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I cannot begin to fully describe how AMAZING this story is, and the amount of emotions it's made flutter through my mind while reading (playing?) this amazing story. From beginning to end, I was enthralled by the storytelling, both visual and non. And though there are adult-themes/scenes - plenty, in fact - it isn't about them, it's about the vivid and lively characters that are masterfully written and portrayed. If you had any doubts of whether or not you want to read this... you should squash those doubts, and read it. This story is too good for one to NOT read it, so please do. Have a good day, and thanks for reading :3

Incredible and moving story, glad this was the first VN that I played


I love the little cat man he has a variation of my name and its so aaaaaaa


It's a visual novel that leaves you with an intense longing. For more story, for it to never end.♥️😪


I'm back once again to say I finally finished this masterpiece. this absolute work of art. My favorite story I ever had the pleasure of reading. I ugly cried twice and got choked up with a few scenes multiple times. But I just wanted to say. Thank you for making this story and making it make me realize who I truly am as a person with the help of my very best friend Theo. I can't honestly thank him enough and thank you enough for this story I will now cherish with all my heart. And I hope me and my friend enjoy the sequels either after they finally finished or what we got so far. Please don't rush yourselves and take your time. Another thing this story made me want to do is start my own visual novel. anyways I give this story a 10/10 for making me feel so many emotions.


I relate so much with this, especially with wanting to make a visual novel of your own. I was more thinking for myself to just write a story that is able to encapsulate others the way Adastra did me. Perhaps not actually making a visual novel, though that may change lol.


One of the most beautiful stories I have and think will ever read. Never fails to make me cry. From start to finish this game is amazing

(2 edits) (+2)

I never cried so fucking hard. I didn't finish it yet but It just makes me want someone a man like Amicus to come out of no where to just sweep me from under my feet and tell me everything is alright. I hate that I felt this way but I thank my friend Theo for introducing this to me. I will now make this my favorite story I ever read. I never thought I would cry over a visual novel, Hell I thought it was just gonna be as bad as Amorus... But I was wrong. Thank you Echo Project and if I had so much money I'd donate it to you but I can't so all I can do is spread the word of this masterpeice


I NEVER CRIED SO MUCH, it's the best visual novel I've ever played, beautiful art, perfect story and simply incredible characters, it's a work of art

Deleted post

We're all little bitches... let those tears flow


When I tried to install adastra on my phone and it gave me this message. (I'm running android 14 S21+ so that might be the issue?) 


download joiplay

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm invested in this story. I hate Alex now because he's a little snitch. I want to fuck Neferu and get fucked by Amicus. I got sick to my stomach with how embarrassed, and pissed off I got when Amicus and the player fucked up the first trial. I shall return when I finish this masterpeice

Is anyone else having trouble installing adastra (my phone updated recently )


also having this issue :( it looks like the .apk file is 32-bit, and newer android only supports 64-bit now (at least on a google pixel, which is what i have). only way to get around it is to root your phone, or play on pc. super bummed rn


there's an app called joiplay that emulates adastra 


How do you emulate it? I downloaded the apk, but the joiplay app doesn't have it as an option. to open.

you download the PC version 

There's also a guide to help in the app


It happened to me aswell


im not even part of the furry community, but holy sh*t this is a religious experience T-T


1- rollercoaster of emotions

2- prepare napkins

3- be ready for the post-adastra depression

4- amicus best boi

Neferu is also a good boy I just wish I could be with both him and Amicus

I finished it and I am all into the post-adastra depression, I don't know what to do with my own life now

You can play Khemia(The sequel, still in development) or Interea that (I think) It continues this story 8 years later but i'm not sure


This is possible the greatest thing i have ever experienced, i never thought i could feel such strong emotions for a character that just isnt real. This story makes me realize how badly I need to be with people, and be with someone for the rest of my life. And im worried the relationship im in right now wont work out. This is going to stay with me forever, 20/10 I want to give everyone who worked on this a personalized message so badly to really express my feelings.

