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Love it, I got my Amicus plush and could help but read it again <3

Also, is there a way to report little typo errors? In some point of the story, the dialog says "He afraid I'm going to be taken back from him."


I came because I was horny and now I'm questioning my perception of reality, 10/10 amazing game



Deleted 63 days ago

There is little to say about this game that hasn't already been said. The characters have so much depth and intrigue that they almost seem real, every word spoken by Amicus or Virginia or any number of characters from the cast being exceptional in delivery and direction.

The game initially wears a veneer of a lighthearted, fun visual novel in which you get to date a big, fluffy wolf. But soon, the thin veil is lifted, revealing a compelling and beautiful narrative that dances with incredibly emotional topics and flows effortlessly, hooking anyone on the spot.

The art is also amazing, and the creative direction of the VN cannot be overstated. Classical Roman and Greek architecture lines every inch of this novel, the amazing and beautiful style flowing with a clear passion, even integrating itself squarely in the story, among the brutish wolves.

Overall, this story is incredible in many ways. I think that everyone should try it. Nevertheless, it does have some minor flaws, at least in my opinion, in pacing, the exposition seemingly grating at some points. But overall, it's an amazing experience, demonstrating excellence in all manners.

Yours truly,

E.T. Elba


Finally got around to reading this. Was a fan of Echo over a year ago when I read it and have been supporting on patreon and reading The Smoke Room off and on for the last year as updates come out. Once again, the team at Echo Project have moved me with their brilliant story telling. Adastra is a fantastic story that had me hooked. Sad it took me so long to sit down and read it. Great VN. 


This game broke me

Deleted post

Ok so I finally played/read the vn 

And it was awesome,I had low eexpectations but it surprised me

Amicus was amazing and I love the reaction of Marco when he first meats amicus and gets abducted it's So realistic which is what I like about vns also I'm kinda sad we don't get much choices (both actual in game choices and "choices") I wanted to find out more about neferu also Am I the only person that got massive Jenna (echo) vibes from Virginia

Also my dumb luck got me the bad ending 🤣🤣🤣

Overall great game(still disappointed that I didn't cry I guess I'm heartless)

Hola alguien me podría decir cómo instalarlo? (soy de ciudad de mexico) por favor

PLEASE tell me I can have a chance with Neferu🙏

Deleted post


(2 edits) (+7)

I loved this game and the story. And I'm not even a furry but this might make me become one. 


Amicus is an amazing LI, honestly it felt like he was the protag and he was trying to win us over and not the other way around. 

Neferu is just amazing, and I absolutely love his character. His snarkiness, his flirty nature honestly I hoped he was romanceable but I was completely fine with him staying platonic. 

Cassius definitely did not like him in the beginning, but I warmed up to him later.  

Virginia slayed, loved her.

Alexios...Actually I don't hate him, what he did was shitty and understandable. I find it weird the MC however justifies his disdain for him by claiming he had a "choice." Wasn't the MC devastated upon learning he didn't really have a "choice," in going to Adastra? Or even how he learns the entirety of the events happening in the game being decided by some higher power. Hell I mean he's HUMAN (albeit Caucasian), he should be aware society and OUR government creates the "illusion," of choice constantly especially for marginalized groups. So my only gripe with the game would be the MC.  

And I mean that, I'm not mad at Marco for not being a blank slate I actually enjoy novels that give the character you play as a personality as ECHO does this with Chase perfectly. But here? GOD the MC is annoying, he gets mad at Amicus for being "childish," and "bratty," while sharing those exact traits. He gets on Neferu for "talking down," on the wolves but does the same constantly. Also Neferu has some right to speak ill of the wolves because of their history (generalization is bad, but don't try and correct the pot when you're the kettle.) Then especially in the beginning, understandable to be upset and panicked I actually liked the fact they made it so the MC wasn't head over heels for Amicus after being abducted immediately, but to literally almost kill them both in a crash because of his blatant refusal to listen is so annoying. 

But despite that, overall this game was amazing.


Bruh i aint even a furry but i fell in love with this story, thanks lo


Homenagem para Amicus

(2 edits) (+8)(-1)


why did alexios have to be evil he was my favorite character

anyways awesome game


Damn, I need me more Amicus, Just a few hours with him and I will kill everyone who dares to hurt the wolf


Can you make chapter 2 please


This game is soo good please make chapter 2 that chapter that they will continue tha story

There is a sequel in progress - Khemia, but sadly it is currently on hiatus


how about tha interea?

