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Amicus lost his left shoulder


His "right" shoulder

That definitely can't be right.

OMG, soo good...just listent to open musci mack want to cry. OMG im so attached... why are you so good, now i want the next visa noval for this. i already said this twice by OMG... i was not emontional ready for this, if i bust out cry in public im going to laugh... this is how you do things...not that you need to hear it from me but keep up the good work

(1 edit) (+1)

I have so many questions...instant cry :(

Mine isn't working


hi i was wondering are we going to go deeper into the story of the parents in the end of the game or a possible sequel/ same universe game? i find them kind of skummy and underhanded and am curious just about them and what else they have orchestrated (this could just be my take tho).

thx so much great game


Well, they pretty much confirmed a sequel, but who knows what it might entail. (said sequel will supposedly come out late June to mid July.)

OMG I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH, I truly regret not having found this on the first release.

Pds : para losque ablan español ......... es el fin del juego o continua en otro? QwQ

No se sabe. Se hablaba de la posibilidad de un Adastra 2, pero no sabemos donde quedaría, si sería una continuación de la historia de Marco y Amicus o sería otra historia distinta dentro del mismo universo.

Okey y gracias pense que ers la unica persona que abalaba español descontando ala otra claro

Han confirmado la secuela, que se llamará Khemia (por lo que pinta a que vamos a conocer Khemia y a sus habitantes UwU). Lo unico es que se ha retrasado para julio, y sale a todo el publico sobre agosto, lo cual duele un poco. Aún así, estoy intrigado por conocer como es la vida en Khemia, ya que parecía que tenían las cosas más avanzadas en cuanto a derechos para los ciudadanos de los planetas Hijos, por lo que estaría bien ver como les ha ido, al fin y al cabo, que sean la civilización que esta al borde de lograr copiar el metodo de transporte que los Padres les dieron resulta interesante

God this better had a sequel soon PLEAAAAASE

Khemia is confirmed, at the end of July for the patrons, starting August for the rest.


I love this and i well didint cry ever because of my child hood my throat will never be the same im happy to just know this exists and even if it doesint continue it will in my heart this has been the best experience of my life

(1 edit)

(SPOILER?) meera appears and it ends??????

sadly yes, it makes me upset too.

Deleted 253 days ago

I did the game all over again, and i had a different result, i think there's more than 1 ending, and this one with meera probably isn't fully made


Well, I hope you're happy. You broke me. This is one of the best written, most touching stories I've ever read. 8 years is too long, there better be a sequel in the works! I need more of Amicus!


Is this the end? Nothing more? No Neferu route or epilogue? 


There's much more in the works! This is merely a conclusion for this story, just be on the lookout for more!


Does that mean that there's not going to be more of Adastra? 

Yeah, a sequel is (apparently) in the works right now.


Damnit this game is so good! You guys did a great job, thank you for such a great story!

(2 edits) (+2)

Oh gosh!!! This is so awesome this is the first game that pull my tears out of my eyes. I wish you make a future stories of them i wish i will play them. This is a masterpiece! I'm so into this game i dunno how to say this. I love the artwork the story everything. 💖


See you in eight years Amicus ❤️

Man what a masterpiece! I loved and enjoyed every second of it. Thank you so much EchoProject ❤️

Thank you guys for a great story. Till the next one, chow!

(2 edits) (+5)

My fRaGIle HoMOsExuaL HeARt

WhAT HaVe yoU dONe?!


Wait is Adastra actually done done or is there going to be more content. if not i am so sad, i wanted to see more on what happened in there lives. See what happened to our character and Amicus. If it did end end. i am truly grateful what this games was made. This game made me so happy and in love with this game. thank you for making it! <3


Just route A is done, B is next month acording to their patreon. Though i remember them saying somthing about future projects in the adastra universe.

Deleted post

no idea, would assume it the one going against the parents. I mean that seemed like a big choice but nothing really came of it

Great, I chose that before there was an ending. DOn't know how to feel about that. Even though, why would they revive you if you are against them. I don't feel like they would do that.

