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This pretty much sums up the game. (before playing and after playing)

Traumatized Mr. Incredible - Meming Wiki

did they take out the sex scene in jenna's route? the one during watching anime? or am i imagining that happened? i cant seem to get it again


I'm... almost sure that there was not such a scene :/

are you sure? the wiki seems to agree with my memory...

There are multiple ways for the route to play out depending on the choices you make

well, could someone tell me (under a spoiler mark im sure) how to get that sex scene? i got it the first time i played, but i cant seem to get it again

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Basically you just need to choose bi at the beginning of the game, it basically a choice if you can romance Jenna or not basically~


I can easily say that Echo is one of the best, if not the best furry visual novel
It's not a typical dating simulator or "choose this route and you'll become lovers with this character, happy ending"
It destroys that typicality and tells traumatic stories with thrilling writing that leaves you with different emotions for a while when you finish the reading
Every main character (even some of the minor characters) has their own unique story which will leave some impact on you
The visuals (sprites, backgrounds, CGs, music etc) are also done great, they perfectly fit the story atmosphere and convey the characters' feelings/emotions to readers
If you're looking for interesting visual novels to read, I'd definitely recommend Echo (and also the other novels from The Echo Project since they are equally as great as this one)

Is there the Anniversary Version for Android?

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Echo a great experience play it. This is one of the few pieces of media I have experienced that made me cry. Echo did not do this with horror or heartbreak. Instead I was brought to tears by the realization that that I receive from the other media I mentioned above. The realization that the piece of media will end, that I will never be able to experience it again for a first time, and that every time I experience a visual novel I will be wishing that it will be as good as echo...

P.s. TJ ❤️


TJ is the best, I wish I knew what happened with him and Chase after his path.

Yeah same


When I finished my first play through with Leo when I choose the option, "we can figure out something later" I was shocked what Leo did than I choose the other option and I'm not going to lie I enjoyed this game a lot. When I choose the option "It's Over" I was expecting Leo to do the same thing but at the end I just felt bad. Although all I can say is that I enjoyed this game a lot and it truly is one of my favorites now I haven't finished the other play troughs, but I will when I have the time!

What's the name of the music that sounds after you choose TJ's route? In the dream where TJ is drinking and Chase's ankle and wrist are chained...

When i try to download the game it says i cant download it on my phone i tried download a file manager and i tried downloading from there but it says there was a problem with the package 

I am using android version 6


Wow, I just finished with my first playthrough, I did TJ's path, that revelation at the end... I was not expecting it. I highly recomend reading this, this was honestly a roller coaster. 

I played because a friend recommended the game to me and I had pretty low expectations honestly. So to humor my friend I downloaded it, and my god this story was great. Honestly it was amazing. But jesus, that ending was seriously fucked up. Cant wait to reread on a different path now.



i was gonna write it myself but... well i just dont feel like it

dating sim where jenna is the player character and the romancable characters are chase, leo, carl, tj, and flynn, very anime-dating sim-y, with a sort of 90's shoujo aesthetic and a lot of pink, and it's obviously surreal and tropey and a dream, that last point of course being something jenna figures out quickly because obviously, and from there some combination of comedy and horror takes place in each route

Like Morenatsu? I love that game


arent half of them gay


well yes, obviously a big thing that tips jenna off to something being Wrong here


question i have,  if yall @ the echo project mind fan games based in echo? with credit and no profit obv but it's been on my mind for a lil bit. 


Fan games are fine! Just make sure to link to our / Patreon. - McSkinny


WARNING, SPOILERS: I’ve gots a question. I played through Leo’s route as the second route I played. But I’ve heard mixed stuff about it. When I finished it, Chase got onto the train just fine, and Leo stayed behind. Everyone was happy, and Chase and Kudzu ended up together. But from something I heard, there’s an ending where Leo pulls you off of the train and and you die. How do I get this ending to see it for myself?

you have to tell leo that "we'll work something out" 

the options were work something out or tell him it’s over, right? Because I think I told him it’s over.

yep, that should be it. telling him "its over" gets you the good ending


Glad I was able to avoid disaster in my first try. Went back and got the bad ending, and god is it horrible.