If your worried about the NSFW stuff, don't be. be worried with the amount of tissue papers you will go through 

thank you so much for creating this game, I'm amazed its free


Adastra was the first visual novel I've read and I *heavily* recommend it. The story is great and the characters are well developed. 10/10 in my opinion.


Skuru wolf had said something about the game and I'm glad he recommended it.


It seems like Android 14 is not compatible with the game. Can you fix it please 🙏

(8 edits) (+4)

They would have to rebuild it with a modern SDK which is unlikely to happen, but you can fix it yourself if you know a little bit about terminal commands. Basically:

  1. Download & extract the SDK platform tools to your PC.
  2. Download the APK & put it in the same folder as the SDK tools.
  3. Enable developer options & USB debugging on your phone and connect it to your PC.
  4. Open a terminal in the folder with SDK tools & APK and execute: adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block 'Adastra 17-release.apk'

Mine says the abd file isn't recognized?


You mean "abd is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"?

That means it cannot find the file, probably because one of the following reasons:

  1. You simply mistyped it. It's "adb" (for "Android Debug Bridge"), not "abd". There should be a file with the same name in the folder you downloaded.
  2. The command prompt isn't running from the folder with the file. It won't find all the files on your system, just the ones in the current working folder, which is displayed at the start of every line. You can change it with the "cd" command. For example, if you're in "C:\” you can type "cd Users" to go to "C:\Users".
  3. You're not using the command prompt. I'm assuming you're on Windows, then make sure that you're actually using the command prompt by starting "cmd.exe". If you're unsure, just type that into the search and click the first result. If you accidentally started PowerShell, another terminal program on Windows, my tutorial might not work because it has a slightly different syntax.

I love the game and the continuation in the other two games are cool though at the end of this one where you need to save  and there is a little fter that the cliff hanger least I see it that way I wish there had been a llittle more not wanting to give anything away it hasn't really been mentioned not thsy part spacifficly. love the game and looking forward to more with the other two or future related projects if made


Well. First of all. Wow. Didn't expect to fall in love with a wolf. Second. Few games have made me feel this way, and even fewer have made me cry. 

Really an 10 out of 10. Highly reccomended. I fucking loved it. Amicus my beloved 🥰 

(also kinda bummed i couldn't get a Amicus plushie)


I played through the whole game and had so many feelings , ive cried so much and was angry at some of the characters choices. But this game blew my mind, wasn't a huge fan of the ending but it fit the game. I loved all the characters and the story and the bonds created with the characters! 10/10 game! 

(1 edit) (+2)

My second VN i’ve tried and this one is… Beside not having a lot of choices, it still immerses me into the story. I actually feel happy for Marco, also sadness, and i actually develop somewhat unnatural feelings for Amicus. Never experienced anything like this. Tears, laugh, happiness and then, it ends. Overall i recommend this and i love this game so much. It got me into reading actual novels (which i never really liked until today.), and i’m now left with determination that i will eventually find out, what will continue. After those years pass by… And i hope we’ll see how Marco worked out the stuff on Earth!

I thank Echo project for making this. I deeply cannot get over it and i still feel this surges of emotions passing through me although i’m not actually playing it anymore. And making me have a crush on a wolf from an outer space is also not really good but. I’m not complaining.

I want to make a wish. I wanted to ask you to make a translated version into Brazilian Portuguese, as much as it may seem, there are Brazilians who simply LOVE Adastra. So I would love it if my request was fulfilled :)

(1 edit) (+7)

If you are LGBT especially gay because the relationship is gay then play this VN! This VN helped me find myself more and just how fucked up stuff is that you don't even realize. I cried at this story.

