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(1 edit) (+3)

Im So Hype To See The New Update And By The Way I Almost Cry BC What You Wrote Was Epic XD Pls Do Update It >;3 Hehehe...


 I'm really liking the game so far, but will we have the opportunity to bond more with the other characters in the future? Or at least some options that don't lead to a relationship with Amicus?

I'm having trouble trying to download the phone app. I wish I could explain what the problem is, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to even understand why it's not downloading.

(1 edit)

If you cant download the apk on the phone, just downoad it via any PC then move the downloaded apk to your sd card using a usb micro sd card reader or just plug your phone via usb cable

I'm not entirely sure what's going on - but ever since you released Update 10, I keep trying to update it via Itch's App, but it keeps loading the website page in my browser instead of downloading/updating the game.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/a2s2.rpy", line 1340, in script
    jump a2s3
ScriptError: could not find label 'a2s3'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/a2s2.rpy", line 1340, in script
    jump a2s3
  File "C:\Users\Kenay\Downloads\Adastra-10-win\renpy\", line 1527, in execute
    rv =
  File "C:\Users\Kenay\Downloads\Adastra-10-win\renpy\", line 858, in lookup
    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))
ScriptError: could not find label 'a2s3'.

Adastra 10

I had to reinstall the file and play from my last save file. worked fine after that.

Copy your save files to a temporary folder then delete and redownload adastra then restore your saves

(2 edits)

Wow, this novel is incredibly well done. Simply outstanding. This is pure magic!

BTW, they way politics is depicted... Bread and Circuses... The Latin heritage in all its... "splendour"?


This was one of the best things i have single-handedly ever played. this visual novel  was amazing, i enjoyed every second of it. my heart busting and rushing wondering what happens, especially for poor Amicus. its a neat universe to delve in! I fear i might not play a game to beat this one.


Yikes. Guess who just spent an entire day binging the entire story up to the current chapter. Dear god, that was a trip.


I'm not sure if you'll come across this comment or not, but I feel it needs to be said.

I know your visual novel for a few months now, but haven't really gone into it yet until patch 10 happened and I learned your game has a collaboration with Astatos. This vn might took some time of my day out, but it's an amazingly beautiful story thus far, not just the novelty of this story being amazing, but I feel like it's a lot more professionally written than some other VNs I've read so far on (Granted I haven't touch on Echo yet lol)

As we speak, and I am not out of the woods yet, but I am insanely beyond stress with so many things on my plate lately. This is one of those stories that have anchored my emotions back, or at least balanced out my troubled minds with a lot of dopamine with our best wolf Amicus here. That's all I'll have to say.

Might just be at the right place and at the right time, but thank you. SO MUCH. For Adastra.

Looking forward for more.


ive read a few visual novels by now and i must say, im impressed. this got me hooked so hard i just couldnt stop reading so my journey was over after 2 days but iam looking forward to the updates! But its not perfect, i would like some more choice options, it really does feel more like a book than a visual novel in which you can choose your way and it feels like the choices you do choose from really dont have that much impact. But that doesnt make the game itself any worse. Because of the amazingly written story i didnt feel like it was that bad to not have that many choices but still, i guess i would like it to be more interactive ^^ Keep it up!


I love this game Nekojishi almost made me cry this game did especially at the dreaming part (being vague as not to spoil) but this game is great and i am not a big fan of visual novel games but this one is that good pleas keep working on it. I love it so much.  


I Just whant to say that this is the best visual novel I ever played, I loved the history and the characters, especially Amicus, I'm completely obsessed with him, he's just perfect.

 I cried with the game, laughed, and most importantly, I enjoyed every second of the game, the only thing that makes me sad and makes my heart hurt a little is the fact that Amicus doesn't exist in real life.

 (Oh, and if you ever make an Amicus pillow cover let me know ASAP because I'd love to buy one <3)

Keep up the great work <3

(2 edits) (+3)

Um.. hi EchoProject.... Just a suggestion(not just for adastra), when releasing an update apk for Android, don't change the package name, like on last month's update, it's package name was adastra.game95, now this month (October), was adastra.game010... um, can you just use one, package name..

Like this...

