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Haven't finished yet, but damn i feel like i need to say something about it. I feel hollow already.


Few spoilers ahead ⚠ 








That train scene drove a battering ram straight to my fucking chest at full force 😭😭😭😭

 Especially after playing every route and leaving Leo for last so it hit EXTRA hard.

Just picturing Chase (Samuel) pour out all their hate and spite for echo after having ruined their lives opened the flood gates I tried so hard to suppress from seeing Leo just stand there in the distance with a shattered heart no matter how crazy he was at that time 😭.  I haven't cried like a damn faucet in quite a while after Adastra. 

I'm really eager to see how Samuel's story pans out in The  Smoke Room. 

With lots of theories in mind as to what happened in 1915 and what dwells within Echo, it leaves me restless for an update.

The plot, writing and storytelling is just 


Here's to hoping more fleshed out VNs like this 👏✨

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 1 year ago

It's worse if you choose to stay with him though.


That's what I chose first actually. 

It barely phases me at that point. I just gave an indifferent look after all the routes I've been through.

Getting pierced straight to my heart and soul felt much worse :D and Jenna's route shoved it deeper. 

I've lost all emotion.


Rargghhhhh!!! LEO!!!!!! Damn you!!! F*cking leave this town with me!!! Curse this bad ending and Sad ending!!! 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬👿👿😭😭😭😭😭 IM GOING CRAZY!!!! 

Some Spoilers on Leo's ending 

Holy fuck amazing game with amazing story but I wanted to ask if me losing my feet on Leo's route is like a "bad" ending or the normal one considering it's a horror game.

It's a bad one. You die on this one.

does leo's route have a good ending then ?

(1 edit)

If you leave him, you'll get the better ending. There is no true good ending. :(

ohhhh but i don't want to!

Yeah I know :(

I don't like the fourth image in the gallery. I know where that comes from and I don't like it. Lol

Seriously, though, this is a fantastic VN. I've played every ending and I honestly have never gone through this much despair before. Although the ambiguity is part of what makes the game special, I would like some sort of clarification about why (spoilers)









Chase killed Sydney. Also, I think it would be awesome if there was more innocent encounters with these characters. Like, while going through Flynn's ending, I wanted nothing more than to just hang out with the entire gang. Maybe watch a movie like Leo wanted, lol.

Anyways great vn! I loved playing it.

was there an update? its  now on version 0.49 but it doesnt say it updated in the dev. log

Deleted post

What's new? Is it announced anywhere?

Deleted post

oh thank you

(2 edits) (-3)

QUESTIONS but with spoilers. 

Can anyone answer my question?

Hello, is there a route for leo? I mean really with leo not with kudzu in a "good ending" way not the "cut off" leg. Can anyone tell me, i really like leo, and i thought that it will worked out, but i'm shocked when it's not and chase even with kudzu. I know how bad is his attitude and obsession but i really though that he will change and because of that i'm really  hocked right now and sad

Is that the only ending? Anyone pls anwer 


Yes, that is it.


thank you, it makes me a little heartbroken because i thought it will be the usual visual novel. Welp i think playing a new theme visual novel like this is a new experience to me even if it is a bitter one

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

The author is good with his vn but I hate how he makes the mc in both adastra and Echo kinda seem like a narcissist sociopath. 


Im sure its not the same person who wrote both Adastra and Echo. i think McSkinny wrote Echo and Howly wrote Adastra.

Deleted post

Maybe Flynn's? Because at the end of it the message "To be continued" pops out. Can't say for sure though.

Deleted 4 years ago
(2 edits)

Flynn's and Leo's routes spoilers ahead!






I think the story in Flynn's route messes up with time travel and different time lines. This is strongly hinted when the group is trying to leave Echo and they spot Duke near Chase's car all wrecked by the road (that happened in Leo's route). There are other hints but to me that's the most obvious. The phantom train in Leo's route might also have to do with this whole timeline mess.

So while Flynn's route ending was a bit confusing, my guess is one of these two things happened:

- Flynn fell in the hysteria and hallucinated the whole thing about Jenna's past.

- Flynn actually traveled to the past transformed in that red smoke monster, being him the creature Jenna used to see as a child.

