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I love this!! this was amazing

(1 edit) (+4)

Tried to download the apk file, but it doesnt work on newer phones or something because it isnt compatible with my phone version or something. Is this something anyone else experiences, and does Echo Project plan on making a fix or something?


Same, can't seem to download it

I was able to download the APK, but for some reason I can't install it on my Pixel 7 D:

would love a web version of this! 

(1 edit) (+7)(-1)

There is 1% chance Echo Project will reply to this, but oh well:
Hi there! I love the Adastra franchise for more than two years now and I'm planning on make a game of my AU. Could I have the permission? I can draw sprites of my own if you don't want me to use the already existing assets, as well as the backgrounds. If you don't want to, I will understand either way. Thank you for reading, if you did! I will absolutely give you credit, by the way, if I end up having permission!

you could always send them a message on Twitter - theyre way more active there

I don't have a twitter, but if they're way more active there, I'll give it a try! Thanks for the tip !


Doesn't work on my newer phone, but I was able to get it to launch on my quest 2, BUT I can't get past the entering my name part 🙃 would have been nice to see the boys on the big screen


Is this game any good? I've been following it literally since its conception but I'm physically unable to get past the first 20 minutes without dozing off. I want to give it a try since I've heard it's one of the better furry VNs, but I want to know what I'm getting myself into so I don't feel massively disappointed if it doesn't meet my expectations.


This was the first visual novel I played, and is utterly fantastic. I would highly recommend.


yeah it got some good romance and world-building. i also definitely did not cry a lot across during multiple scenes.

(4 edits) (+1)

Can someone explain to me how can I play this game on PC or Android? I downloaded it, but it is only files and codes. Is there an app or program I need to use to play the game? (Sorry, I am bad with computers)


Hello, once you downloaded the game on pc, you have to follow these steps:

1. go to file explorer

2. go to the downloads section under ''this pc''

3. there you will see the file adastra, but first you have to right click, 

4. then you will see a popup section and click on ''extract all''

5. the computer will extract the folder and after the extraction is complete it will popup a new file named ''adastra'' but without the zipper

6. double left click on the file without the zipper

7. you will see a exe.file named adastra.exe 

8. double click on that and you can play the game.

(1 edit) (+8)

So... I've been reading this visual novel and It's much better than expected. I've seen lots of videos on tiktok about adastra but never was really interested in it...

Until one day I decided to just download the game to see if I like it and DAMN this vn is the best i've ever read. The story is pretty good imo and there is much less 'explicit' stuff. The game is more focused on romance instead of just porn. 

The characters are also developed really well. The protagonist (Marco) is a bit meh but ever seen a horror movie where the protagonists are smart?


its funny that the personalities between Amicus, Cassius and Virginia are really different. The antagonist Cato is very ambitious in reaching his goals... The foil Alexios/Alex was a real shock for me when I came to the part where Alexios was only here to cause 'chaos'. Neferu the Jackal is someone I also really like because of his flirtatious manner.
The death of the MC is very moving in my opinion I actually felt a sting inside my chest when I read Amicus's words.


The game has different types of endings just like most fvn's where the choices you make can affect the ending. 

If your reading this and you are into:
- Romance
- Homosexuality
- HumansXfurries
- Science Fiction
- Space
- Fantasy
I advise you to download Adastra as soon as possible and have a great time reading it! 


English is not my main language so I'm sorry if there may be mistakes in my vocabulary.


I will download Adastra later ok?


I never hear Adastra


Ok so, i had a mental breakdown playing this VN (Spoilers) 

Look, to be honest, i really liked all of the things on it. The write thing and others, except for one thing, the only thing that makes this VN the worst for my brain: Marcos/Marcus idgaf of what it is his name, he is boring, dumb and stupid. One of the scenes that makes me scream of anger because when Amicus said "I will go to the meditation room" this stupid human said basically "ok
BUT SUDDENLY HE FORGOTS ABOUT THAT AFTER THAT STINKY (with a bad taste in partner) WHITE WOLF APPEARED(even tho what he was searchin on amicus room by the way?)
And when amicus runs to his room and see the dumb stupid human there, he was worried of his human and what this STUPID being say???????? "Where were you?"

