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Best spring break ever


For real though this game is fucking enthralling, definitely one of the best story-driven games I've ever played 


Echo is a really heart melting story. 

I got a little confused about the scene at last when Leo pull Chase down from the train and I really don't get that ending and what happen to Chase, Leo and their friends😥. 

But the other ending in which Chase broke up with Leo is really shocked me. My heart does pain a lot thinking myself in the place of Chase and at the ending when they are saying goodbye to each other after all this, literally tears fells down from my eye automatically😭😭😭😭😭😭. I've never cried before playing a game and my heart still hurts and pain when I saw it over and over again😢😢😢. I don't understand why Leo didn't leave Echo and go with Chase, I am sure that they should have live together.

I can't get enough word to sharing and showing my pain and sorrow after playing last two scene. Thank you the creator, it's a really nice story. I hope that soon this game will have good ending where Leo and Chase living together away from ECHO and I will play it and relive my pain😢.


Leo stayed because he was under the influence of the hysteria that was going on. That could be explained by the fact that Leo was sure that Chase was with him in his room when in reality, Chase was taken to the mines by Brian. The "Chase" that Leo was talking to told him that they were gonna be together, that he would stay with him in Echo, but it was all in Leo's mind.

He didn't want chase to leave, so he pulled him off the train. But if you pick "It's over", Leo stays in Echo, heartbroken. 

I know, that was my first ending, so I cried a lot after. And it also brings a weird feeling in my chest when I remember it. Like Leo said in Flynn's route when in Chase's old house: "I get this feeling in my chest, like a dread, you know?" 

Thank you for the support. I've already started Flynn's route.



good luck with that man. I started with Leo Route [ended with bad ending first which i knew it was coming from my hunch and left me unsettling for a 10 mins and hit me right after with less"bad/sad" ending made me depressed for weeks. then i went opposited to the most asshole person in the group which is flynn. after that i decided to play Route65 [additional story/prequel] and learned more about chase and leo relationship which made me wanna hug leo more than anything since we shared a lot of similarities 😭.


:^) I sure do understand that how u feeled after Leo story.

(1 edit) (+2)

i have cried from both horror suspense and heartbreak aaand now im forever emotionally attached to these fictional characters :'''))))))) 

ive also played adastria to the same effect, this studio really seems to have their stuff on lockdown. art, character development, story design, they got it in spades imo. phenomenal job!!

i didnt discover that clicking on the lake in the title screen brought up all the artwork, music, and alternate paths until a month after i first got it lmao, i had so many save files at various moments because i thought i would never see them again😭😭 whoever decided to create that is the real mvp

This game is really something.... The story, characters, visuals .... They are amazing! All the game is so well arranged that it's hard to stop playing it 😂 at least for me!

Why is it that you can't download it on the app but you can on there patreon?

Patrons receive a new version for their support every month. I don't use the app, instead chrome. If you have problems try the same.

Hey, just wondering I know this is kinda random, but by any chance did you used to use discord? And did you delete your account? I'm looking for a person named Kado and they were a furry, sorry to assume you're a furry

It's Kado#6293, This is my new Discord. Please text me.

And I play Echo obviously I'm a furry dork

This is my apeolute favourite VN I have ever experienced, I'm so glad i found this and i can't wait for more adastra, smoke room and Echo 

Thank you

[contains some spoilers!]

Hello, Echo!! I really loved this VN. This was a really unique experience for me. I also really loved Leo! His character was honestly my type; a big soft boi boi, with a big heart. Even though Echo messed him up, I honestly wished that Chase ccould stay with him. Although his route's true ending really hurt me like a knife was stabbed and twisted onto my chest just as Chase said. It really made me happy and sad to see Leo move on as well. Anyway, I really appreciate your work. I look forward to Adastra and new VNs! Keep up the good work.

Thank you for Echo. Kudos to all of you. 💕

ps. I'd probably be up at night thinking of Leo now. Haha.

Absolutely incredible, I am beyond speechless. You guys really did a magical thing here.

(1 edit)

Hi Echo.

Thank you guys  for creating games like this. I really like this VN. The VN that you make makes my feelings go with the story as if I were the main character.

