afraid of the poor? It seems tactless that, in a story that is ultimately about politics, the grievances of the masses are portrayed as nothing more than a source of trauma for our protagonist- especially when we have seen it established in Adastra that the condition of the Adastran poor is pretty bleak. It is not as if I have no sympathy for Scipio- after all, he isn't the ruling elite he is attacked for being and the attack on him seems motivated more by his breed than his social status- resembling racial prejudice more than class uprising. And, of course, the ideological influence of Cassius that apparently motivated it is flawed (FUCK Cassius). Still, I wish we could see a full and multi-dimensional portrayal of the average and poor people of this society instead of having them serve as nothing more than a bogeyman haunting a cast of aristocrats, bureaucrats, and dictatorial monarchs.
This is a failure common to a lot of political dramas, sad to say. They focus far too much on the great chess matches of tyrants and in those matches the people are only a pawn or a problem to solve, never being portrayed fairly as actual people or having their concerns addressed. I am reminded of Game of Thrones- but at least they tried to depict the average people's interests with characters like the Brotherhood Under No Banners. Khemia, at least so far, seems content to depict the poor and downtrodden's rebellion as nothing more than a nuisance, while it depicts the literal all-powerful imperial dictatorship they rebel against as a cute and harmless himbo. It doesn't help that the "parents" and their contract with Amicus echo the feudalistic myth of the divine right of kings-wherein democracy is seen as blasphemy! The worldview this narrative implicitly works upon is very flawed.
If I were to try and fix this, I would try to in some way represent the actual plight and concerns of the common people- maybe have a suffering everyman as an actual character in the plot, instead of just an eeeeeviiiiilll shadow in a flashback or a trite talking point in a debate. And stop pretending monarchs are cute!
I agree with every individual thing you've said here, but I think you've come to the wrong conclusion. Scipio's beliefs about Adastra's poor are already being challenged, and given Adastra's perspective on all of this, which you mention is better, I think you're coming to a conclusion about where these aspects of the plot are headed far too early, and underestimating the quality of writing we're going to see.
Certainly we shouldn't judge a work til it is complete. But frankly if it does follow Adastra it won't be much of an improvement- that game didn't have a "good" perspective on how its political plots affected ordinary people, it just didn't talk about it as much
While I'd love to go more in-depth on why I disagree, that would definitely go into spoiler territory, and given that this is something of a space for reviews, that seems like it wouldn't be very thoughtful, so instead, I'll simply say that I think you're interpreting the text very unfavorably, and that Adastra agrees with you on many of these political points, and Khemia is liable to do the same. I would recommend replaying Adastra and paying closer attention to the portrayal of the parents, as well as of the Triumvirs and Cato, who the game considers symbols of the Adastran political system far more than Amicus, who is, if anything, working to fix a lot of the issues you present of it's feudalist notions. Additionally, I'd point out that of course a political drama is liable to focus on those who have political power. In short, I think you're looking for reasons to be mad, and overlooking a lot of the nuance that the franchise is clearly going for.
Having a new race just pop up and be Sibling level is not likely to endear Earth to all the other Siblings or still Children races. Since Avia pox is so deadly to humans, maybe one of the future stories will cover a race trying to kill off humans and the race to stop them.
Does anyone know which ending Khemia takes place after, if either? I think it's ending B, because an event that only happens in it is referenced I think? Was wondering if anyone can confirm one way or the other
Ending B just made canon because of that sequence in 2nd build of Khemia. Ending B is where instead of looking through the vision of the Parents' eyes, Marco instead had a conversation with Meera.
Neferu's race once tried to uplift life on Earth (in fact the Parents had all the sibling races do it at one time or another) and is probably responsible for the appearance of the Egyptian Jackal headed god Anubis.
I don't really get all these conversions people are doing, given that the lingua translates such that it provides the best understanding for the listener, presumably it's already in earth years???
Yes and no, from my understanding. The Lingua does translate an approximation that would fit our (human) understanding of abstract conceptions (time), but I think they were trying to convert it to Wolven years? Which wouldn't work though, since it was never explained how many days are in a year on Adastra, only that there are 19 hours in a day, IIRC.
Yes, but surely the Lingua wouldn't have given us the amount of time in Wolven years, precisely because we have no intuition of how long that is like Amicus would, hence my thinking that it's most likely already in human years
Try uninstalling the apk then reinstall it again, if that doesn’t work, check if your storage is full and try to delete some things. It always happens to me too.