Deleted post

masterpiece, when my broke bum ass gets some cash I'm def giving money


adastra must become a movie or else

Deleted 222 days ago


(2 edits) (+7)(-1)

I just finished the novel and am absolutely blown away by what a masterpiece it is. I'm glad that your team didn't go heavy on the 'choose your own ending" thing that alot of VN's do, because I think a nice smooth story is so much better. The only complaint I'd have(as a free reader lol) is that your teams talents are spread out amongst so many projects that the continued progression Adastra's sequels will be greatly slowed. If an adastra series were to be hard covered I'd be filling my book case with them and shilling out cash. Anyways here's to the future. Cheers!    


I like the plot of the game very much, but after playing Adastra and thinking about it carefully, I have such a guess: MC fell in love with amicus, is it because of Stockholm Syndrome? Because amicus is a handsome kidnapper who is still a prince and has a lively personality, and MC has only amicus to help him for a long time. Or, amicus fell in love with MC because of Stockholm Syndrome? Because MC reversely binds amicus on the spaceship at the beginning, and in the story, amicus’ life is also tied to MC, and considering that amicus is a wolf, so I have this idea, this is what Parents make sure they The means by which each other can love each other. Of course I believe they are in true love, but in a sense their love is indeed controlled by Parents.

Deleted post

I think you're right.It should not be used to infer whether two people like each other or not

It's like: There is only one hero in the world: to see the world as it is and to love it

I just think it might be parents' plan


I'm only part way through at the moment. but I can already tell this VN is a real gem. Thank you Echo team. Cheers!

(2 edits) (+5)(-21)

Edit: A lot of people don't like my takes on this vn. It's not like im some non furry being a dick- I make the suits for a living. My being a dick in this comment was kind of for my own entertainment lmao. Anyway. 

It took me a few days to get through this, and i have to say... I am disappointed. I'd heard such great things about this, but not once did I feel upset. Well, aside from the last third of the game being so agonizingly boring.

Both MC and Amicus are overgrown children with no control over their infantile temper tantrums. Them fighting over the smallest things, or getting so worked up for selfish reasons was incredibly difficult to sit through.

Not to mention I didnt care for Amicus at all. He's just your usual "Himbo wolf furry with the mental capacity of a 10 year old" And absolutely nothing interesting beyond that.

I have to say, my favorite characters were Neferu, Alexios and Cassius respectively. They had something interesting going on. More than one layer of personality and motivations. Sure, Amicus had that in the first act, but once MC is informed of what's really happening, he loses all intrigue.

Also I'd like to point out, for a visual novel, you hardly get any decisions. It left me feeling even more disconnected, even if mc wasn't an insufferable brat with a victim complex.

One last thing, things going wrong one after another got super predictable super quickly. After the dance happened, I found myself just assuming that if something could go wrong, it would. And if something went right, then the next thing that happens will be even worse than usual. This is probably my cold-hearted douchebag-y-ness talking, but I felt little to no emotion other than frustration through this entire game. Through every "trying to be emotional" scene, i just found myself repeating "I seriously could not care less. Can we just move along and act like reasonable adults?"

TL;DR If you like slice of life with and immature single love interest, and an equally immature MC, you'll probably like this. If that's not your cup of tea, dont waste your time. There were very few engaging moments, just overwhelming fluff and domestic arguments with your occasional actual bit of real drama.



Will adastra be playable one day on Nintendo switch?


you can play it on chrome here

This site works too

I've had a switch port published for about 2 years now.

Ganda ng story ah namasa pukey ko kakabasa 10/10



It was nice and I did like it but I didn't feel any of the big emotions other people felt. The whole accident between Amicus and Neferu made me dislike Amicus and when I wasn't mad anymore, I couldn't bring myself to care about him cause, he's kinda boring sometimes. Sorry Amicus stans, don't kill me, i know you are many. Anyway, it brings me to the relationship between him and Marco. I didn't feel like it was more than a crush from Amicus' side so the ring scene was a little extreme in my eyes. I know in universe more time passed but from my player pov it's like they knew each other for a week and decided to get married cause I didn't feel the time passing. 

I wish I could see what everyone else see and feel but I don't. I did like it, but I was a little disappointed after seeing so many people calling it a "masterpiece". I had a great time anyway. Everyone is free to think what they think, i know my opinion is unpopular so please be respectful. 


I think I may have played a much earlier release at some point as I had some dejavu, but this is an absolute masterpiece. I enjoyed the writing and the complex story.

I cried very hard several times. I was very emotionally invested and would play for hours at a time. I've read there are alternate endings? I will play though again to find them.

JesseH below mentioned "post-Adastra depression" I'm there right now.

I will probably go support them on Patreon, I wish I could have named a price for this to at least thank the team for this great story.

Looking forward to the companion and sequel.


