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(1 edit) (+1)


it was said that all routes are canon and what i concluded from this is that The Evil From Echo(does it have a oficial name ?) seems to interact with all timelines simultaneiusl, MonsterFlynn(again does it have a name?) shows up in Leo and Jenna's route despite theoretically not existing in those timelines, also in Flynn's route while trying to leave Echo they encouter Duke's corpse and Chase car from Leo's route , this leads me to conclude that The Evil From Echo can move people and things between different timelines.


I came to this same conclusion as well. Even TJ recognizes Flynn as Plug face (having no other name...) What has me confused is Sam's attitude depending on the route. Sometimes he just helps and sometimes just lets Chase to rot, outright abandoning him and condemning him to the transform Flynn into...that. For this I believe that "the other" from Adastra series is the Evil of Echo. And sometimes Sam is overtaken by it and sometimes just helping the otter


That seems very likely to be true.

I call the monster socketface 

Who the heck is Sam

You need to keep going on the story as the answer is a spoiler

Find out in the Echo prequel.

Pretty good.

I think so too.

The monster is called socketface or socketman by most people.



Lol, nice

Pffft that spoiler level is perfect. Also definitely suddering every time I forget about the game and see a socket.



have y'all seen the file "justafrienddaddy.png"? because like, i was going through the images, and i realized it's separate from the normal image of heather's room, and i can't remember the circumstances under which we see it?


Idk, but while we're on the topic of daddies~


sometimes i wonder if you have any goal in your comments but to upset people, you know that?

(1 edit) (+2)(-4)

I'm sorry your feelings are hurt, not sorry. What triggered you, truly? Think about it. Because, I merely responded to and referenced the "justafrienddaddy.png," and since it is an image file of we don't know what since ours truly didn't post it in their comments, I just thought it would be plain fun for everyone to see artwork of two Echo characters, one calling another daddy. No harm here whatsoever, so why are you so damn mad?


i mean, i'm not really all that mad, it seriously just seems like your goal is to upset. from what i recall, you've even put on opinions that contradict each other in the replies to different comments, depending on what that comment author would most likely get mad at. In this case, through our conversations on other comments of mine, it should be clear to you that Leo x Chase is my ship of choice, on account of Chase's reader insert-esque nature, therefore choosing to reply to my comment with a depiction of one of the two canonically supported contrasting Leo ships seems, to me at least, like a deliberate attempt to get under my skin.

(1 edit) (-1)

I don't read minds. Idk what you like/dislike. I don't even know you. And neither can you towards everyone else, so I find it unreasonable/irrational for a guest to become hostile towards the host just because they abhor milk and grilled cheese despite the hospitable gesture. Htf would the host even know to begin with if the guest did not express their lactose intolerance beforehand...? I'm innocent within the confines of your original post.

Establish here which of the "opinions that contradict each other in the replies to different comments." I am now much more interested in your discourse.


...anyway thanks for the image cause Kudzu is Echo's supreme Husbando.


Thank the artist first and foremost, they did bring the ship to life. I like Kudzu, tho Chase can have him, but I love Leo most.

(1 edit)

Why is It that, being the toxic, obsesive controller that he is, has so much appeal? I love him as well, but Kudzu is the best (for me tho)

(3 edits) (+4)(-1)

I cannot speak for everyone, but...

Sure, you may call Leo obssessive and/or toxic, but does anyone stop as to ask: por qué? Unless we have concrete indication as to the nature of their failed relationship, I empathize with Leo because I know I can be as downtrodden as he when we allow our desires and fears to distort our feelings and perceptions of our relationships. Leo wants to settle, but Chase wants to explore. Leo plans a future with him, but Chase wants to have his own. They literally cannot be together because of their different goals. Leo essentially chases (I see what you did there EchoProject) him in an endless effort (a la tulpa) to fulfill his dreams, but the way I see Chase is that he is running away from his past (the "bad") and chasing his own dreams (the "good"). I recognize how much Leo loves Chase, and I know how devastating it is to have his love unrequited.

