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Why can't I find this when i search for it on

Good question. Back then I found it trough twitter or google.

Had to check a box in my settings. All is well now.

(1 edit)

Me too, i dont know why, i cannot find any 18+ vn even if i made an account, maybe you have to take a look in the settings or people just have to fix their site 

Edit: oh nevermind, i just saw you changed something in the settings

And also, the mobile version of the site (mine at least) doesnt have a search bar, so i have to switch to the desktop version

It does, but it's hard to find

(3 edits) (+5)

Going to be honest, downloaded it for wank material, didn't find much, but OMG, I was enthralled by the story. For a story to make you feel such attachment to the characters makes this absolutely beautiful. 10/10 Great story, fuck Cato


I loved and LIVED for the game, it made me cry, it made me laught and it make me feel love for every character. I would love  to become a patron but im not working at the moment. As soon as I get money ill try to support this piece of ART!!!! (P.s cant wait for the sequel!!)❤❤

Totally agree with everything you just said

God(Parents) I hope there is more! I loved it and hated that it ends without the happy ending....assuming its really the end.

It was the end for Adastra. The sequel Khemia started last month for Patreons first.

(1 edit) (+3)

To everyone that finished Adastra, the sequel "Khemia" is available trough early access patreon (3$). Public releases are usually published to itch 2 weeks later. More info here: 

Can highly recommend it! <3 

I am definitely looking forward to it.

Hey, do you know if sometime they will release it free?

September 7ish, according to the tweet from the twitter link I posted above <3 

Deleted 4 years ago

Why would you post this? Do you think the creators of something this great don't deserve the 3$ if you want to see it 2 weeks ahead? They even release it for free after said time. People like you are the reason creators get frustrated. 

Report the comment if it's something bad

I did. But itch mods are slow. 

woah, calm down, i just wanted to let everyone knows that there is a second part of this game, because there is some people that doesn't knows about this

See my above comment. This is how your post could have looked like. As you still didn't edit your original post, you are probably well aware that your link leads to an unofficial mirror or something that shouldn't be public yet. Thus pirated. 

So you want me to delete my comment? Because i though it was going to be cool if i let the others about this

(1 edit)

Yes, the link you provided leads to pirated material. This is disrespect to the creators of this wonderful VN. They put their heart and soul into it. Posting the link you posted is just a big f*ck you to the creators. 


Yes, do not post links to pirated content on our site or you will get banned. Thanks for understanding

Sequel Here I Come!

Sequel : Khemian (on going/not finish)

Wait wut? There is a sequel ?? 

yes, and its fantastic! I think it's only for patrons so far. Public releases are 2 weeks or a month late.


Well that settles it. Im becoming a patreon 

I think that's 3$ well spent to support something this good <3 

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I finally got the good ending. Im absolutley heartbroken that they wont see each other for so long. I just want my amicus. But iam curious. Will it be update soon? 

No, the story ends here. Fortunately, the sequel is out now at least for Patreons.

I think they Will tie it togheter nicely. Hopefully it enda well with them being back togheter 

(1 edit)

I guess I got the good ending straight off the bat. I don't want to see a bad ending, it hurts me that there is a bad ending.



i would 1000000000000% recommend 

made me cry 17 times (even when i finish it) just by thinking about it made me cry.

the studio did an amazing job and im proud of yall



Absolutely agree


Stockholm Syndrome: The Game

Mmm not really, it doesnt fit all the criteria, you can look it up. And many people believe its not even real. 

Amicus POV: Lima Syndrome


Just have to comment and say this has taken over my life. I absolutely adored this VN and I'm so happy that it exists. It was a roller-coaster of emotions, and I'm forever grateful for having experienced it. 

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ugh i love my wolf himbo

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I know all stories have an ending but I wasn't ready for it to end 😫

(3 edits) (+3)

I hope that they will make a second game of Adastra. The story of the game made me cry. It's a beatiuful story and heart breaking. Everytime if i look at the pic of Amicus sitting on his throne, I start crying. 😭

 I just hope that they will make a second game of Adastra. 

They do.

