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Hot damn. Probably the best part of this story is that it really doesn't pull punches, like ever. I actually find myself frustrated, but not because this story is "lacking" or anything, but because it was meant to be that way. I'm supposed to feel unfulfilled while the MC is just sitting idly by doing nothing. It's frightening how real this gets.


Found a possible bug. Or I'm not sure, was this meant to say "Cato"?

Deleted 4 years ago

Played this back on build 7 and currently downloading the newest update. I remember really enjoying this story and being hung on that cliffhanger so I'm excited to see how this progressed.


I can't even begin to describe how much I love this!!! Everything about Adastra, from the characters, to the art, to the story with all it's twists and turns! I can't even try to deny that I may have actually fallen for Amicus! Thank you!!!


I am lost for words. Everything about this is perfect. The plot is amazing, the characters and character development are on point and the visuals are spectacular. I started on release 13, and ended up going through it all at once, i couldn't tear myself away from it. I found myself desperate for the next update, and 14 did not disappoint in any way, shape or form. I am loving this so much. Only problem now, is that i have to wait another month or so for the next update :(

Thanks for your hard work on this, loving every second of it!


lol I literally got through the entire story last night and this afternoon, I actually pulled an all-nighter, I was so caught up in it all!


I like how in the last update i complained about blue balls only for this update to flip me off and make me look like an oaf XD, I love the art and story is of course golden, as well as the *cough* heated scene is written very well, looking forward to future updates =D

Thank you so much, it was a wonderful story. Very well written. I loved it a lot. I am so sad that I'm done. I feel empty now, haha. <3 

Adastra and tennis ace both getting an update at around the same time? Boy this is gonna be fun


I have to tell you guys that this game is quite possibly one of the best experiences I have ever had with a visual novel in my life.  The story has been fun, the characters are all unique and interesting, and the feelings it evoked in me were more than I ever imagined I would find in a visual novel.  Most of the visual novels I see tend to come down to "how quick can you fast forward to the 18+ section" but Adastra had me hooked from the very beginning.  I can't wait to see how their story ends and even more so what comes next.  Do not stop doing what you guys are doing because it is incredible.  

Im so impatien to see the uptate coming for android, is it going to continue at the end? Or its just going fo add new things in the history?


I cried at certain parts....  this update really just sent me into a whirl of emotions.


Why in apk the version is still adastra 13 and not 14?

Because it didn't come out for Android yet. It says on Patreon that it'll come out soon.

and let us hope it be tomorrow or the next day

(1 edit)

I need help, on the download for Adastra 13 APK, I download it and says that it cannot be downloaded, I am using a Fire Tablet but, also I have a phone called Android Turbo. Should I use my phone, or is it a problem that is happening to everyone?

Do you have an older version of it downloaded already?

I think it only works on Android. Try it on your phone.


I don’t usually cry seeing videos, or movies, or cry in general. However this game took the first for me. Its incredibly emotional, the story is written beautifully, the fact that the main character has no face makes me feel like it’s me helping Amicus. I can’t wait for each new update, keep up the amazing work. 


Any date to the non patreon persons?

I'm enjoyimg the story but the apps for Android aren't talking to each other. I've downloaded 3 straight and have to restart each time. There's no option to skip forward, it's locked each time and treating it like a new app, not an update.

are you able to access the games files through android? 


Use the my files app and go to internal storage > android > data > > files  and make a copy of the saves folder in it to your downloads folder or something. Once a copy of the saves folder has been made, delete the previous version of the game and install the new one. Open the new game and make a save or something so it establishes that a save has been made, then go back to the game's files folder and overwrite the new saves folder with the old one

(1 edit)

In the preferences menu just select skip unseen text. Maybe you could transfer the saves with zarchiver or something like that.

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

The main character is a bitch/pussy 

I love it though 


Strongly agree! But I love amicus so much!


Jesus, I haven't cried to a story in a long time, and this one brought the TEAAAAARS. Absolutely masterful writing, the entire story was engaging, and it was incredibly complex but portrayed in an easily understandable way. I was very surprised at how much was actually said about things and it got rather philosophic, which I really enjoyed. I'm hoping to see more from this author!


Hello everyone! I have created an Adastra subreddit! Come join Here!


This was absolutely remarkable. the story was extremely gripping, I felt an immediate connection with the characters, and the visuals are fantastic! I loved this!


This game is really cool. As a suggestion, I would like to see a new update that includes voices for the characters in order to make it sound more interesting as the story goes along. But most of all, the concept and the game itself is quite clever and commending.


If I recall from an Adastra Discord chat, I don't they'll be adding official voices in the game. Buuut they're youtubers do voices while reading the vn. Just look up "Ave,  Adastrians!" on Youtube. 

Adastra, or as I like to call it: Emotional Devastation: The Visual Novel.

help i don’t know how to play the new update it’s telling me that I don’t have a file

I’m also using windows

He makes note of that in this installation instructions. Due to scripting errors, you will need to restart it and use the 'skip' function to get past what you've already seen.


We can date only with Amicus?


