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*happiness noises*


It's been a while since any story had gotten me to tear up. I can't believe this game got me to cry. Your VNs are amazing, whether the intention is to attach the player to characters or terrify them you never fail to do it. Can't wait for a sequel. If I had to guess, it'd have to do with the unnamed wolf at the end of the game and maybe it explores Neferu? Also there is a hint of horror in there, perhaps something that is to be explored later in the series? 

Frankly, I've always been on the fence about furry stuff but your VNs already tilted me towards it. That's just how amazing your work is.

how many routes that this game have?

It's linear, not many real choices. That's the way the parents work :V


yeah i just finished this game yesterday.... I wish i didnt play this because it made me cry... and I dont want to leave Amicus T^T

i cried 6 times... THIS IS AMAZING

so amazing game 11/10 , I love my wolf ;-;


honestly this game was so damn amazing! I cant wait for the next update if your gonna make one. I kept crying so many times and I really fell in love with him. Thanks for making this game it was wonderful and amazing. hope you continue with this game!

Once again I cry, this story is very good and I like it very much. Hopefully Adastra 2 will launch soon because I can't wait ... thanks for your hard work #echoproject


Wait will there be a new update cuz i can t live without having the next update i really want to have the new update

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

I absoulutely love it i really want the second part even tho we already know what s gonna happen but is like such a great game!


GOOOOOD THIS GAME IS SO GOOD!!!  even it maked me cry x"ddd. The only thing is that I HATE TOO MUCH THE MC!!!! FOR GOD SAKES! I saw all the problems coming and all the drama i was literally screaming to the MC about what he had to do!!. BUT GOD thank you so much for thia game♡

(1 edit)

I can not wait anymore time for the next build, this is THE BEST VN ever, I do not have words. ps I need see what is this next adastra thing, I heard some people saying will have another game of adastra on june

where is the android version?

I can't download it.


this game is soooooo great!!! Made me cry 2 times (like literally) it's the best VN game I've ever played I'm still not sure if it's the end tho but I really,*really* love it!.


It made me cry 6 times and i still cry about it lol even tho i finished it a while ago I LOVE AMICUS SO MUCH

"Fly me to the moon" by All that jazz should be the theme song of this


Right now I really need a second part of this T-T its the best VN I have read ever and well... didnt think that it would hit me so hard when downloading. Btw, some people say theyd like a Spanish version, if youd like to make it I would be glad to help :3

It's not working for my Android, Is there something I have to do first orrrr( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)

(2 edits) (+1)

I loved playing this VN, I was so sad when it finished :(

I wasn't expecting the story to be so amazing, it is well polished and had me on the edge of my seat. I fell in love with this VN, and I'm going to be replaying it just because I loved it so much. I love every part of it, even if it did pull on my heart strings.

Everything was well designed and thought out, I wish that there was more!

I cant wait to see what stories you's do next :)

But I am curious as to the very final part... is there more to this story?


I've played a small handful of VNs, all of which were furry like this.

I did NOT expect the story to be this well polished and fleshed out. And I've only really crushed on fictional characters once or twice.

With Amicus... oh dear, it's a different story. You really developed his character incredibly well and I fell for him so hard that I hit the floor. This is a very good VN, and I hope what I've heard about a sequel is true ;p

Keep up the good work!

(2 edits) (+1)

How many endings are there for now? I think I got like 3?
Amazing game btw! It's so refreshing to see a MC that isn't bland at all and feel real for his reactions. The storytelling its so good that I finished it in one sitting!! I can't wait for more from you guys

I love this game, is romantic abd sad at the end 😍😢😧

(1 edit) (+2)

I have never felt this way towards a game in my entire life. I don't cry in movies, I don't cry from sad stories. However this game broke down all my barriers and after finishing the dazzling story, I can hands down say that this is a masterpiece worth sharing. The artists should be proud, the writers should be proud because they've made a game that's changed people.

Donec iterum coveniant Amicus


There must be a sequel. I mean, who's scipio???


absolutely amazing! I'm now cursed with the desire to find my own wolf...oh the pain!



