Just finished TJs route, man what a roller-coaster. I really love the soundtrack in the the epilogue it just complements the emotions of the scene, it is really amazing great choice devs
That was my first route as well. Just finished it this evening...was not expecting that. Right in the feels so I understand your comments pretty good. Hugs friend lol.
Ok. I'll play the whole game and when i'll get to finish the translation, I'll send it to you someway. You can choose to do whatever u want with it. Tnx for the answer.
I have no words to describe how wonderful and sad this game is. After ending both Leo's rutes i had to just sit and think about my damn life (20 y old btw) and I wont play it for probably next whole week before i will be able to get a grip. What is funny I can assume from comments that others routes are as "good" as my first one :)
I know that those games influence diffrently on on everyone but in my case... there is no word, just clap clap.
Great job guys, marvelous game, characters and storytelling!
Love from Poland
Um so Im interested in playing the VN but before installing it says that if the VN could modify or delete and read the contents in my SD card. I've downloaded other VNs and none of them asked me this. Should I be worried?
Alright, I've been trying for a while now to install the android version. My connection is pretty slow, so I've also tried several times on a faster connection elsewhere, but the result is the same.
"App not installed" whenever I try to install the apk.
I'm on a Samsung J7 Pro. Is the problem on my end?
If you're looking to read, it's fantastic. All of the characters are very well written and the ways they act make sense once you get the bigger picture. Now that I've said this..
This comment section really needs to be cleaned up / turned into a discussion board. I've had a few friends get spoiled on some big plot points now because of all the talk down here.
The split is very clear, right after Flynn yells at everyone early on, make a save right there. You can do them in any order, TJ and Leo's are both good ones to start with. There are not many choices that affect endings, and it's pretty easy to make more saves at those points.
after finishing the Flynn route I kind of want a Sydney route. No, I do not know exactly what I mean except for the fact that I want more of the adult!Sydney character.
Hi! I'm new to this game and I've read that there are multiple routes that are linked to the understanding of the story, but separated as there are totally different endings. I was wandering if there is an actual more suitable sequence of route to take that fits better the approach to the story, hopefully made by the author himself. I'd appreciate a user comment too with his/her suggestions on which route order to follow WITHOUT SPOILERS. I'm ok not knowing why i should do one route before another one.
Unfortunately I started with TJ and then followed the sequence. I guess I robbed myself of the reveal about Sydney's death. I think the author should put a little footnote in the description of the game, about the most optimal way to play.
I think that it’s most important to follow your interests. Each route has a major reveal that makes the routes replayable so that you can see the hints. That being said, I went Carl, Flynn, Tj, Leo, Jenna.
Can someone explain who and/or what is the red monster in this VN!?
Is the monster that hit the car and the one in the mine, the same as the red monster (are they all the same monster or different monsters)?
I've played all routes multiple times and i have some theory's but I'd like some confirmation. Like i think flynn is the red monster because of his ending. And the red monster can bend space-time to some extant.
Its hard to tell. I think the one in the mine is the same, its described differently because when they made that scene, they didn't have artwork for it yet.
There are other monsters in Echo, but the red sockface appears the most. And yes Flynn is the monster.
there is one last question i forgot to put there; Was chase, samuel or the hum (while controlling chase's body) that killed sydney? Like, the time he killed Flynn there was a moment where he wasnt in control anymore. Was that samuel or the hum making him lose it in Tj's route. That conversation in the bathroom is what makes me question it.
thanks for the confirmation btw. This has been in my mind for some time now. I wanted to go into Arches without any doughts, so its nice to get all those questions out of the way. Thanks again
It appeared to me to be a combination of Chase hating Sydney and being influenced by the entity he spoke to in the mirror I believe it influenced him to kill Sydney in the same way it did Flynn
The red monster is Flynn. Specifically Flynn from his route. The idea is that basically at the end of Flynn's route he became one with the Tide, which is basically the pattern in how the hysteria works. Tide rolls in when some kind of murder happens, rolls out when the hysteria is over. Notice how Flynn at the end of his route is showing up at specifically negative moments in character's past. He was in Jennas closet when hiding from her abusive father etc. Basically, the monster shows up when any sort of negative action occurs. Its a problem specific to the town for some presently unexplained reason, but there are theories. The monster isnt bending space time, space time is bending him. Every time the tide rolls out a piece of him is taken, not just mentally. Thats why the monster looks like beef jerky, he's being taken apart peice by peice until he is nothing, one with the tide. The monster in all routes is flynn from his route as the tide covers all routes simultaneously. To summarize, Flynn turns into the monster and then is dragged into other routes throughout different periods of time.
wow thanks, thats a really good explanation but what about the bleeding monster from the road and the heart monster from the mine? Are they pieces of flynn; other people like Flynn; or just monsters?
