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incredible. actually amazing. i've genuinely been staring at the main menu for hours, drowning my room in tears, i genuinely cannot get myself to close the game. i cannot express how much i appreciate the echo project team for releasing this, it's such an amazing, emotional and thoughtful novel. the resilience the couple have after what they have went through, is just unbelievable. i've read the trilogy, and this is definitely my favourite one. apart from the stunning visuals and heart-touching soundtracks, the story itself has such a deep meaning. it's one of the first novels i've read that makes me cry out of joy, sadness and anger at the same time. it honestly made me re-think so much stuff about love. i created this account just to express my love for the creators of this novel and putting in so much work to communicate such beautiful message.


This game broke me apart and put me back together again.

I initially wrote a much longer review, but it was confusing and bad, and I think the story speaks for itself better than I can. I'll try to keep my feelings as short as I can. Mild spoiler warning.

I feel for Cameron, and I want him to be happy. I know how hard it can be to struggle with long term mental illness and disability. I struggle with both. Most of my friends struggle with either or both.

The worst part is the alienation that comes from trying to look "almost normal" to other people, even your loved ones. It's never quite enough. Cameron worries about being enough for Dev even though he's "crazy," and it breaks my heart.

Seeing Cam and Dev fight like hell for their future together was so important to me. Even if everything will be different - harder - than it used to be, it's still worth fighting for.

You may never go back to who you used to be. But you have to move forward, because for all the bad days you fight through, you can still have days that are almost normal. And they're still worth living for. You're still worth fighting for. Almost normal is enough.

Alright I finally played the weird alternate universe short story, that was intense and sad!

But how to you get the other short story?

this is horribly sad, thank you

Howley's evil knows no bounds when it comes to emotionally destroying me

honestly, wow. no movie, show, or book ever made me feel the way after reading this. this was an experience. the writing of the characters and themes blows my mind. thank you echo project team for making this


This VN messed me up more than the Buldak X2 spicy noodles. Peak FVN 🔥🔥🔥


Man, and I thought Echo was dark


That story was intense, but also incredible... I'm glad I finally got around to reading it.


What a beautiful story that was!

So... that's it, I finally finished Arches by, well, skipping sleep again (hello, future health issues), and it was such a different experience from Echo. This game focuses more on healthy relationships, and wow, it's such a breath of fresh air. It was truly genius to bring such a duo into the Echo universe. The way they deeply and genuinely love each other adds so many layers of emotion to the world.

And that’s just talking about the characters! Everything else is just... wow: the story, the art style, the plot twists, the OST (oh my god, this soundtrack, TuT). On top of that, I found the themes addressed really interesting, especially since they were handled the right way. This game tackles topics like mental illness, loss, trauma, drug abuse, addiction, suicidal thoughts, and relationship issues without feeling clichéd and even offers some truly helpful advice that, I’m not afraid to say, will actually be super useful in my life (and, honestly, probably in most people's lives).

It's not just a game, it's storytelling at its peak. I'm sure it will provoke something in you, no matter what. (And this is coming from someone who's emotionally exhausted, which says a lot.) Really. Echo is still my favorite, but if I really had to find a flaw, I’d say  the best track in my opinion ("Bridge") could have been used better

Life can be really tough, and sometimes it can feel like there’s no point in keeping on, that nothing will ever get better. But, like everything, this is just a bad chapter you have to go through, and eventually, the next one will bring you much, much more joy than you could have ever expected. It’s just a 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞


this story showed me that I need to work hard in life to achieve a healthy relationship. Devon and Cam love each other dearly and its expressed in many different way.

it made me cry twice, it was honestly beautiful and I'm so greatful i read this.


This VN emphasizes how a beautiful and healthy relationship can look. Of course, the epilogue does not show the entirety of life and all the problems the characters face (and there must have been many, considering the mental health of both Dev and Cam after the events in Echo), but it shows the foundation of what mutual support should look like.

The story fueled my gratitude for having such a wonderful partner whom I love to the moon and back, bringing me happiness every day. After finishing the story, the first thing I did was run to my friend, lover, and hopefully soon-to-be husband, and gave him a big hug, thanking him for simply being there.

Everyone should know this story to see how a true, strong relationship between two people (it doesn't necessarily have to be a homosexual relationship) can endure even in tough times, where the reward is the creation of an immensely strong bond between two individuals.

I'm so happy that I had a chance to take a look at this VN. I'm not necessarily a fan of furries but it wasn't a case since the story could have had those characters swapped to human-like without losing any value.

Thank you so much for sharing such a great story with us!

This broke something inside me. I still don't know very well what it was, but it did. Everything assembles in a beautiful way, the writing, the sound and the graphics. It's all amazing.

Fantastic sequel This game not only continues the Echo universe amazingly but picks the best parts to be focused on.  Brain is one of the scariest characters in fiction and this story is ALL about why. The best parts about echo for me was Brain (most emotional) so now that we have that AND a adorable couple with a guy who can speak to the dead, its just fits in perfectly. 

Love that we get to know about Brains past victims better and really hone in on why this guy is just the worst with no onus of redeeming. Also love how this VN talks about the side effects after going through something so horrible and how it effects people on different ways. The ending really got me, the music is amazing, the visuals are stunning and the story is one of the best I have read.


