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Pretty good, yourself?

Deleted 3 years ago
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gente soy nuevo en esto alguien sabe como poner este juego en español porfa :(

y me podrian enseñar como instalar la version en español?
bueno si no quieren pues no puedo obligarles 
; _;

No creo que haya una versión en español. No sé si la haya ahora, pero hasta donde sé no ha sido traducido. Si tienes alguna idea del inglés te recomiendo que lo juegues y traduzcas todo lo que no entiendas usando google. Así lo hice yo y absolutamente vale la pena!


si hay una version en español, fue todo traducido por furfans, para las personas que no sepan ingles pones adastra vn furfans y te saldra, aun asi no le roba lo creditos a echo project, solo fue traducido para las personas que no saben ingles, espero haberte ayudado.

Wow! De verdad? Excelente!!


onestly i hawe no words i just finest this game and wow



Almost made me cry! I've never cried during a sad part of a movie, book or show, but this brought me damn close to it. I cannot believe that this novel almost brought me to tears during the end! I really hope a second one comes out!

Yes me on all charges guilty

Lmfao. I Just hope that the other game gets updated soon.


Damn this game pulled at my heartstrings, I really enjoyed the storyline and how each character has something I can relate to. I'd really love to see a second game. This was an amazing experience, I'm going to try to get a plush.

Mine too


Hello guys i just wanna ask something u see i live in asia and i want to buy amicus plushie im wondering tho are cash on delivery available (COD) in pawprint express? I cant buy it on card or paypal for some reasons


During a pandemic, COD is definitely out of the question. Email Pawprint customer service as well as Paypal and your bank instead of asking here; we don't work for them, so there is so little we can do for you...

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you i appreciate your answer 👍


imagine if they make a  novel  about after the 9 years like an epilogue would be ironic


8 years and they did time skips in the game so why not in real life? Also the khemia happens 2-3 years after Adastra so they cant wait another 8 years!

I hope.


Imagine they make a novel set 100 years after mission complete. Remember, life-extending green beans in a capsule.



Deleted 2 years ago
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8 years, my friend


Me too kid.


I would be very unhappy if we have to wait 8 years or forever for Adastra 2 but not much can i do but hope.

(3 edits) (+3)

Honestly, I don't mind waiting 8 years. All the more reason to take better care of myself, to love myself and others, and live life to the fullest everyday just to see our bois reunited. Shallow, but a commendable goal in of itself! If they're willing to plough thru 8 years, so can we unless of course you're close to retirement which is an entirely different argument.

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They did time skips in game so why not in real life?

I am just desperate for their reunification.

me too


I really love the story so it awesome and really sad


But also happy, beautiful, passionate, dramatic, wholesome, romantic, sweet, hopeful, lovely, endearing, and true.



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Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Listen to Th3WayrVvolf it took me two whole days to not be cripled by sadness but it the pin will subside though i still feel pain whis comes back hard whenever i try to play it again, it will get better not like before but still better than now.

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(2 edits) (+4)

Give yourself a day or two. Clean up your room, go for a walk, attend to the garden, play some video games. Just, refrain from accessing Adastra et al. It's only a temporary phase, you're fine.

Deleted 2 years ago

I finished this game for the first time last night and now I have that bittersweet and empty feeling that comes with the ending of any thing that truly touches you.

Naturally I want more, but I don't want to go through the semi-spinoff just yet as I don't know how long until it or the semi-sequel will be finished, if not already.

I have to wonder if EchoProject has a discord or some other place for fans of theirs to gather though.

Deleted 3 years ago

EchoProject does indeed have a discord! <- Link will expire in 7 days


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Chillin. Supposed to work all weekend but a minor car accident a few days ago left me temporarily suspended from work. Chillin.

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Shakey when it happeed but I'm perfectly fine now, thnx.

Deleted 3 years ago

You know, someone should start a support group for people suffering from Post Adastra Stress Disorder.



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Let me know if you guys wanna start one together hahaha

I've recovered. Took about a day or two. If we dont keep our tails together, Echo Project might consider toning down or outright cancel any future updates. So...chill guys.

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I just finished this masterpiece...

I cried over a game for the first time in awhile(not that long actually) and I'm buying the plush now i don't care if money has better uses i NEED this to escape my fear of forgetting this game 

(1 edit) (+6)(-3)

okay so just finished this novel for the 7th time i think and i can't get enough the story is amazing, hell when the Marco dies (by Cato) i cried everything built you built up to this point makes you just remember everything good about amicus, the awkward moments, the funny caring one and his character in general is just incredible. you have made a game that can make people feel it. i first downloaded this a long time ago before it was finished(i think) when i was in a dark spot, friend moving pressure being stacked onto my shoulders i thought i would break but i started this novel and couldn't stop. this is amazing. i could just be very emotional but either way you've done something great can wait to see how Khemia and Interea end up as. keep up the good work and for everyone else supporting this "TO THE STARS"


Dude spoilers warning

Spoilers agreed. And reported, not because you are bad but because you are taking away the personal experiences of others from playing the game themselves by projecting your own. Control yourself, also sound like a minor.

so being 18 is a minor

Doesn't look like a question.