(few-spoiler review)

I'm a extremely lazy person, I'm not really a fan of reading, that includes books and text-based games, so I always skip a lot of text when playing visual novels. I'm also a cold hearted person. I belive only 2 movies in my entire life made me cry, and I rarely cry more than once a year. That said, while playing Adastra, I did not skip a single line of text, and it made me cry. But more than cry, laugh, get angry, get sad, get bittersweet. That's how good this game is. It's without doubt THE BEST visual novel I've ever played, and I do belive it's not even more popular than it is because it is a furry gay nsfw game. It's well written, and has amazing art.

That said, I do have some criticisms, mainly the fact that the protagonist is just insufferable. He takes WAY too long to show affection to Amicus, even when he admit's he's attracted to him and likes him. That wolf deserves WAY more hugs and affectionate words (and sex) than this guys gave him. The way he speaks is just awful, not elegant like the other characters. Amicus always states his feelings and concerns for the main character almost poetically, and this guy response is like "yeah", "sure". He's also constantly virtue signaling to everyone around him.


I must say the game is very well made. It reads me like a book because I see myself would act like Amicus would that is why I really like it. I like to read horoscope too (me a Pisces and Aries cusp). So in the game I focus on Amicus not Marco!

Anyone know how to fix this lmao


What Android device are you using?


Pixel 7 pro, running android 13

(3 edits) (+6)

Apparently, Pixel phones that runs android 13, removed support for apps that have 32 bit only libraries.

I know for sure renpy when it packs the game for Android device, it should already included the 64 bit libraries, but in this case, it doesn't. I wonder why..

Edit: right... Adastra is made with old renpy, and old renpy does not yet support 64 bit.

Edit 2: the workaround for now is download and install JoiPlay on play store and download the pc version of adastra and load it to JoiPlay

(1 edit) (+1)

Ahhh, thank you!!



Your welcome 😁


I have the same problem and I'm trying to do this fix but I can't find JoiPlay on the play store, has it been removed or something?

maybe or it doesn't support your device


you can play it on chrome with your andorid on here

(1 edit) (+3)

Played this 2 years ago, specifically 2020 around -ber months. Came back here to reminisce, ahhh sweet memories, makes me wanna cry. Still worth it for anyone who haven't tried it yet, definitely the best one to start with Furry VNs. As also this was my first.

I really like the look of Amicus in this. Simple is simply better! And the music too.


OMG, you won't understand what is "post-Adastra depression" until you play this game... masterpiece.

Amicus - best wolf ever.


That is if you hit the Fate Ending first. I did and I think it is a must when play (read?) this game.

Which is fate ending? (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠)

while i was playing through this game a ton of elements in the story reminded me of Stargate SG1 (in the way it uses ancient cultures as they were coming to/from earth, god's being advanced cultures from other galaxies then sharing knowledge/technology and it even has a wolf that resembles that of Daniel Jackson at the end that even goes to Egypt) those were some similarities now here's some differences (no star gate or SG1 team and the desert planet in khemia isn't called Abydos) these two projects are very similar but also very different, this was just my stupid little Brain connecting dots that shouldn't connect but go ahead and share your thoughts I guess

pretty good vn though 

Do they have a discord


happy new year 😉

Waaitt I finally found the game!! I read this before but it ended where the MC went back home to earth! Please tell me this is an updated version?! Cuz I thought that was the end of the novel! 


It is the end of the novel ahah

Deleted post

Holy sh-t! This was absolutely hilarious! I could not stop smiling and laughing at how absurd everything was! And the fact that it’s all being taken so incredibly seriously! It’s all so damn goofy, no offense. Idk, I’m straight, so I guess I can’t relate or something. The scene with Cassius and Alex was uh, I enjoyed it. Anyways, if you want a good laugh (for 10 hours straight) with some inappropriate parts sprinkled throughout, perfect game. 

(2 edits) (+1)

I could say that this game is perfect ... Ive cry several time ..... after playing "Extracurriculars" its just another mental break down for me seeing this game ended ...... i really really want more then that just please ... although might not be  happening but the home screen's bgm hurts me whenever i hear it i really want those story never ends .... i whould play others sooner like the interea although Ive no idea is that after eight years or what


anyways again this game is incredible and i hope i have a partner like that but sadly i dont think might happend or maybe yes .. who knows ? the world may be bigger or smaller after all .... thanks Echo Project ...this year might end sad btut seriously i enjoy reading it thanks again ...

welp as after i watch the last part i felt that im kinda dumm sayin that but thanks xD

interra is the tour around adastra (before the 8 years ) and khemia is during the 8 years

heyyy thanks for the reply yassss i know it after i finished the games sorry for letting u wait for a year before i reply xD cause i dont use itch io that much buttttt i found new games i think i will use it more often it also help me studyng my english xD 


So it made me cry which is preposterous,

hence I shall now ask if there is a second ending that is similar to what the parents are speaking of - to prevent tears to once again fall. 


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