Deleted 1 year ago

I just hope everything makes sense in the end and they don't leave it to the reader's interpretation, I'd hate that.

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted post

That's good to know, thanx. Why did you delete your previous comments? I was kind of invested in that conversation.

Deleted post

Thanks for the info. Say, could you please tell me where to find the link to access the Discord server? Or is it Patreon only?

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Thanks bud!

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Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

I was left with kind of a big question about TJ's route. I feel like I missed something, hope you guys can answer it.







Who did actually set the whole treasure hunt and why? I don't think it was any of the main group characters. The only thing that kinda makes sense to me is if it was The thing (as I like to call it) the entity behind all the weird stuff happening in the town, but that sounds a bit weird.

Maybe it's TJs subconsious agency.


big spoilers







it's definitely hinted that it's TJ, though likely subconsciously/influenced by the town. remember that he was drawing those stick figure furries on napkins earlier in the game, and the final "note" has those same stick figures. it's likely his subconscious wanted the truth out even if his conscious mind didn't/couldn't.

O: you are right! I remember thinking that moment in the cafeteria felt kinda odd and irrelevant but it makes sense it was all to hint that TJ was behind it. Thanks, I definitely missed that!

Deleted 1 year ago
(4 edits) (+1)

I've been reading the comments and i just don't understand why everyone is so sad. Some people say there is no a good ending, but it is wrong. I don't know how many endings this game has (i played once). I'm gonna tell you my ending:






1. Everyone is alive

2. Chase in love with Kudzu

3. After 2 years Chase and Kudzu return back to Echo to meet Leo. Leo forgives Chase, they say last goodbye and this is the end.

I think it's best ending for me. I was so happy. I thought this game doesn't has happy end, but i was wrong.

And I wish there will be more Kudzu's arts and poses in the pictures. It's very sad he has only one pose with folded arms. I wish the creators will fix it


Personnaly I love this ending but I still prefer Karl's one because Chase does not have to live with PTSD for the rest of his life, still in college and Karl too, stayed friend with Karl and Jenna, and everyone is alive too ! He has physical sequelae but meh. I prefer having to live limping than with trauma.

But I agree the ending is not that horrible.

One end.

In middle of 7.

It is a end but I don't  consider a good end. At least not a good happy good end.

Anyway it is a terror story, not really need a happy end.


People expect Chase end with the wolf. After all in some ends he be a journalist other he gave up and or it not even talk about it.

And all sad ends are so sad/bad that the feeling suppress the feeling that a no sad end could give.


I only stopped to feel deep weird after see the Carl route. Because I understood most of the story there.

Maybe Chase ends up with Amicus.  :) See a lengthy,  earlier post by me.


Does anyone else just hate Jenna in general? After the amusement park, she's just... nothing but bitch the majority of the time.


A great game, but holy hell, does it make you feel like shit.

Visual novels tend to leave me feeling a bit lacking in control over the character's actions - well, Echo does a great job of letting you feel like you have control, only to show you that your actions were ultimately meaningless, and you could do jack shit to stop all the horrible things that happened.
The genius however, lies in HOW it does it - not the "the plot demands it" way, rather the "you were just a part of something much bigger" way. As the plot moves forward, it builds the feeling of helplessness and dread, giving you only short moments to catch your breath.
The cast is also fleshed out and, for lack of a better word, believable - which only makes it easier to get attached to the characters, only for your feelings to get brutally mangled. I thoroughly recommend it, but DO NOT play if you're in a fragile mental state - "Echo" left me feeling hollow and broken after just one route, and I don't expect the rest to be any less haunting.


I prefer the ram route. It say more of the story.