What to say? I'm speechless... i've never read a Vn like this one. Hopefully i played it all at once ( only slept 3 hours this night though... worth it). The plot is AMAZING, the way the story is put together, from the slightest detail to the major part, the way the words are used. the feelings that we feel while reading what the main character is going trough. In all honesty, i had to wipe my tears several times. 

Again, the story is beautiful and it is from far ahead the best Vn i've ever read. I thank you for this masterpiece and i hope with all my soul that we can have another chapter to this one X).



Wait a minute- so does that mean that there will be new update for this Adastra or a new release project like Adastra 2? I really hope that the story will be continue in the future because this vn is a REAL art. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! \(>A<)/

I absolutely hope so! #2 would be a dream come true.



Dear Echoproject,

I never thought that a game would make me cry, but here we are. Last night I finished the recent update, and... It was amazing. I didnt want it to end.  Ive been following this game since the very first update in January 2019. I cant wait for the ending.

Im eagerly awaiting the next novel in this series this story was a emotional thrill ride with it's game of thrones cut throat everyone has a seperate goal politics and the space operas grand story aswell as my wolf ;3 whom I fell in love with over the story not spoilers I'm talk about me lol he's so cute and the cast of characters where just perfect I need to see what's next I hope it's. Continuation as I need to see what happens that little tease of there future was more a torment then a happy thought to me I need to see what is gonna happen and who the other thing is aswell as the unfinished stories of the rest of the cast like our anubi freind and let's not forget that the cats are clearly up to something still and so much more I can't wait for the next book and I'll be eagerly watching for it

100/10 and yeah I know what I said lol

I love this game.

I rate it a 10/10 will make a sequel to adastra 2??

I love this game ive been getting every update since version 7 and now that it ended i really want to know if theres gonna be an adastra 2! if there is i cant wait for it to be released =3

( This is one of my fav vns by the way keep it up )

Deleted 3 years ago

Idk because it isn't working for me either

Amicus lost his left shoulder


His "right" shoulder

That definitely can't be right.

OMG, soo good...just listent to open musci mack want to cry. OMG im so attached... why are you so good, now i want the next visa noval for this. i already said this twice by OMG... i was not emontional ready for this, if i bust out cry in public im going to laugh... this is how you do things...not that you need to hear it from me but keep up the good work

(1 edit) (+1)

I have so many questions...instant cry :(

Mine isn't working


hi i was wondering are we going to go deeper into the story of the parents in the end of the game or a possible sequel/ same universe game? i find them kind of skummy and underhanded and am curious just about them and what else they have orchestrated (this could just be my take tho).

thx so much great game


Well, they pretty much confirmed a sequel, but who knows what it might entail. (said sequel will supposedly come out late June to mid July.)

OMG I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH, I truly regret not having found this on the first release.

Pds : para losque ablan español ......... es el fin del juego o continua en otro? QwQ

No se sabe. Se hablaba de la posibilidad de un Adastra 2, pero no sabemos donde quedaría, si sería una continuación de la historia de Marco y Amicus o sería otra historia distinta dentro del mismo universo.

Okey y gracias pense que ers la unica persona que abalaba español descontando ala otra claro

Han confirmado la secuela, que se llamará Khemia (por lo que pinta a que vamos a conocer Khemia y a sus habitantes UwU). Lo unico es que se ha retrasado para julio, y sale a todo el publico sobre agosto, lo cual duele un poco. Aún así, estoy intrigado por conocer como es la vida en Khemia, ya que parecía que tenían las cosas más avanzadas en cuanto a derechos para los ciudadanos de los planetas Hijos, por lo que estaría bien ver como les ha ido, al fin y al cabo, que sean la civilización que esta al borde de lograr copiar el metodo de transporte que los Padres les dieron resulta interesante

God this better had a sequel soon PLEAAAAASE

Khemia is confirmed, at the end of July for the patrons, starting August for the rest.


I love this and i well didint cry ever because of my child hood my throat will never be the same im happy to just know this exists and even if it doesint continue it will in my heart this has been the best experience of my life

(1 edit)

(SPOILER?) meera appears and it ends??????

sadly yes, it makes me upset too.

Deleted 270 days ago

I did the game all over again, and i had a different result, i think there's more than 1 ending, and this one with meera probably isn't fully made

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