I just did it on my computer, I wasn't home at the time of trying to read it so I was trying to get it on my phone. No VN's work on my phone for some reason anymore sadly idk why. Also Love your pfp I also got started on that VN and I'm hooked!
I'm still playing, but I can't help but wonder, will we ever get to see Cassius and Alexios again...? Unpopular opinion, but I really really liked them!
Well... Don't be offended, but I guess that's would be impossible to have a routes on each character from Khemia. But only Neferu and Scipio's story...
how do the updates work for android? do i have to downloaded again? will i have to aplications or will it directly update the one i alredy have? sorry for so many questions
I haven't stated this one but normally you just install the new apk while the old one is still there. It will realize it's a newer version and install as a update. However if this is anything like the other games they released echoproject then you can't update and unfortunately just got to delete the game along with its save data and install the new one and start from the beginning. This is what I did with there last game and eventually I just stopped and waited for it to be complete. Unlike other projects though these don't take as long to complete aside from echo but I stopped caring about that game when Flynn meet his unfortunate end with no way to help him.
many cheraters in these games start out kind of a butt. It's when you help them deal with there problems when they get good and you do start to help flynn with them a little before he you know what ever you can call what happened to him happened. It may not have been with the MC but he was getting better. I'm also used to the idea of a Visual novel only having a bad end when you do something wrong so when I got his end I searched the comments to find out what I messed up and found that no it's all supposed to happen and that just annoyed me. So I just never bothered with any other route. I never even looked at smoke room because the same thing is probably going to happen in that. I'll get attached to a cherater then will have a bad I never played the other routes but the others all seem to have some kind of good or neutral end but flynn just has this one bad one. It doesn't really seem fare for the players that may have liked him. Plus he's scaly in a fandom over run by wolves and fox people I like to play the games with scales.
We probably won't see any reunion in Khemia since Marco has only been on Earth for a little over 2 years and his mission is 8 years. Perhaps in the next series after Khemia. As for the number of builds, I think Adastra was like 16 or so long.
i dont think i could wear my ring for the 8 year gap either, it would hurt too much to look at, i'd wear it on a necklace as a pendant under my clothing
I mean, Amicus did give Marco an engagement ring, so only Marco is suppose to wear the ring, unless they did already get married, the only one who wears the ring is Marco
It the sequel to Adastra. Since most of the story is taking place on Khemia I guess they decided to call it that.
They might even do something like name each new sequel based on the world where they take place, and since the Parents want Amicus to join the Galaxias together we might see each new sequel name and taking place on a different Sibling home world as he goes about that task.
Well, we don't know about that but one can hope so. I have a theory that the Adastra series will last 8 years like how the separation of Marco and Amicus will take 8 years.
i really, really, hope not, i can't wait that long to reunite with the wolf I love, I dont think my heart could take it, I need amicus and marco reuniting to happen like, next game ;w;
Actually this Khemia chapter is taking place 3 years after the Cato riots and the MC left 9 months after that so this story is taking place a little over 2 years after Adastra. So the MC still has 6 years to go.
I do hope the in the chapter after this one that the MC shows up again though. Even if it's only the MC and Amicus being able to send letter/email via their portals. There is bound to be some way considering that Amicus is getting updates about what is happening on Earth (however delayed they may be).
im pretty sure the Iva pox is the black plague it hadnt been seen in 1000 of years and no cure was made and the symptoms are quite the same to one another
(I made an account to comment on this ^^') The bubonic plague has a vaccine made for it, antibiotics can easily treat it, there are some recent cases (although we haven't seen epidemics or pandemics of it), buboes are much larger than a simple rash and, if I recall correctly, pox of any kind is caused by viruses. In short - I doubt Yersinia Pestis is involved in avia pox.
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Anyone having trouble checking out build 2, try reinstalling it, but don't use the reinstall button, do it the longer way with the uninstall and install buttons.
Hello hi for anybody who’s played through khemia until the second build was being made how would a new build for it apply to the build I have downloaded will the build I have just be updated with the new build or do I have to install it and hope that my progress is saved I’m downloading the APK files of the game and because I’m a first time player and I’m really confused and wanna make sure I am able to play the game with ever update that comes hope someone can answer my question thank you
When the udpate arrives, how do I udpate the game? What should I install? Help please!