TJ and Flynn routes most buried my soul. Flynn route have some interesting point of narrative changes but... It is a confuse  end.



 on build 49 jenna route it is a absolute fact chase is an idiot if he was running from a killer and the choices were an open road, alley way and building full of people he would just trip and cry and "use words" to make the killer stop, chase  is so stupid that he had so many options he could have grab a pipe and shard of glass heck even the trash can would have helped more but no his idea of helping leo is jumping on brian the bear which he stated that the bear was bigger then leo and when he was flung chase was surprised and then he did again what did chase expect the result would be different for a journalist his so short sighted cant see the details around him he could have easily stab brians eye when the bear was so fixated with leo there was debris everywhere there was even a  syringe but nooooooo his first idea was talk to it, The bear was already hitting leo and  his first idea was talk to it!!! I MEAN TALK TO IT!!!! in times of confrontation like this its fight or flight or maybe i am not updated that its now fight ,flight and PUCKING TALK TO THE PERSON WHOS CLEARLY INTENT ON HURTING YOU AND YOUR FRIEND!!!!! GOD THIS PUCKING STRESSFULL so anyways  this update is so  disappointing  that making you read it will make you loose interest from the game so if you are waiting for build 49 i suggest you keep your expectation low like almost reaching the earth core low and hope that build 50 will be better 

Deleted 14 days ago

Ikr? I did that one first and it left me devastated. It's not about trying to save the characters anymore (since it looks like that won't be happening :_p) but I can't keep myself from wanting to know more. 

Deleted post

Is there a good ending? Or at least one that won't make me wish to throw myself from a 1000th floor??? I just finished TJ's route and I feel like sh*t. I don't think I can bring myself to finish the other routes until I confirm there's something close to a good ending.


Not really. The only good ending, in my opinion, is Karl's route.

I like the ram's route too but I don't like its end. Not a sad end but not happy too.

It have 3 ends and in my opnion explain a lot of the story.

Yes, TJ's end kick me down. Flynn's route is more spice but have a end that may confuse your mind in a very bad way.

It is a terror Novel. Remember it, Don't  expect happy good ends. Maybe have one that .,. I don't like it too but it is a good end for some people.

Deleted 14 days ago

i agree

You didn't break up with leo did you? >u>

Deleted 14 days ago






That's kind of the point of Leo's true ending. yes the curse amplifys  whats wrong with people. However Leo and chase's relationship has always been unhealthy. Which is why Chooseing to break up with him is bitter sweet. Right then and there he finally hear the words he needed to hear that chase never told him. Right then and there he learns the romantic relationship they had is not healthy. Right then and there he snaps out of the curse and the only way they will be happy if they both move on with there lifes.

I just got both endings in the same 20 minutes and I feel almost as destroyed as when I read Adastra. 


DUDEEEEE. I started reading the Smoke Room BEFORE I started and finished ECHO... SO MUCH LINES UP ITS ACTUALLY AWESOME.

Man, Adastra had me crying my eyes out multiple times before the end. Such a great story.

You underestimate my power!

Honestly, in the second half of the game i was thinking: "Is there way to break up with Leo?" 

(1 edit) (+1)

I read this comment before playing thinking i wouldn't relate too much but god, was I WRONG


OMG Leo's ending was simple too depressing for my taste T-T Imma cry everyday thinking of this now. He deserves so much better than that pleaseee make a happy ending for him i don't really care about the lenght :(

give him some love and kisses pleaseee


It would be wonderfull if when we are in the train going out echo, we could choose something like "kiss" and "not kiss" kuduzu. If we dont, then we go back to echo the day after the police arrive and well... There could be a happy ending with him, where they live in payton or something like that.... 

Kuduzu its a great character, but... When you do Leo's route, its because you want HIM, not the raccon jaja



This is so GOOD! This vn is very mysterious and very fun! The game doesnt give exact answers as to what is going on but playing this game overtime leads to some theories and playing others along this timeline will get you to the answer! I Love that the game isnt very sex based and can still show character relations! It always has this gloomy feeling hanging over it even during the good times. This game is very disturbing at times too and i LOVE THAT! 10/10 Would go back to echo again!


Update Leo's route!

(1 edit) (+5)

Um...? Leo's route are finished like year ago.

(1 edit) (+2)(-10)

I refuse to accept that final shit as leo's route!

I understand that this is a VN of terror and everything but first of all it was made very short and second, from what happens in the restaurant only 30% of the rest of history you spend with him! It felt more like Kuduzu's route than Leo's. Just give us PLEASE the possibility of having a happy ending with him. 