Will somebody die within the game or on specific routes? if so please tell me
also, will I get REALLY f-u-c-k-e-d up emotionally after/while playing this? if so please tell me so I can prepare myself

I think that depends on your mental stability and mindset. For me, though, so far I didn't get fucced in any bad level. I'm more frightened by the possible jump scares, eerie music, or when Chase is alone. I look at it with a more thrill-seeking view rather than mental exhaustion, like building case or putting logic to put two and two together. Hope this helps a bit and happy reading~

So, it's not really gonna mess with your head. There are some torture scenes that can go into detail, but if you're in a really low mental headspace or get triggered by abuse and such I don't recommend it.. But if that stuff doesnt bother you than this is a wonderful story.


well written, well made, emotionally devestating. def listen to the mental health warning or take breaks between sessions. 10/10 imo


update, after finishing 3 routes, tj's, leo's and jenna's. this game is genuinely amazing but god it hurts. well written but at what cost 😭


So they all die or either go crazy


just got done playing this visual novel and I must say I freaking loveit

so i have on phone and i updated it and now i have 2. one says echo 1.0 and the other says echo and they have different icons. so what is the difference between them and what one is newer? 


i idek...found the smoke room a few months ago and quickly found this and arches too....played flynn's route and carl's route and dropped it for a while....last few weeks i played tj's, leo's, and now i just finished jenna's....honestly i feel feels like i just lost a whole family when the credits rolled. like my life is done and i dont have anything good anymore...its a great game but im so fucking sad its over....they all felt so real my friends or my enemies or my creepy voices in my head....i dont know what im gonna do now.....probably play route 65 and the new update for TSR....i cant shake the feeling that i'm never gonna recover from this....shit im being overdramatic its just a game...but jesus


thats the echo experience for ya

Also someone have a deep conversation with me about echo, we can do it here or discord, discord is easier. Saber#2750

If you're still interested, I'm in. kremill#4628 (also Carl is one of my favourites)

Sent you FR, Angemonium#1096

Favorite characters?? Mine are Kudzu and Flynn for obvious reasons.

What's the name of the credits song I forgot

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Each Ending has its own song. 

Carl - Echo by Bugboy

Leo - Blurry by Bugboy

TJ - When Stars Align by Abyuse

Flynn - When your arms were around me (Not sure who the artist is and if it was v1 or v2)

Jenna - Book of Job by Hop Skip and the Chew Toys


Thanks also spoiler:

Is there a way to still stay with Leo without losing your legs and the game ending like is there more Dialog or is that just it


No. The good ending for Leo is him finally letting go of the past and moving on with his life instead of obsessing over you.

Easily the best VN ive ever played its a mix of scary and sad and some happy moments its super good a great artstyle and everything all and all incredible.

Ok so I got a question and the answer should be spoilers so please read with caution, I will try to redact it with as little spoiler I can.

During a certain remembrance, a certain character gets hit by a Van.

Could someone please remind me which name does this character say?



You had in mind a Jack? Jack from TSR?

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He did said Jack right? That's really sad, specially because he wasn't loved back.

iirc it's V2 for Flynn's ending. The difference is that V2 has a xylophone whereas V1 has a synth.


How long to beat this?

took me an entire week to get all of the endings, used 79/80 saves, dedicated my time to it too

something I find interesting is you can go past 80 on the save list.

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vndb says ~31 hours (only off of 4 votes though), it took me 28 with a text speed that was bumped up a few notches from the default, but i've heard it take up to 40 depending on reading speed

did they ever fix that thing in Carl's route where it doesn't skip the already seem text between the good and bad routes ?

How many ending is exactly in this game I want to know


There are 8 main endings

3 (quote) "good" endings

5 psychologicaly troubling endings

All 5 routs have a bad ending

only 3 routes have (quote) "good" endings

Potential spoiler below 👇 
















Only Carl, Leo and Jenna's route have (quote) "good" endings

If it's ok can u tell me what happen at every ending 

I don't mind spoiler


The good ending for Leo I think is when you say its over and you get with kudzu and come back 2 years later and say hi to leo

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Is Leo from El Salvador or Honduras?



10/10 im traumatized :)


Great VN. But I have a question. Was Julian based off of Gordon Freeman from Half-Life? I see very little differences in both...

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   What can I say the writing for this was really interesting & quickly drew me into the story. The way the characters interacted with each other was very well done. I found myself utterly stunned by the plot twists at the end. I also enjoyed the art style esp. for TJ. 