Like when I was playing adastra, I felt happy to be with Amicus, very confused when he confessed, worried about him after being caught in the dungeon (Actually, I almost lost sleep for 3 nights until there was a new update because I worried about him, hoping that the future VN will be like that but less heart attack) , very relieved to see him safe and quite upset about the decision of the parents in the recent update. I really love it nd hope to have a good ending for them.

Like when I played Adastra, I completely immersed myself into the character Chase. All of his feelings of confusion, anxiety, fear, confusion, despair and a bit of joy at the start of it all spread to me (I'm quite scared, but fortunately I didn't lose sleep after those feelings) The plot is very dramatic, charismatic, suspenseful and makes me feel happy and happy before the different ends except Leo. His ending was very good but I still felt very sad. He is very caring, worried, loving and gentle with Chase in every situation but the endings that I have come made me feel like I was caused loss and sadness on him.  He is a good guy like Amicus (I hope to have a boyfriend who cares about me like the two of them :) ) I may not have found it yet, but I hope there will be a nice ending for Chase and Leo to be together (not that Chase died in the previous choice). 

 Your games have a lot of different emotions, but most of them revolve around loss and sadness (I can't stop cry no matter how much I play again :)) I hope you can make more VN like this. 

Again, thank you guys for creating games like this. I will support you after I get my Visa card.

Note : Sorry if I wrote too much and too many errors in spelling (My English is quite bad:( )

(1 edit)


I've finished Carl's route. Man, the overall story was amazing and I love it! Not sure if his route is completely finished, haven't seen many thought/discussion about Carl though.

Sadly, his route doesn't really related to primary issues like Sydney's death and the group like other routes do.

But the best part I like was how his character's developed during hallucination scenerio where Carl was being brave and supportive when Chase really needed him. The kissing and cuddling parts were my favorite too. lol 

However, I felt like I was betrayed and lost at the end. It's kinda sad as their relationship were nothing in real life, which mean they're just stay BFF (aka Friend Zone), aren't they? 

Would be the best if their relationship continues, or give Chase's another chance to start over with Carl. Giving slightly closure to other friends would make his route more perfect imo.

Anyways, keep up on good works ;)

I've gotta say, I like the cast quite a bit, and I'm somewhat sad about the whole "no happily ever after" endings, but I actually kind of like it too. I've become so interested in this story that I've even replayed routes multiple times, trying to connect dots, such as the thing about the fire pokers, and the poem, although I'm not too sure if there's a deeper meaning than what I think. I VERY much look forward to the rest of this story. Tragic endings and all. 

Deleted 4 years ago

Blackgate is the one with Jack right? I don't remember anything about fire pokers from that. I just know that dead friend from Flynn's route said something about fire pokers and that Chase found some in the office building and there were the same number of pokers as cast members. I made that connection a while back tho, so I don't remember how accurate this statement is.

Deleted 4 years ago

Found what I was looking for. In Flynn and "Sydney"'s talk, "Sydney" takes his fire poker and stabs it into the table, saying "There were six and now there's five.". Shortly before this he says, "A simulation. In here I become 'we' with you". Once Flynn asks if he's refering to him, "Sydney" responds with, "Podpalacz, no.". I looked up what Podpalacz was, and it kept popping up as "arsonist" or "Incediary". Considering the person he's talking about is likely the player, he's likely refering to us as an arsonist. If I'm right in assuming that each fire poker represents a cast member that isn't Chase, or more specifically their routes, then that would add up with the "there were 6, now there's 5". There were once 6 characters, but Sydney died, so now there's only 5, just like the fire pokers. Later in this scene, Flynn asks if everything he's seeing with Syd is real, and they respond with, "It could be. Somewhere in here.", while refering to the firepoker. If the firepoker he has is representative of Syd's route, then Syd would have probably have had to not have died. But yes it could be refering to Blackgate on top, which would make sense considering they're both horror themed.

Firepokers are also from a folklore standpoint the onlything that can hurt a monster, and all thing fae.

I think that could play in with how things went in Blackgate actually. Firepokers are never used as weapons in Echo though from what I remember.

Amazing VN just like Adastr.  Do anybody know how to get LEO' happy ending. Always get  "I don't feel anymore" or stay with Kudzu....  ..   _(:з」∠)_


That's the point.