How many endings are there in all? I’ve played through everyone’s route once and wanna experience everything this vn has to offer, but I’m not sure who’s routes have a second ending and who’s doesn’t, if someone knows I would greatly appreciate it!! <3
Hey so, my problem is the opposite - I can't seem to get her bad ending somehow... Which choices do I need to make to get there? Because honestly I've gone through as many as I can think of and all I've gotten is the good ending.
Is there a canon ending to this story? And will there be a echo 2: electric bugaloo? I know about smoke room, but seeing this VN (that i love and waited for each update like a leo wanting to get in chase's pants) end makes me sad and only hope/wonder if there will be any sequel.
Crazy because I didn't even know until I was skipping through get back where I was in TJs section and accidentally mis clicked the home button. Nice piece of hidden content
Sever times in the story you see chase texting someone and he hold up his phone, if you click on the home button through the diologue box you get access to the dating app he was using.
I still can't believe Echo is done! I haven't been following it that long, I discovered it at the end of 2020.
Anyway after playing all the routes and following the Jenna route updates until the end, I thought it was the best ending. But it still leaves with a lot of questions.
Spoiler questions!
Do they all keep in contact?
Do Leo and Chase stay friends?
Do Leo and Micha become a couple?
Will Jenna be less judgmental of people now?
Can TJ recover or is he traumatized for life?
Also do Carl and Flynn stay together?
I hope at least a couple things are mentioned in Arches.
Just finished Jenna's route, the last route I needed to play through... can't tell if I had the good ending or the bad... but what an experience none the less.... got to say most of the horror in this VN didn't really phase me too badly (still chilling, but manageable.)
but when what I'm dubbing: "Hum-Chase" walked onto the screen, not appearing but actually animated walking with unnatural movement. I genuinely felt disturbed! I shivered, goose bumps on my arms and the hair stood up on my arms and neck... I didn't want to turn around to turn the light on. (thank god for virtual assistants!)
So Jenna was the only one to stay behind, I assume that's the bad ending?
This has been amazing and I can't wait to see more (than what I already have) in Arches!
So I just finished my first route (Leo's), and I was wondering if the other routes are important if I want to play the other games. Of course I'm still gonna get back to the other routes anyways, but I wasn't sure if there's still any crucial information I'll miss if I go on to play TSR (I'm not planning on playing Route 65 until I get to the other routes)
This visual novel was the most powerful, disturbing and depressing art experience I've ever seen. You guys raised the level with such unique story, art and music.
I completed all routes and ended with TJ's... I am still under the shock of what happened. Woke up at night thinking of it, even had tears in my eyes in the morning (which has not happened to me in years).
I still struggle to figure out how you managed to create such a realistic, yet nightmarish world. While I assume there are lynchian references, I would be very curious to know the other potential influences if there are any!
Thank you again for this masterpiece, I rarely saw such intensity in today's shows. I don't consider myself to be a furry but it will haunt me for long and I'm looking forward to see your next projects.
I'll be doing a typo fix update, including an animated Echo Project logo, and overhauling the Jenna Route animation to run more smoothly on older android phones for the next update.
← Return to visual novel
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Just finished TJs route, man what a roller-coaster. I really love the soundtrack in the the epilogue it just complements the emotions of the scene, it is really amazing great choice devs
That was my first route as well. Just finished it this evening...was not expecting that. Right in the feels so I understand your comments pretty good. Hugs friend lol.
Is there a way to help with translation? (For free in my language: italian)
Does anyone know how to contact the owner of the game? I'd really like to translate the game while i play it
You're welcome to do your own translation, though we're currently not supporting any official translation effort.
