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(1 edit)

Spoiler warning after 10 dots.











spoiler time.
In leo's good end, Chase and the Voice in his head(I cant remember the name) say "Fuck you..." at the same time, Verbally, but nobody hears.
Then it goes like this.(Assume if something isnt bold, it is chase.)
 "We say the words under my breath, but there's more rage behind them than anything I've ever said in my life.
And they're meant for Echo.
Fuck you for killing Janice."
"Fuck you for hurting William."
"Fuck you for killing Duke."
"Fuck you for hurting Cliff."
"Fuck you for what's buried in the mines."
"Fuck you for hurting Nik."
"Fuck you for twisting my friends into something they're not."
"Fuck you for hurting Cynthia and Murdoch."

"And fuck you for ruining my life."


I don't know if you saw Leo's other ending, this one aint the bad one

Meant the good end, thanks for pointing that out.


The song "505" reminds me of Echo and the whole mess of Chase and Leo's relationship. the main reason is the whole reason the song is called 505. "I'm going back to 505, if it's a 7 hour flight, or a 45 minute drive." totally fitting with the hate from (most of) the main cast for Echo.


When will you pay the next update for this VN here on

I rarely read fiction, but plowed through every word of this in ten days (after doing the same with TSR – doing it in that order gave a really neat perspective on some events in Echo). Amazing work.

I have a question, and hopefully I can phrase it in a way that makes sense. I get how choices in the game affect the outcome and how there isn’t one canonical path.

Is that true backwards in time as well? Are the events before 2015 (the story’s present) fixed, or do those also depend on the path taken? For example, are the revelations in TJ’s path about what happened to Sydney true across all the paths?

I just got a crash and an error while on Flynn's path. When Chase, Carl, and Daxton travel to follow Flynn on the highway, I came across this error message.

It seems to work now! Not sure what happened, tho.

Other people: *freaking out, take their breaks, feel sad after playing*

Me: holy shield, that wasn't good ending. Meh, let's try again.

I love how intricate plot is and how much stories there are for player. I just finished Echo, but i'm already excited to play related games.


someone should turn this into a movie


I don't think you understand that I'd be so hyped waiting for an Echo movie, I would develop high blood pressure.

(1 edit) (+1)

wow i really wanted carl and chase to be happy together, i know this isnt the typical vn follow a guy get his heart but it still hurt? like the imposibility of it all, like a bitterness taste and feel like, should i kept it on with the fanart?, yes i should, do i regret it?, a little, nobody can take this hellish experience from me so i guess there is something good about it


Okay, probably because I'm not from the US this surprised me, but the town of Echo is a real place.  

It has a motel, a diner, Route 66 is nearby as is Echo Reservoir, and if you follow Dikker Hill Drive, it leads you to a large property that overlooks the town.

There are hiking trails that you take through the canyon, a NA reservation, and the University of Pueblo is one state over.

In fact, the more I look at this town and the surrounding area on Google Maps, the more I feel a little weird out by the similarities.

Is it just coincidence or did someone who work on this game actually come from Echo or the surrounding area?


Sadly there aren't any hot animal men here

Deleted post

cool game!!


The VN might be free, but the therapist isn't.


I dunno man, you much just have to go to echo to get a theripist for free..


See some wild stuff


The demons


Mine's court ordered so it is

should we be concerned?

(3 edits) (+3)

what is the carl path
What the hell?

Edit: currently playing through Leos' path
Learnt about doppelgangers
Now i know what happened...(I think Im pretty sure)




I got to that scene in the middle of the night and screeched so loud. It was fucking terrifying

(1 edit) (+1)

Carl's Path was weird AF. I was exhausted by the end of it... 

I was hoping Leo's Path would be you know the Easy going one...(Boy was i wrong...) The Sad part about it was that all most all of the bad things that happened could have been avoided if the cast didn't just run off solo at the worst / Creepiest times. Also chase should have Spoken to Leo and when he felt like he was going off rails he should have pulled him back on track. I was literally on a emotional rollercoaster reading this and tweeting my thoughts @K9Point5 some on them were funny. Also the Demon Is literally what happens when mindflayer from Stranger things and the creepy human thing from the E Munch painting have a baby.   

i am not one to make reviews on any VN especially one that shaped the medium of  story telling such as VNs but to any of my fellow bright eyed fellows looking  for a vn and look at the comment section to see if its good let me save you time

yes its good 11/10

yes there NSFW

and yes it IS that dark and WILL mess with you in a good way

i was like you once and then i read all i am gonna say on that

this VN inspired me to make my own and continue being a write(and  i am lazy)  with nothing else to say  go read it 


its about time i replay echo now

(1 edit) (+2)

[ Spoiler Warning ]

Hoo-boy. This was such an emotional roller-coaster for me. I (like an idiot) ignored the warnings and am now suffering because of it - not the game's fault though!

