Last time I played this was a long time ago and leo had no good endings imo. And he still doesn't I assume but since the game is finished might as well play the other routes now.
Tbh,for me the bad ending from leo is good ending for me cus we can finally be together again and i rlly love it they way he said "you said we work something out" at the bad ending and i feel like theres nothing wrong they get to be together again so? I dont see he will die staying at echo forever with leo hes love is genuine and the ending? They cuddle,kiss, and f*ck again happy crazy h*rny at leo?,yea i am...
I think you should read this VN not in the sense that youre trying to date one of the characters, but view those characters as having a flaw that you struggle with, and conquering it by playing it out through this VN. For example the MC views Leo as an anchor that is trying to hold him down in this town he doesnt love (he admits it to himself in the 1st or 2nd hallucination). Staying with Leo in this town is obviously not what the Otter wants, even though Leo is such a comfort to be around. It isn't healthy for him and he must take the opportunity that only comes once (the train) to move on from the mistake of his past (murdering Sydney) or be stuck here forever (like having your legs taken away).... In the past they wrote fairytales of a young unwise woman falling in love with an obvious tramp, and as punishment she has to spend the rest of her unhappy life cleaning a home of a person that abuses her. Leos route is kind of a retelling of that fairytale and the moral is to move on and dont let a few comforts hold you down and trap you in a place of suffering. And in a sense Leo has to stop obsessing over the MC. That's his flaw he needs to get over. He didnt drag MC to bed all bloody like that cuz he was in love with him. He did that because he was in love with the idea of being with him and it was turning him crazy. I guess it is because of the trauma of loosing Sydney that he views others as objects instead that need to be possessed rather than people and risk having genuine feelings towards them. He doesn't want to feel that pain again I guess.
I didn't read Jenna's route but all of the characters seem to have a 'flaw' with them. Quite common flaws that me or you might have actually. And reading through their routes will help you find them and in most cases you can steer them away from the bad route and instead guide them to conquering their flaws. Thats at least the way I think when I read this VN. It is quite a emotionally difficult read for me unless I take a more clinical approach...
Dude!!! What were you READING?!!!. WHERE WERE YOUR EYES EXACTLY? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
spoilers down below
I know, I know, I'm sorry. I just really didn't like that ending
He has the heart of a lion, so Lee-HO for me. I know a kid name Leh-oh, sooo...obviously, I don't want to make subconscious references by accident; it also doesn't help me that he is also Hispanic...
Tldr; there is no "should" but to each their own in pronouncing his name. Either works, whatever is comfortable for you.
How in holy jesus do you unlock the Adastra Theme ingame? I tried going through the scenes where they watched some of in in Flynn's house but got nothing. Any and all help would be appreciated.
in Carl's route is mentioned that James was the son of immigrants from Eerie, anyone knows which is the real life counterpart? my current guess is Ireland
Furry visual novel. One of the last things I expect to be a masterpiece and yet that is exactly what Echo has achieved to be. As a person in this day and age, I've been numbed to the horrors that the internet has wide open to the public. But truly, I've had myself pause and stare at the words over and over at the screen, hoping that I had misread those horrifying lines. I've gone sleepless on the nights I read this, both from the captivation of the story as well as disturbing me beyond any chance of sleep.
Keith's story has had a particularly profound impact on me. Though rarely do you get to see the character alive, he had been the most vividly real character. I had myself grieving with Micha, and the reveal at the end of Flynn's route had me on the verge of heaving. I kept hoping over and over that there had been a better fate for this fictional character. The most disturbing fact of it all is that his scenario has happened in the real world MANY times, and no doubt more to come in the future, to innocent and loving people just like him. By the time of Brian's appearance in Jenna's route, my mind was hazy and I had never wanted to smash my fist into the screen at a video game villain more than I did then. Echo isn't afraid to touch such heavy topics, to admit to real problems in the real world. And it pulled me into its world ever more.
During explaining guy below the plot of Echo, I couldn't believe it might be true, but it looks like it is :|
massive spoilers below
You are only moving in circles:
Sam killed Jack and escaped judgement -> Mr. Bronson killed Sam and no one found out -> during fight between Sydney and his father Syd accidentally killed him, guess what, yea... -> Chase killed Sydney and never told anyone
heh, this is not the end! There was always someone who knew what happened with the dead one:
Sam always reveal his sin to guy who we decide to play with
Mr. Bronson was with Janice
Sydney told Flynn what he did
TJ witnessed Chase's murder
omg it broke me... so many loops, so many circles it all make sense now why I did it to myself ;-;
After being locked in broom storage (? i don't remember exactly what the room was called) Chase lost his mind, he is permanently broken and has mental illnesses probably to the rest of his life
After conversation next to the mine entrance he got pissed or just offended and left them. Most likely Chase don't know about Flynn who currently haunt mines. Idk if you played Arches (you definitely should though), I suppose no, so Cameron (coyote) is smth like medium and psycho, he can see dead people from the past in Echo.
I felt sorry and bad for Leo he's really obsessed with chase and......the end gives me depression like i felt Leo how messed up he is now *sniff* it literally makes me cry for leo 😢 I can't believe how hurt leo is at the end .......i wont explain everything tho it would be spoiler anyway here i was listening to a sad song imagining how hurt leo that loses hes first special only BF chase, I can't stop thinking how leo will be alone 4ever,hurting.......this VN gives me tragedies and great story thx echo 👍......*sigh*
I don't like Carl's good ending all that much, but it made me love Leo's good ending. It would of been so anticlimactic if Leo's route ended off so easily with out even reincorporating the themes of his route. Leo's route is about not only chase escaping echo but also letting go of everything the anchor bracelet resembles and Leo still having it on shows that he still has rose tinted glasses about the place and is someone keeping him stuck to this town. Having a "normal ending" would also ruin purpose of the bad ending, regulating it to shock horror and having no real purpose.
If only Leo kept his $h1t together at the very last minute, there could have been a good conclusion to his route. He and Chase would have fixed their relationship issues post-Echo. After all that has happened to them, through thick and thin, why shouldn't they be together happily.
I dont want to explain alot tho anyway leo obsessed with chase wanting him to be together again and live or stayed st echo while chase can't cus he rlly needs to go back to college so thats also leo being sh*tty to his friends so he can have more time to spend with chase so well u know what happen next......
Also ppl be like "dude if u simp for leo theres rlly wrong with you hes a pyscho and a manipulator" i.....i just want them to be happy together again if only chase could change leo and settle everything idk ahhh!! I just love leo ok hes ......sweet aside from that they describes abt him also me but i dont care tho and well u already know echo has no good endings but i still love the story especially the characters
No, you could disagree with her about Leo’s behavior earlier and get the good ending. The bad ending is only possible if you agree with her there and choose “This town breaks people” later. (You can confirm this yourself in game/Jenna-Wednesday.rpy at lines 2277, 2615, 2621, and 9340)
There is no need to explain if we are discussing Leo's route (implying that we have already read it).
Yes, Leo did show signs of toxic relationship attributes, but his "psycho[tic] and manipulat[ive]" tendencies are not without reason. He dearly and clearly loves Chase (probably too much), but he allow his fears and expectations to cloud his thinking and judgment sometimes hurting people in the process; he loses touch with reality when he imagines and fantasizes about Chase, for better or worse. But, can he really be blamed? Maybe his upbringing contributed to his insecurities? Are we any wiser in punishing a child for eating a forbidden fruit that we came to covet so much? No need to answer, just food for thought.
"Those that hurt the most need love the most." If I was Chase, I would have given Leo the chances to change and make better himself. They had a history, a childhood, and a relationship, as well as dreams and aspirations. They could have reached ad astra together. If not life-threatening, why cease all that over feeling uncomfortable? A part of life is about learning from mistakes and improving the self - molding into the ideal person for yourself and for others. Leo is deserving of love, he just need guidance, patience, and open-mindedness.