I just got done completing this game and my words are...Godamn you pulled it off. This was the most amazing visual novel game I had ever played! The characters were interesting, and thhe art was fantastic, but Amicus is definitely a guy you don't wanna be sent to the dungeons, trust me I know. My point is that the story is so enjoyable that you start to develop feeling for these characters, and then you move on to the other emotions such as, shock, pleasure, happiness, fear, empathy, but most of all...Faith. Maybe I would've liked more choices that I got to make but overall This was a great game and I enjoyed it so much, I really hope a part two comes out for this Visual novel.


Wow, what a game. I have never played something with a plot so intricate. Very ‘‘When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it’’. Huge philosophic cosmic shit going on. I loved the art, the characters and the melodrama. The only thing bugging me is the fact that the sexual scene of Amicus and Neferu is way more explicit, shocking, and way not, hotter than all the romantic interactions between Amicus and the protagonist combined. I'm a huge fan of Neferu but is not him the one I want to see making passionate love with Amicus. Amicus and the protagonist need more CG romantic art. Also, putting a face in the protagonist is not going to hurt anyone and it would be easier to draw in the interactions between him and the rest of the characters. Sorry if I write too much, I’m just a huge fan and can’t wait for the complete work to be released.


(2 edits) (+1)

in a word, marvelous. 8 hours in and this game has had so many twists and turns that i cant fathom where to begin if someone asks me what it's about. all i know is im staying up all night to finish this spellbinding rollercoaster! also, i want to say that i for one really appreciate how few sex scenes there are, and how well the ones that do exist flow smoothly as part of the plot. the writers focus their energies on the story and not on cramming in as many penises onto the screen as possible, and for that yall get 6/5 stars!

...and if the plot setup of the Parents is based on the 1973 starseed transmissions from timothy leary you sneaky bastards will be my favorite humans on the planet

The game wouldn't let me past the Naming portion on android, some help?


I'm getting real tired of [Insert shady group here] demanding that I blindly trust them, and have half a mind to go into the [Insert plot-related location here] and demand they earn my trust.

(1 edit) (+1)

amazing storyline, beautiful illustrations.. this VN is really good! really excited for build 14 when it comes out for non patreon users! would also love to see a more interactive story though


Spoiler alert:

This VN is amazing and pls make a route where we get to be with Neferu, he has a painful past and he is the only person that we trust other then Amicus and he is so hot.

Also pls make our choices more important so that we get to play the game multiple times. 

Thanks for making this awesome VN


For anyone looking through the comments and not sure if this is a great game or not then let me tell you.

First, the story draws you in the game and make you feel like an actual character in the game and not someone who is just playing it. Second, the story is big and you will be overwhelmed on how much work has been done in the game. Third, the more you play the more you love the game and the art style and the more you get attached to the game. Fourth, the game is just starting out and when you reach the end you will be surprised that this game is just starting out and you won't believe that you will get to continue this amazing master piece. 

Overall I would recommend this to anyone and I would suggest to start playing it ASAP.

(1 edit)

Just tried to install on my Android tablet, apparently the apk was "corrupted"

Edot: Uninstalled 12 and all was good... untill I tried to load a save. 

Tried to load my last save, and it just gives an error:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 396, in script
    python hide:
  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 411, in <module>"_reload-1", "reload save game")
PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'>: attribute lookup __builtin__.function failed

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 396, in script
    python hide:
  File "C:\Users\Alec\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\adastra\Adastra-13-win\renpy\", line 814, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
  File "C:\Users\Alec\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\adastra\Adastra-13-win\renpy\", line 1715, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec bytecode in globals, locals
  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 411, in <module>"_reload-1", "reload save game")
  File "C:\Users\Alec\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\adastra\Adastra-13-win\renpy\", line 286, in save
    dump((roots,, logf)
  File "C:\Users\Alec\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\adastra\Adastra-13-win\renpy\", line 45, in dump
    cPickle.dump(o, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'>: attribute lookup __builtin__.function failed

Adastra 13


I got a similar error, I ended up just skipping everything until I got near the end of last chapter.

a really good job here, its the best novel I read so far, hope y'a continue to make such a good job like this Echo !


Y'all, I can't begin to explain this game. It's, it's one of a kind. It made me cry multiple times in multiple different occasions. The one, and only complaint I have in this Novel is the ending. It's just, I'm emotionally attached at this point and the ending had me screaming out in pure sadness. But, don't let my opinion control your decision. It's a really great visual novel, with great art. I definitely love it 


Wait, sorry. I hadn't realized there was an update. I'm not up-to-date with my opinion, so don't hold me to this.


I. Love. This. Visual Novel. I don't possess the vocabulary needed to explain how much this means the my heart.


Honestly impressed... This has to be one the best visual novels out there. 

First of all, it's very long, which actually surprised me at first, i got a good 15 hours out of it maybe more. 

Also, the character development is excellent, this game also toys with your emtions a lot... Like, a LOT. 

Overall, this is amazing, definitely recommend. Can't wait for the next update

And is it only eight years or did you mean eighty years when you were talking about the mission ? 

Pretty sure it was clear, it meant eight.


love this game but, i really wish you didnt force me to delete my previous stuff just to play the current version, i dont even know if that is what im supposed to do this time around


Am I the only one getting an error when i try going back to my previous save file?

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