This VN is so beautiful and complicated and damn interesting. Every time some major lore would drop it would send shivers down my spine (The overarching Flynn lore, anybody?) and I loved it.

Personally, TJ was my favorite character-wise, but goddamn I loved playing Leo's route. It personally helped me connect so many dots from the other routes and it felt so damn satisfying.

I played TJ's route first (a great introduction, which left me sobbing by the end), then Flynn's,  Leo's, and - finally, Jenna's; which seemed to piece together a LOT of loose threads. Once you actually play through everything, the game starts to make more sense, and, I must say, wow.

I love the story so damn much, even if it is a bit confusing

Damn, now I'm so attached to these characters - moreso than any other game I've ever played. They just... feel so real to me, feel like actual people instead of just some boring characters. This VN has some of the best character work I've seen in a long, long time.

Let me just say this again: I loved this VN so much it hurts. Personally, this became my favorite game ever, and that really says something (I'm quite picky). This was a fantastic experience and I'm looking forward to replaying it with a new understanding of what's happening.

does anyone else get a "could not execute" when trying to start up the game? i just wanna play this

(2 edits)

Jump on their discord and ask there, there's an active community there and that's where you're most likely to find an answer quickly.

(Also include which platform you're playing on)


thanks for this experience

Quick question,

Is there a good ending when it comes to any of the routes, I got to the end of 1 of them and had to take a few days off.

Deleted post

Yeah. The other ending for that route is kinda fucked ngl, but letting go still hurts a lot.

Yeah, I got that end and it was
I just cant imagine your FEET getting cut off
Then your crazy obsessed (Ex?)BF keeping you there just so you stay with him

The thought terrifies me.

For real. Being forced to stay with Leo in such a circumstance... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HYSTERIA

That would be so scary

That ending did me a legit jaw-drop 





Hey so is like letting go of Leo like the only good ending in his route? bsides the bad ending ofc the train where ya get ur legs gordon ramseyed

Deleted post

Thanks for the info :0 also you did an awesome job understanding the morale!!and sharing it ofc thanks again


I think the best ending overall is Jenna's good route since everyone gets out alive and some of the group's issues are sorted out but the price of that is the big mysteries not being resolved.

Jenna, Leo and Carl have more than one ending while TJ and Flynn's routes can only end one way.


I need your help on the Carl ending
So, I got the ending where House goes up in flames, And carl seems soulless to Chase
Is that the bad version of the end or

Bad end, to get the better end you need Carl stay himself instead of acting like someone he isn't.

Also; How do i get the bad jenna ending?

Basically encourage her jaded personality, nothing gets better, people are jerks that sort of thing.

That ending was one of the first good ones I've got (along with Leo's break up one), considering TJ's path was my first route.  All the others were just downhill. I'm stunned.

Every time I open the app, it gives me an error...

"I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

After initialization, but before game start.

Exception: CoreAudio error (OpenAComponent): -50"

Im using a Mac, if that helps any. I used to be able to play, but I'm not sure what happened. Great game by the way! :)


cmon man my guy flynn didn't deserve that


No he didn't

I started with his route and god DAMN was I devastated


I fell thath too, friend

I finished almost all the routes... but I left Carl's route aside because I thought it wouldn't make much difference in the story, maybe I should play it? my sequence was: Leo, Jenna, TJ and Flynn


In my opinion, Carl's route is either a hit or miss. Without going into spoilers, it's drastically different from the other routes. So you're right, it doesn't make much difference in the story, and that can be good or bad depending on preferences and expectations. Personally, I enjoyed it initially (being the first route I played), but after replaying the entire game, it's not as good as I remember. 

But don't let the opinion of this stranger deter you from enjoying more of Echo, it's ultimately up to you!

(1 edit) (+16)

she was not lying that was CW: emotionally intense

(8 edits)

Someone knows when the child sprites are showen? Or are from other game?  Or a fan Made this images. 

this Is child Chase


The sprites are used in Flynn's rote and I think that Jenna's route too.

Except for Chase's sprite. His was not used in any routes.

What animal was Sydney?