Well, i think this shit happened, not because he didnt hold his shit together.
I thinking that, he was under 'histeria' which made him lost his sanity at very last moment, if you read with attention, you can see that he didnt even realise completely that Chase dying and he killed his friend
First, I didn't know it had a good ending from jenna's cus i only pick leo and flynn's route cus i simp both of them.Second,ok now i understand thx tho,and do u think echoproject is planning to make echo 2? I was hoping it would.....thx again and to other ppl who replied my first comment i thought i was alone also.....tbh i dont ship kudzu and chase even there together now my opinion heh...I SHIP CHASE AND CHULAAAA!!!STILL AND IDC!!!
Towards the end, the gang did not show any signs of hysteria. If you read with attention, Leo tells Chase, "Seeing you leave on that [redacted for spoilers] was too much..." admitting that, in the moment, he was well aware of his thoughts and emotions. Leo had considerable level of control over himself but chose to be selfish. Otherwise, he and Chase and everyone else would have found sanctuary.
To be honest, this VN gave me terrifying feelings, it's like horror movie, and then... everything is going fucked up, like..
Drugs, gunshots, deaths, everyone scared and dont understand what they facing, and most breaking mind part, it's Chase' dreams, where everything feels like you're not safe, you're in danger, and dont know what you facing, self or crazy self?
I.... i just know, that VN, cool to read feels nice and that creeping atmosphere, but there's too much holes in scenery, maybe because i didnt readed prequel, but still... something is not right.
Leo's route most fucked up thing i ever seen in VN's
You know, i think i actually dont mind if there's would be some furry movie, called same.
Erh.. i give it 7/10, some things hard to understand, but still i enjoyed that story.
Could you pls write things you don't understand? We might help you find answers. This game is amazing from that point of view, it hardly ever say smth flat out but we can get answer from different routes
Well, i cant understand who is... who drowned as they could say, im sorry i cant remember his name.
And... i dont understand why whole town at the and of week, bein insane
Also, i dont understand who's monster.
To be honest, i got creeped out, when i saw Chase doppelganger at Jenna route that everyone see, i was like... 'what the fuck?... how the fuck you appear in front of everyone in fucking reality??? You sick fuck go away!'
And game lets me choose, touch Leo or not, i decided to not touch...
1. I don't understand the first question? I suppose you'r talking about who killed Sydney - (I think) Chase killed Sydney while being possesed by the mirror man (TJ route) or at least partly possesed/ influenced.
2. (It is kinda obvious, it was mentioned many times, I will try to expand it) The histeria is changing people, it affects differently on everyone: TJ- being chased by monster, Leo- gets abusive etc. The point is that histeria affects onto your biggest fears and problems bc it "feeds" on someone else's pain and especially burdened secrets. The only way to last histeria is to survive or reveal to everyone your secret that you have been hiding.
3. There are several monsters that are actually mysterious and we don't get answers on that one. However the "main" monster that attacked Chase group (cars accidents in Flynn and Leo routes), saved Chase from Brian, have been seen by Jenna through her life when she was sad or angry was Flynn. After Flynn route the gila was burnt and become the monster that travel through time (that's why the monster appear in many routes and to many people. Probably he is the reason why Echo doesn't have "true ending" everything is and isn't happening)
4. Again idk if it was a question? Lest say it was and I will make it quick- histeria materialized Leo's tulpa (tulpa is imaginary friend that is independent of you, has it's own emotions, desires etc although it is still in your head)
PS: If I'm wrong pls correct me
Hope I helped. If you don't understand smth just ask, If you don't get something it doesn't mean that it's stupid. I adore this game just because reader has to make effort to understand things (I don't say you'r stupid, at first I was confused as well, but I have read all VN, explanations and spent a lot of time to make all gears inside my head about what the fak I have experienced, you simply didn't :P )
Histeria was more likely triggered by Chase and TJ who came to Echo, the fact that they conceal murder was enough to start everything again:
"You are only moving in circles" - (TJ route again, it is the most important route in my opinion)
Chase misinterpreted Sydney when he was "drowning" Toby (Toby changed name after that and is known as TJ), bc of this otter drowned him and have sworn that they will hide the truth -> after that everyone's problems got bigger, especially Chase's (night terrors, sleep paralysis, hallucinations) -> gang is leaving Echo -> a few years later when everyone came back histeria should get started, however in this only route it didn't! Because the game that Syd made up was supposed to reveal otter secret and bc of that histeria wasn't necessary -> Alas, in the last moment Chase got possessed again and when the truth was finally revealed to Flynn, otter *sob* killed gila to hide his sin. Chase made full circle, now he will leave Echo and hide to the end of his life the next mystery ;-;
Don't think about being "distorted", it is ghost after all :)
I had no idea who this "Gila" was, so I wrote it in goggle and found that gila is the reptile species = Flynn species, its the same when we call Chase "The otter" or TJ "the lynx"
Spoilers !!!! don't read if you haven't played yet!
C ending- after train cut off Chase's legs he has random visions that include Leo. In reality Leo is just holding and comforting otter on railroad track when he dies of bleeding out ;-; (it's not said flat out. He might actually die in Leo's house, but it doesn't really matter)
Spoilers for echo and the very beginning of the smoke room
Oh my god when Sam gets ran over by Sydney’s dad and he says “Jack” even if Mr. Bronson and Janice rightfully understand it as “use the f*ing jack to get me out of here” he’s totally thinking about the dude he murdered, huh…
Yea, there is the little chance that maybe we will see someone in Arches, it would be entertaining even more, cause none of Echo routes is actually "main", so creators could make completely different route
This has been the first thing in quite a long time that's kept me up all night because I couldn't put it down. After playing Adastra and wanting to see more from its creators, I've absolutely fallen in love with Echo. The more realistic setting, art, and so on complement the stress, tension, and terror in a crucial way. Chase is also a vastly more interesting character than the player character of Adastra (who functioned mostly as a blank slate for the player to project onto), which I've enjoyed a lot. The choices in Echo also seem to be hugely more meaningful than the ones in Adastra. Similarly to Adastra, the characters and lore are nuanced, interesting, and lovable. Overall, it's been a pretty amazing experience and I'm glad I checked it out. ❤️🦦
i feel you, this is the first time closing echo in 4 days(since i downloaded it) and it brought me pain to close it, im only two routes through but i wholeheartedly agree that this game is a masterpiece! ❤️
If you don't like using this, then I suggest finding another app that you'd prefer. You know, just in case a Portuguese version isn't released. Cause I don't see any language settings in this VN
OK, so I've been seeing arguments on multiple sites (including reddit and apparently here as well) concerning which route is the most fitting to read last; Flynn or TJ? I keep seeing different opinions. What do you guys think? I wanna read it through without revealing anything to myself too soon till the end.
It actually doesn't realy matter if you did Leo's first, because they don't reveal very important informations to the whole universum. I believe that Carl's is first bc his route is the least nerve wracking and won't end on your mental breakdown. The note Echo can be an emotionally intense experience and may not be for everyone. Please put your mental well-being first and take this into consideration before downloading! is not a joke or just a warning because for exaple there is one scene with drunk creep. For many people, like realy many this game is realy hard to go through.
You should also know that Carl, Leo and Jenna have 2 routes (TJ and Flynn only 1)
Oh, I was already aware about all this(everything you mentioned but the drunk creep part). It's just that I'm kind of an obsessed perfectionist. If I had read Leo first then found out later that Carl was the first route that was mentioned by Mcskinny, (even though it's no problem at all) it would bother me. For some reason, my pen pal tells me it's because I'm blood type A
oh you got me wrong, "drunk creep" was just first think that pop in my head about "disturbing things" that might be emotional disturbing or whatever... without spoilling anything to other comment readers
My point was to just tell that the plot, amount of emotions and fcked up things in this game is enormous and it is Very Probably that most of the people will be disturbed, especially the more fragile people like me.