- McSkinny
Ok. I'll play the whole game and when i'll get to finish the translation, I'll send it to you someway. You can choose to do whatever u want with it. Tnx for the answer.
Is there a route for Leo?
how many endings dose this game have ?
8. Tj and flynn have one, while leo jenna and Carl have two. There's also a few sudden death endings.
ok thanks for the info
just bought the gang stands from pawprint press feeling good
Just finished Leo's route and I think I made the right choice. Still, it hurts like hell. It's so heartbreaking.
Yes, it is a truly well written story!
It got me thinking about a lot of things too!
Leo's route endings and Flynn's route ending really made me sad!
It inspired me to start a massive Echo fanfiction series that I'm still writing.
Um so Im interested in playing the VN but before installing it says that if the VN could modify or delete and read the contents in my SD card. I've downloaded other VNs and none of them asked me this. Should I be worried?
Nope. It's the same Ren'py engine you've probably played on in other VN's before.
- McSkinny
Ugh Flynn deserves so much better I love him ;-;
I love this game so much.
also this song with leo's good ending fits so well it's unreal
Me, foolishly: "well, I like Flynn and this is a visual novel with gay characters, so I'll do his route!"
Me, at end credits: "Wow! I'm gonna throw up!"
Bro, how could they do us like that ;-;
he so did not deserve that, poor guy :'(
Alright, I've been trying for a while now to install the android version. My connection is pretty slow, so I've also tried several times on a faster connection elsewhere, but the result is the same.
"App not installed" whenever I try to install the apk.
I'm on a Samsung J7 Pro. Is the problem on my end?
Try installing app in download folder, not by tapping install after it finished downloading.
Nope, still doesn't work.
Maybe you don't have enough space
okay so
im kind haveing a problem to where i cant even start it i extracted it and everything also i have renpy
I started with TJ route 😑. But, I guess I'm fine with that (a little bit sad).
If you're looking to read, it's fantastic. All of the characters are very well written and the ways they act make sense once you get the bigger picture. Now that I've said this..
This comment section really needs to be cleaned up / turned into a discussion board. I've had a few friends get spoiled on some big plot points now because of all the talk down here.
Does anyone have a walkthrough cuz I want to try all the endings but it will take so much time :((
The split is very clear, right after Flynn yells at everyone early on, make a save right there. You can do them in any order, TJ and Leo's are both good ones to start with. There are not many choices that affect endings, and it's pretty easy to make more saves at those points.
Is there any good ending in this vn?
Jenna's good ending is the best one, but the other endings all have interesting things, even if there sad or traumatic
after finishing the Flynn route I kind of want a Sydney route. No, I do not know exactly what I mean except for the fact that I want more of the adult!Sydney character.
Hi! I'm new to this game and I've read that there are multiple routes that are linked to the understanding of the story, but separated as there are totally different endings. I was wandering if there is an actual more suitable sequence of route to take that fits better the approach to the story, hopefully made by the author himself. I'd appreciate a user comment too with his/her suggestions on which route order to follow WITHOUT SPOILERS. I'm ok not knowing why i should do one route before another one.
Carl -> Leo -> Jenna -> TJ -> Flynn was the order that McSkinny (writer) agreed with
I thought TJ was the very last and Flynn just before his?
Thanks a lot for the answer! I hope this game is as good as Adastra (maybe even better since there are lots of routes)
Unfortunately I started with TJ and then followed the sequence. I guess I robbed myself of the reveal about Sydney's death. I think the author should put a little footnote in the description of the game, about the most optimal way to play.
I think that it’s most important to follow your interests. Each route has a major reveal that makes the routes replayable so that you can see the hints. That being said, I went Carl, Flynn, Tj, Leo, Jenna.
I was reading that Brazilian otters can be 50% bigger than a normal otter!
Can someone explain who and/or what is the red monster in this VN!?
Is the monster that hit the car and the one in the mine, the same as the red monster (are they all the same monster or different monsters)?
I've played all routes multiple times and i have some theory's but I'd like some confirmation. Like i think flynn is the red monster because of his ending. And the red monster can bend space-time to some extant.
Its hard to tell. I think the one in the mine is the same, its described differently because when they made that scene, they didn't have artwork for it yet.
