Such a great VN, made me emotional inside, not as much like RTF made me cry but more like a terror feeling which delivered really well...
Alright... Just finished 2 routes (TJ and Leo) at first everything seems so slow for me but the buildup was fast around thursday, I'm glad I went to go TJ route first, which then actually gives me a better understanding what the secret means and the one talking inside Chase's mind... Everything was clear and sad at the same time, I was hoping for a good ending for TJ's route but it went waaaaay opposite...
Which got me interested to play another route with Leo and oh boi, it was all sweet at the beginning of his route but everything took a big turn than what I was expecting, I wasn't ready for all the horror it gave and messed up stuffs especially when it revealed the monster, that gave me chills down the spine! The buildup to escaping at the end was great and I was glad to actually got the good ending first try, It was an emotional moment and wished Leo the best, So after, I did the opposite which turns out to be a bad ending and a very sick one... Kinda gave me bad taste of Leo after... Hoping to finish other routes soon
Whats in Echo has a lot of the same characteristics, but I'm not sure if its the same thing.
In Adrastea or Khemia (I forgot which) It is mentioned that the Other leaves patches of itself behind when it moves through an area. So the Echo abnormality could be a patch of the Other, but I'm not sure that was intentional by the writers.
I think the worst part of playing this game was that Ill never be able to experience it with a new perspective again - this wasn't just any experience, this was the best experience I've had in a long time.
From the moment I started this game I didn't put it down, I've never read something so RAW.
I can't wait to replay it many times in the future
Just finished my first play through (TJs route), I am sad, this fucked me upp and I just fucking wish shit went good, man I liked TJ and to have all this bad shit happen to him like two murders infront of him and a bunch of gaslighting and threats from like everyone 😭.
what a masterpiece. one of the best vns ever written, no doubt. the writing is so effective and makes me feel so much for the characters, as well as it makes me really feel their struggles what it'd be like to live through the crazy shit that happens. huge recommend to anyone who likes literature.
Oh my God, this game is just a masterpiece, it’s like you get into the city itself and feel the emotions of the characters, especially Chase. When I was playing this game, I felt worried for all the characters, and in the endings I burst into tears. Echo Project is getting on our nerves, haha.
I would recommend you play it on Friday with a friend who you trust enough to cry around as you will need emotional support and will not be able to sleep after playing it. (that being said, its amazing awesome will mess you up and spit you out)
I've just finished Leo's route with Kudzu and I have to say, this game is beautiful, so tragic, yet so beautiful. The story is so deep and mysterious, and the bounds you can form with the characters go so deep. Truly a masterpiece. A once in a lifetime experience... no matter how long I keep playing this game, or for how long I stop thinking about it after I finish all routes, I wanna remember these stories forever.
You might not see it all with just one go, on the first route that I played, tj, things weren't NEARLY as crazy and scary as Leos route,but that doesn't mean tjs route wasn't good, it really was. Leo's route was definitely more impactful and fucked up
Also I haven't played all routes yet, only tjs and Leo's so there's definitely more fucked up and very possibly worse things. Leo's was enough to fuck me up and make me cry a bunch of times already
For anyone who hasn't noticed it yet, click on the lake in the title!!!!! It shows you all the story parts you've gone through already, and click on the things at the bottom of the lake too, they're interactable and lead to different things, the one on the right leads to the different days of the game and the different days where your choice where different, and it looks like there's some unique stories on chase's section, so yeah, make sure to go see these secrets!
Don't read this if you haven't played yet bc spoilers.
okay, im on Tuesday, I think? In that scene where the groups on Sydneys old house and talking to the red panda- when something got my attention. Im calling it right now: Tj is possessed by Sydneys ghost. Chase said himself it was impossible that Sydney would've mentioned on the birdhouse letter about how chase was scared of the woods because chase saw the hanging fox years after Sydney died. And the red panda mentioned how someone tried breaking in the house a few days before- you see where im going. Tj broke into the house, planted the letter in the shoe box and left. At first I wouldn't necessarily think it was Tj, but with how he knew EXACTLY where the box was without even entering the house, im like nah, he HAS to have something to do with it, not to mention the fact that its been 10 years and the new owner would've found it by now. I think the personality changes going on with tj and his obsession over finishing the hunt is because he's being influenced somehow. Like by Sydneys ghost or something
So, the town manipulates people into doing horrible things, like Sydney trying to kill tj and chase being made go through with killing Flynn, so that the responsible ones can keep those horrible secrets to themselves and that feeds it I guess? I think it probably has to do with the quartz or whatever, like the coyote said. It absorbers the bad things that happen and maybe somehow that energy created the entity that manipulates people? She also said that sometimes, when the conditions are right, the quartz releases back into the town the horrible memories of what happened, like the fox hanging himself. Just... wow. That last part where chase killed Flynn and now hes together with tj saying how he wonders if they're gonna forget all this happened again, just like with Sydney... makes me think the town also does this, this effect of making people forget, so the secrets can remain buried.