Closure huh?🤔. Yeah I remember a lot of people saying that they were unsatisfied with Flynn's route as an ending. But I also remember multiple people saying that no route is good enough for closure and that non of them are necessarily canon anyway 🤷♂. Who else has an opinion? I'm still reading Leo's route so I've got some time before Finally deciding.
Actually I decided to play Jenna route as the last one as well, but not bc it well closure whole story, but bc i heard that it has "good ending" and I don't want to say goodbye to Echo with the nerve wracking routes like Flynn and TJ :)
I haven't played Jenna yet and I don't realy want to no matter If she realy has A ending, I don't belive anyone will be happy but I will find courage and go through... somehow
I'm gonna do jenna's route last just so I don't finish the VN with a bad ending. Based on what little I've heard about Flynn's ending, it's not the kind of story you'd want to end with. So I'll have to keep my inner perfectionist at bay.
Hey guys, considering that this VN labels itself as a "horror" visual novel, can I expect any jumpscares along the way? I don't really do too well with jumpscares but at the same time I am really hoping to try this game out for all the things I've been hearing about it.
The Jumpscares are usually done with sudden dreadful music. So yeah.... that can add to the effect of the Unexpected scary situation. So Brace yourself
ok i played through this game for the first time rn and i am super confused, i guess i went on flynn's route? i am so confused my mind is going crazy trying to understand whats going on, i'll play more on other routes to try and understand better i guess
edit: ok i went through leo's route and i am heart broken i am so sad i will never recover from this
......holy fuck. I've been meaning to play this for like ever and finally got to it. I played the smoke room first though because its still in dev and it took me less time, same emotional investment though.... but back on this I did Leo's route first. massive regrets, but also none whatsoever because he made me feel things I've not felt in a while and gave some.... newer perspectives and such. this is by far one of the most intense VN's I'll ever play, in the best way. my heart ached at how that route ended up but it was better than.... the other situation. I almost cried for the first time in years, which made me happy because it just made me realize how attached I became to this story and everyone involved in it. I was scared for a bit about some things, that ended up being baseless but still worried me. I've also got to do a ton more things if I'm gonna get anything figured out on some mysteries in this, or google things if I don't want my heart torn apart again. still genuinely curious about some major things, like everything involving Sydney, I got a guess or 3 on what happened but I have to replay to figure out if anything has any ground to build on or if its even touched at all!... but on a little different note this has become my absolute favorite visual novel of all time. purely because if how good It's written and how intrigued I was. well still am but eh, and thank you for sharing echo with the world and giving me a god damn amazing experience.
Can someone please tell me at what points I am able to choose each character's routes. HOW and WHEN do I choose Leo's, Carl's, Jeena's, Flynn and TJ's route? I want to play the routes in this order So I need help knowing what to do to choose a specific character's route.
I want to try this VN. I heard fantastic reviews about it and it seems to make nearly everyone cry their eyes out lol. Also, i just finished "Adastra" and seeing as how this VN is also made by the same Echo Project Team, i think i'll love the emotional experience in this one as well !
One thing however, is that i see some people say that "Echo" is not as centered around romance as "Adastra" or "The Smoke Room" for example. Is this true ? I am a great sucker for drama and especially romance..and seeing as how you can follow multiple routes in this VN, it'll be wonderful if someone can provide me with an accurate answer as to whether if i should dial my "romance-expectations" down or not before playing this game.
That is a good question to ask! Some go into this VN thinking it is romance-related, when it is quite not.
It is definitely not as romance-centered as Adastra or TSR. In fact, a lot of it subverts dating sim expectations and does purposeful fan-disservice. (Not saying it like it's a bad thing; I find it as a very good thing, as we need more non-romance furry VNs out there.) It is moreso horror and story related as opposed to romance related. :] I hope this helps!
After finishing the main game, Route 65 and Benefits, all I can say is: 11/10 game, wish I could completely wreck myself emotionally for the first time with this again lol. Also, save TJ and Flynn for last for maximum effect.
Got me curious though, is there a place name Echo and it's reference in real life. What happened to the mane, how it's abandon, whatever happen is really happened in real life.
So I really hate asking these kinds of things because I'd rather find it out myself, but... could someone help me with Jenna's bad ending? Like, what choices do I need to pick precisely? I've tried every option I could think of over the course of a dozen hours but for some reason I just keep getting her good ending, and I'm sure I'm messing up somewhere, but I've no clue where. :')
Edit: no idea what I did different on try #13, but it somehow worked... This thing's full of surprises
There's two separate questions she asks at one point, to get her bad ending you need to give a specific answer to both of them, otherwise you get the good ending.
Aye, I think that's where I went wrong somehow. I did choose those specific answers, but still had the good ending for some reason. I figured that maybe it was because of me picking "bi" instead of "gay" all the way back at the theme park, but I've honestly no idea.
Thanks. I did manage to get to her bad ending somehow eventually, but to my knowledge I didn't do anything different from my other try before that, though I probably just did do it wrong.
Now I haven't read this VN yet, but I need a forewarning.. how emotional would this make me. I hate to say it but im a very emotional/fragile person and get really invested in stories, I just finished Adastra and spent an hour crying about it : |. Without spoiling anything, would I be essentially broken by the end of this VN?
You can't compare those two games if we are talking about emotions, it's completely different level of sadness
Don't get me wrong, this is the best VN I have played so far (only Arches can compare in my opinion, which is sequel to Echo ironically) and I fully recomend you play this but if you are too emotional... it would be wise to stay away.
The Smoke Room - Echo's prequel + in development, great game but there is a lot of sex scenes, like... a LOT. Despite that I would recomend it to you, it expands and explains a few Echo events, also game is not yet in a place where it would rapes emotionally someone so it would be smart to play it first.
Khemia / Interea - Adastra sequel / Amicus's honeymoon + both in development. If you haven't check them out then you know what to do:)
Arches - Echo's sequel + in development. Tbh, if you are REALY willing to try Echo and you are not sure if you are ready then you could play this game, it is very emotional, also scary, but it won't change your head like Echo would. I mean this game is just frigin sad, when Echo literally affect you
(it all sounds scary and I know that, I am fragile too and i didn't give a s*** about creators note up there about how this game is emotionall and I ended up ... well ... Im trying to be better person... because of game... lil phatetic of me. Im writting this directly to you, because it is obvious that on everyone it affect diferently, but if you are sensitive then I m gonna say that this's one of those games where creators are not kidding about how strong game is)
PS: sry for my English (its not my language), I hope all of this makes sense :)
thank you so much for helping me like this, and it made complete sense. I'll try The Smoke Room first and then see if I can move onto the others. I've already played through the first update of Interea and I thought it was meant to be updated yesterday but im not sure. Yet again im so thankful for your help : )
Hey, first I wanna say this VN is the best one I've played yet - both storywise and artwise they are absolutely fantastic. So as to the latter I have a really stupid question.
I've played through the game a few times now, and each time am stunned by how beautiful the in-game artwork is (sprites aside, those are fantastic too, but the portraits/paintings always make me pause for a while just to gawk at them).
I guess my question is, is there any way to download them for use as wallpapers (through Patreon, a feature on this website maybe, or anything else)?
Sorry if I'm being shortsighted or obtuse or anything, but I'm genuinely curious.
About Carl's route, I loved the whole James / John plot and how it was told through letters / newspapers. And the ending was very satisfying to see Carl taking a turn in life.