Poor Leo ... Remind me Torahiko.....

Wait for more Morenatsu Homecoming, if you want a happy ending for Tora.

Is it correct that TJ only gets one ending? It was heart wrenching to me and I would really like to see an alternative one.

If anybody knows if there is a different ending please reply, I will try to get it.


It seems like everyone only has one ending and there all just as bad probably. I never played any other route and until I get a good ending for Flynn I don't plan on playing again. So I'm holding out until then. I do wonder if the others suffer as much as my poor Flynn. I hope not I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


I am hooked with this VN! Intense and suspenseful as a horror story and lots of world building and all! :D

PS. Am I the only one who noticed how that CG scene of Flynn yelling at TJ looks a lot like the meme of woman yelling at the cat? Was this like long before the real meme came around?

Hi , when i am having sexual intercourse with Flynn the screen is black , do i have to disable any filters or settings in order for it to show ? 

Hi, I'm just starting the game but every now and then this message keeps popping up

I have not been able to reed much, because all the error messages. I think the error messages appears when I should choose a reply or something. 

I have a Huawei P30 with Android 10.

Not shure but, It seems to be the same error each time. 

Hope this is OK contact you here. 

Error code:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
TypeError: 'RevertableDict' object is not callable

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "Saturday.rpyc", line 390, in script
  File "/data/user/0/", line 1337, in execute
    renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired)
  File "/data/user/0/", line 1413, in with_statement
    return, paired, clear=clear)
  File "/data/user/0/", line 2193, in do_with
  File "/data/user/0/", line 2635, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "/data/user/0/", line 2972, in interact_core
TypeError: 'RevertableDict' object is not callable


Loved Adastra, Would love to try echo but having issues with the android download. takes me to a mediafire link that i can download, but cant do anything with. Every other game on here just stages the app itself.  I could just be doing it wrong though. Any help is appreciated!


OK so now I have played through TJ's route, some of Leo's ( I had only been able to get so far in his route many years ago because his route was still under construction), and most of Flynn's route and I have to say, I need to know if there's multiple endings for each route? Are there "good" or "bad ones planned or do some characters get one ending and others get multiple? 

Aside from that, I am absolutely floored by the incredible work being done by EchoVN, I adore Adastra with my heart and soul and am heavily anticipating more for Echo. I'm so ready to check out the other two games soon, but I really hope there's some good ending for the Echo kids, I genuinely can't sleep from the adrenaline.

Fantastic work!


GUUURL, YOU GOT ME CRYING IN THE CLUB T~T, Leo's route made me tear up at the end :(, still loved it though!


This game fucked me up hard I i liked it.

It will certainly stay with me for long time 

(1 edit) (+2)

So I've done TJ's route and both of Leo's routes and .... WOW, so good! I loved everything; the characterization, the music, the moods that it sets, the storytelling and lore and yes, even the heart-wrenching moments. At first on Leo's route I was hoping for a specific situation to come to fruition (no spoilers for those who haven't gone down that path or played yet) but towards about the middle-end when a certain side character becomes more prevalent, super helpful, and very sweet (who couldn't love them?), my mind started entertaining and hoping for other possibilities. I feel like the first end of his route that I took was quite possibly the "cannon" ending but I could be wrong, with there potentially being no "correct" ending. It seemed to have the most closure and best ending out of the three I've played through so far though, possibly leaving room for a fantastic sequel (hopefully with Chase, the major side character, and  some (if not all) of the group).


Absolutely amazing storytelling, scary background music and great visuals genuinely unsettling at times. Never been genuinely scared like I have with this game. Played every route available till the end just waiting for more updates. Keep it up :). (And maybe let us not condemn Flynn? And have a happy ending for Leo? Pretty please)

So far I've only finished one route BUT OH BOY did it sure make me feel things :) 

Good game tho

Guys, your windows download for Echo on is broken. it says the file is hosted on an incompatible third party site if that means anything. 

i love your novel guys keep it up, ive been coming back to your stories for years now. 


"I say it to you" is one of the freakiest lines ever


Finaly got the time to finish Flynn's route and honestly if this is how it ends then this went from grate to crap I'm so unsatisfied, sad and confused. All I wanted in the end was to give him a happy ending and help him through his crap but instead it seems he's in some kind of endless suffering. If this is really the end then I hope there's at less going to be a new VN where we can save them all or something.