This has been a wild ride, for sure... I loved it, but also hated it- I know that chase being angry and so possessive over tj had to do with the town messing him up, but fuck, that shit hit me like a slap to the face, that scene where tj runs away...
There's a bug on the Android version on Carl's route when he says he's happy that Chase is there because the House is haunted. This happens when you try to backlog during the transition. But I only got it to happen once. The Markdown is below;
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in <module>
File "game/readback.rpy", line 265, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 265, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 285, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 288, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 291, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 292, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 299, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 302, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 308, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 309, in execute
Exception: Cannot display None as text.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "00gamemenu.rpyc", line 173, in script
File "renpy/", line 928, in execute
File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in <module>
File "renpy/", line 298, in interact
File "renpy/display\", line 3325, in interact
File "renpy/display\", line 3737, in interact_core
File "renpy/display\", line 568, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 568, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 568, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 568, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 568, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 436, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 3737, in <lambda>
File "renpy/display\", line 447, in per_interact
File "renpy/display\", line 637, in update
Playing one route is enough to rip your heart out, so naturally I did all of them, now I'm sitting here after finishing all of what's currently out of the Echo universe, eagerly awaiting the next amazing, twisted thing the team makes.
This game and series in general is a masterpiece, the best way I could describe it is that it's a beautiful tragedy. The game makes you care for the cast and wants the best for them, even though you're digging through all their flaws and baggage you still want them all to heal and escape this horrible scenario.
One of my favourite games, and pieces of fiction in general.
10/10, Can Recommend even if you're not gay or a furry, but those things do help the understand some subtext and a better grasp on some of the themes, especially relating to gay co-dependency and small town homophobia.
Do not take the games warning lightly, this game will chew you up, spit you out, laugh and F*** whats left into oblivion.
If you have ever experienced night terrors, sleep paralysis, suffered hellscape nightmares, and or hallucinated (or maybe not hallucinated...) unspeakable horrors in your teen years; play this game during the day with a friend.
Even so I am glad I played this game, I am glad it went to the places of our existence no one wants to admit exist and would rather pretend dont.
← Return to visual novel
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Such a great VN, made me emotional inside, not as much like RTF made me cry but more like a terror feeling which delivered really well...
Alright... Just finished 2 routes (TJ and Leo) at first everything seems so slow for me but the buildup was fast around thursday, I'm glad I went to go TJ route first, which then actually gives me a better understanding what the secret means and the one talking inside Chase's mind... Everything was clear and sad at the same time, I was hoping for a good ending for TJ's route but it went waaaaay opposite...
Which got me interested to play another route with Leo and oh boi, it was all sweet at the beginning of his route but everything took a big turn than what I was expecting, I wasn't ready for all the horror it gave and messed up stuffs especially when it revealed the monster, that gave me chills down the spine! The buildup to escaping at the end was great and I was glad to actually got the good ending first try, It was an emotional moment and wished Leo the best, So after, I did the opposite which turns out to be a bad ending and a very sick one... Kinda gave me bad taste of Leo after... Hoping to finish other routes soon
Am i allowed to understand something and still dislike it
Cause I like Flynn
Edit: Nothing wrong with Twilight Zone Endings, just felt undeserved
Dont date the roommate, he's cute but...
Doesn't turn out like you'd think it would sadly
Before playing this game I hated horror and psychological horror, now im hopelessly addicted to them...
Arches is the sequel. It doesn't take place after any specific rout in Echo, its a sort of stand alone.
Um, sort of?
Whats in Echo has a lot of the same characteristics, but I'm not sure if its the same thing.
In Adrastea or Khemia (I forgot which) It is mentioned that the Other leaves patches of itself behind when it moves through an area. So the Echo abnormality could be a patch of the Other, but I'm not sure that was intentional by the writers.
I think the worst part of playing this game was that Ill never be able to experience it with a new perspective again - this wasn't just any experience, this was the best experience I've had in a long time.
From the moment I started this game I didn't put it down, I've never read something so RAW.