About Leo's route: I'm not going to lie that I'm 28 yo and I'm sitting in the chair with tears streaming down my face because that ending attacked all the triggers that I didn't even know I had. I spent hours thinking about it and reflecting on the life that I just couldn't get to sleep. All that depressing vibe in the end and the soundtrack hit me so hard. Something about me just wanted Leo to have a happy ending (even if it was a cliche), even if it was something like "he left Echo and went to live in Payton after taking the train", although he was still alone, but that ending hurt a lot .
I discovered the world of VN not so long ago, so there are still many great stories to know, but even before I played all the routes I needed to come here to make an addendum on how incredible the story is being and how heavy this ending is it can be for some people. (What I think is the intention haha)
So I wanted to go ahead or congratulate everyone involved in this story that I am loving and I hope I finish soon. But not now, because I really need to pull myself together after Leo’s end.
Same here, games like that hurt even more if you experienced similar events. In my case for exaple i had a friend for 12 years ( we were 7-19 y old), he was dick but actually we found out a lot in common,he was my best friend, but through years he got worse even if he didnt mean it, he liked me but I just was sick of his behaviour so last year i stopped to talk to him out of blue after one of our argue...
It was shity of me and I knew it, but I had to go out of it somehow, go out from this relationship that became toxic and started affect both of us. I acted just like Chase, who abandoned best friend bc he wasnt a person he knew his whole life instead of trying to figured out how to repair friendship.
Both of us had our problems and made mistakes but despite my friend was shity af he helped me a lot and tried to rapair this situation for few months... ofc I was dead silence...
I only ever though about myself but after playing damn PC game I became wondering what HE might think after what I did. It was like bucket of cold water right in the face, now I have no idea what to do but i KNOW that I will try repait this as well... I hope...
I wish I could say that I went through something similar to make sense that I felt so much. I had two boyfriends in my life, the first we had a really friendly breakup and the second I am still dating for about 5 years, my oldest friend is my neighbor so we still have contact even though much less when we were children (my fault for basically being a socially disabled person haha). So I really found myself thinking "why did it hurt me so much? Am I missing something? I went through something like this and didn't notice?" I hope it's just my good side wanting a happy ending for everyone. Because something that made me cry (a person who basically just shed tears because of dead people) has to have a reason.
I wish you would NEVER went through something like that, tbh noone should.
Unfortunately life is tough and things like that just happens, people are different and I know that both of us weren't pure and perfect, he was a dick and I was (actually I still am) selfish bastard.
The circumstances that I found true about myself is just sad and a little humiliating, I just played a game, furry game, nothing more... better late than never I guess.
On the other hand I have never realy loved anyone yet. So I can't imagine how this must hurt, I simply hope it is't worse that losing your life best friend whom you knew your whole life.
"Sometimes life is a bitch and you keep living" quot from my "favourite" show. Be strong my friend! You are not alone.
I would love to be able to read those fanfics, honestly, what language is it in? Nothing similar happened to me (I think), but even so I cried a lot with Leo's route and, even to this day (I finished it a few months ago), it still makes me feel "bad" for poor Leo
It's all in English. Also if you read them, I have to warn you I kinda got carried away and made it a crossover with my own stories and characters... Anyway its on archive of our own.
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Bruhs, look at the TV screen...Echoverse already has Adastra as a TV series!
Can someone help me where to get Jenna theme soundtrack in the game? I tried multiples times and couldn't find it anywhere
Last time I played this was a long time ago and leo had no good endings imo. And he still doesn't I assume but since the game is finished might as well play the other routes now.
how do you get " Moth" is the last song of the soundtrack for me to unlock
it's in jenna's bad ending
Are there any important differences when choosing talk to Daxton/Leo in Flynn's route?
leo acts differently depending on who you talk to and some scenes are different
Tbh,for me the bad ending from leo is good ending for me cus we can finally be together again and i rlly love it they way he said "you said we work something out" at the bad ending and i feel like theres nothing wrong they get to be together again so? I dont see he will die staying at echo forever with leo hes love is genuine and the ending? They cuddle,kiss, and f*ck again happy crazy h*rny at leo?,yea i am...
Dude.......u need someone to explain to you im speechless now bye-----
I think you should read this VN not in the sense that youre trying to date one of the characters, but view those characters as having a flaw that you struggle with, and conquering it by playing it out through this VN. For example the MC views Leo as an anchor that is trying to hold him down in this town he doesnt love (he admits it to himself in the 1st or 2nd hallucination). Staying with Leo in this town is obviously not what the Otter wants, even though Leo is such a comfort to be around. It isn't healthy for him and he must take the opportunity that only comes once (the train) to move on from the mistake of his past (murdering Sydney) or be stuck here forever (like having your legs taken away).... In the past they wrote fairytales of a young unwise woman falling in love with an obvious tramp, and as punishment she has to spend the rest of her unhappy life cleaning a home of a person that abuses her. Leos route is kind of a retelling of that fairytale and the moral is to move on and dont let a few comforts hold you down and trap you in a place of suffering. And in a sense Leo has to stop obsessing over the MC. That's his flaw he needs to get over. He didnt drag MC to bed all bloody like that cuz he was in love with him. He did that because he was in love with the idea of being with him and it was turning him crazy. I guess it is because of the trauma of loosing Sydney that he views others as objects instead that need to be possessed rather than people and risk having genuine feelings towards them. He doesn't want to feel that pain again I guess.
I didn't read Jenna's route but all of the characters seem to have a 'flaw' with them. Quite common flaws that me or you might have actually. And reading through their routes will help you find them and in most cases you can steer them away from the bad route and instead guide them to conquering their flaws. Thats at least the way I think when I read this VN. It is quite a emotionally difficult read for me unless I take a more clinical approach...
Well put bro. Well put.
Spoilers Down Below
Yeah, Jenna DOES have a flaw and she admits it to everyone at the end of her good ending
So your type of romance/kink is equivalent to jisatsu by shinkansen...?
Dude!!! What were you READING?!!!. WHERE WERE YOUR EYES EXACTLY? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
spoilers down below
I know, I know, I'm sorry. I just really didn't like that ending
everyone always pronounces Leo's name as "lee-oh" but since he's hispanic shouldn't his name be pronouced "leh-oh"?
He has the heart of a lion, so Lee-HO for me. I know a kid name Leh-oh, sooo...obviously, I don't want to make subconscious references by accident; it also doesn't help me that he is also Hispanic...
Tldr; there is no "should" but to each their own in pronouncing his name. Either works, whatever is comfortable for you.
I like how he's name reminds me Cyberpunk 2077, because Judy Alvarez
Leo Alvarez, kinda strange but damn cool haha
How in holy jesus do you unlock the Adastra Theme ingame? I tried going through the scenes where they watched some of in in Flynn's house but got nothing. Any and all help would be appreciated.
in flynns route trust daxton to talk to duke
which country Leo comes from?
in his route he corrects Clint when he calls him a beaner, so he isn't from Mexico
he mentions that his country had a war because of soccer, so he must be either from El Salvador or Honduras
Sources say El Salvador.
in Carl's route is mentioned that James was the son of immigrants from Eerie, anyone knows which is the real life counterpart? my current guess is Ireland
Carl has green eyes.
There are goats in Ireland.
Weed is like his lucky charms.
"Eer" in Eerie sounds like "Ire" in Ireland.
Carl is a ram, a male sheep, which they also in have Ireland, i didn't even noticed the eyes, i checked and James 3 from TSR also has green eyes
Furry visual novel. One of the last things I expect to be a masterpiece and yet that is exactly what Echo has achieved to be. As a person in this day and age, I've been numbed to the horrors that the internet has wide open to the public. But truly, I've had myself pause and stare at the words over and over at the screen, hoping that I had misread those horrifying lines. I've gone sleepless on the nights I read this, both from the captivation of the story as well as disturbing me beyond any chance of sleep.