HE THINKS HE HAVE ALZHEIMER I was so out of myself that i just saved the game and i shouted on my pillow. Probably if i met this stupid human i could punch his face until his eye pull out from it😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

And when he said "where were you?"... Oh god, thats reminds me when Winx 5 It was written on italy and the USA (ig) and they just mixed the script and made the whole season a mess with a lot of Plot Holes and sometimes dont make sense (OOP ADASTRA REFERENCE?).

All the characters are simple, but especially, they have their own personality (more than marcus/marcos). My favorite one is clearly neferu and Virginia, more virginia bcs he made Marcus shut up his mouth.
She was so confident and idk why but, for me, she's looks like a real person. And I know the MC dont even know her like he knows Amicus and others (and yes, i said MC bcs his name its soo forgetable) but THIS ONLY THING makes her better than the others.
We already know everyone, but her... She's like batman, all mysterious and others thing. I really love her
Neferu is the best f#cking male character on this whole VN. Jesus, he is literally a representative of my friend mixed of Bayonetta behavior if they was a furry. He's like more himbo than my friend, and little bit more confident than bayonetta but Brooo he's awesome. If amicus it was more like this (Istg ik the y he isnt) all the things that he did for a disgusting piece of sh1t called MC its so... Amazing. 
Amicus is amicus, hot, stupid (not more than MC), strong and i could give him a big hug on him. But that's all.
Ans yes, i wont talk abt the dead one and that flop called "Cassius"
Alexious... What can i say abt him? This game just proof one thing: "cats arent trustworthy than dogs" what, for me, its kinda stupid.
Ik that he had his own reasons, but yeah continuous being stupid. And wtf why Cassius would like him? 

everything could be better if the MC acted like a normal human, cassius had brain and the god stuff, whatever.


I came into the game with the expectation of mostly furry porn, but probably some good story to it. And oh my god I was so wrong, this game had a twist every single second, and all the characters were so loveable, even if they were assholes. Halfway through the game I felt a bit confused, I thought everyone was speaking of the game to highly, and it wasn't as good as people had said it was, but as I progressed further into the story, I was proven wrong! It was really good, i recommend it to everyone whose considering. I don't really write reviews of games either, this game is just one to write home about though. 


This is the BEST VN I've read!! The other vns were still unfinished so it's kinda hard to really get deep into the story. Since I love sci-fi(and wolves), this vn really just hits so different than others. Now, every time I stargaze, I'm reminded of this story and often find myself imagining some situations involving the characters. I am genuinely in love with this vn and I can't wait(although willing) for the second part of the story. I'm deeply grateful for the people who made this possible. Thank you! :)


Please, developers, I know that these types of games can take a LONG time, but even if it will take 5 years, just please tell me if I can expect some type of add-on or even an ending for the game. I have cried over Amicus, cried over this game, and cried over the cliff-hangers. I love Adastra, I love Interea, and I love Khemia with all my heart, and I am completely devastated over the empty promise of continued plans for this game. Even if you have decided to give up on the game, just at least tell me that. <3

(1 edit) (+4)

So idk if you have heard but in there patreon they said that they are going to work more on the other 2 games so, dont worrie about alot they are working on them, so but there are going to be updates in the future :3


I can put you at ease with a single sentence...

The soundtrack is already released on Spotify!

Khemia by Anthemics


i love the game


i have to say that this is the best VN ive ever read:')))

however, i really need to see the later scence after 8 years:')))))


Lemme start this by saying I don't normally play visual novels, and not because I don't like them. But because this was the most genuine, gut wrenching, and realistic feeling of forbidden romance that I have ever felt. I don't normally feel much emotion towards anything but when I tell you that it managed to get even ME to cry by the end of it you best believe it was something of an experience. The bait is there from the start, you can tell who the target audience is and yet it manages to make all of that completely irrelevant by the end of it all and create a story and a universe in depth enough to be worthy of its own awards. Maybe I'm playing it up a bit much but by god did they make a character that for a couple years now I didn't think I would find very appealing to a genuinely believable, kind, and caring person through just words and a couple character assets alone. I really don't know how else I could put it; this reignited my love for story-telling and visual novels all together, and yet it leaves you with a feeling that it should be your last. That if you moved on to another it would spoil the experience. I am afraid to play another one, worried that I could somehow betray the very story I was provided with such grace. I would 100% recommend this game to anyone 18+. It is both a beautiful and well put together experience I can't imagine a lot of people would forget.


hey, with some phones dropping support for 32-bit apps (like mine 😅), would it be simple to adjust the release so that it supports 64-bit, or would it be a big hassle? 