I can't wait to replay it many times in the future
Just finished my first play through (TJs route), I am sad, this fucked me upp and I just fucking wish shit went good, man I liked TJ and to have all this bad shit happen to him like two murders infront of him and a bunch of gaslighting and threats from like everyone 😭.
played this for halloween and i didnt expect to love these characters so much
i wish good things happened to them and they werent so dysfunctional💔💔💔
Omg we need a sequal 😭
i have something to tell you
what's that?
the sequel is arches
I thought arches was a prequel
and I'm talking about a sequel for the characters, like chase, Leo and jenna
I have a question
according to TheEchoProject Wiki it says that Micha is short for Mikhael
does someone know of a source that can confirm or deny that?
what a masterpiece. one of the best vns ever written, no doubt. the writing is so effective and makes me feel so much for the characters, as well as it makes me really feel their struggles what it'd be like to live through the crazy shit that happens. huge recommend to anyone who likes literature.
Just came back to say: best FVN ever created and the Mother of all the other projects that exist (alongside maybe Morenatsu). Gratz
Oh my God, this game is just a masterpiece, it’s like you get into the city itself and feel the emotions of the characters, especially Chase. When I was playing this game, I felt worried for all the characters, and in the endings I burst into tears. Echo Project is getting on our nerves, haha.
Honestly appreciate the warning because my mental health is not doing so great rn. Hope people with better mental health like it, though.
Downloaded the most random game i saw didnt know id have multiple violent emotions playing this game. its damn amazing :3c would recommend
I feel like you can put this in consoles/Switch now
I'm kind of scared to play this vn. Is it really worth the fuss?
Trust me, the horrors are worth it
You are right to be scared, this one is a RIDE, but really really worth
I would recommend you play it on Friday with a friend who you trust enough to cry around as you will need emotional support and will not be able to sleep after playing it. (that being said, its amazing awesome will mess you up and spit you out)
I've just finished Leo's route with Kudzu and I have to say, this game is beautiful, so tragic, yet so beautiful. The story is so deep and mysterious, and the bounds you can form with the characters go so deep. Truly a masterpiece. A once in a lifetime experience... no matter how long I keep playing this game, or for how long I stop thinking about it after I finish all routes, I wanna remember these stories forever.
Dude are you ok lol. Is it really that powerful
No im not ok and yes it is
You might not see it all with just one go, on the first route that I played, tj, things weren't NEARLY as crazy and scary as Leos route,but that doesn't mean tjs route wasn't good, it really was. Leo's route was definitely more impactful and fucked up
Also I haven't played all routes yet, only tjs and Leo's so there's definitely more fucked up and very possibly worse things. Leo's was enough to fuck me up and make me cry a bunch of times already
But trust me, all the emotional trauma this game gave me was worth it in the end
your comments are the realist thing ever oml. Like i feel as if you expressed my exact thoughts and emotions about this game(obsession)
also have you played arches yet? its so damn good
Same, this game changed my life and the way i see life, specially Leo route, it just hits.
I wish I could post the screen shot I took here so that you reading this could get even a glimpse of how fucked up the situation im in right now is
Oh my god no. Stop it stop it stop it. I dont want to see what happens next
Im actually so fucking scared etf is that otter thing man
I came here for a silly furry horrir gamw not to have my soul fucking raped and drugged over and over again
I haven't been so emotionally shaken and bound to a game since the first story game I played and oh my god im goinf insane
Im on Leo's route and what the fuck this game is crazy
Update: what the fuck this is too much for me to handle man
For anyone who hasn't noticed it yet, click on the lake in the title!!!!! It shows you all the story parts you've gone through already, and click on the things at the bottom of the lake too, they're interactable and lead to different things, the one on the right leads to the different days of the game and the different days where your choice where different, and it looks like there's some unique stories on chase's section, so yeah, make sure to go see these secrets!
hey why cant i play the chase side story? it keeps showing me this:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
Executing ATL code at game/SideStoryPlugin.rpy:229
File "game/SideStory-Date.rpy", line 10, in script call
File "game/SideStoryPlugin.rpy", line 234, in script
File "game/SideStoryPlugin.rpy", line 234, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'float' and 'Partial'
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "game/SideStory-Date.rpy", line 10, in script call
File "game/SideStoryPlugin.rpy", line 234, in script
File "renpy/", line 1131, in execute
File "renpy/", line 1062, in py_exec_bytecode
File "game/SideStoryPlugin.rpy", line 234, in <module>
File "renpy/", line 1537, in pause
File "renpy/", line 299, in interact
File "renpy/display/", line 3423, in interact
File "renpy/display/", line 3958, in interact_core
File "renpy/display/", line 2645, in draw_screen
File "render.pyx", line 495, in renpy.display.render.render_screen
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display/", line 884, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display/", line 884, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display/", line 884, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display/", line 747, in render
File "accelerator.pyx", line 148, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render
File "renpy/display/", line 926, in update_state
File "renpy/", line 598, in execute
File "renpy/", line 849, in execute
File "renpy/", line 1226, in execute
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'float' and 'Partial'
Don't read this if you haven't played yet bc spoilers.