Keith's story has had a particularly profound impact on me. Though rarely do you get to see the character alive, he had been the most vividly real character. I had myself grieving with Micha, and the reveal at the end of Flynn's route had me on the verge of heaving. I kept hoping over and over that there had been a better fate for this fictional character. The most disturbing fact of it all is that his scenario has happened in the real world MANY times, and no doubt more to come in the future, to innocent and loving people just like him. By the time of Brian's appearance in Jenna's route, my mind was hazy and I had never wanted to smash my fist into the screen at a video game villain more than I did then. Echo isn't afraid to touch such heavy topics, to admit to real problems in the real world. And it pulled me into its world ever more.
During explaining guy below the plot of Echo, I couldn't believe it might be true, but it looks like it is :|
massive spoilers below
You are only moving in circles:
Sam killed Jack and escaped judgement -> Mr. Bronson killed Sam and no one found out -> during fight between Sydney and his father Syd accidentally killed him, guess what, yea... -> Chase killed Sydney and never told anyone
heh, this is not the end! There was always someone who knew what happened with the dead one:
Sam always reveal his sin to guy who we decide to play with
Mr. Bronson was with Janice
Sydney told Flynn what he did
TJ witnessed Chase's murder
omg it broke me... so many loops, so many circles it all make sense now why I did it to myself ;-;
Hey Draco, can you explain Flynn's epilogue? I mean, that thing where you can 'stay a while' or leave in menu.
I mean, so Chase just left he's fans near mine where 'Flynn' currently a monster and just leaved them to 'sacrifice'?
I asking, because im really in fucking doubt about it
pls, u rly don't get it?
After being locked in broom storage (? i don't remember exactly what the room was called) Chase lost his mind, he is permanently broken and has mental illnesses probably to the rest of his life
After conversation next to the mine entrance he got pissed or just offended and left them. Most likely Chase don't know about Flynn who currently haunt mines. Idk if you played Arches (you definitely should though), I suppose no, so Cameron (coyote) is smth like medium and psycho, he can see dead people from the past in Echo.
Otter didn't left them to sacrifice :)
it was more like Ight imma head out xd
ohh... yeah, i didnt read Arches.
Thank you, this really helps me to understand xd
I felt sorry and bad for Leo he's really obsessed with chase and......the end gives me depression like i felt Leo how messed up he is now *sniff* it literally makes me cry for leo 😢 I can't believe how hurt leo is at the end .......i wont explain everything tho it would be spoiler anyway here i was listening to a sad song imagining how hurt leo that loses hes first special only BF chase, I can't stop thinking how leo will be alone 4ever,hurting.......this VN gives me tragedies and great story thx echo 👍......*sigh*
Yeah, i cant stop thinking about Leo's ending, since i got it first.
I just cant believe there's no normal ending between both of them, like...
What the fuck?
Is it really so hard to fix everything between them?
I feel like, those circles is 'Chase fate' die in those circles.
I don't like Carl's good ending all that much, but it made me love Leo's good ending. It would of been so anticlimactic if Leo's route ended off so easily with out even reincorporating the themes of his route. Leo's route is about not only chase escaping echo but also letting go of everything the anchor bracelet resembles and Leo still having it on shows that he still has rose tinted glasses about the place and is someone keeping him stuck to this town. Having a "normal ending" would also ruin purpose of the bad ending, regulating it to shock horror and having no real purpose.
If only Leo kept his $h1t together at the very last minute, there could have been a good conclusion to his route. He and Chase would have fixed their relationship issues post-Echo. After all that has happened to them, through thick and thin, why shouldn't they be together happily.
I dont want to explain alot tho anyway leo obsessed with chase wanting him to be together again and live or stayed st echo while chase can't cus he rlly needs to go back to college so thats also leo being sh*tty to his friends so he can have more time to spend with chase so well u know what happen next......
Also ppl be like "dude if u simp for leo theres rlly wrong with you hes a pyscho and a manipulator" i.....i just want them to be happy together again if only chase could change leo and settle everything idk ahhh!! I just love leo ok hes ......sweet aside from that they describes abt him also me but i dont care tho and well u already know echo has no good endings but i still love the story especially the characters
Actually, there's one good ending exist.
In Jenna route, you have to say 'we keep each other sanity' if you say 'this town breaks people' you instantly lock yourself in bad end of her route
In my opinion, it's best possible ending for everyone, atleast everyone alive
No, you could disagree with her about Leo’s behavior earlier and get the good ending. The bad ending is only possible if you agree with her there and choose “This town breaks people” later. (You can confirm this yourself in game/Jenna-Wednesday.rpy at lines 2277, 2615, 2621, and 9340)
There is no need to explain if we are discussing Leo's route (implying that we have already read it).
Yes, Leo did show signs of toxic relationship attributes, but his "psycho[tic] and manipulat[ive]" tendencies are not without reason. He dearly and clearly loves Chase (probably too much), but he allow his fears and expectations to cloud his thinking and judgment sometimes hurting people in the process; he loses touch with reality when he imagines and fantasizes about Chase, for better or worse. But, can he really be blamed? Maybe his upbringing contributed to his insecurities? Are we any wiser in punishing a child for eating a forbidden fruit that we came to covet so much? No need to answer, just food for thought.
"Those that hurt the most need love the most." If I was Chase, I would have given Leo the chances to change and make better himself. They had a history, a childhood, and a relationship, as well as dreams and aspirations. They could have reached ad astra together. If not life-threatening, why cease all that over feeling uncomfortable? A part of life is about learning from mistakes and improving the self - molding into the ideal person for yourself and for others. Leo is deserving of love, he just need guidance, patience, and open-mindedness.
Well, i think this shit happened, not because he didnt hold his shit together.
I thinking that, he was under 'histeria' which made him lost his sanity at very last moment, if you read with attention, you can see that he didnt even realise completely that Chase dying and he killed his friend
First, I didn't know it had a good ending from jenna's cus i only pick leo and flynn's route cus i simp both of them.Second,ok now i understand thx tho,and do u think echoproject is planning to make echo 2? I was hoping it would.....thx again and to other ppl who replied my first comment i thought i was alone also.....tbh i dont ship kudzu and chase even there together now my opinion heh...I SHIP CHASE AND CHULAAAA!!!STILL AND IDC!!!
I talk too much i should
Epilogue, in the end of Flynn's route, gives me a small hope, so maybe Echo 2 or something, close familiar to it, maybe will be
You mean Chase (Chula) and Chulo (Leo); chulx is slang for cute/hot in Spanish (former is feminine, latter is masculine).
Towards the end, the gang did not show any signs of hysteria. If you read with attention, Leo tells Chase, "Seeing you leave on that [redacted for spoilers] was too much..." admitting that, in the moment, he was well aware of his thoughts and emotions. Leo had considerable level of control over himself but chose to be selfish. Otherwise, he and Chase and everyone else would have found sanctuary.
I think you're wrong, your theory doesn't answers, why the hell Leo killed Chase, at very last moment
I still think, he was affected by Histeria, because he killed raccoon(i always fucking forgeting his name) Kudzu-Kudzo? Agh, fuck this.
AAAAND... he dont even realised that Chase dying on his hands by bleeding out.
He did it on purpose, my thoughts.
To be honest, this VN gave me terrifying feelings, it's like horror movie, and then... everything is going fucked up, like..
Drugs, gunshots, deaths, everyone scared and dont understand what they facing, and most breaking mind part, it's Chase' dreams, where everything feels like you're not safe, you're in danger, and dont know what you facing, self or crazy self?
I.... i just know, that VN, cool to read feels nice and that creeping atmosphere, but there's too much holes in scenery, maybe because i didnt readed prequel, but still... something is not right.
Leo's route most fucked up thing i ever seen in VN's
You know, i think i actually dont mind if there's would be some furry movie, called same.