There are other monsters in Echo, but the red sockface appears the most. And yes Flynn is the monster.
there is one last question i forgot to put there; Was chase, samuel or the hum (while controlling chase's body) that killed sydney? Like, the time he killed Flynn there was a moment where he wasnt in control anymore. Was that samuel or the hum making him lose it in Tj's route. That conversation in the bathroom is what makes me question it.
thanks for the confirmation btw. This has been in my mind for some time now. I wanted to go into Arches without any doughts, so its nice to get all those questions out of the way. Thanks again
It appeared to me to be a combination of Chase hating Sydney and being influenced by the entity he spoke to in the mirror
I believe it influenced him to kill Sydney in the same way it did Flynn
The red monster is Flynn. Specifically Flynn from his route. The idea is that basically at the end of Flynn's route he became one with the Tide, which is basically the pattern in how the hysteria works. Tide rolls in when some kind of murder happens, rolls out when the hysteria is over. Notice how Flynn at the end of his route is showing up at specifically negative moments in character's past. He was in Jennas closet when hiding from her abusive father etc. Basically, the monster shows up when any sort of negative action occurs. Its a problem specific to the town for some presently unexplained reason, but there are theories. The monster isnt bending space time, space time is bending him. Every time the tide rolls out a piece of him is taken, not just mentally. Thats why the monster looks like beef jerky, he's being taken apart peice by peice until he is nothing, one with the tide. The monster in all routes is flynn from his route as the tide covers all routes simultaneously. To summarize, Flynn turns into the monster and then is dragged into other routes throughout different periods of time.
wow thanks, thats a really good explanation but what about the bleeding monster from the road and the heart monster from the mine? Are they pieces of flynn; other people like Flynn; or just monsters?
Are there any NSFW scenes in the game?
Hornyyyyyyy lol. But no there aren't, there are some very explicit scenes but no NSFW illustrations sorry.
If you download previous builds there are NSFW sprites.
Do you know how one can download the previous builds? For research purposes?
Described ones? Yes, like three or four. But nothing in the way of CGs. You play for the plot, and not the ass kind.
Finally! now every route is finished
PS. the NSFW sprites in images are gone TwT
Yeah, kinda sad. I guess since they never used them in the story they just got rid of them.
Aw man
How many endings are there in all? I’ve played through everyone’s route once and wanna experience everything this vn has to offer, but I’m not sure who’s routes have a second ending and who’s doesn’t, if someone knows I would greatly appreciate it!! <3
Flynn and TJ both have one ending, Leo has two bad endings, and Jenna & Carl have one good and one bad ending.
Two bad ending for Leo? I considered it one bad ending and one neutral ending, or do you mean the killed in Dukes house ending?
Yeah, I meant that. I guess calling it neutral makes sense.
I consider the neutral Leo ending to be kinda depressing.
Leo has 3 endings, there's a good ending.
I consider the good ending a neutral ending
Chase gets to be with Kudzu in the good ending, but Leo is left with incredible depression!
it's still the 'good' ending because the protagonist is in a healthier relationship and away from echo i guess lol
How do I get jennas good ending. I only got the flood ending (which I assume is the bad).
When you're walking with her on Thursday, disagree with her opinion on Leo and then choose "we kept each other sane."
Hey so, my problem is the opposite - I can't seem to get her bad ending somehow... Which choices do I need to make to get there? Because honestly I've gone through as many as I can think of and all I've gotten is the good ending.
Try disagreeing with her and choosing "This town breaks people". That's what I did.
is the ending where you go back to college with Carl the good ending for his route?
Is there a canon ending to this story? And will there be a echo 2: electric bugaloo? I know about smoke room, but seeing this VN (that i love and waited for each update like a leo wanting to get in chase's pants) end makes me sad and only hope/wonder if there will be any sequel.
All the routes and endings are canon and none of them at the same time!
There is a sequel called Arches being made, but it doesn't fallow any of the routes and is completely new characters.
Does Flynn's route have two endings? If it does how can i get each one?
Nope, Flynn's fate is locked into that one ending.
So sad, he's actually my favorite
Haven't seen anyone mention but you can actually gain small access to chases phone and look through a dating app called predator. Nice small detail
Oh yeah, thats right!
I would never have found it if I hadn't seen it talked about on the discord chat.