To me, Kudzu is a clean slate, no drama, no history with Chase, a new chapter, a fresh start. Who doesn't want to chase their ideal husbando who has little to no flaws especially when contrasted to another with polar opposite qualities? I'm no exception to implicit bias, but I choose to stand by with Leo because he represents our ugly side of humanity that is misunderstood and rejected. To heal is to understand and to accept the hurt. I see myself in Leo who is hurting, but I don't see anyone helping him heal which is ironic considering Jenna, an aspiring psychologist, fails to establish rapport with him especially with Chase around (a missed opportunity to practice relationship counseling).

Also, I am biased and based for anthrowolves especially one with a football dad bod~

Plus, I have a preference for Latinos especially those with dark skin, badboy looks, and dad bods~

being dominated, possessed, controlled, and obsessed over is my love language


This is adorable!! 😍😍

(1 edit)

woah, guys, no need to be so uptight (both of you). As a bystander I gotta say that WayrVvolf doesn't mean no harm, he just want to interact with community even though he does it his own... peculiar way.

tinybaroness, I know you may not find it  appropriate. I would be a little bit upset as well if someone posted humorous comment in response to my serious one, but there is no need to jab, cause it's nothing wrong.

Jeez, I felt like parent scolding toddlers xD

You're right, sorry, this was just... a buildup of frustration with him coming to a head.

(3 edits)

I presume you've been reading posts I made on other forums which makes sense for the sudden jab and unexpected outburst. You do realize posts are independent from each other, right? So don't go subjugating yourself and projecting onto others your negative biases that you have come to cultivate. Unfair to new posts and rude to passionate posters when you unwarrantedly spit venom at them thinking you're doing everyone a favor by exposing them especially in a forum that has had no drama as of late or at all.

Also, why should anyone apologize when they did literally nothing wrong to you, yet you react to them with an attack? Sounds like a you problem, something a specific creator must realize after dragging a whole community down with them...



Yeah I've seen the image too and I noticed that there is what seems to be a very creepy silhouette of Keith in the darkness at the far right of the picture. SpooooooKY. zoom in to see him more clearly. I wish it wasn't at night I saw this. He's just......standing there. With his jacket with an eye on it.

That Is NOT Just A Friend Heather!!!

Fuck! Just got MAJOR chills after you pointed out the dark figure...

OMG!!! Would have never realized it alone


Bought myself the acrylic stand set for my table since its very empty😆

Waiting hopelessly for a plush set. Careful you don't knock those over.


Chances are they will never be tampered because either i rarely use my table or no one ever goes to my room. This is like my first time buying merch from a favorite series or franchise too so i'll really make sure that it will never get touched😆. Also the day the whole gang gets a plushie set is the day ill use up all my savings

If they do move, but no one else touched them, you can only suspect [redacted]face was in your room, sp0.0ky...!

China better get their $h1t together, cuz I want to blow off my bank account on all 6 Echo plushies (8, 2 more from Arches).

I just finished Flynn's route!? Can someone please explain? So I guess a Spoiler warning is at hand?


I just finished TJ route after flynn and the only thing I have to say is: Why? Why that happened, it's not fair, I actually cried and now I feel a void in my hearth because how tragic was that, and playing Flynn's route before just made it worse because this is all unfair and oh my God I don't know what to do now, I'll play Carl's route, somebody say it was happier.


You mean the destiny that Flynn had? Well he discarded everything and everyone in search for the truth. At the end he couldn't accept anything and that consumed him.

Does anyone have sheet music for the intro to Echo?

Deleted post

Replaced the mediafire download link with an one. Should fix your issue. - McSkinny

Deleted post

I know right? LOL  😆

Deleted post

When [redacted] Chase walks into the motel room.

Deleted post

does anyone know how the credits are done in the echo VN?

I especially liked the multiple pictures that were displayed one after the other after jenna's good end.

Please Someone, Which file(s) contains the codes/commands that control all the end credit screens?


I think the TJ route may have been the worst choice to do first

Holy fuck

No no, I think it was the best, I took Leo's route first and was completely lost with some things and ended up completely disturbed by the bad ending

I suppose it's better to understand more of the story, but still, this game wasn't lying when it gave the emotional instability warning

Brace yourself for Flynn's route, I think that's the most nerve wracking of them all


(3 edits)

I don't understand the numbers people are spewing. Like, they're talking code, and I despise computer science...but despite all that...