Are you guys gonna update the Android version? It currently is still 0.41


I finished the new update to Flynn's route and...I don't know if it's just me, but I'm honestly highkey confused by the ending to his route. Do you think y'all could try and help me understand the ending? Because I am LOST.

Same here, this ending left me confused. Flyn's Sat & Sun brought up more questions than answers...

Could someone confirm this - are there multiple endings for Flyn's route because I was only able to find one?

I tried all the options that were given in the new update, and I got the same ending every time.


Ok sooooooo lol Near the end of his route after his talk with Sydney at that point the hysteria has him right because Sydney is dead. well because of that he goes crazy and somehow manages to catch himself on fire. Literally his skin burn off. It freaks Carl and that salamander guy (forget his name) out. This seems to also be the way he turns into the very monster that was attacking them in his and Leos route. or the monster takes over his body and hes just conscious about it idk because obviously he wasn't the one attacking them when he was there being attacked with them.  The part where he goes bling his eyeballs have melted out of his sockets at that point i believe and remember at some point during his route someone describes the monster face as an electrical socket? Flynn develops the same look at this point. Now right before the end remember he was in some weird place? a closet I think and a little girl opened it and spoke? now think back to Leos route where Jenna mentions to chase that she remembers seeing a monster like figure when she was younger but ignore it because she thought it was due to stress or something. that monster was/is Flynn. I think i explained it to the best of my memory you'll have to go back to get further detail but somehow Flynn becomes that creature and gets caught in a time loop that part if confusing itself but maybe its just because that general idea of echo is a loop. history repeats itself.

I could try but i dont wanna do it over the comments of the game to prevent spoilers. I will say however that in the route when i finally played that last bit while i did have more questions at the end... One of my theories was confirmed. One was debunked. And questions i didnt think to ask were answered. I will say that the game is still by no means finished. Wether there will be or is a second ending for flynn is up in the air. But we still have jennas story. And i will say until that route is finished... We will just be going around in circles.

(1 edit) (+1)

I do think that the 0.42 update was able to drop a few bombshells while maintaining the whole mystery aspect to it. It was, for the most part, able to put things into a new perspective so we have additional answers surrounding some of the more supernatural elements of the story, while simultaneously not answering every question, and putting even more puzzles forwards for us to delve into in the future. In a way, this is good, as we can be certain that future updates aren't just going to tell us what we already know, but actually provide us with more revelations that will serve to tie up any loose ends, which definitely manages to create excitement for the future updates of Echo. Unfortunately, this route's conclusion is quite flawed imo. That’s fine though, as no ending can ever be truly perfect, especially with a story that has many layers like Echo. However, the worst part, at least for me, is that one of the ending’s biggest issues could have been avoided if a certain technical aspect of the VN was omitted.

The ending would have been better (in my opinion) if it DID NOT end with the choices at the final screen, which imply there exists more beyond the initial ending for this route, when this doesn't seem to be the case at all.  If this is actually true, and there isn’t any additional ending here, then the final two choices should have been completely cut, as they carry no weight, and just serve as means to confuse the player, who then feels inclined to see if there is some secret by choosing to “wait a while”, which, in my experience, does nothing. I do think that this has had a detrimental impact on the ending for this route, because while it isn't perfect (there are still many unanswered questions, but I imagine these will be addressed later down the line in another route, and as said previously, this helps to keep it mysterious until then), these two choices suggest that there is more to this route when there is apparently not, which unfortunately, deflates the experience and makes it quite anticlimactic, as the player is unable to fully process the ending, as their mind is immediately driven to these choices, which makes them wonder if there is more beyond what they have just witnessed as the conclusion, only to realise that there isn’t.