Crazy because I didn't even know until I was skipping through get back where I was in TJs section and accidentally mis clicked the home button. Nice piece of hidden content
Oh, wow. It is pretty neat though.
Too bad Chase doesn't get any responses.
Sorry, but could you tell exacly, where is this phone? I can't find it enywhere....
Sever times in the story you see chase texting someone and he hold up his phone, if you click on the home button through the diologue box you get access to the dating app he was using.
I can't download the Linux version via Itch.
Says hosted on incompatible website.
That's because it's not hosted on Itch, it's hosted on MediaFire.
- McSkinny
Ahh. I used to update via Itch. Thanks.
I still can't believe Echo is done! I haven't been following it that long, I discovered it at the end of 2020.
Anyway after playing all the routes and following the Jenna route updates until the end, I thought it was the best ending. But it still leaves with a lot of questions.
Spoiler questions!
Do they all keep in contact?
Do Leo and Chase stay friends?
Do Leo and Micha become a couple?
Will Jenna be less judgmental of people now?
Can TJ recover or is he traumatized for life?
Also do Carl and Flynn stay together?
I hope at least a couple things are mentioned in Arches.
- I hope so. Leo said they can talk over the internet and Jenna says her inbox is always open
- Most likely. There seem to be no hard feelings.
- Who knows
- That's the idea
- Probably going to recover, thugh probably without the character development he had in his route.
- Probably recover. He seems to be doing alright
- That's the idea
I see, I see thanks. I guess I got kinda attached to these characters, and wish they have have decant lives after Echo.
So does Jenna's path have two endings or just one? And if It have two, what should I do to get both?
yes, to get it you need to agree with her opinion on Leo, and then choose "this town breaks people".
(thats the bad ending )
will you please make an epilogue for the good endings? Especially jennas! I’d love to see them! It’s a cute couple!
Just finished Jenna's route, the last route I needed to play through... can't tell if I had the good ending or the bad... but what an experience none the less.... got to say most of the horror in this VN didn't really phase me too badly (still chilling, but manageable.)
but when what I'm dubbing: "Hum-Chase" walked onto the screen, not appearing but actually animated walking with unnatural movement. I genuinely felt disturbed! I shivered, goose bumps on my arms and the hair stood up on my arms and neck... I didn't want to turn around to turn the light on.
(thank god for virtual assistants!)Anyways:
So Jenna was the only one to stay behind, I assume that's the bad ending?
This has been amazing and I can't wait to see more (than what I already have) in Arches!
So I just finished my first route (Leo's), and I was wondering if the other routes are important if I want to play the other games. Of course I'm still gonna get back to the other routes anyways, but I wasn't sure if there's still any crucial information I'll miss if I go on to play TSR (I'm not planning on playing Route 65 until I get to the other routes)
route 65 gives some important context to jenna's route, but otherwise nah, the smoke room works as a standalone story
This visual novel was the most powerful, disturbing and depressing art experience I've ever seen. You guys raised the level with such unique story, art and music.
I completed all routes and ended with TJ's... I am still under the shock of what happened. Woke up at night thinking of it, even had tears in my eyes in the morning (which has not happened to me in years).
I still struggle to figure out how you managed to create such a realistic, yet nightmarish world. While I assume there are lynchian references, I would be very curious to know the other potential influences if there are any!
Thank you again for this masterpiece, I rarely saw such intensity in today's shows. I don't consider myself to be a furry but it will haunt me for long and I'm looking forward to see your next projects.
All the best!
Since Jenna route has animation will there be changes and animations to the other routes I should replay for?
I'll be doing a typo fix update, including an animated Echo Project logo, and overhauling the Jenna Route animation to run more smoothly on older android phones for the next update.
- McSkinny
Oh nice
Loved Jenna's route! Is McSkinny going to continue writing for EchoProject?
- McSkinny
Super weird that Jenna is the final/true route. Dang, what a ride! See y'all next time <3
Jenna is not the true rout, all routs are canon due to multiple universes existing.
It's the least shit route, though. Arches should hopefully take place in this timeline.
True, the 2nd best I think would be leo route with certain choices
I would've thought Arches would follow Flynn's or TJ's routes, since the main arches characters appear in the endings for those two
The town goes to shit on all endings, so the 2 new main characters exist and visit Echo on all timelines.