I'm happy to say that...Leo and I are a natural match, yeeeee~! 

what do you mean a natural match?

note: i typed Leo as a ESFJ

(1 edit)

Good for you, happy for you! What's your optical diopter?

Everyone has an MBTI personality type, and everyone has MBTI types that naturally match with them in terms of relationships (i.e. platonic, romantic, etc.). I acknowledge you label Leo as an ESFJ, but I rely on the aggregate average (calculated consensus) which yields him as an ENFJ. With a quick Google search, you will discover that ENFJs naturally match with 2 MBTI personality types.

number 1:if you disagre wth my typing of Leo i left my reasoning in a comment tread,you are welcome to enter the discussion

number 2: no need to be a jerk about it

(1 edit)

Apologies, a certain toxic forum on seems to be getting the better of me subconsciously. Without clear and concise communication, some things on the Internet (cuz its the Internet) sound like personal attacks. I could have deleted the rude comment with the strikethrough, but I chose to leave it there to show that I want own up to my mistake in misinterpretation; hence, my rational follow-up response right after it. Again, apologies.

what why adastra rate higher than echo

This will be interesting, you think it shouldn't? (Just in case, this is just curiosity)

Theory: romantic fantasy > hopeless reality.

We are all running from hopeless reality.


Always, in circles.


Guess we should just stop then, just like the town...

Does anyone know a spoiler free guide to all endings?

(2 edits) (+3)

I don't know of any guides that are completely spoiler free, but I will try my best to make one here. 

The text on the actual choices has been altered to be as spoiler free as possible.

Of the five routes only Carl, Leo and Jenna have multiple endings.

Carl's branches with the choice of fight it/Let it in. Let it in leads to a Bad ending (This branch is fairly long and provides an alternate set of events from the good ending), while Fight it leads to another choice, Grab her/Push her. If you chose Grab her you get another bad ending (Albeit a fairly short one), while Push her leads to the good ending.

Leo's route branch's first at Help him/Grab gun. Choosing Help him leads to a bad ending (Ending relatively quickly after making this choice), while Grab gun leads to the next choice It's Over/Work it out. It's Over leads to the good ending, while Work it out leads to the bad ending (But I recommend checking both as it's rather short and really impactful).

There is a question in the Prolouge that determines if Jenna's Route will include a romance or not. Your options are Yes I'm gay (No Romance)/No I'm bi (Romance). Jenna's route branches with the options I don't know how to answer that/We kept each other sane/This town breaks people. The first two choices lead to the good ending, while This town breaks people leads to the bad ending. I should mention that all three choices affect some scenes later on, but there are only two endings that I know of. 

If there are any other endings that I missed, I will try to add them.

(1 edit) (+1)

the other important choice for Jenna's route is "yes I'm gay/ no I'm bi"

You are right, I forgot about that. I'll be sure to add that.

Which is strange because the wiki mentions Chase as being homosexual, with no notion of bisexuality, and there is absolutely no way to form a romantic bond with Jenna unless I'm totally missing something here...? 


From what I can tell there are a few issues where the wiki is either outdated or has slightly incorrect information. I assume that the wiki was written before Jenna's route was finished. In the final game when given the choice of saying I'm Gay or I'm Bi, Chase will elaborate that he prefers male partners and that his sexuality is complicated to him. In either choice Chase will mention to himself that he is actually Bi, and that he typically just says he is Gay to avoid having to explain it or confuse people.

Also the only way to initiate romance with Jenna is to say that you are Bi when given that choice, otherwise the romantic scenes are replaced with their friendship counterparts.

(4 edits)

Hey guys, I want to read this visual novel saga but I need your advice in regards of the order/timeline I have to follow to understand it fully. 

I'm sure Arches is the last but in regards to ROUTE 65 and ECHO, which one should I read first?

Thank you  in advance,


(1 edit) (+3)

A common route order I see is the following:

Carl, Leo, Route 65, TJ, Flynn and end on Jenna.