When come next build ?
If other Khemians are even a little like Neferu, then a lot of copulation.
I heard the main person (in adastra = you) from adastra died? Is it rigth
Apparently in one of the paths, he does.
Yes. If you make the wrong choices, you die.
You need to play it. It has a couple of endings, it's good to watch them both so you realize what's really happening.
Yeah, it's a disservice to yourself if you don't play Adastra.
don't worry i did many times
when is the next update?
can you make a sequal to adastra please or is this the seccond part of the adastra?
this is the sequel
wait but why do we not play as the human from adastra?
Because it's the next stage of the story, it's a continuation which means it is a sequel, it doesn't have to be through the eyes of the same character as before. ^^
My theory is that while things are being figured out on Earth by Marco, we get to see the Political environment and plot thicken in Khemia with Scipio and Neferu to start having things get crazy! :3
wait what is the human character we play as in the first game's real name? becouse when i played it i named the human character seb
I think the canon name became Marco, because if you don't input a name for the mc, it automatically became Marco, and it stuck so everyone just refers to him as Marco ^w^
In terms of gameplay and story structure, this game is great. In terms of its thematic implications, I have qualms. Certain aspects of this universe, which were present in Adastra, have now become too explicit for comfort in Khemia. Am I the only one who finds a bad taste in my mouth in seeing that our protagonist is evidently afraid of the poor? It seems tactless that, in a story that is ultimately about politics, the grievances of the masses are portrayed as nothing more than a source of trauma for our protagonist- especially when we have seen it established in Adastra that the condition of the Adastran poor is pretty bleak. It is not as if I have no sympathy for Scipio- after all, he isn't the ruling elite he is attacked for being and the attack on him seems motivated more by his breed than his social status- resembling racial prejudice more than class uprising. And, of course, the ideological influence of Cassius that apparently motivated it is flawed (FUCK Cassius). Still, I wish we could see a full and multi-dimensional portrayal of the average and poor people of this society instead of having them serve as nothing more than a bogeyman haunting a cast of aristocrats, bureaucrats, and dictatorial monarchs.
This is a failure common to a lot of political dramas, sad to say. They focus far too much on the great chess matches of tyrants and in those matches the people are only a pawn or a problem to solve, never being portrayed fairly as actual people or having their concerns addressed. I am reminded of Game of Thrones- but at least they tried to depict the average people's interests with characters like the Brotherhood Under No Banners. Khemia, at least so far, seems content to depict the poor and downtrodden's rebellion as nothing more than a nuisance, while it depicts the literal all-powerful imperial dictatorship they rebel against as a cute and harmless himbo. It doesn't help that the "parents" and their contract with Amicus echo the feudalistic myth of the divine right of kings-wherein democracy is seen as blasphemy! The worldview this narrative implicitly works upon is very flawed.
If I were to try and fix this, I would try to in some way represent the actual plight and concerns of the common people- maybe have a suffering everyman as an actual character in the plot, instead of just an eeeeeviiiiilll shadow in a flashback or a trite talking point in a debate. And stop pretending monarchs are cute!
I agree with every individual thing you've said here, but I think you've come to the wrong conclusion. Scipio's beliefs about Adastra's poor are already being challenged, and given Adastra's perspective on all of this, which you mention is better, I think you're coming to a conclusion about where these aspects of the plot are headed far too early, and underestimating the quality of writing we're going to see.
Certainly we shouldn't judge a work til it is complete. But frankly if it does follow Adastra it won't be much of an improvement- that game didn't have a "good" perspective on how its political plots affected ordinary people, it just didn't talk about it as much
While I'd love to go more in-depth on why I disagree, that would definitely go into spoiler territory, and given that this is something of a space for reviews, that seems like it wouldn't be very thoughtful, so instead, I'll simply say that I think you're interpreting the text very unfavorably, and that Adastra agrees with you on many of these political points, and Khemia is liable to do the same. I would recommend replaying Adastra and paying closer attention to the portrayal of the parents, as well as of the Triumvirs and Cato, who the game considers symbols of the Adastran political system far more than Amicus, who is, if anything, working to fix a lot of the issues you present of it's feudalist notions. Additionally, I'd point out that of course a political drama is liable to focus on those who have political power. In short, I think you're looking for reasons to be mad, and overlooking a lot of the nuance that the franchise is clearly going for.