Erh.. i give it 7/10, some things hard to understand, but still i enjoyed that story.
Could you pls write things you don't understand? We might help you find answers. This game is amazing from that point of view, it hardly ever say smth flat out but we can get answer from different routes
Well, i cant understand who is... who drowned as they could say, im sorry i cant remember his name.
And... i dont understand why whole town at the and of week, bein insane
Also, i dont understand who's monster.
To be honest, i got creeped out, when i saw Chase doppelganger at Jenna route
that everyone see, i was like... 'what the fuck?... how the fuck you appear in front of everyone in fucking reality??? You sick fuck go away!'
And game lets me choose, touch Leo or not, i decided to not touch...
Spoilers ahead
1. I don't understand the first question? I suppose you'r talking about who killed Sydney - (I think) Chase killed Sydney while being possesed by the mirror man (TJ route) or at least partly possesed/ influenced.
2. (It is kinda obvious, it was mentioned many times, I will try to expand it) The histeria is changing people, it affects differently on everyone: TJ- being chased by monster, Leo- gets abusive etc. The point is that histeria affects onto your biggest fears and problems bc it "feeds" on someone else's pain and especially burdened secrets. The only way to last histeria is to survive or reveal to everyone your secret that you have been hiding.
3. There are several monsters that are actually mysterious and we don't get answers on that one. However the "main" monster that attacked Chase group (cars accidents in Flynn and Leo routes), saved Chase from Brian, have been seen by Jenna through her life when she was sad or angry was Flynn. After Flynn route the gila was burnt and become the monster that travel through time (that's why the monster appear in many routes and to many people. Probably he is the reason why Echo doesn't have "true ending" everything is and isn't happening)
4. Again idk if it was a question? Lest say it was and I will make it quick- histeria materialized Leo's tulpa (tulpa is imaginary friend that is independent of you, has it's own emotions, desires etc although it is still in your head)
PS: If I'm wrong pls correct me
Hope I helped. If you don't understand smth just ask, If you don't get something it doesn't mean that it's stupid. I adore this game just because reader has to make effort to understand things (I don't say you'r stupid, at first I was confused as well, but I have read all VN, explanations and spent a lot of time to make all gears inside my head about what the fak I have experienced, you simply didn't :P )
1. Yes, correct. I was about Sydney, just his name flew off from my head for some reason.
Histeria huh?
But... still, how the fuck it... works?
I mean, there's some trigger for it? Or what?
The strange part was, when everyone seen 'distorted' Chase, i mean Mitcha explained it, but im not sure if i get it right.
Gila? I readed this name, ten times while reading whole story, so, i actually i have no idea who is 'Gila' - i mean im doubting it
Thanks, for giving me answers, i just finished Jenna route, on both endings, where she stays to flood 'whole' echo.
Aaand... where everyone survives, and successfuly, leaving Echo.
I wish this VN to have a whole Film, where you see everything from every route that would be fucking amazing actually.
Spoilers ahead
Histeria was more likely triggered by Chase and TJ who came to Echo, the fact that they conceal murder was enough to start everything again:
"You are only moving in circles" - (TJ route again, it is the most important route in my opinion)
Chase misinterpreted Sydney when he was "drowning" Toby (Toby changed name after that and is known as TJ), bc of this otter drowned him and have sworn that they will hide the truth -> after that everyone's problems got bigger, especially Chase's (night terrors, sleep paralysis, hallucinations) -> gang is leaving Echo -> a few years later when everyone came back histeria should get started, however in this only route it didn't! Because the game that Syd made up was supposed to reveal otter secret and bc of that histeria wasn't necessary -> Alas, in the last moment Chase got possessed again and when the truth was finally revealed to Flynn, otter *sob* killed gila to hide his sin. Chase made full circle, now he will leave Echo and hide to the end of his life the next mystery ;-;
Don't think about being "distorted", it is ghost after all :)
I had no idea who this "Gila" was, so I wrote it in goggle and found that gila is the reptile species = Flynn species, its the same when we call Chase "The otter" or TJ "the lynx"
Can someone explain me Leo's ending?
Im not sure i got it xd i feel it like bang in the head, and everything went black
Spoilers !!!! don't read if you haven't played yet!
C ending- after train cut off Chase's legs he has random visions that include Leo. In reality Leo is just holding and comforting otter on railroad track when he dies of bleeding out ;-; (it's not said flat out. He might actually die in Leo's house, but it doesn't really matter)
Fucking hell, i was expecting that.
Maybe a noob question, but is there NSFW nudity in this vn?
Heyo! No there isn't. There are occasional NSFW descriptions, but no NSFW nudity as it is not really the focus of the game. :)
ahhhh ok thank you for the reply!
You are very welcome!
Leo's route, hoo boy.....steel your mind and guard your heart.....
Also, any plushie plans for Echo characters? Want Leo and Chase.
I feel betrayed and sad, i wanted a good ending with him :(
Yeah, this one completely blows my mind, because dying in BF'S hands, worst thing i ever had xd
Bruh, spoiler alert for those who have yet to experience the story themselves. Notice how cryptic my post is.....
yeah, i know... but still.
It's fucking insane to be honest.
Spoilers for echo and the very beginning of the smoke room
Oh my god when Sam gets ran over by Sydney’s dad and he says “Jack” even if Mr. Bronson and Janice rightfully understand it as “use the f*ing jack to get me out of here” he’s totally thinking about the dude he murdered, huh…
Is there some kind of a list with all choices in the game and their consequences somewhere? It could really help me a lot
To be honest I don't think you will need it, Jenna, Carl and Leo has 2 routes and they are easy to made (only one choice that define route)
Nevertheless if you want to know I will write it down so if you don't want to read it don't click "View rest"
Jenna route: We kept each other sane/ This town break people (this one is actually tricky cause this choice is in the middle of a game)
Leo: the very last choice ( that's easy )
Carl: Fight it/ Let it help us (that's in the middle of the game too, but this one is kinda obvious to my mind)
Hope I helped :)
Man, I have not ever played such a unique and excellent vn before! Now I hope I can find something as great as this again!
I really do hope we get to see the characters in the future somehow
Yea, there is the little chance that maybe we will see someone in Arches, it would be entertaining even more, cause none of Echo routes is actually "main", so creators could make completely different route
This has been the first thing in quite a long time that's kept me up all night because I couldn't put it down. After playing Adastra and wanting to see more from its creators, I've absolutely fallen in love with Echo. The more realistic setting, art, and so on complement the stress, tension, and terror in a crucial way. Chase is also a vastly more interesting character than the player character of Adastra (who functioned mostly as a blank slate for the player to project onto), which I've enjoyed a lot. The choices in Echo also seem to be hugely more meaningful than the ones in Adastra. Similarly to Adastra, the characters and lore are nuanced, interesting, and lovable. Overall, it's been a pretty amazing experience and I'm glad I checked it out. ❤️🦦
i feel you, this is the first time closing echo in 4 days(since i downloaded it) and it brought me pain to close it, im only two routes through but i wholeheartedly agree that this game is a masterpiece! ❤️
I wanted a Portuguese version, it's very difficult to read, I'm not fluent in English, please, if you can, put it in portuguese
Use this for translation.
If you don't like using this, then I suggest finding another app that you'd prefer. You know, just in case a Portuguese version isn't released. Cause I don't see any language settings in this VN
OK, so I've been seeing arguments on multiple sites (including reddit and apparently here as well) concerning which route is the most fitting to read last; Flynn or TJ? I keep seeing different opinions. What do you guys think? I wanna read it through without revealing anything to myself too soon till the end.
McSkinny said that you should play as the last one Flynn route, but it is realy hard to say.
This is his order to follow Carl -> Leo -> Jenna -> TJ -> Flynn
If you don't want to follow it there is nothing bad, but if you want to expierience it fully then you know what to do :)
As long as Mcskinny said so himself, then that's what I'll follow. Thanks.