Otter, I'm pretty sure.



what suspicions?

(1 edit)

I had a feeling he was an otter because of something that happened in Arches,

You mean the car crash scene?


Spoilers!!! I guess?

Great visual novel, it made me question what am I doing with my life. This novel left me feeling depressed, empty, useless. It has also made me wish I had friends growing up, it was pretty difficult for me to make friends. And I think that is why Carl route hit me the hardest. Sure he had friends but when he was starting to talk about his anxiety, when he had panic attacks I understood how he felt. At the end of his route the good ending when he overcame that, when he felt better about himself when he gained confidence in himself I started crying so much wishing that was me. I wish I wasn’t so insecure about my body wish I could get over my social anxiety just like that, especially when he was talking about going back to school. I feel like failure i let my family down for not finishing school and I really couldn’t bring myself to go there. It was really tough, people making fun of my weight, recording me while I was falling asleep in class. Actually thinking I had friends but they were “friends” And just to find out a few days they stole some of my stuff from my backpack when I was away and started to give my stuff out to some of my classmates when I found out it was already too late it was the end of the day. I have tried/did hurt myself when it was just too much for me. I am trying to get better now but it is still hard for me i really do hope one day I can change like he did, I really hope I can look in the mirror and smile back at that person how is looking at me and love myself.

Also thanks for the crazy experience

Find your people and stick with them. Look up local support groups, leftist groups, etc. You don't become confident on a whim, it's a cultivation that starts with changing your habits, changing your thinking, and changing your experience.

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

I never liked Flynn. He's the most misunderstood character, yet he's a jackass.

Absolutely fascinating! I think I've played it fully -- I started with Carl and ended with TJ. Very, very cool game and I keep wanting to dip back in and look for things I might have missed.


after reading leo route,i feel lost,i try to find something comfort my i finish reading  echo and echo65,everytime chase talks to leo only to make me suffer more.Above all, it is the best gvn i have ever read,thank for trauma.


Where shall I begin? 

First thing's first, this game is not meant for everyone. It's a horror visual novel. Truth be told I am not a fan of horror or scary media by any stretch.  That being said, this is probably the greatest piece of media I have consumed in a very, very long time. 

If we look past the horror aspect of the story: the writing, the artistic value of the narrative, the pacing (for the most part), the character development, and the visual art, are nothing short of masterpiece quality. 

I really cannot understate the merit that Echo commands. If we include the horror, it seems to both toe the line of traditional horror tropes in storytelling but subvert them. Not only insomuch as the story includes the almost expected twists and turns in its plot, but also in the way that the story keeps the audience engaged in the individual feelings and lives of the characters. Needless to say, when the characters hurt, we hurt. The deep emotional impact that the story has on its readers is something of awe and a warning to those that aren't in the best mental state. 

I was a late arrival to Echo in terms of the furry VN scene's obsession du jour. I first played Adastra in early 2020 during the horror of COVID lockdowns and have since become a devotee of the Echo Project. So I want to preface the following with the fact that I speak as an unabashedly biased and pro-Echo partisan source.

The downsides of the story is that it lulls from time to time. I remember having to will myself into continuing on with playing the story in the beginning scenes on Saturday. Another theme that was a major detractor for me was the Southwestern US setting. I speak with bias, since I live in the US Southwest and am not the biggest fan of the local culture, the "theme" of the landscape and thus any story that is based around such a place. But, to Echo's credit, it doesn't build itself off of the Southwestern cowboy aesthetic, which is what I initially feared when I started playing. 

Another unfortunate aspect of the story was that some horror scenes seemed overly gratuitous and served little more than to remind the reader that Echo is still indeed a horror story. Now obviously this is expected with the genre, but some things I felt would better serve left out. 

Besides that, there were still some minor typographical errors in the dialog, but nothing devastating to comprehension. 

The soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal. This is something in which the Echo Project shines. We the audience get invested in the stories of Echo Project titles not only because of the stellar writing but the intuitive emotion-laden tracks and presentation of said music. The work truly does speak for itself. 

All things considered, Echo is absolutely a must-play for anyone who consumes furry themed visual novels. The game's appeal not only extends to the queer-furry crowd, but even to the general visual novel-consuming public, queer and non-queer, furry and non-furry alike. 


Just started playing and accidentally started TJs route first, I think I'm close to finishing it. However after reading some comments it seems like it's best to do his as one of the last ones. Should I paused that route and start another one instead?