I used this order myself and enjoyed it. This is also the order everything came out in from my understanding. 

You can tweak the order a bit, like doing Leo first or swapping around TJ and Flynn, but I suggest that you save TJ and Flynn for your 3rd and 4th playthroughs and do Jenna last.

Route 65 is a prequel to Echo with the same cast, but it should be played after you do Leo’s route for maximum emotional impact in my opinion. 

After you finish Echo you should be good to go with Arches (Sequel) or The Smoke Room (Prequel). You should probably finish Echo first before going to either of these, but I was introduced to the series with Build 2 of Arches and don’t feel like too much was spoiled.

Here is the timeline you asked for as well:

Echo takes place during Spring Break of 2015 (Mid to late March).

Route 65 is a prequel to Echo with the same cast set on November 1st, 2008, when the cast is in High School. 

Arches is a sequel with a new cast of characters that takes place after the events of Echo in 2020, at some point before Lockdown (Likely February or Early March). 

The Smoke Room is a prequel with its own cast set in the town of Echo, but in 1915. 

Technically you could play the game chronologically, however, it would be better to play starting with Echo in my opinion and sandwiching in Route 65 after you complete one or two routes in Echo.

Hope you enjoy the read!

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

(SPOILERS)I have a few questions which I still don't understand after reading through the story: 

Who and what is this "spirit" that controls Chase (and eventually takes on Flynn too)? 

In Leo's route, how did Flynn know Chase was in the mines(or to better state it, why was Flynn in the mines in the first place because it's highly unlikely Flynn knew where Chase was). 

This might be a no-brainer question to some, but who was the true culprit involving Sydney's death?

Does the end of Flynn's route imply Flynn is the true monster and in this story? 

What is the true cause of the mass hysteria in Echo? I feel as if something deeper is at play other than, "Chase's bad energy made everyone crazy". 

What the hell even happened in Carl's route? It made so many references to the Smoke Room, which I don't even understand. The ending was sweet compared to the others imo. 

I know most of these questions are probably still unexplained but these questions were seriously nagging my brain and I couldn't hold it any longer.

(3 edits) (+4)(-1)

Spoilers alert!

1. Chase is possessed by two ghosts: Sam (the actually good one) and the mirror ghost (from TJ route), the mirror one is probably responsible for Chase killing Sydney back in the day.

2. (I think) the reason Flynn is present in the mines is the same as in Flynn's route, he got there because of his histeria hallucinations that led to safe otter from death.

3. 99% Chase, however as I mentioned before I doubt Chase killed otter without exterior influence (the most probably the mirror ghost made him to do it)

4. There is a lot of ghosts in Echo, Flynn is the one that can travel through timeliness, the "socketface", the very same that Jenna, TJ etc. saw through their life  

5. (I think) it is the main reason of the mass histeria beginning. Chase didn't want anyone to know what he did so fatal forces had to make histeria again to reveal truth. I do believe it is the reason, because in TJ route there is no histeria, the most likely reason is because TJ made a game that lead to reveal Chase's murder and histeria wasn't necessary. It wasn't otter's bad energy, it was his sin from the past that lead to this tragedy. 

6. I don't understand? The whole plot was that the people trapped in "inception" had to reveal the Jack's? James'? rape on kids? whatever xd. This one that possessed Carl though

If someone see that I made a mistake or has other theory feel free to write it down, there is no plain answer for most of the questions :)


Spoilers alert!

I apologize for the long post in advance.

I recently finished all the routes in the game + Route 65 and agree with most of what you said. I haven't played The Smoke Room yet, but have seen Build 2 for Arches, so I may be missing something talked about in TSR. 

1.  Chase does appear to be possessed, however, I'm not sure that Sam is actually good. In Flynn's route he pushes Chase and Flynn to condemn each other and guides Flynn into the mines to become the Red Socket Monster. Maybe I misunderstand Sam's reasoning, but between that, his constant insults towards Chase, and how Mr. Bronson and Sydney reacted to being possessed by Sam, I'm led to believe that he is probably not a good spirit either.