Could use you as a tool in the future to manipulate amicus in a 'do as we say or you loose the one you love' way. Honestly doesn't seem like somthing they wouldn't do.


Love, Love, Love!!! I really enjoyed everything about this experience. If only the story could go on to my heart's content. Thank you for making this labor of love. 

(4 edits) (+2)(-2)

Very interesting game, though it annoys me quite a bit at some points. 

Art: My first impression is it's a little bit too "innocent" and not mature art for a "bara" game. Through out the game, there is violent that I don't feel it blends very well with the art style. Though, to be honest, after completing the game, I'm in love with Amicus. He's so adorable, and maybe hot in a way...

Gameplay: the game is pretty linear without many option, so it feels more like a animated novel than a game. And this is where it annoys me a bit. There are so many choices that I would not agree with the main character and some point I was like "huh?". Though, it could all be in the parents's plan lol.

Plot: The plot is very political heavy and involve quite some drama. You would not guess how deep the plot is with the art at a first glance. I was furious, I was shocked, I was sad, I was disappointed, but I felt love from Amicus and that's all I need. 

Music: Quite good, I multitask and usually just low volume of the game, this is one of the few games that I actually use high volume because music and background noise is so soothing. 

CG: the game is plot heavy and there is not much CG scene, the CG is quite ok. The sex scene is quite short imo, though it was well written. 

TBH, this is not GOT plot heavy, but it is good enough that I can see it as a drama on netflix. The plot is rich, very potential and you can seriously make a season with all the missing piece of the puzzle. Now just hope some rich guy that is into furry and also happen to be a director play this game lol. Remember hunger game, bird box, are all manga ideas and was copied XD

Things I think could improve: I don't quite feel the love from Amicus to the main character is justified. There was a gap between they became close and be lovers. Then boom, Amicus cares too much about main character feelings. Like I don't see the transition from being close friend to being madly in love. There needs to be an event to trigger that. I assumed something important happened during the time skip, so I can buy that, but still.  After the main event towards the ending of the game, sure, I buy that they are deeply in love, but about mid game, I don't see that. 

I know it's quite impossible at this point to modify the option of the game, but I feel like though there could be so many possibilites if the main character act differently. I was hoping the MC could actually show that Earth actually knows more than them because quite frankly, they only depends on parents tech and doesn't even know how they work. Like the MC has some other important feature/skill that make him the chosen one, rather than the parents "plan" it. 

The game left me many thoughts after finishing it, so it's a good game. 

Where to start...This was one of the most intriguing and fascinating experiences I have had with any form of media in a long while. The story is incredibly well written with extremely likable characters and an extremely engaging plot that had me wanting more and more as it went on. While the mc could be a bit grating at times, his reactions honestly make sense and are really realistic for someone dragged off to an alien world so unexpectedly. Amicus and Neferu were the absolute highlights for me, especially Neferu who I really hope can get his own spin off to be the main love interest or the sequel will take us to his homeworld to learn more about him and his culture.

My only real complaints are fairly minor, I do feel maybe some more choices would be nice to help with the interactivity which is there presently but not by much. I also feel some more romantic/adult cgs would be nice but the ones we do have are very well done and I like them a lot.

Adastra made me almost cry 5 times from start to the end of build 15, I commend the level of love and care brought into this and I won't forget it for a long time. This is truly something special and I hope its recognition will grow. Again though...a Neferu sequel or spinoff would be amazing.



Cuando tiempo creen que sacaran la vercion 16? O el juego en español? Es increible lo adoro y adoro a amicus porfa mejoren el juego es miy bueno y de buena historia .....ah! y agan qur las esenas de ammm 7w7 nopor sean mas hrandes y sip soy gay porfis el juego es increible y es fabuloso solo que...... ya lo drrmine y me encanto solo ......aganlo multi idiomas y que este en español es un gran juego porfis actualisenlo ala vercion 16 o asta dondr quieran el juego es fabuloso! Les doy mil gracias por crear el juego adiosito ^w^ me siento escuchado por mis herues ♡~♡


sorry dude, but your grammar is so awful that i doubt that someone can get an acurate version of what you are trying to say if they dont speak spanish, even using google translate.