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(1 edit) (+1)

im fullly vaccinated and did you try nerus yet?

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Ok cool

My cripling depression from finnishing this game quite subsided

(1 edit)

How long did it take you? And what did you do to distract yourself?


Butting in the convo, apologies, it took me about 2 and a half days to complete and I distracted myself from the pain by learning (and still currently learning) some of the sound track on piano! I mean, playing the music still reminds me of how sad it all is, but it gives me something to do and keeps me determined.

(1 edit) (+4)

ave and welcome to adastra this is a game that is full of hartfelt moments and twist and please support the echo project on patreon and from the adastra family we thank you 

-the fans of adastra  'to the stars'

in the behalves of the fans i type this for all of my friends a place that i feel welcome


I really hope that the EchoProject does a game about Marco and Amicus reunion! It will be the greatest thing ever!

( If not i will riot!)

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(2 edits) (+2)

hey wolfman58 I got a haircut in a manbun and when i looked in the mirror I looked like cato then I got Vietnam flashback

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i'm doing good  you should try this vn/rpg called killigan's treasure and another vn called nerus give it a try  :  )

(2 edits) (+1)

First, EP has to finish Khemia and Interea. I suspect we will have to wait until 2029/2030 to experience Adastra 2 which makes sense considering the missiom will take about 8 years. Don't be a Separatist until your overlords officially choose to say no.

I will DEFINITELY support by buying that Ami plush from PPP!

thank you


I haven't gotten this much into reading in so, so long. This is the first time in ages that I've had to pull myself away from multi-hour-long reading sessions. Incredible quality and very few (minor) typos compared to other furry fiction I've seen before. The story is amazing—it's so serious, depressing, and bleak at times. I love it. I went into this expecting a mostly sexual experience and was surprised by the deeply enjoyable lore, characters, art. To the creators, patrons, and everyone else involved in the development: thank you ♡.


My feels and thoughts exactly


This may have shattered my soul into thousand pieces but i want a sequel to this that will do it again


Play Khemia (sequel) and Interea (filler). I doubt Adastra 2 will even begin production if the aforementioned two are still ongoing. If anything, Adastra 2 might take about 8 human years, so look forward to 2029/2030 (jk but also serious).


I wish all the developers and everyone who supported this novel an amazing life you earned it!

I am praying for a sequel to this if they ever get to do it i will help any way i can!

Play Khemia.


I wish i havent found this. I am crying for second day now, its so beatifull in every way!

"Tis better to have loved than to have never loved at all." You'll get thru it like the rest of us. You'll be fine.


Olá eu sou do Brasil acabei de terminar o visual novel e dói ata hoje "sempre quando estiver trtriste lembre dele para se sentir melhor "

Nicolas reis 5/6/21




Oi,finalmente outro Brasileiro achei que eu era o único


Please please please for the love of god continue the story! It is the best thing thats happened to me in the past few months maybe years!

I know that we were told how it would end by the  parents but i want to see it through! 

You just did amazing job.

Thank you for making this Echoproject.


There are 2 other VN tied to this. 

One is Khemia that takes place about 2.5 years after the end of Adastra with Amicus and Neferu going to Khemia to continue the alliance. The author released the first 2 chapters of this story but was having some writers block so he put it in hold and instead is working on the other VN .

Interea take place during the 9 months the MC spends on Adastra before returning home and is all about the tour of the moon that the MC and Amicus did. It actually helps with the Khemia story by providing background regarding characters and history that Khemia has to deal with but would have required alot of flashbacks. The author has only released the first chapter of Interea so far, but the next part should be coming out soon.

Once Interea is done, the author is going back to work on Khemia.

I know about those two i just want to see it through.

I am now deppressed that this ended please please please continue!


Why depress when our bois have 300 years to look forward to? Chin up.


Hope only for happines nd luck to the developers and i hope this story will continue. Thank you.


This story messed me up. My first VN and this happened, wow.

(1 edit) (+1)

Me too i am devastated


ME TOO.. It's been 4 days since I've finished and I look up out to the stars and just think about this game and Amicus..


Same dude. It's going away slowly but man, took me 2 days of crying to get it out haha


I think I ran out of tears, now it's just a void in ma heart T_T
I am empty on the inside


i feel ya. I'm just waiting on my plushie so I can at least have him around haha.


ME TOO. I JUST ordered mine yesterday. I literally cannot wait to cry my eyes out all night with my lil emperor plush :')


Yes it hurts, but I am ultimately responsible for my own well-being. I chose to dive into the Adastran lake, swim under the currents of emotions, and so I will choose to resurface rather than drown. This game has taught me many things. Most importantly, it taught me how to love and to take better care of myself. Do the same for yourself.

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Never lose faith

Yes o7

Ironic, considering your profile pic just sayin.

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how about you?


good u

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(2 edits) (+1)

hey wolf if you gotta choose a song that goes well with adastra what will it be?


👀the 1st ending of naruto shippuden 

Deleted 1 year ago
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Deleted 1 year ago

I dreamed of Amicus some weeks ago (Even I finished Adastra half a year ago). It was a weird dream, even more depressing than the VN. I think I got PTSD.