2. I think you are right on this one. Flynn never really explains why he knew in Leo's route and its not explained in other routes. I assume it was either the Hysteria giving him that info (Similar to how he was led to the mines on his route) or that the Moore family knows more about the source of the Hysteria and Flynn's aunt tipped him off. 

3. I 100% agree with you that it is likely that Chase was possessed when killing Sydney (if that is what happened). Chase is repeatedly described as being a good simmer for his friend group but bad by Otter standards. Sydney (also an Otter) is more athletic that Chase but somehow could not hold his own against Chase. While Chase did get a surprise attack on Sydney, the speed and power needed to hold down another person long enough to drown them is beyond a 10 year old in my opinion, especially when they should be able to hold their breath as long as you. I think Chase was given extra strength to kill Sydney by the Mirror Ghost (Likely a spirit that wants the Hysteria to occur) to kill Sydney. This would be similar to when Chase gains strength to beat up Flynn in TJ's route.

I do want to mention though it is strange to me that the only route that attempts to confirm Chase killed Sydney is TJ's. It is touched on with people accusing Chase in Leo, Flynn and Jenna's routes (And I assume Duke was accusing Chase in Carl's route, but it never fully came up), however, none of those routes fully confirm it. Chase when not possessed (by the Mirror Ghost) doesn't seem to really remember it, but in TJ's route he gets either fully or near fully possessed and seems to realize what happened. Only in TJ's route does he seem to admit to killing Sydney. I have some theories regarding the Timeline and how Route 65 works as a prequel but this is already a long post.

4. I think you got this dead right, so I have nothing to add.

5. So the Hysteria seems to be a cyclical aspect of Echo, caused either by the Quartz in the mines or just some cursed aspect of the land itself. The area absorbs the negative energy of the people who are in the area over time. Every so often the negative energy is released back onto the town's inhabitants and you get a Hysteria Event. The trigger of an event appears to be whenever a murder occurs and the killer gets away without being caught, but I think that is not quite on the money. For example Mr. Bronson and Janice killed Sam and hid the body, but there was no Hysteria in the 70s (The most recent event at that time was the 60s if I recall correctly), Sydney's accident with his father could also have been a trigger but nothing beyond the possession seems to have happened for either of them. There is also the issue with Brian killing 19 people and none of their deaths appear to act as a trigger for the Hysteria, but somehow Chase returning to town is the trigger. It's also mentioned that the Hysteria would have happened eventually even if Chase never returned, so Chase's return was just the tipping point. This leads me to believe that the true Trigger is Chase having relationship issues with the rest of the friend group. 

Each friend has some reason they care deeply about Chase and want him to spend time with them, so when Chase focuses on someone else their issues seem to intensify. Examples include: Leo's Chase Tulpa, Carl's route being about a haunted house which was why Chase spent the entire summer in 5th grade with him as well as Carl having an imaginary Chase he spoke to when crashing his car, TJ always wants Chase to join him on a hike and Jenna mentions that TJ was most excited to see Chase, Flynn has a strong attraction to Chase but believes that it wouldn't work due to a variety of circumstances, and last but not least is Jenna mentioning she gets jealous of what she can't have and when Chase spends time with her she flaunts it in front of Leo. I think that due to everyone wanting Chase to spend time with them, stresses the group and also may be the reason why Chase appears to be the center of focus for the Hysteria. Throw in that Chase probably killed Sydney on top of that and you've got a huge storm coming, honey.

6. Carl's route is a bit off, but that may be due to it being written first. James and John are possessing their descendants (Carl and Jenna) in a fight to either hide what really happened or reveal the truth of who was the pedophilic serial killer (The worst combo). Chase gets wrapped up in this due to the town using him as the witness that has to figure out which spirit is telling the truth and which one lies, while Raven kinda got stuck by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Carl's route feels the most disconnected with what is going on in Echo, but that is due to it really being focused on what happened around the time of The Smoke Room. Since it takes place around that time it makes sense for TSR to have a few references to Carl's route.

As stated before I just finished the game and haven't check out TSR so I could be missing somethings and this is all just my two cents. If there is something wrong or you have a different theory, I would love to hear it.

