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Looks good so far. Covers things most VN's do not with an MC that is also different. It's a nice change.

So, uh, problem.  It won't work.  I'm an android user, and when I attempt to open the game, it will just close out automatically.  When it does open, and I press start, it gets stuck on the black screen for a sec before closing.  And if I'm really lucky, I'll get past the black screen, to the part where the radio guy talks about the temperature, then it'll close.  I haven't gotten past that part because of this issue.  Along with that, any time I try to open options, or try to use the little options down at the bottom when text is on the screen, the game immediately closes.  I can't play, anyone know why this is happening?  I've tried everything, allowing things to be downloaded, clearing cache, uninstalling then reinstalling, nothing works.


Honestly I think that's an issue with the device itself because I just managed to open it on my phone, given mine is Android 11 my exact phone is a MotoE6 but try it with another device (if possible) otherwise keep trying I had a similar issue with another VN and just had to brute force my way into playing it.

Love this, can't wait for the next build :)


All that fuss going on with D&D isn't impacting this at all is it?


Is there any NSFW in it?


maybe, but no in this current patch


A role to play -32 Does not even open. the safe for work opens but the not safe for work does not open.


Good afternoon.

There is no safe for work / not safe for work variants of A Role to Play, so you might have us mixed up.

- McSkinny


No I didn't mix you up lol. Im also a pateron of yours. I wish I can send you a picture so you can see what im talking about.

Sushi on salami XD 

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

Love the set up. Hope MC gets some prosthetics or something down the track. Seeing that reaction from his dad is heartbreaking. You'd think he'd have adjusted after a year but I guess not..

Can't wait for more of this!


I liked this a lot, very short (since I just played the demo) but I really like the cast and Wazzy is so far my fave, yeah he gets the most screentime but he's a lot of fun. I like how much of a spitfire he is. Megan's also real interesting just with how she ran with her character. I have other things but they'd touch on spoiler stuff so  gotta end it here.


Hop-Skip and the Chewtoys ftw, hell yeah


Furry VN theory 

If you think about it isn't all echo project game tecnicaly is connected in the same universe, since in adastra there is millions of planets, this vn alone can just be placed in another unknown planet on adastra universe 


Quick question, will this be furry related or will all of the characters remain human throughout the entire story?



Seems a normal modern world with all the furry aficionados. Anything non-human loving I expect will only be in campaign. I can't imagine it'll get spicy at the table but perhaps romance and fanfiction might be written down the track. Twinky Orc. Illithid Tentacles. Fuzzybutt Satyr and Scalie Dragonborn seem to be the picks judging by the artwork.


But who are the artists?

Sprites and/or background i mean


they r credited in the files !!!! 

Hmmm a new novel from Echo project? Oh boi, here we go ;)


hes not introduced yet but i feel as if the guy with the lizard-like guy and bearded guy will be my favorite. the goblin guy is cool too though.


B e a r d e d   M a n <3


Just from this build alone, Wazzy is already my favourite character.

This is a very interesting concept, I'm looking forward to the next update


The oil painting filter joke, wazzy giving me awkward bitch IRL representation, and the hell kitchen sound affect playing are all giving me LIFE 10/10


Wazzy would be the best person to do weird movie night over discord with.

(1 edit) (+4)

I've come to expect some degree of trauma from your writing, but I wasn't prepared at all for the mention of the SBF from a character who looks like Pat

Seriously though, great to see a new project in the works! Excited to see where this goes


Oh c'mon, he's more Matt than Pat!

- McSkinny


This is so friggin good so far!! Can already tell I'm gonna love these characters 


Usually, I am against the creation of several games at the same time, I think it is penalizing for a writer. However, I see that only one person on the Echo team is working on this one. Echo Project is a team of several people. 

Im gonna try this one too. Thanks for making it.


And the musicians and artists (the picture making kind).

Deleted 1 year ago

Is this staying just a role-playing story or is this going to go in some Knights of Pen and Paper shenanigans?

Reading on either way.


Ngl, the town's setting is giving me echo-related-anxiety x3


Will this vn involve romance and such?

Deleted post

Y'all can hate me for this comment but this is my genuine opinion. I feel that echo is trying to make too many new vn's at the same time and just can't juggle that all at once, based off how things have been going . Feel free to let me know what you guys think I rlly wanna know.


when you think about it they kinda do, after they finished echo and adastra instead of working on the spin offs for those they keep making new stuff its a little overwhelming.


Hey Rice,

See my post under Kxndy's - I don't work on any of those other projects. I'm the dude who finished Echo back in 2021 and have been developing this independently. None of the other current visual novels, interactive fiction, or exotic body pillows that are in development are my projects.

- McSkinny


It hasn't made their work sloppy so far.  Slowed down maybe.


Hey Perro,

See my post under Kxndy's - I don't work on any of those other projects. I'm the dude who finished Echo back in 2021 and have been developing this independently. None of the other current visual novels, interactive fiction, or exotic body pillows that are in development are my projects.

- McSkinny


Considering they don't have the same people working on each games I don't think this is a big deal. This doesn't affect the schedule of any of the other projects.



I love you.

- McSkinny


Hey Kxndy,

I finished Echo back in 2021. I do not work on Arches, Adastra, Khemia, The Smoke Room, or Glory Hounds. The majority of the funding for this project comes from my own bank account and not patrons, and will eventually in 2023 be completely financially independent (whilst still being an Echo Project title). Me working on this does not affect other projects. This WIP build of A Role to Play build is also free to download, with no delayed release or charge wall.

For the current project schedule, Howly works on the Arches and the Adastra series, George_S does The Smoke Room, and Redd does Glory Hounds. We are all independent lead devs who sometimes collaborate.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to hit me up on the discord.

- McSkinny

Deleted 2 years ago

Ok I see what u mean


Glad y'all aren't overworking yourselves and if there's a way I can kick funding towards this project I'd be so down to. I like the whole set up and the characters so far. It's going to eat my life and I accept this.

Deleted post

Smoke Room is pretty good though

Update the Android too Please 😟



- McSkinny

What's new in the new update? Devlog?


Typos or sentences by the looks of it.


I've played a decent chunk of the echo project VNs. So far I really like this one the most, and I think the premise is really good.

The echo project VNs generally have themes of characters with trauma and disabilities, I feel like this one really gets the point across better than the others. It's immersive and engenders a great deal of empathy for the characters. Having to listen to the stairmaster each time is legit. That's good storytelling.


ok this looks AMAZING


Now if only we got introduced to the rest of them.

how can u say saud? and from which country? 


I won't lie, but something inside the game kind of happens to me, so I'm sorry but I won't  play this game it's still impressive, 5 stars for  sure 

Ohh dangg


im FUCKING cumming at the thought of the characters introduced in the vn
it was a blast reading thru it and i recommend it to everyone




Lookin foward to this!


really excited for this!! love the concept

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