(2 edits) (+5)

I've gotta say, this was my first real vn, previous ones weren't really a full romance vn, but used the style to explain the plot (Persona 3 for example), so I was unsure of what to expect, kinda thought it would boring, that I would just bust a nut and leave, but damn I was wrong.

I was day and night reading since I'm a slow reader, have difficult concentrating, and english is not my first language, thou, every hour I spent on this game happened to be faster, and faster, till I get used to read in a good pace. Amicus really made me engaged fast, I kinda hated him at first, wishing for an option where I could kick his balls again, but the time just made him seem like a good guy. By the time I came to the palace, the fight over the throne made me get staring at the screen, the plot seemed really interesting, and so the characters.

After hour and hour everything hit me so hard as rock, the misogyny, homophobia, religion, conquer, existensialism, appeared out of nowhere, and even thou managed to make it seem like it was obvious this things would be questioned.

At the end of the game I coulnd't drop a single tear, kinda spoiled me the final (not everthing, but the last image) plus, I believe this game is more enjoyable if Marco (mc) wasn't really a nameable character (don't know if that word exist), Marco is his own thing, has his own development and makes his own decissions alongside his unique personality, so yeah, named him after my nickname was a bad idea, sometimes I would get angry about marco's actions not representing what I wanted, It was a matter of time to understand that this history was about Marco and Amicus, and not you x Amicus.

Even thou I didn't cry, it made me kinda sad. 10/10 my new monthly obsession.


Bro thank you for putting it to words, I would get so frustrated with Marco because he was so opinionated, which isn't really a good thing for a self-insert MC. I too had to realize later in the game that Marco is his own person, not someone for me to experience the game through. 


One of the few VNs I actually gave a chance to. Most of them were just quick "pick your date" types, but I always wanted more. Discovered this group and their projects, and gave this one a try.

Surprise, another one that I liked a lot. I think the single "route" focus is actually a good thing. It helps focus the plot instead of scattering it through many other plots, leaving you with more room to think about it and well, more time to enjoy a big wolf who's trying to change for the better for you to like him. I think that's sweet, and it works. It doesn't have to be mind bending or something provocative, and it doesn't try to be. That's what ultimately makes Adastra, well, in a word, nice. The music is also well done, gotta say.

I'll be looking forward to more projects relating to it. I wish everyone involved all the best!

Deleted post

wow this is an easy 10/10, what an amazing story... ive never felt like this before in my experience playing a visual novel game, its crazy immersive...this vn really touched me, right here in my meow meow

I just finished it I see some people talk about it and I gave it a shot even if I don't really like visual novels and this is nice it's good story wise not the best thing I've read but it's not even close to be worse (especially some like me who literally able to consume every content when bored I have seen much much worse) I didn't able to cry even tho that was the actual reason I started I haven't able to cry properly in months and maybe over a year but I can see people crying non stop only negative actually non negative thing I wanted to see our return and amicus look etc I wanted lil bit more 


Said this already in a review for the devs, but let the world see.

It takes a hell of a movie to move me to tears. I've never cried for a book before. I cried for Adastra. What a wild ride of emotions.

I'd seen Adastra recommended in a few different places, but I was skeptical about a human-furry romance, which isn't usually my kind of thing. Now I'm more than convinced.

My only complaint is that the script could have used another pass or two from a copy editor to fix typos and the like. But it's hard to complain about the writing when it's one of the most riveting things I've ever read. I came away from the experience feeling, appropriately, like I'd just lived an entire other life. I only knew these characters for a short while, but I feel like it will be many years before the hole they've left behind can be filled.

Reader of this comment, if you are even remotely considering downloading Adastra, do it. It's worth it.


ABS dont exist,  ABS dont exist, there is only Amicus belly


I mean nefuru has abs and we see him in action too

Well, yeah, but its dont save situation


i religiously replay this vn every december 1st and it's almost time!!!