Thanks for reading my TED talk.


dude, you apologize for such a long and factual com? I love when people are REALY trying to explain something, the longer com the better :) 

Thanks! I've been thinking over Echo a ton recently and have a few theories about some things within the plot. 

The weirdest theory I have involves the various timelines and how Route 65 not only affects which route you are on in Echo, but might also affect what happened during the groups childhood. 

I would love to see what other theories people have though cause it would be nice to see other perspectives on what happened in Echo.

I love your explanations on events so far. I'd be really curious to hear your thoughts on the route 65 changes to the group dynamic as I havent placed those pieces together yet myself.

The one thing I think I have a slightly differing opinion on is what happened at the end of Flynns route.


I dont believe that Flynn is going through time. He is experiencing the events that happened in echo from the "almagamations" perspective as he's being assimilated in to it. I believe this is because he left everything (Carl and Dax who were representations of a good past friend and friends he could make) behind to learn the truth about what happened to Sydney. The spirit then takes the truth from him as he loses his eyesight.

does anyone know the name of the song that plays during the credits of leo's """good""" ending?


The name of the song is Blurry by Bug Boy. You can also find the music used in the game in the music menu after hearing it once in game.

Thank You~!


The ending to carl route is so heart warming. It's make you feel like things are real but also not, gives me sometimes to think about my live, that's how deep it touched me. It such a rollercoaster of emotion, from the music of horror to the romantic music when chase and carl are together. I'm just really disappointed that they didn't get together after all that happens, if they did my heart wouldn't be so broken. The series is so good with everything linking to the smoke room i love it. I would like to have a future of echo tho more into the characters lives, mostly about Carl tho just bc he's such a bf material.   I don't recommend reading if you can't takes emotional attacks from every route, you'll be scars but you'll learn some valuable lesson, except for leo he's just that crazy ex. 

(2 edits) (+2)(-2)

You can get more of Carl in Echo Interactive Short Stories: BenefitsI wouldn't call Carl "bf material" considering his "bad" habits - his frequent laziness and drug use that enables his laziness (and craziness in Jenna's route). I understand there are times to unwind and destress, but if someone lacks motivation, lives in constant fear (TJ), and/or make excuses to justify their ineptitude, regardless if they are wealthy and can provide, they are not relationship material for me ESPECIALLY if they can't strike deep, meaningful dialogue. Carl is cute and can be hot but reasons above. Flynn is sexy but too toxic. Jenna is my intellectual soul mate, but she is female and I ain't hetero; therefore, besties. Leo, at least, is committed, understanding, passionate, idealogical, and determined (CUPID) who is willing to compromise and work towards the future together ad astra (bf material).


Did you seriously type out that Carl and Flynn are too toxic to be bf material but Leo isn't lmao


Nowhere did I say Leo isn't toxic. 

Nowhere did I say Carl is toxic. 

Somewhere did I say Flynn IS toxic. 

To dumb it wayyyyy down for you, I said Leo has the qualities that make him more bf material to me than Carl and/or Flynn. After all, Leo DOES have bf experience on his dating resume whereas the other two do not. I choose Leo>Carl>Flynn>TJ; Jenna, if I was straight/bi. READ carefully.


Don't worry I read what you said properly I was just dumbing it down as you say so as to not repeat your whole paragraph, if it really bother you that much you can replace the word toxic with flawed in my first post.

My point was that you singled out the flaws in Carl and Flynn while ignoring the very obvious ones in Leo which I found very funny, especially considering how prevalent they are in the story.  But hey more power to you my dude, I just thought that was an interesting takeaway from the game.


Leo has flaws?

Bout to play Jenna's route after Leo and TJ's. The story keeps pulling me in even though its almost paralyzing, like I have a heavy feeling in my chest similar to drowning. wish my sanity luck on my next route lol

Good Luck~


I hate TJ.

you're moving in circles


I could not have been more impressed, absolute bravo to the team behind this. So far I've only made 1 play through. And it was the TJ route. (I honestly didn't even realize I had chosen his route when I made the decision but I came to grow really attached to the character). I cant remember a time I felt so emotionally invested in a story and its characters, absolutely amazing! 


bro im traumatized after tjs route

It's worse on other routes.

i know i finished everyones route except jenna and i say flynns is the most deadly

Deadly like the gila monster, venomous (not speciest).