   TJ is my fav. character because I really relate to the struggles he goes through. I have been in several relationships where I ended up being physically & emotionally abused. Unfortunately one of them was a close relative who also tried to kill me a few times. Strangely instead of being depressed by the story I found it to be intriguing & somewhat therapeutic. 

   More people need to go about presenting abuse the way it is done in your plot with an intimate representation of the emotions & reasons behind the abusive behavior. I especially liked the parts where the stress of what happened in the past makes Chase go completely insane causing him to see strange versions of himself in the mirror & hearing a voice in his head urging him to do things. Overall I enjoyed this VN a lot & am looking forward to your other works as this is the 1st. one I have had the pleasure of experiencing.


Definitely agree about it being therapeutic. Echo handles the topic well enough from a lot of angles across the different routes to really help with processing abuse, or at least it did for me.


I still don't know what compelled a bunch of furries to drop peak fiction on us like we deserved it somehow.


That's one way to put it, I'm still shock this has more quality and is willing to engage deeper in thought than any mainstream media would ever dare to go through


Waitt is there smut/ erotic scenes in echo? I'm asking since Normally there'd be a tag for that but there's none for smut so ....


None visually depicted, no


It's like the gore in Zero Escape.  Not on camera but they stuff a few text boxes with it.

How do I access the short stories?


On the main menu, click on the sea (the top of the screen) to access the secret menu. Once there, click on the broken mirror on the bottom left of the screen. There, scroll down until you find Chase, and the short stories are there.


Me gustaría ver un final donde el protagonista pueda ser feliz a la par de Leo :(


Im sorry, but thats not how it works.


El punto es el soltar, no el aferrarse a algo que sabes que te hará daño

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O sea, los dos felices? Sí, absolutamente. Juntos? No, mejor separados aunque tratando sus temas y hablando las cosas >:(

puedes leer fanfics con estas ideas en Archive, hay muchas buenas con Leo y Chase juntos y estableciendo su relacion


Claro, pero después de leer todo ambos necesitan madurar y siento que se hacen daño juntos. Una vez resueltas esas cosas quizás puedan volver a ser pajera, pero antes de eso? No. 


Complicado decir, Chase tiene muchas caras, puede ser idiota, obsesivo, un cobarde total, alguien que siempre va a ayudar o que está dispuesto a hacer las cosas más difíciles por los suyos. Leo es muy complicado siendo obsesivo, agresivo, testarudo, un protector de los suyos y alguien en quien puedes confiar. Al final resolver todos sus problemas se vuelve muy difícil por qué estar juntos los va a alejar de todos los demás. Son una pareja muy bonita pero son más sanos estando separados. Cómo que juntos retroalimentan sus peores cualidades.

It appears trying to open backlog during phone displays messes the game up.

While I'm on I may as well ask.  There isn't some final route to this is there?  I know a harem route would be silly and a "supah happy end" probably doesn't suit this thing but... anything?


Not super happy, but Jenna's route gives a good closure to all characters.

Closest to a Happy ending is Carl Good Ending and Jennas Good Ending, and yes a good ending is possible in echo even if the "bad endings" are more thematically fitting and better.

Well, I mean like one of those final endings where they solve everything.  Like having the route characters come together (with their issues resolved) like one of those sentai shows against the villain.

Jenna at least comes close.


Is chase's story over or will it continue I'm curious

There is a sequel called Arches but it's not about Chase.


I know about arches I've played it myself but im asking I specifically chase's story is going to be explored more

What would they go with for the canon ending though?  ... Well, there are series where all endings are canon but those have some lore reason or other.

I downloaded the latest update, but I already finished the game and had to delete the older version to download the new one

My question is can someone tell me where to find the four new cgs? like at what point in each route, I don't wanna miss them by skipping too much and I don't wanna re-read events that I already know, any help is much appreciated! 



one cg appears in both leo and flynn's route (duke's car wreck)

two in flynn's route (in the broom closet at town hall, and in the smoke room near the end)

and one new one in jenna's route (in heather's house)

Thank you very much! I appreciate the help ✨


I loved the game I played through all the endings but I feel like a lot of them end abruptly and without conclusion it feels like something is missing 


On "Friday" there's an oversight for TJ's route. (Didn't play any other route so I don't know if it happens for the others as well.)

It says "the only the sound" which doesn't make sense but yeah nice game so far. :)



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