okay, im on Tuesday, I think? In that scene where the groups on Sydneys old house and talking to the red panda- when something got my attention. Im calling it right now: Tj is possessed by Sydneys ghost. Chase said himself it was impossible that Sydney would've mentioned on the birdhouse letter about how chase was scared of the woods because chase saw the hanging fox years after Sydney died. And the red panda mentioned how someone tried breaking in the house a few days before- you see where im going. Tj broke into the house, planted the letter in the shoe box and left. At first I wouldn't necessarily think it was Tj, but with how he knew EXACTLY where the box was without even entering the house, im like nah, he HAS to have something to do with it, not to mention the fact that its been 10 years and the new owner would've found it by now. I think the personality changes going on with tj and his obsession over finishing the hunt is because he's being influenced somehow. Like by Sydneys ghost or something
Update: what the fuck
Sydney deserved what chase did to him though.
Okay now I get how this is a horro game
So, the town manipulates people into doing horrible things, like Sydney trying to kill tj and chase being made go through with killing Flynn, so that the responsible ones can keep those horrible secrets to themselves and that feeds it I guess? I think it probably has to do with the quartz or whatever, like the coyote said. It absorbers the bad things that happen and maybe somehow that energy created the entity that manipulates people? She also said that sometimes, when the conditions are right, the quartz releases back into the town the horrible memories of what happened, like the fox hanging himself. Just... wow. That last part where chase killed Flynn and now hes together with tj saying how he wonders if they're gonna forget all this happened again, just like with Sydney... makes me think the town also does this, this effect of making people forget, so the secrets can remain buried.
This has been a wild ride, for sure... I loved it, but also hated it- I know that chase being angry and so possessive over tj had to do with the town messing him up, but fuck, that shit hit me like a slap to the face, that scene where tj runs away...
was NOT expecting it to be this heavy
There's a bug on the Android version on Carl's route when he says he's happy that Chase is there because the House is haunted. This happens when you try to backlog during the transition. But I only got it to happen once. The Markdown is below;
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in <module>
File "game/readback.rpy", line 265, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 265, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 285, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 288, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 291, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 292, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 299, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 302, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 308, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 309, in execute
Exception: Cannot display None as text.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "00gamemenu.rpyc", line 173, in script
File "renpy/", line 928, in execute
File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in <module>
File "renpy/", line 298, in interact
File "renpy/display\", line 3325, in interact
File "renpy/display\", line 3737, in interact_core
File "renpy/display\", line 568, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 568, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 568, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 568, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 568, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 436, in visit_all
File "renpy/display\", line 3737, in <lambda>
File "renpy/display\", line 447, in per_interact
File "renpy/display\", line 637, in update
File "game/readback.rpy", line 265, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 265, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 285, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 288, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 291, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 292, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 299, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 302, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 308, in execute
File "game/readback.rpy", line 309, in execute
File "renpy/text\", line 1556, in __init__
Exception: Cannot display None as text.
Playing one route is enough to rip your heart out, so naturally I did all of them, now I'm sitting here after finishing all of what's currently out of the Echo universe, eagerly awaiting the next amazing, twisted thing the team makes.
This game and series in general is a masterpiece, the best way I could describe it is that it's a beautiful tragedy. The game makes you care for the cast and wants the best for them, even though you're digging through all their flaws and baggage you still want them all to heal and escape this horrible scenario.
One of my favourite games, and pieces of fiction in general.
10/10, Can Recommend even if you're not gay or a furry, but those things do help the understand some subtext and a better grasp on some of the themes, especially relating to gay co-dependency and small town homophobia.
wish Leo wasnt done so dirty, poor wolfman just cant catch a break. Nurse get me a hypo of otter love stat! this wolf mans dying!!!
Naw he really was a goodboy who got messed up by small town hate, loneliness, a meddling jealous female fox, & Echo itself.
Do not take the games warning lightly, this game will chew you up, spit you out, laugh and F*** whats left into oblivion.
If you have ever experienced night terrors, sleep paralysis, suffered hellscape nightmares, and or hallucinated (or maybe not hallucinated...) unspeakable horrors in your teen years; play this game during the day with a friend.
Even so I am glad I played this game, I am glad it went to the places of our existence no one wants to admit exist and would rather pretend dont.
Why is it impossible to find this game on when I search for it? Why do I have to use Google to even know it exists?