(1 edit)

Agreed. I felt so bad for flynn at the end of his route


Is Leo a Yandere? Discuss


Leo is a leo.


He becomes one the crazier he gets

With the way Flynn talks about their relationship, I wonder if he sees Chase and Leo like Casey and Ryan sometimes

Chase coming out to Leo: 


Spoilers :

Can we all agree that Brian is a big pile of garbage and that he deserves whatever horrible thing happens to him?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, in Leo's, Jenna's and Flynn's route, a horrible thing happens to Brian.

(1 edit) (-1)

As the previous user already wrote, this game really broke me, and I will not be able to move away from this state for a long time ...

I'm only interested in one question ... Will the third part with these characters? I mean, with Chase, Leo, TJ, Сarl, Flynn, and Jenna ...

What is your question?


I kind of wrote ...


...a question that doesn't make sense, yes.

Again, what is your question?

Will there be a new part with THESE characters? Here is my question ...

According to the Development Log:

"The Full Visual Novel Available Now" Apr 02, 2021

Therefore, no additional updates planned for Echo.

(1 edit) (+3)(-4)

This game fucked me up but its soo heccin good <3 

Leo is good but i think imma pass   - _- i always imagined a guy being like that to me but too much is too much so no thanks, also the thing he did with someone

i feel betrayed after knowing that i thought he loves the mc but mehh fuck leo

Love the game tho thanks for giving me the nightmares <3 (jk)

Shadow Chase walking animation gives me the chillls its still on my brain ffs

(1 edit) (+3)

Hey, Echo team! Any plans for a CD soundtrack with custom print? Better yet, vinyl record!? Ea$y$! Also, Echo plushies; I'll order 6 please.


what i wouldn't do for a vinyl set and a leo plush...


"You were kinda thin, which was cute, but you should eat more..."
"Make sure Chase gets a real big chunk. He's getting waaay too skinny."

I really like Chase's physique in this gallery pic, toned (average with a bit of chunk, which is kinda hot~). Leo too here all tall and broad, oomph~!


yes, but the question is, what does Leo actually want? the earlier implies thinner than chase currently is would be most attractive to him, the latter the opposite



Former statement implies Leo thinks Chase was cute when he was skinny. The conjunction "but" implies he wants something more from him in the present/future as opposed to the past; hence, Leo tells Chase he "should eat more" as a nudging suggestion in hopes to appeal to his newfound appetite. Leo expresses his sexual taste for THICC otters when he states he desires "real big chunk" and dislikes "way too skinny"; the phrase "too [insert adjective here]" sets a negative connotation in just about any language and describes someone of having a trait that seems excessive and unhealthy. I fail to understand how you didn't understand even your own post...

yeah but he says the thinness is cute, and shadow chase is supposed to be Perfect for him, isn't he?


You originally failed to mention tulpa Chase....

Regardless, if perfect, then why did Leo make his statement? Tulpa Chase represents the past that Leo clings onto; hence, the physical thinness and missing goatee. Despite the fact, the tulpa is also present because sometimes Leo desparately feels he wants Chase around. You can call someone cute (a subtle attraction), but then you also want them to be hot by [insert activity here] (a profound attraction).

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PRAISE: This game's story is absolutely fantastic, I sadly chose the TJ route as my first (I thought he was cute) and the feeling I was left with was one of [sadness, loss, happiness, a little bit scared and traumatised]. Never in my life have I felt in such a way after watching/reading any book, series, movie or game. I'm kinda scared of playing the other routes for now, but I will. 9.99/10


- A true ending would be amazing for clearing things out, straightening them

- Another ending for TJ. At least an option for not (SPOILERS AHEAD: killing Flynn) or fighting off whatever the hell that thing in Chase's head was at the hotel and in his mind

(I just want my boy TJ and Chase to be happy together qwq)


as someone who's really really keen on communication, it's interesting to think about how different things could be if chase just talked. talk to jenna in the car ride over, talk to leo when he gets to the motel, talk to flynn on a walk along the lake, talk to tj on a hike, talk to carl over a smoke and a game. things could be so much better if they just talked.