I also played TJ's route first. I really don't believe it matters. If anything, I prefer putting his first since it gives you the "sweetest" story and gives you the smoothest introduction. It only gets rougher from there on out, and even considering TJ's route, that's quite the assessment. 

I have to agree with this. TJ's route is the least mentally-jarring and is a great introduction, and it gets more and more confusing as you go down other routes.

Personally I did TJ > Flynn > Leo

Really? I did them in alphabetical order and TJ’s and wish I would have swapped his and Jenna’s.


Played this game ~2 year ago when I was in a really shitty state of mind which looking back I realise was not the greatest idea. I definately fucked myself up for a while as I used to spend hours playing through the different routes hoping there was a happy ending for the characters I'd grown attached to.

Eventually I spent a day systematically going through every choice in the game until I got all the dialogue just so I could squeeze as much content out of this game as possible. After that I just led in bed for a couple of hours even though it was the middle of the day because I didn't really see the point in doing anything because my fictional people were essentially gone which in hindsight is one of the lowest points in my life... 

So yeah before you play just really think about if you're doing good right now. I get that there's a good chance you'll think you can "deal with it" like I did but as you can tell by the sad state I was in it really isn't worth it. Now that I am in a better state of mind I'm gonna play it again and hopefully have a much better experience (I do hope the feels hit hard still tho).  Also props to the echo team for making a vn so emotional that it became my life for a while (but seriously if you're reading I actually love you guys so much for all the work you put into your vns).


Hi, just finished Flynn's route and now only TJ's route is left, is it a good thing I left that route for the last? Probably not but this game has made me think, a lot and made me feel a lot. I thought people were overreacting over it being heavy but now even I can say that this game is a true psychological horror. The lore gets messy here and there but in general, makes sense. For me, the most heartbreaking routes were Flynn's and Leo's in which both the Epilogue made me bawl out. The route I liked the best was Jenna's because I just adored how the friendship group adhered despite everything, I am a big sucker for a happy ending so don't blame me. Overall, an amazing and very powerful game and recommend someone with a stable heart to play, as for me, I will be taking a break before TJ's route and all the extra stuff and prequels/sequels I play. The epilogue in Flynn's route still hurts me seeing chase all alone and broken. Thank you for reading, I appreciate it! Also thank you the developers for encoding this game in my mindset for days rent free


The developers recommend doing either TJ or Flynn's last in the recommended play order, but most fans usually leave Flynn for last due to how it was written as a "finale" route, so I'm interested to see how your experience might differ playing TJ's last!


ok yeah i finished it in a day because I needed closure and,, TJ's route was um

depressing to say the least 

I wish now i had done Jenna's route last so i could make it the canon ending in my head but, all the endings were pretty good! Though, TJ's, Flynn's and Leo's route absolutely broke me.


Welcome down the Echo rabbit hole! *hugs*

Thank you friend, :')

Really? I always felt Jenna's had more closure to it along with more info about generally everything that's going on.


I would say something more verbose but I can't come up with the words. Just uh, good game, very good game. Loved it. 


My first vn, and honestly it was far beyond my expections. This game made me experience every single emotion possible. 


Hello! In the game during Wednesday on Leo's route, when everyone is looking for Carl, I noticed a very small typo where it's written "form" instead of "from" (cf picture below).

I am having a blast on the game so far overall, it's an amazing story and I love all the characters, keep up the good work!

Yeah, the game despite being completed still have these wrinkles of oopsies here and there. That doesn't make it any less of a great story though! 

Would appreciate it if they release a small update specifically to tweak typos, still.

So I played through once and was wondering if theres a specific choice or set of choices in game that branches off into different routes, I really love this story and want to experience some of the alternating paths.

What route did you start with? In the prologue of the game, just after Flynn lashes out at everyone at Yeeyaw, you get options like:

Follow Flynn, sit with Carl, find TJ, follow Leo and Jenna

Those decisions choose your route (Clicking Follow Leo and Jenna gives you another choice between going after Jenna or Leo)

Some routes have 2 endings and others have only 1 set ending. But there are tiny little jumpscares hidden that only come out if you make a certain choice.

I started with TJs and played through all the others at least once, Leos was my favorite throughout, whilst Carls was my least favorite.

why does it only download a file called "5524815" without any file extension or anything? how do i fix it?

i searched that number in the (working) games folder and nothing came up. Idk how to fix that, but if you want im sure someone could send you the working folder through the internet. maybe have a friend download it and send it to you?

ok so i just checked and it works on a different browser.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
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