hermano, intenta escribir sin errores ortograficos si se te dificulta el ingles, si no hablan español les va a ser imposible descifrar lo que intentas decir aun si usan google translate. Saludos

(1 edit)

As a spanish speaker here I  will translate:

When will the version 16 release? Or the whole game in spanish? It's incredible I love it and I love amicus please make the game better it's great and has a great story! And make the scenes of umm 7w7 (sex?) (bigger?) (couldnt translate that part) and I'm gay, please the game is incredible and fabulous just....I finished  and I loved it just......make it multilanguage and make it in spanish it's a great game please update the language in version 16 or wherever the game is fabulous! A thousand thanks for creating this game bye! I feel heard by my heroes.

(btw this isnt bad grammar lots of spanish speakers like to use textspeak much like how english speakers like to as well)

When is Adastra 16 coming out to the public? Don't know how much longer I can wait.


5.8 what? 

It will come out to the public on May 8.

Oh ok, I understand what you said now, thank you

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

I love this game it feels real and you actually sold it as a real gay romance not just a protagonist that just happened to be a guy also This happened 


Kage bunshin no justu ! 

I guess I'll write this as sort of a pan-ultimate review/critique. You absolutely do not need to read this or take any amount of it as serious if you don't want to!

For such a extra-terrestrial story, it actually starts off very believable and sticks with both its themes and its background. I couldn't think of any glaring plotholes or situations the MC could easily weasel out of (with the exception of just outright leaving the palace for good). A gripe I've seen on this page quite a bit is how the MC is a bit grating at times and while I can agree with this, to a certain extent you have to take it in stride as he is brought to an alien world against his world. In fact, I believe this story is a very good version of what would happen in real life.

Mechanically, the VN does play well with the exception of updates screwing any manual saves (but not quick saves for some reason?) and the fast forward option is fairly consistent if not just a bit on the slow side.

I am a big fan of CG's and my only point for this VN in particular is I simply wish there were a few more romantic ones, but alas that isn't a very big issue.

All in all, actually a really well made VN. I didn't feel cheated or like this story just dodged a plot hole or didn't address something. However I would agree with the below comment of putting some sort of major emotional warning as there are certain scenes that did in fact make my blood boil, which I hope was the point. 

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to update 16: Crying my eyes out!


This turned into a wall of text (sorry!) I'll post a TLDR at the end.

This game should come with a warning. It's very good. I played for about 8 hours barely stopping until had to stop because I was having an anxiety attack both from how intense the game was getting but also because of how little I'd taken care of my self. I came back to it the next day fresh and determined to make it to the end.

What an experience. I was enjoying the game immediately but was only taking it half seriously, The main character would react and I joked to myself about the dirty thing I would have said instead or the like but the game took itself seriously from the start. It takes time to set up the relationship between the MC and Amicus and gradually just as the story progressed Ilike the MC grew deep feelings for the characters in this game. It tugged my heartstrings and evoked genuine feelings of joy, despair, fulfillment and agony. It was emotional roller coaster and I was hanging on for dear life.

The art and sound were really well done. I loved the art of Amicus. He has plenty of varied expressions to help set the scene, though all characters did to be fair and there are occasional full scene artworks that are stunning.

There a few sci-fi tropes sure but they don't detract from experience and world building the game sets up. There was only one twist that came out of the blue, that felt like it only existed to create forced drama and it does serve to progress the plot well and does get explained fairly satisfactorily but at the time it was a little jarring. I did feel mostly the same way as the MC did, hurt and betrayed but I was also aware of how forced the whole situation was, so I guess part of the hurt was that the developers had stooped to that level for an emotional reaction. This is only a minor nitpick though as the whole experience was just incredible, I've read compelling VNs before but this one just steals the show.

I guess it's only to be expected, I really enjoyed Blackgate back in the day and this is from the team that formed to take on the side project to Blackgate, Echo. There's a reason why blackgate has lost momentum and basically died yet this game has far surpassed it. I haven't even tried Echo since some of the earliest builds but after playing this I will have to, though not for a while, I need time to process and sort out my head after this game.