Anyway, in his route we dont even have a clue of whats fucking happening in Echo. Just that when we come back, we bring a lot of awfull memories and feelings 


Yeah, Leo deserved a *lot* better, but come on, be respectful

(1 edit) (+4)

I know that feeling and you're right though, Chase and Leo is the most fit couple as far as ik and i loved it so much. But after the way Clint and Flynn talking so seriously about Leo's true nature (unstable), then since Leo finally known as 'Echo of Life'. For me the most rational reason is to reject him and made him realizing all his mistake. (you know what happened in the train if we didn't reject him)

And MAYBE it's quite possible to get happy ending with Leo IF he doesn't created as  "one of the Echos"  and doesn't have an unstable personality like he does in the game (idk that's ma opinion)

About what's really happening in Echo Town, maybe we need to pass all route such as carl, jenna, etc. And to knowing more about Sydney


I am completely fine with the ending if im being honest. I dont like leo because of the person he actually is and maybe thats how the novel wants us to see him but i guess he does have some good.


Everybody deserves a happy ending, or at least, a good ending. Not what happen to him


Route 65 better explains Leos ending

How so? 


Spoilers ahead I guess

I don't like sad ending in media, there's enough of that in real life. Guess this game just ain't really for me. Shame, I guess.

I may sound silly but... They are sex scenes? 

I'm playing leo's route and I just passed the part after confession on the school field, where they go to leo's house and do "that". 

I was just wondering if you see them later or if there is a scene (illustration) about that moment (or similar) 

sad to say there isnt though ://

Sad to hear that :'(

well there is that part when chase and leo are alone in the bathroom-

Yeah, i pass that part, but i want to know if there is more gallery images like that when they are doing it

well ive done leo's route so that's an apparent no :/


I love Leo's route so much and it hurts so bad how it ends so i gotta deleted it, three months passed still hurt about that. Echo.... 


ikr i still cant move on from the good ending on leo's route i hoped that chase and him would reconcile.

Reconcile... yeah.

 i strongly agree with you because their feeling is still threading together as a lover and if there's only another option before jumping on the train that designed for us to choose like "i love you, please be with me til the end of this nightmare and grow old together." Or something like this but less cheesy than this or even after the incident we escaped, left him behind and time passed, on the way to meet him again we can choose not to be raccoon's boyfriend and confess the feelings for Leo again even we can't be together anymore...

(1 edit)

I agree with you.  A "perfect happy ending" would be like... The perfect touch to his route. 

(1 edit) (+1)

so i finished the game so far the echo means different for each of them

echos of history

echos of life

echos of sin

echos of chains 

you get what i mean when you play it i wonder 

what is the last echo 

now on to the prostitute story line or according to its context haven't played it yet

I don't understand.  Like I think understand who "history" is referring to but I am kind of lost and played through everything that is out as of now.  


the echo of history as i am trying to avoid spoilers is about the founder of the town and his secret lover and there descendants to a crime that ether you will die trying to keep a secret or show reveal it and move on 

Yeah, but what are the other Echoes you are referring to

I thought I finished the game. but I dont get what you mean, for real. I might need to play it again. And again. And again.

Well I guess I know who represents echos of sin, but the other three? Nice job man, good puzzles.

(1 edit)


Echos of History : Carl

Echos of life : Leo

Echos of sin : TJ 

Echos of chains : Flynn

I don't really see where the story of Jenna is going so i'm not sure about the last echo.

awww you ruin the surprise i think jenna is going to have to face his family and confront them 

Haha sorry 😂


Is it bad that I don't like Chase, but like Flynn?

I mean I don't like Leo and I like chase sooo no it's not bad at all!😂


Flynn's route was the first route I did. I really didn't like Flynn's ending. It felt really Anti climatic and when I thought there was going to be more to the story.... It ends and I still dont know what happened.  Which is a shame. I liked Daxton. I wish he was more relevant to the plot.


Rio de Janeiro, May 17th 2020

I started to understand it after play the other routes.

Understand what really happen in Echo.

After 7 ends, I can't say I saw a happy end. Maybe a good end but I don't think a happy end. But the kind of story isn't to be expected a happy end.




