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Well... I won't be able to sleep tonight... Great game though!


the world's probably gonna end before i'm ready to play this sadly

I.. finished it...

After two whole years I finally finished it.

Not a fan of horrors on my side, very hard read for me. I needed to take breaks from time to time (for a couple of months) after each route, because.. MY GHOD how intense it is. Even if you are not a fan of such spooky games, I would recommend a try (pls read warnings!! it's not just for fun there). It is definitely a very unique, and versatile, and really one of the most outstanding VNs amongst other FVNs.

It is not a comfort reading for me. I don't think I'm going to re read it ever, but it definitely affected me in many ways. And I'm just incapable of forgetting something like this outstandish.


p.s.: Carl's good ending is the only right one for me. idc. 


Jesus... I mean I knew this game was gonna be intense... but god I didnt realize just how much of an impact this would have on me

welcome to the party! who was your first? (route i mean)


TJ was my first route


Poor guy, I feel sorry for you ;w;


it's been three months since i've last touched Echo, and i'm still fucking thinking about it on a daily basis.


(not that that's a bad thing)


The leo route was very deep for someone having affection issues like me (the game punishes you for that and it's a good thing) Very well written story, it's a masterpiece that i will never forget <3 

(1 edit) (+1)

if you can't handle torture, violence, or adult stuff, don't download this. it goes really deep, the content warning is REAL.

i loved this story, it was absolutely amazing how much it can affect you. i really hope we get more stories that can affect people as much as this one does. i can't wait to see your next work Echo Project.



loved adastra hated the game based on the humans tour of adastra solely because of amicuss sprite so i think i can handle this :) (im lying)

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, Adastra fucked me up, so go get the wheelchair for me because this is supposed to be the trainwreck of the two 

Will update when and if I get discharged 


It is a literal trainwreck, and you will need a literal wheelchair...


Oh you fucker... You did not have to go there!

Je ne parle pas très l’anglais et je n’ai pas le temps d’apprendre, pourtant j’ai en de joué à ce jeux avec le peu de temps libre que j’ai, auriez vous une solution à me proposer s’il vous plaît

Je ne parle pas beaucoup anglais non plus, mais j’ai utilisé google translate pour pouvoir lire petit à petit. Même si c’est peut-être un peu fastidieux ou tardif, cela valait le pénis à la fin. (désolé, je ne parle pas français). 

c'est une bonne solution, mais dans le cas où comme moi tu a une mauvaise connexion et qui ne prend que très rarement alors c'est pas une solution, tu n'aurais pas autre chose s'il te plaît j'ai vraiment envie de jouer à ce jeu 

Je suis désolé de vous dire que je n'ai rien trouvé sur Internet. Mais si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez essayer de trouver une version traduite par quelqu'un d'autre. Je suis désolé de ne pas avoir été d'une grande aide.


Will Flynn ever get happy ending

(1 edit)

even though I have never played this game, I have heard stories from people about the game's storyline. Just imagining it makes my eyes water... I've seen some of the photos and spoiler texts, and it hurts... it traumatizes me, especially since I'm just a gay teenager (-18)..."

I want to play this games, but I don't really understand English, especially when I was born my base language is not English but another,... so that makes me less proficient in those games

question, is this VN NSFW or SFW?


It is nsfw


this game ruined my life 👍


If you’re considering playing this game, know that the warning isn’t there for show. This game goes to some dark places and it can very easily take you there with it. I started playing Echo five months ago; I’ve thought about it every day since. I can’t remember a time when a piece of media, much less a video game, has occupied my thoughts and feelings the way Echo has, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried playing or even thinking about it. Despite the fact that it’s so concerned with its own darkness, or maybe because of it, what I associate most with Echo is Love. This is a passion project in the truest sense of the phrase; every scene, line of dialogue, sprite, and piece of music, and every instance of symbolism, foreshadowing, and humor only ever gave me the sense that the developers put their hearts into it; that they put so much of their time and effort and pain into this game that their love bleeds through it and into you. Misery loves company, and there’s no love stronger than that born out of shared suffering. I am a gay man involved in the furry community who is in his early twenties; this game feels like it was tailor-made to break my heart. There are very few people I know who I can recommend this game to, despite wanting to scream from the rooftops about how it has made me feel and how dear it is to me. This is a title that was only ever going to be niche, but for the people this game was made for, it's unforgettable. Play this game if you want a little piece of the dark, terrible love that lives inside of it to live inside of you too.


holy shit


the auto forward button doesnt seem to work qwq


Literally crying because im on android and i cant get pass "you/they(I forgot) always come back" without crashing 😔


Finally finished all routes!


DO NOT read my review if you don't want any spoilers!

While I don't directly discuss events from the story, me stating how the story made me feel might spoil the genuin, raw emotions that you might have otherwise felt by going in blind and naïve.

With that out of the way;

I held TJ's path in high regard. That path was really good at putting me on the edge of my seat more and more as it progresses. It was almost sickening, especially during a particular event that kept us readers on our toes until the big reveal happened. I got glassy eyed AF at the end but despite this, I was beside myself now knowing what I know about the otter.