If you are on this page looking at this game then just simply download it and play it. It's free, you would only be doing yourself a disservice by not giving it  a go.

TLDR - It's an amazing, emotional game and you really should play it.

I know we're about to get the ending but I just wanna ask one thing that will probably make people angry. sooooooooo... is Amicus and Marco (MC) relationship considered Stockholm Syndrome...


Well, Stockholm Syndrome is mostly a pop-culture myth and not an actually recognized mental thing, but even then no, since Stockholm Syndrome is developed as a survival method to appease the captor, and Amicus is ironically the least threatening person the MC encounters.


Truly emotional, it was a roller coaster for me. I cried, I laugh, and was angry. I really love this game, as if I was there with Amicus. Thank you! I love it so much!



if theres one part i didnt like about the novel, it was the parents shared vision with MC in build 15. It felt like we were given too much information and was spoiled of what seems to be the happy ending, like how we skip to the end of a book, or an author pasting an important scene at the very beginning of a book. It kinda ruined the mood and dampened my experience, despite how uplifting it was. i prefer being in the dark of what might happen to the upcoming future of MC and amicus. and yes, there were also future visions happening prior to the latest vision, but it made more sense back then given i didnt see much and was given a choice every now and then.

overall, i really liked this game. despite a few flaws, i wish to see it fully developed and finished. my only regret is that i read this novel before it was fully complete. i was abruptly left in a cliffhanger with alex, because i was so invested in the plot that the sudden "to be concluded" text left me speechless for 8 minutes. otherwise, i enjoyed this novel very much. 

Well my guess is ether what the parents showed the mc was a lie, just something to convince him to follow through with his mission. Which we might find out in the next VN assuming the MC will be in it at all. Or maybe the developers just wanted to wrap things up because they don't plan on making a sequel to the MC's and Amicus story. Which if that is the case then that's going to be a huge, beyond huge, let down. Writing off the MC's story is a mistake imo. There is so much we can learn and experience from the MC's mission on earth. So much even that its worth a VN of its own. I personally would love to see how earth leaders and its population will react to the knowledge of space anthros, And by the looks of it some of earths leaders might have already known from what the end of the VN showed us. I also want to see MC reunite with his family and friends. The MC has mentioned a few times that he needed to return to earth to tell them that he's ok and if we don't see him telling them this then that's a going to be a real shame. Honestly if they do decided to not make a VN of his mission on earth then at the very least I hope they consider making a comic or story, preferably a long one, of his 8 years spent on earth. 

I honestly dont think the parents SHOULD lie to MC. To me, that would be the most catastrophic ending that i have ever read EVER. That would completely ruin the flow of the novel and could potentially ruin the sequel as well. If the parents were lying, this would not bode well for all other characters involved henceforth and prior. 

I mean, build 16 is out, but I have no money, so what can i do except wait?

I do agree with the long comic about the MC's 8 year adventure on earth, but that would take ages to finish.  It would also make me feel even worse about the whole ordeal since its 8 YEARS WITHOUT AMICUS. Im totally fine with the story progressing from where it is now, to a new characters perspective, although i really want to see more amicus x MC. Its still a great read, though i wish the ending is noteworthy, and the sequel living up to its name.

(1 edit)

I also agree a VN or comic/story would be saddening  without Amicus in it, however they did mention something about possibly meeting up in dreams. Maybe thats how we  can see interactions between them in a earth only VN. Also I don't  recall reading anything about no Wolf people or other alien life not being able to visit earth during the duration of his 8 years there. Maybe ambassadors can visit earth. I want to see earths reaction to the knowlage of alien life I also want to see the MC's family reunite with him. And if aliens show up on earth we can be introduced to other cultures and new charters. Even see the aleans reaction to human culture and how we treat each other in both the good and bad ways.   I just think it will be a big mistake not to give us something  on the MC mission on earth. I honestly think there would be enough content there to justify a VN of its own. And I'm sure it would take time to do just like Adastra but I know it would be worth the wait. If I had the ability too I would fund such a VN but sadly I am a poor man... *cries* 

I just hope they don't turn away from the possibility of making such a VN/comic/story. 