For adastra: 

For echo:

im suggesting this to stick to one package name for your every game for Android because when i want to install the latest release of your games, i will have to first is to backup the data then uninstall the previous version and install the latest one and restore the data on the latest version (with different package name)



Thankyou so much for this the story and art is amazing .Well developed .Wonderful charcters and wonderful story which you will savour until the very end


Ahhhhhh cliffhanger again q.q This game is really good and i want more of it. It's such a good story and i love the art style and the characters und the designs and...basically everything of it '^^

The client metadata seems to be missing from the recent Adastra uploads to the website; because of this, the desktop client for Windows still thinks that version 9 is the most recent version (presumably, this issue also exists on other platforms since all of the version 10 uploads appear to lack this metadata).

Is there any chance that this could be fixed?

(1 edit)

Yes i get this error as well, says there is a new update but it won't let me download it (On Mac)

(1 edit)

Can you check the mac version please? There seems to be an error saying no compatible file to download.

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit) (+2)

I love you

(1 edit) (+3)

I am at a loss for words... Everything about this visual novel is perfect. The pacing, the characters and their personalities, how they interact with each other and the world around them, the overall narrative to make the reader actually feel like they are in the shoes of the self-insertion surrogate character. In the beginning I felt the panic of being abducted, the fight and flight of attacking Amicus in the beginning, the guilt of coming to a compromising truce, arriving to Adastra for the first time, the thrill of hiding with Amicus, the odds and ends of novelty moments and every day life, throught the constant friendly banter and sometimes warring. every moment has been beautiful and I am so deelpy in love with Amicus and the world around him. I have laughed, gotten angry (I'm not a fan of Cato but my gods he is a very well fleshed out character and you guys are amazing at making him unlikeable) I have gotten scared, and I have cried and bawled my eyes out. This truly is a masterpiece and I am very much ready for the next update.  I will be becoming a monthly $10 soon once I'm financially aclimated.


This game is a litteral emotional rollercoster.  im either laughing my ass off or crying my eyes out. Wonderfully written, amazing art. just AMAZING


I don't think you understand how much of a masterpiece that you guys have created. This is so beautifully written I actually teared up and felt emotions I haven't felt in a long time. This damn visual novel is so good, it rivals Nekojishi. Please, please for the love of god, keep working on it. My friend is your patreon, and honestly as soon as I can comfortably, I will become one too. You guys have made something so damn magnificent. Please, continue it.

when i first read your comment about it being better than Nekojishi i thought "no way not possible" but now that i have played it i have to agree 1000%. (not a typo i meant it)

(2 edits) (+2)

Y do i get the filling amicus father was murdered by f old wolf and pls do not end this game now,i really like this game,playing this game i start to cry pls give us happy ENDING.and please give us more porn scene between amicus and my caracter


If anyone's not aware of what's happened, Adastra is going to be on a month hiatus after this month. So the creator can focus more on Smoke Room and dealing with his writer's block. 

That's unfortunate. This series is pretty well written and one of my favorites at the moment.

Hi, I love this game, the story, the ambianc, the characters, it's great. But ... there's just one thing I do not like too much: I know it's a visual novel, but slightly more choice would be really nice. For example, during the "event" that had to disappoint a lot, including me, it would have been nice to choose whether or not to forgive those responsible for our pain, even if afterwards we ended up forgiving, precisely .
Because I find that the forgiveness that our character gives is much too fast. It is lied to by 3 times: the first, the main interest that says 2 thing 2 linked to the event, but the 2nd character says all the opposite, and this for the 2 previous lie. But the main character, although he notices it, says nothing at all. He is really stupid, or of an afflictive naivety ...
It is said that forgiveness is divine, and in this kind of situation it is more than true. This game is so deep, that we are ready to play, so our emotions make the roller coaster XD.
And the fact that his calm so quickly, when, for example, in my character's place, I will have forgiven it's true ... but it will have taken 2 or 3 days at least, given the situation .

I kind of like how its just telling a story right now. I never really liked the balance of choice in these games. There was always too much or too little but I'd rather have too little when it's pretty decently written rather than a good amount of choice with a sub-par story.


(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

I hate the beginning where u attack Amicus! ... I want an option to attack him or not to.... I'd never hurt an alien like him in a million years! Even if I was kidnapped... I felt awful about that part where the mc hurt him Amicus could've died!


yea i didnt like that the avatar thats picked for us doesnt act anything like us. i'm all for peace, so i'd never go overboard like that lolz.