I was gonna do Leo first but ended up choosing Carl first instead. Glad I did.
But on what website did he recommend this reading order? Also, is there an official discord server? there you go buddy
It actually doesn't realy matter if you did Leo's first, because they don't reveal very important informations to the whole universum. I believe that Carl's is first bc his route is the least nerve wracking and won't end on your mental breakdown. The note Echo can be an emotionally intense experience and may not be for everyone. Please put your mental well-being first and take this into consideration before downloading! is not a joke or just a warning because for exaple there is one scene with drunk creep. For many people, like realy many this game is realy hard to go through.
You should also know that Carl, Leo and Jenna have 2 routes (TJ and Flynn only 1)
Oh, I was already aware about all this(everything you mentioned but the drunk creep part). It's just that I'm kind of an obsessed perfectionist. If I had read Leo first then found out later that Carl was the first route that was mentioned by Mcskinny, (even though it's no problem at all) it would bother me. For some reason, my pen pal tells me it's because I'm blood type A
Thanks for the link.😁
oh you got me wrong, "drunk creep" was just first think that pop in my head about "disturbing things" that might be emotional disturbing or whatever... without spoilling anything to other comment readers
My point was to just tell that the plot, amount of emotions and fcked up things in this game is enormous and it is Very Probably that most of the people will be disturbed, especially the more fragile people like me.
sry for misleading you :/
Actually, you should play in this order. Carl -> Leo -> TJ -> Flynn -> Jenna, since Jenna route is the most fitting route to END with closure.
Closure huh?🤔. Yeah I remember a lot of people saying that they were unsatisfied with Flynn's route as an ending. But I also remember multiple people saying that no route is good enough for closure and that non of them are necessarily canon anyway 🤷♂. Who else has an opinion? I'm still reading Leo's route so I've got some time before Finally deciding.
I said only what creators said about routes order
Actually I decided to play Jenna route as the last one as well, but not bc it well closure whole story, but bc i heard that it has "good ending" and I don't want to say goodbye to Echo with the nerve wracking routes like Flynn and TJ :)
I haven't played Jenna yet and I don't realy want to no matter If she realy has A ending, I don't belive anyone will be happy but I will find courage and go through... somehow
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Well I've made my decision then.:
I'm gonna do jenna's route last just so I don't finish the VN with a bad ending. Based on what little I've heard about Flynn's ending, it's not the kind of story you'd want to end with. So I'll have to keep my inner perfectionist at bay.
Thanks guys 😊
Hey guys, considering that this VN labels itself as a "horror" visual novel, can I expect any jumpscares along the way? I don't really do too well with jumpscares but at the same time I am really hoping to try this game out for all the things I've been hearing about it.
The Jumpscares are usually done with sudden dreadful music. So yeah.... that can add to the effect of the Unexpected scary situation. So Brace yourself
Nahhhh there's no cheap jumpscares, just a build up anxiety no ghost jumping in your face.
ok i played through this game for the first time rn and i am super confused, i guess i went on flynn's route? i am so confused my mind is going crazy trying to understand whats going on, i'll play more on other routes to try and understand better i guess
edit: ok i went through leo's route and i am heart broken i am so sad i will never recover from this
edit2: had a mental breakdown over leo GOD DAMMIT
......holy fuck. I've been meaning to play this for like ever and finally got to it. I played the smoke room first though because its still in dev and it took me less time, same emotional investment though.... but back on this I did Leo's route first. massive regrets, but also none whatsoever because he made me feel things I've not felt in a while and gave some.... newer perspectives and such. this is by far one of the most intense VN's I'll ever play, in the best way. my heart ached at how that route ended up but it was better than.... the other situation. I almost cried for the first time in years, which made me happy because it just made me realize how attached I became to this story and everyone involved in it. I was scared for a bit about some things, that ended up being baseless but still worried me. I've also got to do a ton more things if I'm gonna get anything figured out on some mysteries in this, or google things if I don't want my heart torn apart again. still genuinely curious about some major things, like everything involving Sydney, I got a guess or 3 on what happened but I have to replay to figure out if anything has any ground to build on or if its even touched at all!... but on a little different note this has become my absolute favorite visual novel of all time. purely because if how good It's written and how intrigued I was. well still am but eh, and thank you for sharing echo with the world and giving me a god damn amazing experience.
This is By Far THE BEST vn besides Adastra! Though its so Heart wrenching, i can get overwhelmed and just take a break..But i LOVE this Gem so much!!
Can someone please tell me at what points I am able to choose each character's routes. HOW and WHEN do I choose Leo's, Carl's, Jeena's, Flynn and TJ's route? I want to play the routes in this order So I need help knowing what to do to choose a specific character's route.
Hope this isn't a difficult question 😳
it's the argument scene
you mean the part where Flynn starts "downtalking " everyone?
I want to try this VN. I heard fantastic reviews about it and it seems to make nearly everyone cry their eyes out lol. Also, i just finished "Adastra" and seeing as how this VN is also made by the same Echo Project Team, i think i'll love the emotional experience in this one as well !
One thing however, is that i see some people say that "Echo" is not as centered around romance as "Adastra" or "The Smoke Room" for example. Is this true ? I am a great sucker for drama and especially romance..and seeing as how you can follow multiple routes in this VN, it'll be wonderful if someone can provide me with an accurate answer as to whether if i should dial my "romance-expectations" down or not before playing this game.
That is a good question to ask! Some go into this VN thinking it is romance-related, when it is quite not.
It is definitely not as romance-centered as Adastra or TSR. In fact, a lot of it subverts dating sim expectations and does purposeful fan-disservice. (Not saying it like it's a bad thing; I find it as a very good thing, as we need more non-romance furry VNs out there.) It is moreso horror and story related as opposed to romance related. :] I hope this helps!
After finishing the main game, Route 65 and Benefits, all I can say is: 11/10 game, wish I could completely wreck myself emotionally for the first time with this again lol.
Also, save TJ and Flynn for last for maximum effect.
Got me curious though, is there a place name Echo and it's reference in real life. What happened to the mane, how it's abandon, whatever happen is really happened in real life.
Also i love the game i get really emotional is the first route i choose. Which is Loe routine, and I'm so sad about it's ending..
And got me surprise thought they didn't end up in a good relationship, and good break-up.
It's very loosely based off of Echo, Utah, a town of 50 just northeast of Salt Lake City. The VN is actually mentioned in Echo, UT's Wikipedia page.
Oh! Thank you.
A video you might be interested.
When was echo started ?
Jun 04, 2019
It might be 2015, since that was the date referenced at the end of TJ's route, and the credits said "over the past 6 years".
First off,
So I really hate asking these kinds of things because I'd rather find it out myself, but... could someone help me with Jenna's bad ending? Like, what choices do I need to pick precisely? I've tried every option I could think of over the course of a dozen hours but for some reason I just keep getting her good ending, and I'm sure I'm messing up somewhere, but I've no clue where. :')
Edit: no idea what I did different on try #13, but it somehow worked... This thing's full of surprises
There's two separate questions she asks at one point, to get her bad ending you need to give a specific answer to both of them, otherwise you get the good ending.
Aye, I think that's where I went wrong somehow. I did choose those specific answers, but still had the good ending for some reason. I figured that maybe it was because of me picking "bi" instead of "gay" all the way back at the theme park, but I've honestly no idea.
Basically, be as negative as you can while talking to Jenna while walking in Tetanus Alley.
I.e. Agree with her that people can't be helped who don't want to be, and respond "this town breaks people" to the following choice.
Thanks. I did manage to get to her bad ending somehow eventually, but to my knowledge I didn't do anything different from my other try before that, though I probably just did do it wrong.
