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Deleted 99 days ago

It takes place within Adastra's story, in a bit of time that was mentioned but not shown


6 months before mc goes home i think

Was it? I thought it was closer to our departure than that

i think its in the beginning when your starting. i can check if ya need.

Nah I don't care that much, you don't need to check, I just thought the tour was late into the 9 months, as, if I recall, it was one of the things Amicus used to assuage us about the way we weren't getting to spend much time together

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I'm literally screaming at 3am at night for this game










will it be longer some day or is that finished? :c


The Patreon update was released on the 3rd of this month, so it might be released to the public July 3rd 


Thank you for info! It would be great, it hurts me that Patreon don't want to  accept my card


if you have a problem with patreon accepting visa card try to connect it to a paypal account and pay with paypal!

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How paypal works? I should send money on pp account and pay with it like with normal bank account?


you can connect your credit/debit card to paypal and use Paypal as a payment method on patreon



oh no it's you 

Hi how are you



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The patreon one was on the 3rd of June; they are usualy put on itch anywhere from a week to about a month later


when will you come back from war amicus? my children and i are starving

Deleted 2 years ago

the adastran 1621 armed conflict


When is the next update again?


The Patreon update went live on 3rd of June; from what I see they are usually made available to the public anywhere from a week to a month later.

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Alrighty i came here after playing Adastra and learning of Khemia and its inevitable rewrite, i cried at Adastra  and i just ordered the amicus plush im gonna write my experience here when I finish what is out <3 ~total Amicus Simp

edit: so far i love it, i really just wanted to see amicus and this game is promising me that so i'll keep a close eye on this game so that i can do more simping

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Since you'll have the Ami plush now, you'll get to see your emperor every single day, hooray! Amicus is gud husband, Neferu I simp for~

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Eh vidto en tiktok que lo hicoeron en español para móvil alguien me pasa el apk?

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Buah, ni idea, yo también lo vi, aunque yo no lo necesito xD

Is the update out already?

i think it comes out on patreon today.


I'm about to cry rn... this just brought back good memories

what has happened so far with the game? I played like around 5 mins then it went to 'to be continued...'


it's very early in development, this is just the first version

Please update soon i cant wait


I cant even get the game yet ;w; my pc is getting repaired cus i dropped it and broke screen ;w;                          It takes all of my will power to not look up a play-through on youtube. I can't ruin the magic experience ;w;


damn thats a lot of ;w;s


this is why i have a backup tablet for this

Sucks that some of us still use Blueberries...


So how do updates work. Do you have to do them manually or is it automatic

Manually i think

its manual

I pray PRAY for a sequel to this if it ever happens i will help any way i can


Khemia is the sequel bruh

but NOT with human and amicus relationship

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Bruh, The Two Towers is TOTALLY not a sequel to the goal of destroying the one ring...

I hope the update comes soon if this is the last time we see human and Amicus together

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How is it THE last time when there is still so much story left to read? Hecc, 250 years worth of relationship goals, mind you...

That being if the creators decide not to continue

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Is there a chance that after this the adastra story will continue?


well looking at how things are right now, the creator is gonna put khemia into a pause and will continue on with interea until it is finished, and when khemia is finished too, well, i guess we'll have to wait and see.


i hope so i really hope

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It will be a challenge dividing the work into 2 when Adastra was simply the only 1. Interea seems to fill in ALOT of plot gaps within Adastra; essentially making it Adastra 1.5 which is seriously too much work. If it were me, I would focus primarily on Khemia if it means propelling us to Adastra 2 whatever the pacing may be. Interea? Allow the audience to create their fanfictions of events.


Yes there a sequela called Khemia 

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yes but we dont play as the human and in love with amicus

( i mean we are but not as a character)


ah shit i hope that didnt spoil anything i havnt played it yet

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True, but Khemia gives you the perspective of Amicus in a non-attached/non-intimate perspective. It will show you his struggle (both Amicus and new MC) in negotiation politics. This story is where we transition from lovey-dovey innocence to real-life responsibilities. It is a refreshing take especially after we all went thru an emotional rollercoaster. Stillwaters is welcomed. I am looking forward to Khemia, moreso of Neferu (that sexy bastard...)~


Wait theres no information on this when does this game take pace? Before Adastra, Kehiem (the sequel that for some reason i cannot spell) or inbetween, or after?


It takes place while the MC is still on Adastra. It is about what happened when Amacus  and MC went to visit the cities of the planet.


It's been stated several time in the forum's here. This takes place sometime during the the last 9 months the MC was on Adastra. The original VN makes mention of them going on a tour of the moon but didn't go into any details (that's what time story is all about).



oh you've all been sitting here waiting for and talking about the patreon update? i'm waiting on the patreon update from last month showing up here ;w;

Well the update is out for patrons. Time to play!

Wait, did something happen to the author?


More really the harassment of the some of the lead artists and howly making some revisions


aw, i hope they're not getting rid of the new sprites just because a vocal minority prefer how amicus looks in his adastra sprites...

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They aren't it was just a small break, also supposedly the update is today, only on the patreon i think so it might be a bit later for public

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I mind not the new sprites because they showcase growth, aging, wisdom, and the future. If anything, let players choose between the old and new sprites, so everyone can be happy.

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Think the update might be delayed


Delayed is no big deal. I just hope nothing has happened to the author.


Yeah, these are dark days, so let's hope the best for them.


Damn I really hope they're okay now.

Deleted post

can't wait to see more of my wolfy husbando


Excellent Username, mood


your username is pretty cool too


Yes must agree, your usernames are great

(Just dont look at mine)

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Dang what's taking so long?


Things happen, just be patient. 


possibly tonight they update it

(2 edits) (+1)

Today it is updated interea, I cant wait


I know, even if its just a couple hours away, I can't wait

Deleted 3 years ago

i came to this after finishing Adastra and i was a little bit sad to see it end so soon, when will it be updated, i hope it will be


Literally Tomorrow


thank you now i cant sleep knowing that in a good way


Sounds like you need medical attention

that helped a lot

you're welcome :3

well that didn't happen, glad i haven't downloaded it yet.


God the "To be continued" rips my heart out every time

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no worry's  the doctor is in



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what kind of attention can you give~ ;)


uhh nvm

Is this VN complete? 'Cause in the status it says "released"

Are you releasing more updates?

Only the first chapter has been released. The next chapter should be coming out soon (this weekend or early next week) based on the author's Patreon posting.

Does no one actually know when the updates are because the vn status says released and not ongoing which scares me a lil

Deleted post

i did got both of them i was exposed to covid 2 times and i came up negative one of my friends called me the terminator

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I'm well, and not yet, from what I understand supply is still rather limited, and I don't actually leave my house but for every few months anyway, so I wanna let people who need it more get it first. Also, I'm flattered that you thought of me~

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wolf is one the nicest person on itch

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Then mental equivalent of sitting, looking perfectly patient, except for the slightest antsy bounce of the leg

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Just chilling)

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Deleted 3 years ago
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feliz 25 de mayo!!!!!!! jajajajaja :D

Why doesn't it show any updates or the previous update on this page?

And when are the days it actually updates ?


I can't wait for the update! You all have done some great work.

So, This story is after lover's day, isn't it?


Damn one month later I need more wolf fluff or I'm ganna suffocate in my own intoxicating thoughts!!! Byw cant wait for the next update, hope to see it soon 😁

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