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FYI, the latest ECHO Patron posting stated that we will be getting an update to Interea sometime this month (no specific date set yet tho).

The last update Is from 8 days ago, Is that one you're talking about recent?

No, it just came out 2 days ago on Nov 2nd.

It got updated

Like major update of just small update?


It doesn't feature anything new here

(1 edit)

Maybe they are bugfixes or spelling fixes

Can someone tell me why these vns have been on hold for so long?

Are you referring to Khemia, too? because I believe Khemia  is on hold indefinitely from what I've heard.


Among other things, the author was moving across the country where he lives. He should be getting back to this VN soon now.

I'm looking forward to seeing whats next.


I do recall seeing a WIP update for interia on Patreon. I'm not a Patreon myself so I cant see any extra details, but we should be expecting a update sometime either this year or early 2022


Interea is on hold as Howly has moved homes, quite a distance apparently. Patreon payments have been paused for a couple of months because of this lack of updates. That seems an honourable attitude. 

This game can't be installed through the desktop app, at least on Windows it doesn't work. Instead of the "Install" option you can only click on "Open Page" which opens an external browser window to this page for downloading the zip.

All the other games from you work flawlesly with the desktop app.

Could you please look into it as I really like to have the games all at one place.

Thanks in advance

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I don't think anyone from the Echo Project monitors, or cares, about It's been reported here and on the Discord server months ago.


Hmm, I don't really whether this is a sequel to adastra or is khemia the sequel?

Neither are. Well, at least not entierely. Khemia is a "half-sequel" in which you don't play the human, but another wolf. It's half sequel and half spin-off, while Interea is a spin-off only. 

So we don't get to see more of the human and Amicus? Khemia and Interea are just what happens after Amicus goes back to adastra after leaving the human back in Rome?

Interea happens before Marco (the human) goes back to earth, this is the tour on the moon that Amicus mentioned. While Khemia happens 2 years after Marco has been dropped on earth and you play as Scipio, a scholar wolf.

Oh ok, I played a little of Interea and see what you mean, thank you for the info :3

It's a midquel.

(1 edit) (+4)

The bjarn sprite doesn't show for mobile 


Yeah there are SEVERAL bugs on Mobiles for now. I assume they'll be patched later on


Is this still being updated? Also, you can't open the android apk after downloading it.


It's still being updated, the writer is working very hard on it <3


Huh? How do you know?


Oh please tell me I'm craving to knoww *cry*

well, there is a patreon post dated September 26th regarding its updates and WIPS

That's so cool! And thanks a lot aha

Wonder if this will be endless sadness :<

Im confused whats going to hapen next im just wondering


So I guess this is on hold? Or maybe just Patreon only?


Patreon has the most updated one


Curious, which visual novel is second after Adastra? This one or the other one with the jackal one?


This one and then Khemia


gotta love how any sort of constructive criticism is immediately downvoted

(1 edit) (+6)

Oh please, downvotes here are a slap on the wrist compared to another active forum on - a "warzone" as one poster there aptly calls it.


I love Amicus, but I miss the design of his eyes from the previous game, "Adastra". They were wider, a bit bigger, and more predatorial-looking. 

If possible, it would be really cool and very much appreciated if you could add them in the next update. I honestly prefer his original character design.

- Just a thought, from a big fan :)


I agree. I feel like a lot of cuteness was lost with the new designs


Yeah basically :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I think it would also make sense for him to look the same as in Adastra since at the end of Interea *spoiler ahead(?)* the sequence of Marco's last day in Adastra would follow right after. But I'd have mixed feelings if they put the Adastra ones instead because of the effort put by the artist to make these new sprites :(


Well since I fell in love with the original amicus, it kind of takes away some of the magic for me, that’s all :)

I think it makes sense that he does not look the same, he is not exactly the same wolf, he grew, matured and is now the emperor. He still has that playful character but the "emperor persona" must dominate now.


Ikr I think he looks more masculin and I love that about him


Actually the newer Amicus sprites look more like the Amicus in the CGs. I'm not sure if the same artist did both the GCs and sprites originally, but personally I like the newer ones.

What's a CG? What's a GC?

Deleted 3 years ago

Ir's been too long cant tell sadge


I realize that any negative comment will be downvoted, but I really am not a fan of the way the design of the characters was modified after Adastra. Really brought down the cuteness level of several characters. 


yeah definitely. 


Hmm, I think only Amicus' sprites changed, the other character sprites remain the same I think.


I believe that Neferu is a bit different as well.


Neferu's sprite is different in Khemia, not in Interea, and that's a relief cuz I kinda dislike the squarred jaw he had in Khemia

ah, ok. I got the two confused, sorry.

Are most of the Alien races in Adastra 7 feet tall?

Not the Omorphans apparently


In Adastra there were only basically a few different alien species that we got to see in that visual novel and now in this continuation to the last one we see an additional alien added to the story so is that all we're going to see with the races that exist in that world or are there more on the way as this visual novel gets updated bit by bit?


Am I the only one, but i wan't to see a more huminoid like alien race to apear through the seris


Primates (non-humans) of Indokina ("Indo-China" in Greek).

Why? Because, Hanuman and Sun Wukong.


Why is the status released?

Deleted 288 days ago

It's still the beginning! I think we got like, 5% of the game? Even less? It's being worked on


cant download ?