Now, this visual novel does take a unique approach to player agency, in that the choice system is occasionally used to reflect the character's mental state and the slippage of their sanity, which can have some dramatic impact when the player is greeted with choices that are railroaded to an outcome that seems to go against their character - e.g. the "Condemn..." choices where there is only one option, despite being presented with multiple, and all of which show a dark side to the character - which do quite well to emphasise the whole possession/hysteria themes within the story. However, there does come a point where an approach can interfere with the experience, which will ultimately undersell what has been crafted - in this case, it is the inclusion of the meaningless choices at the very end. I do think that this has undersold the conclusion to Flynn's route, as it does naught but create an initial, and unnecessary confusion, whereby the player’s focus is drawn to the idea that this route hasn’t yet ended, and that there is more to be seen, which upon learning to not be the case, prevents the player from being able to fully process the impact of the actual ending, as they are left wondering what purpose the choices they are presented with are supposed to serve, which does sour the experience slightly as it is pretty underwhelming when nothing seems to happen, and the player is left wondering  why that is the case.

Ok I just realised that this is a pretty long winded response, but this is my interpretation as to why the ending to Flynn’s route was a bit more confusing than I felt it should have been. I hope this all makes sense lmao.

Regardless, the devs are clearly very passionate as a lot of love has gone into this project, and it is really good to see a VN that is not stuck in a limbo, and is regularly being updated to the point where some conclusions for various arcs are finally appearing! I do look forward to seeing how everything finally pans out! :) Until then, it's just the waiting game.


All i was able to take out of it if I'm correct (SPOILER MAYBE!?), Flynn starts to hallucinate heavily which is getting worse, Flynn walking to the bar doesn't happen, it was just him walking to the mines. Carl and Dax finds Flynn in the mines, but Flynn is so out of it in his hallucinations, scaring them off and possibly abandoning Flynn in the mines. Flynn continues to allows whatever is possessing him take over, causing Flynn to be stuck in his hallucinations possibly for the rest of his life. Leading to The End.

If anyone else has any other theories, please tell. This ending just seems really downer, Flynn isn't able to get any satisfaction at all unlike Chase in every other route.

Hell¡¡¡¡ I don't get why Flynn think that our otter is a murder, T.J. only said that he saw two brown  fur-guys near to him in to the water.... It's anticlimatic that we have to condemn them, and our charecter it's the one tath start that. I think taht it's a great route, but the resolution of it makes you feel like was a waste of time


I can't say because of spoilers, but this gets clarified in the TJ route.

Is there any actual romantic content?, or isthe new content a repeat of the Carl fiasco? (so much build up for a wall-crashing flop and them staying friends instead of becoming a couple?)

I don't know about Jenna's route (haven't played it yet), but in Flynn's route there is...something (tbh a lot of it just made me highkey uncomfortable), and in TJ's route there is a sort of romance in there, but at the same time there also isn't, if that makes sense.

(1 edit)

The only romance that I saw was in Leo's route. Can't say about Jenna's.


Really love the story, kinda sad that Leo is left alone in both endings. Awesome game and writing.


Ok, so this reminded me of one of my favorite stephen king novels, (desperation i think). Thats a compliment. I only did one route,  Leo.

This is the best furry VN I have come across. I loved Adastra and picked this up just to see. The quality of the writing and the story has blown me away. The people on this team are extremely talented!

Kudos and cheers!


Starting to look like Flenn and Chase will not end up together I’m not sure it seems like the Writer is really pushing for all the characters to end up with certain people maybe I just chose all the bad options somehow. Which is a shame because I really don’t like how clingy Leo is. I’m also starting to think the player playing the visual Novel is supposed to be the evil spirit possessing the characters and influencing there choices.  


why you make me do tat  to my Flynn....great game just tell me i get flynn in the end XD

I felt the same way I was clinking around the screen hopeing to find some kind of hiden option hopeing to avoid it.

(2 edits)

Okay, I'm over halfway through TJ's route (my 2nd route, 1st one was Leo), and I'm wondering if anyone knows the song that plays during Friday, when Chase is out of the motel, looking for the next message of the treasure hunt at the lake, before the game transitions to Saturday, and also possibly the song that plays on Sunday during the scene between Chase and Flynn in the lake?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, just out of curiosity, why did you remove the Android download? I was interested in downloading the game so I could play it (but I was busy when I found out about this game), but when I went to go download it later on, the Android download (which is the only way I can play the game) was missing. So, I was just wondering, why is it missing?


It's up again!


Kinda wish there was a better ending with Leo but great VN otherwise~

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