That is... Until I got to Leo's path... The build-up 10/10, the tension 10/10, the sense of hopelessness 20/10. I lucked out and managed to do his entire route without picking the bad ending/dead end choices and I'm glad since it gives a sense of uninterruption. But with, what I assume is cannon for Leo, the 'good' ending, I could feel the lump in my throat, so I knew I was a glass house just waiting to be shattered... And when chase said it, I f****ng crumbled and nearly ugly-cried 🥹

Howly, McSkinny, both of you, Masterful Penmanship here. I'm very much vested in the Echo series and can not wait for the total completion of TSR. I thought Adastra was an emotional rollercoaster... Until I got sucked into Echo.

Encore, chaps!

Deleted post

I can fix leo ong



What the fuck... 

10/10 highly recommend reading, I'm slightly scarred but really enjoyed it nonetheless 

(3 edits) (+5)

God... I just have to say, what incredible read.  The whole thing took me days to complete with several hours per session. I won't spoil anything, this is way too fucking good to do that.
However, I will mention one thing. If you are playing this for the first time, DO JENNA'S ROUTE LAST, I highly recommend it. My personal opinion on what order the routes should be done in is as follows:
Carl, TJ, Flynn, Leo, (Side Stories in the Gallery, accessed by clicking on the lake in the title screen, then the phone on the right side at the bottom. Scroll down to the bottom to find all the Side Stories.) And then lastly, Jenna's route.
It doesn't quite matter what order you do the other 4 routes in, but at the very least I recommend doing Leo's route second to last, and then do the side stories before finishing off with Jenna's route.
Like I said, I'm not going to spoil anything, but there is a very good reason that Jenna's route should be done as the very last route. Several story aspects that I cannot mention without spoiling anything, so just take my word for it.

Also, all routes except TJ's and Flynn's have multiple endings. I would suggest doing both endings for each route before advancing to the next.


not sure if i said it but i love echo, so easy to replay, i get lost every time <3


The amount of sleep I've lost over this game is actually incredibly impressive thank you so much for making such an amazing game.

Idk why but I can't open echo on Android it keeps crashing I've try everything but it still won't open



 used a different Android and it worked perfectly fine and it's a older Android


sometimes i use this game as a buddhist meditation on the nature of trishna (clinging)

Okay. So...i don't know if it's just me but...did anybody see Trip? HOLY FUCK! I think Chase died...but he should be alive in the main game...i need help figuring it out because I went "NO NOT CHASE" in my head and felt like crying. If that was literally after the main game, I'll fucking lose it. I know I don't like Carl but after Trip? HATE THE GUY!   



during the "trip" short story, carl is high on acid. he thinks chase is in the car, but he isn't, he's at college. it's possible carl was maybe seeing the embrace, leo's chase tulpa (similar to how duke was seeing "chase" around town before he arrived)

OH Thanks

Is there a specific system requirement for the android version? (Like the version or something like that). After downloading the game, whenever I tried to install·it gave an error of some sorts. Or do we need a renpy emulator for this game ?

(3 edits) (+1)

I haven't played through all the routes just Leo, Caril, and TJ's(2 of 5) and this game is so fucking good. Its horror is perfect it makes you fearful, scared, and creeped out while also making you want to continue the story. They used the VN format to the fullest to enhance to story and make it even more scary. Every conversation is so real and the characters are so well written that there is (almost) no alright bad or good character.


Leo's route is so fucking terrifying because everything that happens to Chase is all really happening to him and when Chase is locked in Brian's sex thing platform and you get a look at Chance's fake self scared the FUCK out of me and then when he did wake up and look at himself in the mirror also scared me because I knew exactly what happened to him, and the detail with everything Chase is feeling when he is in that made me want to read more to see how he gets out.


welp now this is my favorite piece of media ever.


Finished all routes. Mental health gone. Highly recommend. 


A wonderful VN. Hooked me, little sad I am late to the party.
Amo a ese lobo.

 My only regret is not being able to thoroughly bang everyone and heal their wounded souls with my sexual dynamism.


It's... admittedly an odd choice for the happiest route/ending to be the only straight one, in a (primarily) gay visual novel. 

Not intentional obviously, was just how it ended up but still just... weird to think about.


so is there no good ending with Leo or did I miss something?


nah, there's just no way to save the day and have the sexy wolf back at the same time

(2 edits) (+14)(-2)


Do Flynn last, a lot of people say to do Jenna last but trust me (a random stranger on the internet) on this one... you won't regret it.

I'd recommend a route like:

Route 65 (Game) > TJ > Carl > Leo > Jenna > Flynn > Arches (Game)


while yes, 'the smoke room' isn't finished yet like the above-listed are, i would recommend it nestled right between flynn and 'arches' tbh. i feel like 'echo' sets up a lot more breadcrumbs for TSR that are easy to forget about if not immediately followed-up on, whereas 'arches' is still fine to start and be pretty easily-understood if its been a while (in my case, years) since one's last reading of 'echo'. that, and TSR is light-hearted in more places and provides somewhat of a break (or at least, as much of a break as you're going to get) in-between rounds with the emotional heavyweight that is brian😅


God motherf-ing damn......


Kudzu best boy

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