This is why I wish the developers would do a Q&A  so we can ask these question and maybe even give them Ideas. 

Apparently, that response from the Parents actually changes depending on how you answer a question earlier into the game :0


Can you guys add the skip feature which most vn have cause?

They have it tho


"Fiancee" with two e's is for females.  "Fiance" with one e is for males.

You've taught me something new today.

I was low-key hoping to see more of Cass and Alex😭

Deleted 4 years ago

Oh cool, whats the name of your YouTube channel so I can watch. :)

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)


Did anyone else choose not to submit to the benevolent will of the parents when you had that premonition in the archives? Because shit man that ending tho. It had me in tears, but I have to was right for me. Also did anyone else get Meera's ending on build 15? The first time I went threw I got the normal one, but when I went back, it was different and I saw Meera. I mean I am not complaining though because if I were to have it any way, I'd choose not to go through the parents and "not" see the future. Plus it kinda felt they were threatening you in build 14 so I said no to them because for some reason I felt it better despite what they were insinuating... and I was right. Sadly 😔


So as someone who finished the 16th build with choosing to submit to the parents, I'm rather curious on what happens when you don't submit?

I don't care about spoilers. I finished the story and I'm leaving it as is.

I am still curious though to what happens if you don't submit, so if you're willing... spoil away please.


Well, I don't know if it was only because of that, since I think it was a mix of all my answers, but when I didn't decide to help them, what happened was that I was left to die. Instead of getting the moment where Amicus saves me, my conciousness just slowly faded away as the parents told me that they would try again in other generation, with other human. Even though, my answers were "Oblivion", "Talk with Neferu", "I'm not sure" (since Amicus at that moment looked like he had good intentions, but seemed like he was not ready to rule a kingdom) and "No, i will not submit", so maybe I just chose all the wrong answers

Well shit, that's an ending.


Some say that there's other where you talk with meera, but I wasn't able to get that one, so, I don't know what you need to get there or what you talk about, so I take that with a grain of salt

For me i got the meera ending by choosing "I'm not sure"(to amicus being emperor) and saying "yes" to the parent's will...

my my two amicus Just for me ? Double the fun then uwuu😍

anny body got a defonit anser for haow manny endings / pathes thair is 

Howly has said on Twitter or the Patreon that there are two paths for the ending. He's released build 16 to patrons already BUT says that build 17 should round everything off (as in it'll the final build).

Path B is taking some time according to Howly to get right.


There's a 17th build? I'm not sure if I'm happy because the story isn't over yet, or sad because when I end build 16 I'm gonna have to wait another month to get to see the ending, and I'm already having trouble waiting for the 16th build, even though I ended the story til the to be continued point just a few says ago.


I know right, it's sooo god-damned bitter-sweet. Hopefully the ending is still satisfying. I've finished Build 16 and honestly I'm content with the ending.


I genuinely like adastra. There were some problems I didnt enjoy, but overall it was a great experience considering the fact that this is my first visual novel. I hope the next two build will be released soon, and that there is a lot of story to enjoy despite how close we are to the end (maybe a sequel, but i have doubts)

I also hope the developer doesnt stress themselves out. I can wait, but adastra really messed up my sense of time, especially in the last few sequences (avoiding spoilers).  All I can say is, this novel is "god-damned bitter-sweet" :)

Well I can tell you one thing my guy. There is an Adastra 2 in the works.

I mean this post by the illustrator HAPS says it all -

Then there's a Patreon post confirming it as well. I think Amicus is heading for Khemia (intrigue grows)

So yeah, awesomeness to come.

It keeps telling me this and I don't know why, it's the android version qwq

Im having that problem as well...

For me, I tried to install to the sd card, same error, clearing up some space on the internal storage helped.

Thank you! It worked! If I could give you a hug without ending up on r/creepyasterisks, I would! Seriously though, thanks for the help! Have a good day and ECT. And stay safe during these trying times! :)

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