Wait, so what order are the Echo games supposed to be played in
First playthrough, went with Flynn because I thought "eh, why not?"
I am going to cry now.
Now I haven't read this VN yet, but I need a forewarning.. how emotional would this make me. I hate to say it but im a very emotional/fragile person and get really invested in stories, I just finished Adastra and spent an hour crying about it : |. Without spoiling anything, would I be essentially broken by the end of this VN?
Um, in terms of sadness I think Echo beats adastra by an extreme amount!
I'm a good ways through, and damn there's so much heartbreak.
Yeah! There really is!
Wait until the endings... So sad and bittersweet... Inspired me and many others to create fanfiction endings!
Don't play this game, realy, not yet.
You can't compare those two games if we are talking about emotions, it's completely different level of sadness
Don't get me wrong, this is the best VN I have played so far (only Arches can compare in my opinion, which is sequel to Echo ironically) and I fully recomend you play this but if you are too emotional... it would be wise to stay away.
Okay, I really like the author's work, would any of their other VNs be a little more manageable?
Well... there is not many games tbh:
Adastra - released + you have played it
The Smoke Room - Echo's prequel + in development, great game but there is a lot of sex scenes, like... a LOT. Despite that I would recomend it to you, it expands and explains a few Echo events, also game is not yet in a place where it would rapes emotionally someone so it would be smart to play it first.
Khemia / Interea - Adastra sequel / Amicus's honeymoon + both in development. If you haven't check them out then you know what to do:)
Arches - Echo's sequel + in development. Tbh, if you are REALY willing to try Echo and you are not sure if you are ready then you could play this game, it is very emotional, also scary, but it won't change your head like Echo would. I mean this game is just frigin sad, when Echo literally affect you
(it all sounds scary and I know that, I am fragile too and i didn't give a s*** about creators note up there about how this game is emotionall and I ended up ... well ... Im trying to be better person... because of game... lil phatetic of me. Im writting this directly to you, because it is obvious that on everyone it affect diferently, but if you are sensitive then I m gonna say that this's one of those games where creators are not kidding about how strong game is)
PS: sry for my English (its not my language), I hope all of this makes sense :)
thank you so much for helping me like this, and it made complete sense. I'll try The Smoke Room first and then see if I can move onto the others. I've already played through the first update of Interea and I thought it was meant to be updated yesterday but im not sure. Yet again im so thankful for your help : )
Yo, btw, if it is not a problem, do let me/us know if you will or no play Echo itself.
I am kinda curious if you would like it <3
This VN is a masterpiece!
But.. Leo.. Why tho?
Is it just me or did I just love him too much that I don't wanna leave him alone? :')
I guess I'm gonna sulk myself for a bit eh, how he feels in both ending kinda reminds me of my past tho.
Yes, Echo is a masterpiece!
Yeah... Why did you do that Leo?...
Leo should have gotten a second chance...
I sulked for a while too after Leo endings, lol!
Then I created my own Leo endings!
There if you want to read.
wow, I'd love to! Thank you XD
Your welcome and I hope you like it.
Hey, first I wanna say this VN is the best one I've played yet - both storywise and artwise they are absolutely fantastic. So as to the latter I have a really stupid question.
I've played through the game a few times now, and each time am stunned by how beautiful the in-game artwork is (sprites aside, those are fantastic too, but the portraits/paintings always make me pause for a while just to gawk at them).
I guess my question is, is there any way to download them for use as wallpapers (through Patreon, a feature on this website maybe, or anything else)?
Sorry if I'm being shortsighted or obtuse or anything, but I'm genuinely curious.
step by step:
1. open main file with game (in my case this file is named Echo-1.00-pc)
2. you will see 4 folders with files, click one named "game"
3. you will see 5 folders with files, click one named "images"
and there are all photos :)
Thank you so much! :D
Hey, does someone know if there is any way of playing this on iPad??
I finished Carls and Leo Route.
>Problaly Spoiler<
About Carl's route, I loved the whole James / John plot and how it was told through letters / newspapers. And the ending was very satisfying to see Carl taking a turn in life.
About Leo's route: I'm not going to lie that I'm 28 yo and I'm sitting in the chair with tears streaming down my face because that ending attacked all the triggers that I didn't even know I had. I spent hours thinking about it and reflecting on the life that I just couldn't get to sleep. All that depressing vibe in the end and the soundtrack hit me so hard. Something about me just wanted Leo to have a happy ending (even if it was a cliche), even if it was something like "he left Echo and went to live in Payton after taking the train", although he was still alone, but that ending hurt a lot .
I discovered the world of VN not so long ago, so there are still many great stories to know, but even before I played all the routes I needed to come here to make an addendum on how incredible the story is being and how heavy this ending is it can be for some people. (What I think is the intention haha)
So I wanted to go ahead or congratulate everyone involved in this story that I am loving and I hope I finish soon. But not now, because I really need to pull myself together after Leo’s end.
Same here, games like that hurt even more if you experienced similar events. In my case for exaple i had a friend for 12 years ( we were 7-19 y old), he was dick but actually we found out a lot in common,he was my best friend, but through years he got worse even if he didnt mean it, he liked me but I just was sick of his behaviour so last year i stopped to talk to him out of blue after one of our argue...
It was shity of me and I knew it, but I had to go out of it somehow, go out from this relationship that became toxic and started affect both of us. I acted just like Chase, who abandoned best friend bc he wasnt a person he knew his whole life instead of trying to figured out how to repair friendship.
Both of us had our problems and made mistakes but despite my friend was shity af he helped me a lot and tried to rapair this situation for few months... ofc I was dead silence...
I only ever though about myself but after playing damn PC game I became wondering what HE might think after what I did. It was like bucket of cold water right in the face, now I have no idea what to do but i KNOW that I will try repait this as well... I hope...
I wish I could say that I went through something similar to make sense that I felt so much. I had two boyfriends in my life, the first we had a really friendly breakup and the second I am still dating for about 5 years, my oldest friend is my neighbor so we still have contact even though much less when we were children (my fault for basically being a socially disabled person haha). So I really found myself thinking "why did it hurt me so much? Am I missing something? I went through something like this and didn't notice?" I hope it's just my good side wanting a happy ending for everyone. Because something that made me cry (a person who basically just shed tears because of dead people) has to have a reason.
I wish you would NEVER went through something like that, tbh noone should.
Unfortunately life is tough and things like that just happens, people are different and I know that both of us weren't pure and perfect, he was a dick and I was (actually I still am) selfish bastard.
The circumstances that I found true about myself is just sad and a little humiliating, I just played a game, furry game, nothing more... better late than never I guess.
On the other hand I have never realy loved anyone yet. So I can't imagine how this must hurt, I simply hope it is't worse that losing your life best friend whom you knew your whole life.
"Sometimes life is a bitch and you keep living" quot from my "favourite" show. Be strong my friend! You are not alone.
I felt the same after Leos route. It was so sad, that it inspired me to write my own fanfiction about alternate Leo route endings!
I would love to be able to read those fanfics, honestly, what language is it in? Nothing similar happened to me (I think), but even so I cried a lot with Leo's route and, even to this day (I finished it a few months ago), it still makes me feel "bad" for poor Leo
Oh, hello!
It's all in English. Also if you read them, I have to warn you I kinda got carried away and made it a crossover with my own stories and characters...
Anyway its on archive of our own.
Start with multiverse then resurgence and then catastrophe
They all will be tied together.
You definitely put a lot work into it, I will read it for sure and will get you know what i think :)
PS: you said it is all in English, soo I assume you don't writing in your native language, do you?
Yeah, I sure have.
Sounds good, I hope you like it.
Oh, English is my native language.
well, it took me more time to finally get into it, but I finally started reading :) hehe
Oh thats fine and I hope you like it. I kinda got carried away...