You will have to download manually not in the itch desktop app

Deleted 3 years ago

when will the next update come out? :>


we don't know when it'll come out for patrons, but once it does it'll be another month for us


After Adastra i play Interea or Khemia???

Show post...

I think you play this first. I heard somewhere that this is between the adastra story but I'm not sure. 



It is the bridge between Ad Astra and Khemia.

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Hi! Please read my previous comment !! it's not a bridge, it's an extra!

(4 edits) (+4)

Actually, Interea is not a prequel, sequel or "bridge" between Adastra and Khemia.

It's a parallel / side / complementary story that describes in detail what happened during the remaining 4 months the main human character lived in Adastra before he had to return to Earth.

If you remember the final part of Adastra, he briefly, superficially described the trips he had with Amicus all over the moon and what he enjoyed most, which includes the remark in regards of AdRae being very much like Las Vegas. We'll likely see all that in this  companion story.. or at least I hope so!!

All in all, it's a story that will mostly center on the last 4 months we (as the human char) enjoyed in full being with Amicus until we had to say goodbye for the next 8 painful years... :(



this game is before khemia, although khemia is very short at the moment, with a "to be continued" around 25 minutes in. Not sure how finished Interea is, but I hear that its also pretty short at the moment.


It's a pity this game is not in Russian, since I do not know English well🤕


So now you have a reason to learn English 


You know well enough to grasp the story. Eventually, you'll be able to translate into Russian.

soo... I was replaying adastra and noticed how uncannily similar looking cato is to amicus and was wondering in some bizzare situation that this was intentional?


Ew. No. Stop.

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w   a   i   t   i   n   g

hi c: everything is okay, how have you been?

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I'm gonna wait for the whole game to be completed, because if the game is adastra companion so it is going to be AWESOMELY FREAKING GOOOOOD


All of the Interea v0.2 downloadable files (except for the Android build) are missing the metadata that tells the desktop client which file is associated with each OS.  As such, the desktop client does not recognize that there's an updated version from v0.1 available, and so long as that metadata is missing, players who use the desktop client to manage their games would have to download the new build from a standard web browser in order to be able to play it.

Would it be possible to have this metadata added to the download files for convenience's sake?

Deleted 3 years ago
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i think you wrote the text in the wrong  spot


I think "Amicus clearly thinks the same."

omg i didn't even see that lol 🤣

(1 edit) (+6)

Possible spoiler's so you may not want to read this....

Well it seems the Bears are a Sibling species, and not Children of the Wolves, and they must be really good allies since it appears Amicus shared the data download COM took from Earth's nexus (internet). Amicus was pretty clear he wanted the location of Earth (or even it's name) kept from others.

Based on Bjarni's looks, and the fact that all the Sibling races did uplift on Earth and then abandoned Earth, I'd say the Bears were involved with the Vikings based somewhat with the clothes and the various braids in his hair. It will be interesting to see what we further learn from him and about his people as the story advances.


Absolutely wild that Alexios is still on his bullshit, incredible unwise move of him


I have to wonder a bit about that. Maybe he really believes what he's saying (though I must wonder what exactly it is that the Omorfans have a problem about with the Parents).

I found it odd that he was supplying info to help protect the MC that the other were apparently unaware of (I guess it goes to show he still is good at gathering intelligence).

I can think of only 3 reason when he provided the information he did:

1) Want to protect the MC since humans are coming to the Galaxias and hope to learn more about them.

2) Want to protect the MC in hopes that in helping the MC it will help him from Amicus's anger over trying to build a new communicator.

3) Wants to scare the MC from getting more publicly involved with the wolves and possibly help stop the problems Alexios helped create and hinder wolf/human interactions. Seeing how powerfully the MC and Amicus bonded over very trying circumstance, I can see how such a thing would really scare the cats with if Humans ally with the Wolves.

and the fourth, ...All of the above.

I believe what he said, not out of good will of course, but I agree with you that he will probably want to destabilize the relationship. That along with the misterious Bjarni, changing schedule out of the blue to a dangerous one? He is in with the cult.

I cant get past the menu on mobile.  Before I have a chace to press anything, the game freezes and then crashes. Can you look int fixing this on the next update?

I’m having issues downloading it could u help me? If u can just look at my comment below this

Can someone help me out for apple download? Whenever I try to download it, it just takes be to a white screen then sends me to the thanks for downloading screen but never downloads (I’m new to vn’s and started to do them on my computer but it just broke :/

(1 edit)

Even if you get the files to download, you won’t be able to play them because the files with the apple logo are for Macs. But if you are trying to download it on Mac just wait a minute to let the download start. 


Angry amicus is my favorite sprite! buff af, cant get enough

Deleted post

mine is amicus in general :)

Deleted post

seems i am not the only one here also long time no see ya handsome bugger


Amicus in general, Serious, Goofy, happy or sentencing Alex to execution.

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My favorite is Amicus UNLEASHED~

Can't say this one, I think I prefer the one with the MC

You think? I don't think you sound confident.

that is because this one is also great, so I can't really decide...

Why not decide on both...?

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AHHHH it ends just like thattt....honestly, i have a really HUGE bad feeling about this though...


i got some JFK feelings tho

Getting an error trying to install the new build. When I go to install it gives the error "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined".

This is for the Windows version trying to install from the Itch windows App.

try downloading it from the website, usually the app can be pretty buggy

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hello there

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im good u

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(1 edit) (+2)

my sis got a husky look her name is Layla

o o o h   SPICY~

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