This visual novel makes me want more 😭😭😭😭😭


why the end touched me so bad? when i think about it im almost cry all the timeeee.


My whole entire fucking HEART!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭

I cried so hard from this, it was absolutely breathtakingly stunning the whole way through. The plot twists, the romance, the drama, EVERYTHING!!! I literally cannot cope with this being the end of this story. Excuse me while I go continue crying. 😭😭😭😭😭


I gave in my review many praises to this VN and if you who is reading this feel any doubts i plead you to cast them aside and not miss one of the best works of arts, you are missing out on good quality work here.


I've never been a fan of visual novels but I have to say this one has won me over. There's not much player choice but that's fine; a well-crafted guided narrative is easily worth the tradeoff of having dozens of meaningless choice prompts. 

I do wish the main character was a little less of a cipher; you don't get to be a very active participant in the relationship with Amicus, so a few scenes of preparing some romantic gestures for Amicus instead of solely being on the receiving end of them (which, to be fair, is still nice) would flesh it out nicely. 

The writing is a little inconsistent chapter to chapter; some chapters are very well written and proofread while others are scattered with typos and clumsy granmar; a symptom of the episodic release structure, I suppose. 

All in all, I highly recommend it as a story that incites such a wide range of emotion with some excellent art and characters. 


im in love with this story, the writing is amazing and all the characters are complex and really interesting. great world building, art, and music. im looking forward to reading future installments!!

Acho que você vai adorar este vídeo!

(3 edits) (+2)(-10)

Damn. Came here with plenty of experience. Echo is among many (which I looooove so fricking much) , but damn. I really didn't like this one for sure. Player is unable to act almost at all due to the lack of choice moments and the way he acts on his own is like an amoeba. You are designed to fell for the wolf but what if I don't? The fact that I can't act and just blindly suck for him is annoying 😁. Feels like Life is Strange 1 where people expect you to love Chloe but she is just unlikable character. At least there you have a choice. Yeah. Sorry for my rumbling but I guess this is what comment section is for. Hopefully no one is offended. Again. Echo was a blast, that made me feel whole spectrum of emotion at their peak. I should also mentioned that I haven't finished Adastra yet, but I think I am somewhat far enough in the story to get an essence. Still gonna finish it I suppose, to be more objective. So, might delete my comment if it crushes my pretty bad expectations. 

Update: Nah. It's unbearable. Not my cup of tea. 


I love this VN. It left a hole in my heart and I don't even care, I hope to never forget it. I would die for this dumb wolf <3

(8 edits) (+3)

Loved this story so much that it inspired me to read it, out loud, on the internet for others to listen to. I'm not the first and won't be the last person to do a reading of this visual novel, but here are some links:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:


Why do you keep saying about wolf tails "thrashing back and forth" when they are anxious or irritated? It's feline body language! An anxious canine would pace around the room, slouch, lower their ears and possibly wag the tip of their tail if asks for something.

Deleted post

The "people like you" part of your reply already says enough. As for your insightful revelation about the people of Adastra not being "1:1 animal-like" - them being not like the animals of Earth doesn't cancel their species heritage, and the body language of people whose ancestors were felines looks out of place on canines.

Deleted post

I've come across this game so many times in the past, all acclaiming that this would bring me to tears, so I decided to give it a shot...

Holy shit I didn't expect this to break me on so many levels that I almost feel like something's wrong with me. For the past few days I've spent playing this I've been full of melancholy. Hence, I swear it was a mistake immersing myself in the whole setting but I do not regret that choice at all. No piece of fiction has ever made me go through the same emotions that I did during this; there's only a handful of moments IRL that have done the same.

This sure deserves a spot in my heart even after practically obliterating it. I love this so much that I really can't describe it. <3


I didn't play this game, I succumbed to it.  o_o


Okay, silly little question and also spoiler's Ig








So you know after we kinda get our throat's slit and it get's replaced by parent tech? Well does that mean we have a higher vocal range? Like I think it would be pretty cool to be finally able to sing those stupid whistle note's, and if we do, do you think we sound like a vocaloid or something? Like, I would love to make a banger cover of "Hello World" if I could make my voice sound like BMO.

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