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I've been playing this game for about 2 days and really took my time with it. I'm VERY new to Visual Novels, Adastra being my first VN to ever try, and anything "furry" to begin with and once I knew the story was ending soon, I bawled and almost couldn't finish it.. I didn't want it to end. I'm not even a romantic, or at least I didnt think I was until this. After reading MCs and Amicus's future together if everything went right, the tears welled up in my eyes and after the end, I cried in my bed for a good 30 minutes. Never has a game affected me this much, and I'm honestly broken.. I haven't had the chance to try Khemia or Interea yet because as much as I WANT more, I'm a little afraid of what will happen. I've gotten the courage to restart the game for the other ending, but I am not ready for that hurt again.
If the Devs actively check this page, I would like you all to know this was phenomenal. One of the best things I've ever read when it comes to visuals, writing, emotion, romance, and ESPECIALLY the music.
Thank you so much for this beautiful story, and I and many others would love and are eager to see what happens after the 8 years when the MC is able to meet with his Wolf again.
Thank you.


I want to see nothing more than for our wolfs and humans reunion


Me too, man.. I've managed to learn the Main Menu theme on piano and I cry because I think of our Wolf and it hurts ..


Please keep spoilers to a minimum...sounds like you might be a demisexual. I would give EchoProject until 2029/2030 for Adastra 2. 8 years from today, all things considered.


I came back here just to say this

Stay safe everyone... And I miss Amicus so much.. So Very VERY Much

Deleted 3 years ago
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(1 edit) (+1)

the song ''I Will Wait'' by Mumford & Sons.  goes best in the ending tho 

listen to it wile the ending or its just me

Me too me too


For some reason, this song reminds me of Adastra..


I'm latam speaker and then finish the game antier, and then the game caught me. I feel weird like I'm in the novel still and I get sadder with Paul's saturn music dawn, at least I'll see amicus again in intereal and khemia but I still feel empty xD

Same here dude. The ending hit me really hard and i felt sad for two days. But hey, go play Khemia, youll see that our beautiful emperor is doing better ;3


wait is it true we will see amicus again in the other novels?

Can I play this on mobile?


Yes you can ,but only on android.

how do I download it for android?

(1 edit)

You scroll down and you find android and download it and install the apk.


I'm quite new to this game, I finished Adastra a few hours ago and I've been playing Khemia, which is fine, but .. does the developer have plans to continue the human and Amicus story? (after Khemia and Interea ends)


Im pretty sure that will happen. But (SPOILER) since in Khemia there are still 5 years remaining for the human to complete his mission, i guess well have to wait and see

Deleted 3 years ago

yeah, it looks like a normal reaction after finishing adastra, feeling empty inside

i have finished playing the game a month ago and i still feel empty inside lol


I felt the exact same thing, like just completely closed out and empty. I like to imagine that the MC and Amicus reunited safely and got married and lived happily ever after, even if it sounds idyllic and cliche.


I'm with you brother. I'm with you.


I want to see nothing more than theyr reunion i truly dont


Please keep spoilers to a minimum...suppose a fortune teller describes the future you desire, obviously your life will go thru a series of events (pain and pleasure) to achieve those desireable points in your life. I'm sorry to say, but if you are seriously broken psychologically, please see a therapist. Otherwise, occupy your life with hobbies and activities to keep you busy and distracted.

sorry I didn't think about spoilers


I'm so blown away on how good this is, im so so so sad that it is over but the fact that is was so good makes me happy. I hope for a follow up because i have nothing but good things to say about it. Well done to everyone who contributed : )


It's far from over, check out my post from 2 days ago.


i'm glad to know i can still see the best husbando in a VN, but i can't help but wonder if we'll ever see Amicus and the MC reunite after the main part of Adastra

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I'm doing well. Yeah I do want them to reunite and be married and just see more of this series.

Also how are you doing Wolfman58?

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Just completed this game. why did I cry so much at the ending uhg. Great game but i'm sad that it is over. Amicus is the best emperor and fiance. 


There are 2 other VN tied to this. 

One is Khemia that takes place about 2.5 years after the end of Adastra with Amicus and Neferu going to Khemia to continue the alliance. The author released the first 2 chapters of this story but was having some writers block so he put it in hold and instead is working on the other VN .

Interea take place during the 9 months the MC spends on Adastra before returning home and is all about the tour of the moon that the MC and Amicus did. It actually helps with the Khemia story by providing background regarding characters and history that Khemia has to deal with but would have required alot of flashbacks. The author has only released the first chapter of Interea so far, but the next part should be coming out soon.

Once Interea is done, the author is going back to work on Khemia.


Thanks! I didn't know about Khemia. I am happy that there is more to play.


wait i thought Interea took place after MC completed his mission on earth?


Nope, it occurs sometime during the 9 month before the MC leaves for Earth.


Just finally got around to checking this out and I have to say I'm addicted to visual novels now, and donated to your Patreon.  And I agree with everyone here, Amicus is the best husbando 😀

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