Khemia is the sequel of Adastra and is already available on their patreon.

found out theres a bad ending via some less than ethical experimentation, as in, being a dick with every possilble choice, though i dont know which exact one causes it

Yeah, I don't have the heart to do ending B so I just watched someone on yt do it and I felt extremely uncomfortable throughout the whole thing.

i got Ending B on the first try, i don't think the answers make him act like a dick though. you just need to answer negatively for two answers i believe I didn't trust the parents but the characters actions mostly remain the same 

(1 edit) (+4)

This novel did some things to me. I cried, I was outraged, I was joyous, and I was occasionally downright paranoid. (For good reason!) All the emotion that this masterpiece made  me feel cannot be put into just one comment. But, I also must point out that all these spectacular emotions that made this story so grand, are also my biggest problem. Because of this story I find that I am now unable to sleep, eat, drink, or do much of anything. I find that in their stead, all I can do is think about the many thoughts that this incredible story has provoked. Thoughts such as whether I will ever find a partnership, relationship, whatever the title may be, as pure and sweet and perfect as the one MC and Amicus share, and will enjoy when their missions are finished. Another thought is what lies in store for me at the end. If I do find someone, I know I wont be able to spend over 300 years with them, but after we depart this world, would it be possible for us to drift peacefully together, reliving the best moments of our life together? Is there anything waiting after the end at all? What about the possibility of life beyond our world? It is close minded of us to believe that we are the only living beings in the cosmos. What are the odds of the other life forms out being similar to those depicted in this novel? Slim, I'm sure, but never EVER zero. In all honesty, I feel that I could fill a book with just the ponderings that this experience has left me with. Last thing, and the most minute of all. This may sound dumb, but if MC and Amicus get to meet in the new game (Khemia, I believe it is called), I hope MC can use the name I gave him. I know that MC is not my character, and I am just sort of spectating on the author and MC's story, but in my eyes, Amicus did not fall in love with "Marco", he fell in love with the character whose name directly ties to the emotion of the story for me. I don't know if this will reach anyone of import as far as this story goes, but if it does, I would like to let them know how incredible this world they've created is. Thank you for this experience, and thank you for reading my whole rant if you did.


Hey man, this is exactly how I felt, the scene where we see the future absolutely broke me. Seeing a story like that makes real life seem hopeless by comparison, I'm so sad that I will never get to experience anything like that. I don't know if replying to comments sends a notification or anything but I'd love to talk about it more, I'll try to find you.

Hi! I was kind of worried that no one really got it... I'd love to carry on this conversation! Any preferences on how? Sadly there isn't a direct message feature in here I don't think.

Deleted 4 years ago

Hey, I managed to add some contact info to my user page, feel free to do the same if you want me to contact you. Fortunately the feelings the game left me feel less raw now but I'm still interested in talking about it with someone.

what appears to have been supposed to be suspicous is written suspicions left to reflect in the garden after alex leaves with cato, it obviously isnt an issue but i just want it to be known in case changes want to be made ^_^ 

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There is a sequel? Where can I find it?

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This Novel is really bittersweet and it got more hooked than anything else I've read, It's a big & interesting adventure and i'm so happy i stumbled across it.

I started tearing up at the end but I know it was for the best, i'm really satisfied with the whole thing. thanks!  

have u tried the second season of this game? : 3

Not yet, but i'm def gonna give it a try soon


What does the last update do? Update 17 I mean, I got to the end and saw nothing new...

Any clue about Khemia being released?  I loved Adastra, and wonder when the sequel will be released.


Khemia is already out for Patreons only. It's a special release who will not be public according to them. Public will have a regular version released in september.

Any specific date in september?

No but I guess it will be on the first days.



this game is really good!! and its really heart breaking too btw TwT


Realy love this such a good awesome and cute and scary novel but tge ending got me like after years of not being able to cry even for my grandfathers grave this games ending made me cry like seriously how but love it so so much great game😆😉😊😅😭

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I just completed Adastra. One of the best games I ever played, honestly. I can't believe how this game with a simple premise (alien kiddnaps you onto his planet) turned out to be amazingly deep and complex story about love, politics, destiny, free-will and others. Every event that happens, is perfectly planned out and executed to add up to the story, literally every line of text is in perfect place, quantity and meaning, this game never felt like a visual novel, it felt like a miracle unfolding itself. I will for sure go in depth into script and decrypt what made this piece of text so whimsical. Art and music is perfect addition to the story, as I said with storytelling, audio-visuals are perfect in placement, it's content and of course art style and attention to detail. If I were not poor at this moment of my life, I would absolutely support Echo Project with money, but (for now at least ;) ) I can only offer my love and devotion to this masterpiece. Howly, you're a genius writer, kudos to you for making my life a whimsical story with everything I would want from my actual life, at least for few days I spend playing it.

man i really cried when they were going to separate TwT because of what the PARENT said to *AKA the main character* to be on earth for 8 years

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so tru ;-;

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Who is Marco?

