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I just don't get the NTR part where amicus fucked neferu, like, is that even necessary? Why not some blowjob or something?


Can I use amicus‘ pic to make a live2d skin?


how about this


I know it's silly what i'm about to say but I can't help but notice a little bit of similarities between Adastra and some musics in Melanie Martinez new album - Portals. I know lot's of people don't like her or don't even know who she is, but I still wanted to point that out, even if that sounds kinda cringe. Sorry

May you explain yourself a little more?

Well it's just that I think some of her new musics fits in lots of parts of the history, like for example - the MC did come back from the dead and there is a song called "battle of the larynx" so ummmm

I DON'T KNOW HOw to explAIN IT I'M SORRY ENGLISH I'TS NOT MY FIRST LAnguage. Just listen and you'll understand =>

No like, i know her music, i just don't see the similiarities LMAO, i mean i guess the verse "When you arent around i sink into the ground, i try to pretend i'm closer to you. Never understand it, youre always on my mind, i cannot help it" does fit the ending.

yea you're right, though i'm not saying the lyrics are exactly equal. In the end portals and adastra have really different concepts, buuut as a Melanie fan and a Amicus simp, I enjoyed seeing that both of them mash really well together ya know?


Wonderful story. I'm at a bit of a loss for words, truly great story. I adored it. Thanks a ton for your work Echo Project and HAPS. <3






Adastra is finished, but they are working on Khemia and Interea, both being sequels to Adastra.

Now that Echo is done with Arches, they will be moving on to start updating Khemia as their main focus, and Interea being a smaller, side project which they’ll be updating less requently. I would suggest checking out their respective pages in the comments (Especially in Khemias)! They go into more detail about what Echo is doing.


Thank youu, I'm having a mental breakdown since I finished Adastra, can't wait for khemia and interea

Deleted post


I wonder if we'll one day have a game/side story about marco and amicus getting together again after the 8 years. are those even human years or adastran years?


Came here because I was very horny and thought it was another one those quick stories. But, holy crap, best gaming experience I've had this year. It made me cry several times, I absolutely love Amicus, I can see where the fanfare really comes from, such a sweetheart husbando, another thing I love is that the more intimate (sexual) scenes with Amicus feel gratifying, as if it's truly deserved in the context of the story, rather than simply being something that carries the game. Don't get me wrong, some aspects of the story aren't always on par, but for 95% of my journey, absolutely masterpiece.


Far Beyond the World Try to pass, a masterpiece

are you trying to say fbtw is bad

Its certainly not great

but fbtw has been taking a weird turn

With Kael taking an even weirder turn


fbtw is fucking great masterpiece i will die if its stops updating

I mean you're entitled to your own opinion but if you think about it

Plot wise its very similar to Adastra

Also the other guy never said fbtw is bad

Neither did I

But i specifically said its not great

I hope thay add a way to download it so u can read it on phone/mobil


The apk download is playable on your Android phone :)


Wow just wow dude you need to updste this where there at the next lovers day on adastra>:3

i think if possible for Howly and the echo project team should combine Ad Astra and Interea in to one continues visual novel for maximum story continuity 


I love everything you guys create with all of my heart, but i just finished this for the first time, and how dare you... you pulled my heart strings in so many ways. this was such a beautiful experience...frikk you!!! :3


I can't wait for Interea to be finished for more MC and Amicus content, but I was disappointed to hear MC won't be making an appearance in Khemia (don't get me wrong, any content for this universe I am super excited about).

I really hope the devs/Howly give us some more content with MC near the end of Khemia? Or better yet, make a 4th installment that features MC's experiences during his 8 years on Earth and then reuniting with Amicus and all the stuff that follows. Easier said than done, I know.

I'm sure you hear this a lot, but if Howly reads this, this game touched me in so many good ways. I cried a couple times throughout and finishing it left me with a sense of longing and emptiness (that every really great story does to me when I know I can't see these characters anymore because their story has ended. Note this was before I discovered Interea or Khemia).

Regardless, I still so very much hope some continuation of MC on Earth and eventually making it back to the moon Adastra. I've fallen in love with your characters and universe, which is really creative! I can't stop gushing over this game. Thank you so much and I hope you continue this story and universe! Can't wait to read up on Interea and Khemia when they finish, and I'll make sure to stop over at patreon at some point.

I was thinking the same thing! I would really love to see MC and Amicus reunite and get the sweet ending we all need. 

can someone help me?

why the app was unable to start correctly?? 

(3 edits) (+3)

My problem with Adastra is it feels like there's a disconnect between "the character they wanted to write" vs. "the character they actually wrote".

Amicus, if we're basing him off of his actions, is a flawed and selfish person. And that's not a bad thing! However, likely because he's a love interest, they're not allowing him to be that flawed. So, his actions end up getting downplayed if not outright retconned as a result.

It feels like the writers aren't allowing him to have a meaningful character arc, one that would require them to acknowledge how his actions have characterized him. This results in a story that feels incredibly compromised.


Yeap. I can't handle that I am forced to romance him, without having a choice to say that he is a moron a lot of times or to be annoyed with his actions. Ruins everything for me.


Spoiler alert people... 

I wanted to ask if after the mc and Amicus leave each other for the eight years apart there is or not a scene of they finally be toghether again or not. My play end with mc on Earth after the goodbye scene... there is more? Please say there is more, I need their reunion moment.