Sitting on the ending for a day. I realize what my issue with the ending is. There is no resolve to his character conflict.  Not saying it needs a happy ending but I feel like what happens to him could of been handled better  on resolving his character conflict instead it ended on more questions then answers.

Playing threw all but Jenna's route. I see what was going on with Flynn's route more. However. Makes me wonder. Will there be a True ending route? Because if Jenna's play out as I think it will. I feel like this game would be proper suited if it had a true ending route.


I literally hated this. GAG ME. Leo's route was just so bland and its so uninteractive.


The ending for the Leo route honestly has me in a heartbroken/weird mood. My dang heart hurts after that ending :c


Am I the only one who thinks that the adventures Devon and Cameron get on during their paranormal investigations would be an interesting spin-off?


Does Flynn route have a Good Ending like how Leo route has Good Ending and Bad Ending?

I mean the ending where he doesn't... y'know... "go red" forever?


I think only Carl's route and Leo's route have more than one end but...If you play all the other routes you may understand what really happened there. I be really disturbed with that end and sad with TJ's end. So after play the other ends I figure out the reality are not the reality.


Anything but pissing scenes


umm.. is there a part where chase had sex with carl? i  kinda look at the photos of the game and found some naked carl pics uwu


chase is my name so I was a little freaked out when i first saw this


hahaha dude, really 😂

Where? Where?

3 ends in Carl's route and I am still... oh yes... I forgot it...

I didn't want to remember it. *closes his eyes* I can't see it again.

what.?! 3 end?? but but how?? the ending i get is first carl don't need me so we're just friends and second is when the freaking spirit posses him and tried to kill me! what's the 3rd!! please i wanna know it!! I'm so curious why there's a naked carl pic there and they didn't even use it...damn it

the third one you get killed by Jenna (John)

Naked Karl pic ?

Yes, Tony's just said it there but... I saw a handsome panda in Santa Lucia. The novel still short but... Have no full naked pics of him... I have been thinking about how he looked like in the moment I saw him naked.

Maybe when I get better I will just ask my bear friend to meet me as panda in Second Life. If my back stop to pain allowing me be able to sit front my computer.

I feel the same with Daxton in flynn's route. He has a shirtless sprite but never did we get to see a shirtless Daxton in game to gawk at.


haha this thing's makes me curious

Have anyone found the gallery yet? I thought there isn't one so It supprise me when it suddenly pop out from nowhere. Of course i get curious why and retrace what i did for it to come out...

Well, i won't spoil you guys the supprise. I will just drop a few hints for you.

1. Pay attention at the end of Flynn's route.

2. You pretty much look at it all the time when you open the game.

3. Or just randomly stumble into it like me.

Good luck to all who haven't found it yet!

Even though all the bad ends upset me and make me feels bad i still have fun playing this VN. :)


do the pissing scene, cowards.


It's the best VN game I ever played I hope it keeps on getting better and better the fear of this game is so good and that makes into a very good game the characters are awesome! everything about this game Is awesome everyone needs to try it out you may learn something new about things Echo Is so God like


Pee your pants


I will.



Do the pee scene McSkinny


i don't want the janice piss scene

(1 edit) (+5)

I first heard of Echo Project from Studio Klondike/Orange Juice Dog's Astatos Kickstarter last year, and I have to say, I'm absolutely smitten with Echo (as well as Adastra and the Smoke Room). 

I have to say, this, in all seriousness, has to be one of, if not, the best-written works I have ever read, and I'm not just talking about visual novels. All the characters are so genuine and flawed. I am astonished at how much work has gone into the writing. It has disturbed me, saddened me, and at several points, made me laugh out aloud as well. Absolutely remarkable.

As a gay furry who's a big fan of horror, Echo is everything I've ever wanted in an experience (well, except for a 'Golden Ending,' where everyone is happy and everything is resolved, but I know that's not what Echo is about).

If I was a richer man, I would definitely be pledging as much as I could for more and more works from Echo Project, but for now, I've been trying to tell as many people about these as I can.


And I kinda wanna watch Luche Lobo, too, if he's shirtless the whole time...


I be sad and very disturbed too for almost a week after few ends to start to understand it with the other ends.

In fear of back too visit Carl. Lol

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