(Came here looking for.....came out 3 days later (I played this over many days): crying, depressed (but good), and discovered a whole lot about myself.) 10/10


I don't even know what to say. The rollercoaster of emotions I had playing this game, the feeling of being on the verge of tears on certain parts makes this game better than any other I've played before. Somehow this game that I had mild expectations of absolutely sucker punched me and made me genuinely not want the story to end. Despite how long this comment is turning out to be, I'm genuinely at a loss for words; I have so many thoughts and feelings about this that a simple comment cannot convey. This game is perfect in every sense of the word.


the passage of the novel was worth all the sleepless nights. There is nothing better than this. Amicus is forever in the heart now


I love this!! this was amazing

(1 edit) (+4)

Tried to download the apk file, but it doesnt work on newer phones or something because it isnt compatible with my phone version or something. Is this something anyone else experiences, and does Echo Project plan on making a fix or something?


Same, can't seem to download it

I was able to download the APK, but for some reason I can't install it on my Pixel 7 D:

would love a web version of this! 

(1 edit) (+7)(-1)

There is 1% chance Echo Project will reply to this, but oh well:
Hi there! I love the Adastra franchise for more than two years now and I'm planning on make a game of my AU. Could I have the permission? I can draw sprites of my own if you don't want me to use the already existing assets, as well as the backgrounds. If you don't want to, I will understand either way. Thank you for reading, if you did! I will absolutely give you credit, by the way, if I end up having permission!

you could always send them a message on Twitter - theyre way more active there

I don't have a twitter, but if they're way more active there, I'll give it a try! Thanks for the tip !


Doesn't work on my newer phone, but I was able to get it to launch on my quest 2, BUT I can't get past the entering my name part 🙃 would have been nice to see the boys on the big screen


Is this game any good? I've been following it literally since its conception but I'm physically unable to get past the first 20 minutes without dozing off. I want to give it a try since I've heard it's one of the better furry VNs, but I want to know what I'm getting myself into so I don't feel massively disappointed if it doesn't meet my expectations.


This was the first visual novel I played, and is utterly fantastic. I would highly recommend.


yeah it got some good romance and world-building. i also definitely did not cry a lot across during multiple scenes.

(4 edits) (+1)

Can someone explain to me how can I play this game on PC or Android? I downloaded it, but it is only files and codes. Is there an app or program I need to use to play the game? (Sorry, I am bad with computers)


Hello, once you downloaded the game on pc, you have to follow these steps:

1. go to file explorer

2. go to the downloads section under ''this pc''

3. there you will see the file adastra, but first you have to right click, 

4. then you will see a popup section and click on ''extract all''

5. the computer will extract the folder and after the extraction is complete it will popup a new file named ''adastra'' but without the zipper

6. double left click on the file without the zipper

7. you will see a exe.file named adastra.exe 

8. double click on that and you can play the game.

(1 edit) (+8)

So... I've been reading this visual novel and It's much better than expected. I've seen lots of videos on tiktok about adastra but never was really interested in it...

Until one day I decided to just download the game to see if I like it and DAMN this vn is the best i've ever read. The story is pretty good imo and there is much less 'explicit' stuff. The game is more focused on romance instead of just porn. 

The characters are also developed really well. The protagonist (Marco) is a bit meh but ever seen a horror movie where the protagonists are smart?


its funny that the personalities between Amicus, Cassius and Virginia are really different. The antagonist Cato is very ambitious in reaching his goals... The foil Alexios/Alex was a real shock for me when I came to the part where Alexios was only here to cause 'chaos'. Neferu the Jackal is someone I also really like because of his flirtatious manner.
The death of the MC is very moving in my opinion I actually felt a sting inside my chest when I read Amicus's words.


The game has different types of endings just like most fvn's where the choices you make can affect the ending. 

If your reading this and you are into:
- Romance
- Homosexuality
- HumansXfurries
- Science Fiction
- Space
- Fantasy
I advise you to download Adastra as soon as possible and have a great time reading it! 


English is not my main language so I'm sorry if there may be mistakes in my vocabulary.


I will download Adastra later ok?