Thank you so much for making this.

(1 edit) (+4)

Play this game. I was expecting this to be like Leo's route in Echo where I'd feel a lot of emotions and then talk about them in therapy and better myself. But NO! I have hope for the future now because of this game. This fucking gay furry visual novel is the reason why I no longer feel like offing myself. I know it seems like I'm exaggerating but I'm really not. At least it doesn't feel that way. Anyway, the point is that you should play this game. One thing I regret is that I would stand up and walk around when emotional scenes happened and I'm telling you now, don't do that. Experience the emotional moments through to their conclusion if you can. But if you get overwhelmed step away. Your mental health and safety are more important than what an internet stranger has to say. 


Me hizo llorar, creo que es mi Vn favorita.


I don't think any other piece of media has made me feel such strong emotions...


I have depression! :333

wow, I thought the game was over but NOPEEE

this is amazing


Can someone tell me how do I access the short-stories, please!


Click on Cameron or Devon on the main screen after finishing the main story. 


Was it updated today? Whats new? I haven't played the last update that came out a few weeks ago yet.


Devon's short story came out, amongst another QoL updates.

Ah, ok. cool


after playing all the routes in Echo I can say this game will definitely mess you up but not as bad as Echo. Enjoy the +10 psychic damage this game deals!


More like +40, lmao
But still, it's so amazing.


heh yah yer right since Echo is +400 psychic damage.


Personally this one hits a lot more for me, while Echo still is trauma inducing this one is just... Hard.


Sobbed a few to many times for a healthy man... 

On a serious note amazing job. Not as good as some of your other vn but still hits as hard in the feels, good job!


I just finished Arches for the first time. This is genuinely the most beautiful thing I have ever read every person on the team did incredibly and while this will never be mainstream it is my game of the year and its not even close.


Cam is a precious cinnamon roll and adorable scrunkly who must be protected at all cost. 


Idk why but i never like the main characters in echo project vn's lol they're always so annoying to me personaly


Not every character is designed to serve the player.

I don't know if you've seen *Inside Out 2*, but accepting one's flaws also takes courage.


finally read Dev's short story...

i'm not okay

but this does remind me of a Glory Hounds x Arches crossover idea I had

In it, the Devon from the bad timeline (the one where Brian killed Cameron, and a ghost demon Cameron possessed Devon), becomes a kind of Echo-slayer, going around finding Echos and stopping whoever is feeding them, by whatever means necessary, over the years he becomes increasingly unhinge and ruthless due to the influence of ghost Cameron, eventually he makes his way to Batavia, the now 39-year-old Devon (putting him in the time-frame of glory Hounds) tries to slay the Echo of Schippersburg (the mysterious entity that talks to Alex and revived him in issue 3), to defend itself the entity sends him across the multiverse into the timeline of Glory Hounds, where he would make it his goal to kill Alex (because he is "feeding" the city's entity)


Oh god, not a new update, ill have to play this again.... (trauma.)

(1 edit) (+7)

Just finished Echo for the second time, and came to check out more from this team only to see this was finished today and got even more excited to see it's about the bear and coyote seen at the end of one of the paths.

Have really enjoyed reading these, and I expect this to be maybe the best one yet given how passionate the author is about it.

Thank you to everyone at Echo Project for making these awesome stories with incredible art.

Edit: Finished the whole thing. Loved it! And the "alternative reality" part would make for a sick episodic series, IMO. Like a kick ass buddy cop thing with a paranormal twist. Would love to read more about that whole premise. 😃


Personally,  I don’t consider Arches to be a romantic story, and I hope others don’t either. It feels more like an autobiography of Cameron, with Devon being more of a “witness” to a legend.


It's not a romantic story in that the romance is the focus; but I feel like the romance between the main characters adds heavily to the elements of horror because you're made to care just that more about them.


How do you access the side stories in the 1.0 version?


You have to run through the credits, and they will be unlockable. 

(1 edit) (+1)

At the end of the credits there is an option to view the gallery and ???   when I click on the triple question marks I see a quick flash of images but then it brings me back to the title screen, and I cannot seem to find the short stories. 


Try clicking on Cam and Dev separately.


Oh, got it, thanks!

Cool I'll replay this then!


How do I get the Cameron side story?

I tried clicking on Cam in the main menu but it didn't work


Try going through the end credits. It should be unlocked afterwards. 


OMG A new release!!!!

I wanna read it how so bad, but i have to focus on school😩

Imma treat myself to this after I'm done with school in a few weeks. Thanks @TheEchoProject!


what the difference between build 8 and last release ? since ive been finish the main story do i have to play it again ?

(1 edit)

Basically we got "Vessel" side story, which is set in an alternate universe which Cameron is kill.ed by Brian and a little addition in "Halloween" side story, which is happend before the main story. 


Do I have to play the other games to play Arches?


Well, technically yes. It can be a good story by itself, though, some things will seem random. I do suggest reading Echo first!


You can watch it directly. Different from TSR, the connection of them isn't strong


Thats odd, I got a notification that this was updated. What happened?


Same. Also not available to download.


Huh, odd.

Nevermind. A slight delay with the update.

Ah, yeah ok then.


I would suplex the living crap out of the developer if they didn't update this GAME

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