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the main character

I want to discuss making stuffed animals for amacuis 

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(1 edit)

on android is problem  for "enter name" because cannot or where "OK" 

Just press the enter key on the keyboard

on the Phone


(1 edit)

On phone has no keyboard because cannot enter or "OK" so they can't

If using Samsung Galaxy S8

is there going to be a adastra2

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(1 edit)

there will be...but not adastra season 2, but instead it will be called.....wait..what was it called again? TwT

oh now i remember..its called....ah! its khemia

Well Khemia is the hoped Adastra 2. Maybe there'll be an Adastra 3 ?

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I hope there is an adastra 3😭

(2 edits)

A masterpiece! Thank Echo Project for this gem.

Spoiler Warning -

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It's scheduled that way according to their Patreon, yea.

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Scipio is the main character yea. Virginia will stay on Adastra as the active emperess while Amicus will be on Khemia. Don't want to spoil about Marco but things aren't going too well for him...

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I hate this game.. it's taken over my life. Every time I hear the music or see Amicus' face, I cry.

My heart is filled with sadness that this wonderful, emotional and breathtaking experience is over.. I've been grieving for 3 days now.. I'm just so shattered that I cannot play more of this game.

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The sequel is almost out but its already out on their patreon. U gotta pay for the patreon or u can just wait for the full release. It might take a month or more and it feels like a lot but it's probably worth the wait.


Good story. Although, I kind of checked out when (SPOILERS) I found Amicus cheating with Neferu. Not because I was angry about it, but you must also build trust after forgiving. To me, Amicus was never up to the task and it felt like there was never enough dialogue between him and MC to justify their relationship being so close. In summation, my complaint is a "What do you even see in that guy?". His good qualities do not redeem his bad ones, maybe it's just a personal thing that I don't enjoy people who make rash decisions :/ . Overall, it reminded me of the old days of fanfiction that can be super dark and edgy, except with good writing. Also, Amicus never fucks MC as passionately as he does with Neferu, let's be honest here. 

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They did it because if Amicus lost emperorship, the MC would be taken away to somewhere safe. Also he was much rougher because he didn't care much about Neferu's feelings so it doesn't matter how Neferu feels. He cares alot for the MC so he wouldn't want to hurt him.

I completely understand why Amicus did it. I'm not upset, but you can't force a flame to be lit once it's been extinguished.

The reason why you like Amicus in the beginning is because you felt special and appreciated. This is more of a personal thing, but I see sex as extremely emotional. Meanwhile, it seems to be a common theme that the wolves see sex as purely instinctual. When you see Amicus with Neferu, if you were like me, yeah, you can forgive him (which I do) but I can't convince myself that it wasn't emotional because that would be going against my personal meaning of sex. It is clear that that's not Amicus's priority especially when he's trying to get a handy from you in the bedroom or a blow in the prison.

(1 edit)

And honestly, being rough to me is a lot more passionate. If you're being rough with someone in bed I'd assume there would be a lot of trust, and the other person would probably turned on by the idea of you wanting them real bad. Although, I can completely understand if you see it in a different light :)

(1 edit) (+1)

yeah, although it's hard to accept. but it's part of their "culture" and he's got good reason for it. although again it's hard to accept, i know :). *and that is why he is  gud dummy canine for a reason* ;p


Well, at that time Amicus and Marco weren't into any kind of relationship so it's not cheating. Even if I felt that way too...


It's not cheating, but it's definitely morally questionable. I have my fair share of being led on and I'm not here for it :PP

I couldn't relate to the MC.  Why did he even get upset at all?  They definitely weren't exclusive at that point.

Also, @Wolfman58, who is Marco??

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Marco is your character's name if you don't enter any.

No, they weren't officially exclusive, but if memory serves me right, Amicus did confess his love to Macro right before that happened....

Deleted 1 year ago

Just press the "Enter" button that normally makes you skip a line

Deleted 1 year ago

A true masterpiece. So many emotions and many great characters. Some you'll love or hate. But a wonderful, tear-jerking VN with a wonderful and loving wolf.

Grammatical Error 6 hours into the game. Just wanted to point it out. First sentence, SPOILER WARNING!!!!

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