I never hear Adastra


Ok so, i had a mental breakdown playing this VN (Spoilers) 

Look, to be honest, i really liked all of the things on it. The write thing and others, except for one thing, the only thing that makes this VN the worst for my brain: Marcos/Marcus idgaf of what it is his name, he is boring, dumb and stupid. One of the scenes that makes me scream of anger because when Amicus said "I will go to the meditation room" this stupid human said basically "ok
BUT SUDDENLY HE FORGOTS ABOUT THAT AFTER THAT STINKY (with a bad taste in partner) WHITE WOLF APPEARED(even tho what he was searchin on amicus room by the way?)
And when amicus runs to his room and see the dumb stupid human there, he was worried of his human and what this STUPID being say???????? "Where were you?"

HE THINKS HE HAVE ALZHEIMER I was so out of myself that i just saved the game and i shouted on my pillow. Probably if i met this stupid human i could punch his face until his eye pull out from it😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

And when he said "where were you?"... Oh god, thats reminds me when Winx 5 It was written on italy and the USA (ig) and they just mixed the script and made the whole season a mess with a lot of Plot Holes and sometimes dont make sense (OOP ADASTRA REFERENCE?).

All the characters are simple, but especially, they have their own personality (more than marcus/marcos). My favorite one is clearly neferu and Virginia, more virginia bcs he made Marcus shut up his mouth.
She was so confident and idk why but, for me, she's looks like a real person. And I know the MC dont even know her like he knows Amicus and others (and yes, i said MC bcs his name its soo forgetable) but THIS ONLY THING makes her better than the others.
We already know everyone, but her... She's like batman, all mysterious and others thing. I really love her
Neferu is the best f#cking male character on this whole VN. Jesus, he is literally a representative of my friend mixed of Bayonetta behavior if they was a furry. He's like more himbo than my friend, and little bit more confident than bayonetta but Brooo he's awesome. If amicus it was more like this (Istg ik the y he isnt) all the things that he did for a disgusting piece of sh1t called MC its so... Amazing. 
Amicus is amicus, hot, stupid (not more than MC), strong and i could give him a big hug on him. But that's all.
Ans yes, i wont talk abt the dead one and that flop called "Cassius"
Alexious... What can i say abt him? This game just proof one thing: "cats arent trustworthy than dogs" what, for me, its kinda stupid.
Ik that he had his own reasons, but yeah continuous being stupid. And wtf why Cassius would like him? 

everything could be better if the MC acted like a normal human, cassius had brain and the god stuff, whatever.


I came into the game with the expectation of mostly furry porn, but probably some good story to it. And oh my god I was so wrong, this game had a twist every single second, and all the characters were so loveable, even if they were assholes. Halfway through the game I felt a bit confused, I thought everyone was speaking of the game to highly, and it wasn't as good as people had said it was, but as I progressed further into the story, I was proven wrong! It was really good, i recommend it to everyone whose considering. I don't really write reviews of games either, this game is just one to write home about though. 


This is the BEST VN I've read!! The other vns were still unfinished so it's kinda hard to really get deep into the story. Since I love sci-fi(and wolves), this vn really just hits so different than others. Now, every time I stargaze, I'm reminded of this story and often find myself imagining some situations involving the characters. I am genuinely in love with this vn and I can't wait(although willing) for the second part of the story. I'm deeply grateful for the people who made this possible. Thank you! :)


Please, developers, I know that these types of games can take a LONG time, but even if it will take 5 years, just please tell me if I can expect some type of add-on or even an ending for the game. I have cried over Amicus, cried over this game, and cried over the cliff-hangers. I love Adastra, I love Interea, and I love Khemia with all my heart, and I am completely devastated over the empty promise of continued plans for this game. Even if you have decided to give up on the game, just at least tell me that. <3

(1 edit) (+4)

So idk if you have heard but in there patreon they said that they are going to work more on the other 2 games so, dont worrie about alot they are working on them, so but there are going to be updates in the future :3


I can put you at ease with a single sentence...

The soundtrack is already released on Spotify!

Khemia by Anthemics


i love the game

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