I agree, and actually I'm going to try and do something like that in my future fanfiction, Echo true path.

consider me hyped~!


I hope I can do it really well

Heck let me know when this happens too

Yeah sure, I'm almost done with my "crazy" Echo fanfic and then will start the serious one thats my own route.

The voice in his head controlled him not to talk and manipulated his mind.


Spoiler Jenna Ending

I just want Leo and Chase to have another chance or just an open ending about them. Not Micha and Leo interesting in each other because I can see how their relationship is changing. Whyyyyyyy Echo Project


BIG AGREE. if i were chase i'd say something along the lines of, "listen, leo. i have felt terrible about how my hanging out with jenna this past week made you feel, and it, along with the threat posed by micha, has made me realize just how much i can't live without you. if we could speak as openly about all our problems as the van made us with this, i think we could get through anything. could i ever convince you to take my dumb ass back?


ikr,The writers could make a good ending for Jenna and Chase, everyone else still be friends and could be a couple in the future, but not a chance for Leo and Chase to get back together( WHAT??), I literally don't know why and Leo's ''good'' ending is not it. Because there are still problems to solve, but they decided to make Chase run away from all the problems to live with Kudzu, Leo is traumatized, alone and don't need anybody helps for the rest of his life


i think any problem in a relationship can be worked through with open, honest discussion, and it hurts to never get the chance to do that. i get why as a character Chase wouldn't, but it still hurts


Yeah, I just wish there was a second chance for them or at least Leo told Chase about his secret to clear things up a bit

who is chula? who is it that leo really loves?


"chula" is "hot / handsome" and also "bottom" in Spain (Chase was kinda mad at him when he discovered this meaning ^w^) 


not really what i was asking

(1 edit)

No, but you can infer by definition. Draco even answered you in parantheses as to "who[m]" Leo may have called chula. A little bewildered you didn't catch who chula is on first reference in the VN...

im talking about micha. he called micha chula before chase. does leo love chase? did he love micha? were we just a stand in for him?


spoiler alert!!

Chula is not refer to anyone, it is not name, its like you would call your beloved "babe"

Remember that Leo had sex with Micha, he probably had some feelings toward bat, wolf could call him that because he wanted to sound flirty? idk man.

However, to answer your questions point blank: Leo call Chase "chula"

:) peace

You failed to mention Micha in your original post...

How was there ever a thing between Leo and Micha apart from the prequel...? What is "love" to you? Because I don't sense any "love" (perhaps sympathy) between the two.

Tldr; Chase = chula...


is it bad that the things the game considers bad about leo and reasons he and chase dont work only attract me to him more? i want nothing more than a good ending with leo, even if i know why he doesn't have one. maybe in another game in the franchise i guess...


Eh, I feel kinda the same. Some of Leos "bad" traits are attractive to me!

I don't think Leo is going to be in any other games, but I have my Echo fanfiction where Leo's route ends differently.



Lol, yep thats me

I see yeah. I just posted a new chapter last night too.


I didn't listen to the warning you'd think I'd learn my lesson about that after DDLC but I didn't

is there a good ending where we choose leo? am i just missing it or something?

No, there is not.

Its only in fanfiction.


that's really upsetting. i love leo so much. i know chase isn't a player insert type, so there's no reason to think things between me and (bi au) leo would go thusly, but, it still hurts. the "bad" ending is definitely my canon ending, i can't leave him.


Yeah its sad. I like Leo too, he's an interesting and cool character.  Chase is cute but they have so many problems! Honestly though they should have given their relationship another chance.

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On my way to Echo City !

I'll comment some help here if I got stuck in Echo...welp wish me luck!


quick question. When downloading it for linux is it normal for it to send you to another site and is it safe to download that way?

Replaced the mediafire download link with an one. Should fix your issue. - McSkinny

(1 edit) (+3)

Oh man , I want to play this game but I was too scared . I Played adastra before and I took it so hard , I don't think playing this game is good for my emotions but I want to tryyy !!!

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