Having a new race just pop up and be Sibling level is not likely to endear Earth to all the other Siblings or still Children races. Since Avia pox is so deadly to humans, maybe one of the future stories will cover a race trying to kill off humans and the race to stop them.
I'm just curious..... Is this a squeal to Adastra?
Ok Thank you.
Does anyone know which ending Khemia takes place after, if either? I think it's ending B, because an event that only happens in it is referenced I think? Was wondering if anyone can confirm one way or the other
The ending where the human lives and return to Earth.
that's both endings tho?
It's the happy ending, the ending with the human and amicus married and wating the 8 years to see each other again
and what is the other one? if you dont mind me asking
again... that's both endings
then what is the difference?
Ending B just made canon because of that sequence in 2nd build of Khemia. Ending B is where instead of looking through the vision of the Parents' eyes, Marco instead had a conversation with Meera.
Ok, that's what I figured, just wanted to get a second opinion
Heyy!!! I love this visual novel, quick question, did any God, inspire the character Neferu
Neferu's race once tried to uplift life on Earth (in fact the Parents had all the sibling races do it at one time or another) and is probably responsible for the appearance of the Egyptian Jackal headed god Anubis.
Oh okay! What about other characters? or is it just Neferu , that was inspired by Anubis
Neferu I ("the beauty") was the first queen of Ancient Egyptian Eleventh dynasty. She was a wife of the Pharaoh Mentuhotep I.
Well Neferu of Khemia is kind of a "queen" too in his own way.
honestly i was kinda cri at first because you dont play as mr human, but now i not cri because this is as always epic
Mood right here
i had nothing to do, and i counted how much wolfs living, by earthly standarts
so, i take 100 years of earth and convert it for hours, i got 876000 hours
later, i take 100 years of adastra and i got 693500 hours
wolves living for 300 years, it will be 2080500 hours. i convert it to earth years. and result: wolves live least 237,5 earth years...
its useless but i did it
I don't really get all these conversions people are doing, given that the lingua translates such that it provides the best understanding for the listener, presumably it's already in earth years???
jesus you really didnt have anything to do
Yes and no, from my understanding. The Lingua does translate an approximation that would fit our (human) understanding of abstract conceptions (time), but I think they were trying to convert it to Wolven years? Which wouldn't work though, since it was never explained how many days are in a year on Adastra, only that there are 19 hours in a day, IIRC.
Yes, but surely the Lingua wouldn't have given us the amount of time in Wolven years, precisely because we have no intuition of how long that is like Amicus would, hence my thinking that it's most likely already in human years
you give me obsessive fan vibes
ive made my own alphabet I feel alive
w is a house
I really have we can see some kind of closure with Amicus and the human in later builds, like maybe a reunion or something, I feel so bad for him.
we all do ;-;
watch this its beautiful
I was excited about this series of games: Adastra and now Khemia.
I wonder what the third series is from now😆🔥
i know gun's name when i see one
Hey can someone help me im on android and im trying to install this but it keeps saying spp not intalled ever time I try
Try uninstalling the apk then reinstall it again, if that doesn’t work, check if your storage is full and try to delete some things. It always happens to me too.
I just did it on my computer, I wasn't home at the time of trying to read it so I was trying to get it on my phone. No VN's work on my phone for some reason anymore sadly idk why. Also Love your pfp I also got started on that VN and I'm hooked!
I'm still playing, but I can't help but wonder, will we ever get to see Cassius and Alexios again...? Unpopular opinion, but I really really liked them!
Will Neferu and Brunis have a route?
Well... Don't be offended, but I guess that's would be impossible to have a routes on each character from Khemia. But only Neferu and Scipio's story...
Howly loaded so many bullets into Chekov's gun this update. When that thing starts firing it's gonna be one hell of a show.
how do the updates work for android? do i have to downloaded again? will i have to aplications or will it directly update the one i alredy have? sorry for so many questions
download it*
will i have two*
(sorry for the errors)
you realize theres a thing called edi
I haven't stated this one but normally you just install the new apk while the old one is still there. It will realize it's a newer version and install as a update. However if this is anything like the other games they released echoproject then you can't update and unfortunately just got to delete the game along with its save data and install the new one and start from the beginning. This is what I did with there last game and eventually I just stopped and waited for it to be complete. Unlike other projects though these don't take as long to complete aside from echo but I stopped caring about that game when Flynn meet his unfortunate end with no way to help him.