I hope the creator of this game actually listens to our ideas, and actually implements them into the game....


well for me i dont want to know whats coming, i like surprises. so i dont wanna implement any ideas my self because of that haha.


Really? Well I would kind of do the same thing as the mc 

Deleted 5 years ago

U must be truly evil and soulless if that's how u would treat Amicus if he was real and did that to u...


no no no! it cant end with amicus being in a dungeon! and my avatar apparently getting high on who knows what to meet the gods! my hearts in tears, i wanna see a happy ending! please. :3

Same here!


Poor Amicus!


I actually did cry a bit at that point...

The story in general just brings out emotions!


Like I said earlier.... I hope EchoProject actually listens to our ideas and possibly implements them into the game in a future update....

I think this game needs more options and choices for the mc to make anyways.... I should totally have several different endings.... Yes it would mean completely revamping the game and rewriting it with options... But it would totally be worth it!


What do I even begin to say....I've completely fallen in love with this game. This visual novel has to be one of the best ones i have read BY FAR! I absolutely love it and not just because of the art style and the amazing backgrounds, but because the story ACTUALLY has meaning and feeling in it, you can see the hard work and compassion put into every word and one thing i'm actually impressed by that no other novel has done to me, is actually make ME feel like i'm the one in the story, I've felt the pain and the happiness and i even cried in some parts, the work that the creator has put into this along with the people in toe helping have done an INCREDIBLE job, i gave props to you all and i cant wait to continue reading this amazing story. I hope it lasts long and makes it to be the top 10 best visual novels of all time! 

P.S i cant wait to actually have the full game in due time and definitely make a review video on the incredible story for the world to see, seriously, this game, this visual novel, is an eye opener and tbh, a wish come true. Thank you so much!!!! 10/10 recommending this TOP PRIORITY!!!


Same here!

I do wish it were true... Maybe... parts of this are true...(Maybe not the abduction part, but Canine aliens, Feline aliens, what was meantioned about parent planets and such...)

I do truly believe there are aliens that are similar to those from this visual novel...


You took the words out of my mouth...

(1 edit) (+2)

I just finished the "first part" of the game, but is the second part of it is playable? I am quite frustrated not to know more...

I cried at the end of the "first part" cause it says "to be continued" and with the main menu's music QwQ

I don't think this game comes in parts like a story arc. We just need to wait for the next update :3

Deleted post

That's not amicus tho. I think it's just that his eyes are looking forward at us, and one of his eyes are damaged so it looks a bit asymmetrical. 


Im in love with amicus I really am I wish he was real plus I also hope we get to see him in the next update and save himbbut ibhadca dream last night that I was helping amicus fight Cato of course I had my own weapons two dual blades plus I was a good healer that can u healing magic but it's just how my creative mind is but I cried a bit while reading the novel good thing I'm a patron so I can get the next update early

Hey this game is amazing, but when you update it you have to start a new game every time on Android. I believe it's because you may have written the name of it as 9.5, because then the system thinks its a new app. Amazing apart from that, love the story so far.

Just use an auto clicker on play store it's so convenient

I like this game,and I appeal it's a good ending

I'm playing on my android phone and I seem to be stuck, in the beginning when he asks my name, I type it up but I'm unable to make any further actions, what do I do?

Try using a hacker's keyboard that you can get in the google play app. I remember having this problem with other visual novels on android.

(1 edit)

Is Nefaru going to be a LI? I love that character, but we don't get to spend as much time with him as I'd like to.

oh my god what's going on i need more please don't stop pls i need to know  (cry ) i cant i cannot take it anymore i really want to know what happens are they going to be alright are they going to be free... pls pls i need to know ?!?

(1 edit) (+1)

the android version can't seem to be downloadable
Is there a problem with my device or it's just the link?
My device is an Android 5


Boi just gunna say it. I hope Cato gets what's coming to him. (not spoiling anything)

(1 edit)

I just made an Account to say this game is really amazing and i love it. Im always waiting for the next update and gosh is this game great it let me feel so many emotions i cant count it. To the creators your doing an amazing job and keep it up

about what time will the update be posted, and what is your time zone?


I totally love this game !!! Can't wait to see what will happen next !!! I WANT MORE !!!! :D

Just want to thank you for this absolutely fabulous work !!! 


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