I saw this game a lot and never game much thought to it, but oh my gods, this is the best most heart wrenching stories ever, I cried more reading this than i think i ever have. Ive become obsessed with Amicus, I cant stop thinking about him constantly. The ideas and concepts in the story have given me genuine closure on a few things, they may not be true but they make me feel better about things. This game has changed my life, I love it so much, please play it.


Hope there will be a continuation in the human x amicus story because I'm literally gonna die if they release one


Once again returning to this game to praise it (and ugly cry about it) 

This si one of the most well written visual novels ive ever played, and i wish it could be given the honor of a full length game (Like actual VIDEO GAME), but for now we have this beautiful, stunning, heart wrenching and warming story.

Play the game, now.

Wish this could be a book.


Ok i don't want to hear anything else virginia is THE best character in Adastra.

not a bug, but does anyone else hear a phone vibrating in the background of the main piano track? Just wondering because I consistently hear it as the music hits this one point and every time it happens I think my phone is going off before I realize its the music.

Love it, I got my Amicus plush and could help but read it again <3

Also, is there a way to report little typo errors? In some point of the story, the dialog says "He afraid I'm going to be taken back from him."


I came because I was horny and now I'm questioning my perception of reality, 10/10 amazing game





There is little to say about this game that hasn't already been said. The characters have so much depth and intrigue that they almost seem real, every word spoken by Amicus or Virginia or any number of characters from the cast being exceptional in delivery and direction.

The game initially wears a veneer of a lighthearted, fun visual novel in which you get to date a big, fluffy wolf. But soon, the thin veil is lifted, revealing a compelling and beautiful narrative that dances with incredibly emotional topics and flows effortlessly, hooking anyone on the spot.

The art is also amazing, and the creative direction of the VN cannot be overstated. Classical Roman and Greek architecture lines every inch of this novel, the amazing and beautiful style flowing with a clear passion, even integrating itself squarely in the story, among the brutish wolves.

Overall, this story is incredible in many ways. I think that everyone should try it. Nevertheless, it does have some minor flaws, at least in my opinion, in pacing, the exposition seemingly grating at some points. But overall, it's an amazing experience, demonstrating excellence in all manners.

Yours truly,

E.T. Elba


Finally got around to reading this. Was a fan of Echo over a year ago when I read it and have been supporting on patreon and reading The Smoke Room off and on for the last year as updates come out. Once again, the team at Echo Project have moved me with their brilliant story telling. Adastra is a fantastic story that had me hooked. Sad it took me so long to sit down and read it. Great VN. 


This game broke me

Deleted post

Ok so I finally played/read the vn 

And it was awesome,I had low eexpectations but it surprised me

Amicus was amazing and I love the reaction of Marco when he first meats amicus and gets abducted it's So realistic which is what I like about vns also I'm kinda sad we don't get much choices (both actual in game choices and "choices") I wanted to find out more about neferu also Am I the only person that got massive Jenna (echo) vibes from Virginia

Also my dumb luck got me the bad ending 🤣🤣🤣

Overall great game(still disappointed that I didn't cry I guess I'm heartless)

Hola alguien me podría decir cómo instalarlo? (soy de ciudad de mexico) por favor

PLEASE tell me I can have a chance with Neferu🙏

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(2 edits) (+7)

I loved this game and the story. And I'm not even a furry but this might make me become one. 


Amicus is an amazing LI, honestly it felt like he was the protag and he was trying to win us over and not the other way around. 

Neferu is just amazing, and I absolutely love his character. His snarkiness, his flirty nature honestly I hoped he was romanceable but I was completely fine with him staying platonic. 

Cassius definitely did not like him in the beginning, but I warmed up to him later.  

Virginia slayed, loved her.

Alexios...Actually I don't hate him, what he did was shitty and understandable. I find it weird the MC however justifies his disdain for him by claiming he had a "choice." Wasn't the MC devastated upon learning he didn't really have a "choice," in going to Adastra? Or even how he learns the entirety of the events happening in the game being decided by some higher power. Hell I mean he's HUMAN (albeit Caucasian), he should be aware society and OUR government creates the "illusion," of choice constantly especially for marginalized groups. So my only gripe with the game would be the MC.  

And I mean that, I'm not mad at Marco for not being a blank slate I actually enjoy novels that give the character you play as a personality as ECHO does this with Chase perfectly. But here? GOD the MC is annoying, he gets mad at Amicus for being "childish," and "bratty," while sharing those exact traits. He gets on Neferu for "talking down," on the wolves but does the same constantly. Also Neferu has some right to speak ill of the wolves because of their history (generalization is bad, but don't try and correct the pot when you're the kettle.) Then especially in the beginning, understandable to be upset and panicked I actually liked the fact they made it so the MC wasn't head over heels for Amicus after being abducted immediately, but to literally almost kill them both in a crash because of his blatant refusal to listen is so annoying. 

But despite that, overall this game was amazing.


Bruh i aint even a furry but i fell in love with this story, thanks lo


Homenagem para Amicus

(2 edits) (+8)(-1)


why did alexios have to be evil he was my favorite character

anyways awesome game


Damn, I need me more Amicus, Just a few hours with him and I will kill everyone who dares to hurt the wolf

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