Flynn was a butt tho, also it wouldn't be less scary if everyone had a happy end, although irc his route is still going last I checked
many cheraters in these games start out kind of a butt. It's when you help them deal with there problems when they get good and you do start to help flynn with them a little before he you know what ever you can call what happened to him happened. It may not have been with the MC but he was getting better. I'm also used to the idea of a Visual novel only having a bad end when you do something wrong so when I got his end I searched the comments to find out what I messed up and found that no it's all supposed to happen and that just annoyed me. So I just never bothered with any other route. I never even looked at smoke room because the same thing is probably going to happen in that. I'll get attached to a cherater then will have a bad I never played the other routes but the others all seem to have some kind of good or neutral end but flynn just has this one bad one. It doesn't really seem fare for the players that may have liked him. Plus he's scaly in a fandom over run by wolves and fox people I like to play the games with scales.
okay thank youuu
We probably won't see any reunion in Khemia since Marco has only been on Earth for a little over 2 years and his mission is 8 years. Perhaps in the next series after Khemia. As for the number of builds, I think Adastra was like 16 or so long.
Well, Wolfman, looks like you can't really wait..
You and I are in the same boat, buddy... 😁
the Mac download is labeled as linux, can't wait to try
I'm Addicted.
you seem addicted
Amazing! The build 2 (Guidance and Delusions) was AWESOME!!! Good Job EchoProject, and I hope the build 3 will be amazing too..😁
When will the next update be released?
In a few days or so, according to the twitter 👍
The fact Amicus isn't wearing his ring on his sprite hurts my soul a lil.
i dont think i could wear my ring for the 8 year gap either, it would hurt too much to look at, i'd wear it on a necklace as a pendant under my clothing
I mean, Amicus did give Marco an engagement ring, so only Marco is suppose to wear the ring, unless they did already get married, the only one who wears the ring is Marco
Amicus has a stretch ring on his finger in the "The end" screen as well, hence why i'm sad
They are probably reusing the old sprites from Adastra for now. I'm sure they will add it in later (budget allowing of course).
Aren’t the sprites pretty different though?
They look different in the preview screenshots
Ok, so just to be clear, is this the project that was once referred to as Adastra II, or is another Amicus game in the works?
It the sequel to Adastra. Since most of the story is taking place on Khemia I guess they decided to call it that.
They might even do something like name each new sequel based on the world where they take place, and since the Parents want Amicus to join the Galaxias together we might see each new sequel name and taking place on a different Sibling home world as he goes about that task.
Well, we don't know about that but one can hope so. I have a theory that the Adastra series will last 8 years like how the separation of Marco and Amicus will take 8 years.
i really, really, hope not, i can't wait that long to reunite with the wolf I love, I dont think my heart could take it, I need amicus and marco reuniting to happen like, next game ;w;
imma show you marcos face
Actually this Khemia chapter is taking place 3 years after the Cato riots and the MC left 9 months after that so this story is taking place a little over 2 years after Adastra. So the MC still has 6 years to go.
I do hope the in the chapter after this one that the MC shows up again though. Even if it's only the MC and Amicus being able to send letter/email via their portals. There is bound to be some way considering that Amicus is getting updates about what is happening on Earth (however delayed they may be).
hey does anyone know when the next update will be out ?
it should be the 1/31 that is what it says on patreon
im pretty sure the Iva pox is the black plague it hadnt been seen in 1000 of years and no cure was made and the symptoms are quite the same to one another
(I made an account to comment on this ^^') The bubonic plague has a vaccine made for it, antibiotics can easily treat it, there are some recent cases (although we haven't seen epidemics or pandemics of it), buboes are much larger than a simple rash and, if I recall correctly, pox of any kind is caused by viruses. In short - I doubt Yersinia Pestis is involved in avia pox.
It also doesn't kill you in a matter of hours, like it happened with Marco.
It's another disease exclusive to adastra, I think they said theres a vaccine but they didnt have one for humans irc
hey its just a theory
i really wanna be hype for this and enjoy it, but i miss amicus so much ;w;
me too
in need amicus drawn in 10 different style
comment what style you want
anime schoolgirl style)
i respect that but i cant draw
so imma follow you on
but C.Q.C is my perk
Steven universe style